
Wednesday, August 14, 2019


I got an urgent request last night
from Sylvia.
Her blog is A Grandma's Blessings.

She would like prayers for 
her hubby, Curtis.
His health has been compromised
for a long time and 
Sylvia has dealt with it admirably.
However, yesterday he was 
admitted to the ICU
with respiratory failure.
She asked me to let everyone 
know that she won't be posting
(for a while) and to ask you to 
please pray.
Here is a picture of them in
better times.

The second prayer request is from

A while back I put out a prayer request
for her beloved nephew, John.
He had cancer and in the picture below
his poor body was already showing
the ravages of the disease.
His spirit was strong and 
he was a loving, giving man.
A man of medicine that helped make others well,
but for him there would be no  earthly healing.

Please pray for his sweet family,
his mom & dad, his wife,
and his beautiful children.
Pray for Debbie too.  
She will miss him terribly.
His obituary is here if you would like to read it.

As always, thanks for your prayers 
and if you don't pray.
please send well wishes 
and healing thoughts their way.
Personally, I believe we are all in this
together and we need to support
and uplift each other
as much as possible.

I have been out of town and then
came back to lots of work
so I will do the 
Pick Your Favorite Results
on Friday (Lord willing and the river don't rise).....


  1. Praying for both these families, sorry for their medical issues and loss.

  2. Saying a prayer for both of these families, Diana. I love Sylvia, and have been keeping up with the happenings in her life, and visiting her blog often. Thank you for this post to let her blog friends know. : )


  3. Prayers lifted for all! Sometimes we forget (that) life's so fragile.

  4. Diana, That was terrible about John passing. Yes his family is suffering that loss. I will pray for them. Also, I will pray for Sylvia and Curtis. She has been taking care of him and praying everyday for his health. I really like her, she's such a sweet lady. Thank you Diana. You are our Angel girl. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

  5. Thank you so much for these updates. You are so kind to keep us updated. May the Lord bless each of these families.

  6. Prayers from here. God is true and good.
    Love also sent
    Sherry & jack

  7. Yes, it is an honor to join my prayers with others. Praying for peace in the storm and comfort that allows loved ones to move forward. Praying for Curtis to have a healing touch in his body. May all hearts turn toward home.

  8. Prayers lifted and I will continue praying for them daily. The power of prayer is real!

  9. Prayers for both these precious families.

  10. Lighting a candle and saying prayers.

  11. Prayers for everyone in need. I know Debbie and I know how much her family is grieving the loss of her sweet nephew. Life gone too soon. May they find peace and the pain lesson on this great loss for them.

  12. Diana,

    Thank you so much for this prayer request for my nephew's dear family!!
    As always, you were so kind to do this, my friend!! I know Renae and the girls will appreciate this greatly!! Thanks again, Diana!!

  13. Healing thoughts for Sylvia and Debbie....sorry for the loss of John.....much too soon.

  14. That should be healing thoughts for Sylvia and Curtis....

  15. Once again, thank you for being so willing to post these prayer requests. Sylvia is such a God-fearing, dear sweet lady and I know she puts her trust in the Lord but during times like this, even the strongest need the prayer support of fellow believers. Prayers also going up for Debbie and her nephew's family. God bless you, Dianna. ♥

  16. So many sweet folks need prayers. Lifting these needs up to Yeshua.

  17. Thank you for doing this, Diana.

  18. My prayers for these two lovely blogging friends will be going up. Was so sad to see the lose of a young father leaving his young family. We need to cherish everyday.

  19. So sorry to hear. Praying for them. hope everything will be ok.

  20. Saying a prayer for both. So sorry to learn Debbie’s nephew passed.

  21. Thoughts and prayers for both families, thank you dear Lady for sharing.

  22. Prayers sent for both families. I can relate to both of them with what I have been through myself.

  23. Prayers spoken. I am also praying for a family in my church. The husband died and has left behind 3 children (the youngest 2.5) and his 36 yr old wife. So sad.

  24. Thoughts and prayers going out to both these bloggers and their families

  25. May both families find strength during these most difficult times.

  26. Very sad about Debbie's nephew. I will pray for his family, and also for Sylvia and her husband. xo

  27. Morning, will be praying this morning and blessings for strength! Our health is an amazing gift. Take care sweet lady... Hugs, Roxy xo

  28. I alasys feel very honored to pray for others and will add them to my list. May the dear lord bless and comfort them with what is needed. I pray in the name of Jesses, Thy will be done Lord.

  29. How very distressing to read this post...hugs and prayers to those in need...I am very saddened for them all and the families..end of life is so hard to go through...gentle hugs!

  30. I just sent up a prayer for all these nice people. My prayer list seems to get longer and longer these many people I know are sick, grieving, or struggling in some way. My heart has been very heavy. Thank you for being the kind, caring person that you're a breath of fresh air in this cruel (lately) world.

  31. I am so sorry to hear this news. Prayers go out to these families. And yes indeed..."we are all walking each other home".

  32. My prayers with both families. Yes we are here to love, comfort and help each other through all our times.


  33. Diana, how marvelous to have a long and happy life with your loved one. That still doesn't make it any easier when bad times come. I will send prayers to her and I have already visited Debbie. What a shame for the sweet family..xxoJudy

  34. You are a beautiful soul, Diana. xo

  35. Thank you for sharing these requests and I will be praying for both of the families! HUGS

  36. I'm keeping these precious people in my prayers. Thanks for letting us know. You're the best! Sweet hugs, Diane

  37. Sending prayers to all, including you sweet Diana. xoxo

  38. Tears. I am so very very sorry. XXXX

  39. So sorry for the loss of Debbie Dabble's nephew and I will pray for Curtis and Sylvia as well. Thank you for sharing these with us.

  40. Both families are in my thoughts, such hard times for them all.

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  42. My thoughts and good wishes for both families.
    Saying a prayer now.

    All the best Jan

  43. Will be praying for all...

  44. So much loss in this ole world. We lost our precious Alastor Avery on August 4th to SIDS. MY heart hurts but breaks for my grandson Colton and Jacey and Harrison. It is a different sad road to walk. My grandson Andrew and Tarrah have four little boys. Logan came three months early to the day July 18 rather than October 18. He is gaining weight and weighed 4 lbs. 8 oz. today. :-) It's so hard. They are with baby Logan and have a great support system. I Am sad because they live farther away and I do not have a good car during the week days. Life has been sad but we know who we trust. I have prayed for so many kind hearts lately. Prayer is my on going request like breathing.
    I have prayed for many of these fine families lately. Thank you always for sharing.


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