
Saturday, March 9, 2019


This has been quite a week.
I received prayer requests
for several people.
How I got to be the messenger
is beyond me---
because I am not a
"religious type".
I don't fit that mold.
I guess Someone saw fit to 
use imperfect me to pass
along these
Prayer Requests~

First up-
Connie's hubby, Steve,
needs prayers for health issues.
He is very private so asks
that you pray and he figures God
will know his name and know what
you are praying for.
Isn't he a handsome devil?
hmmmm...maybe I shouldn't be using
in a prayer request?
We'll let God sort that one out.

Next- Sandi-RoseChintzCottage
is asking for prayer for her son, Jeff.
He suffered a concussion and has 
ongoing problems with dizziness
and other side effects.
He is unable to work at this time.
This young man needs to 
so he can move on with his life.

Debbie-Dabble's nephew, John,
continues his fight against cancer.
You can read about him here
He is fighting the good fight but please
pray for him and his family.

Also, please continue to pray for
Wild Bill,
Sugar's hubby (AtRivercrestCottage)
He has a PetScan coming up.
Let's pray that he is 
so they can move forward
with health issues behind them.

Also, please continue to pray for
Devon Wooten.
He is a young man that continues 
his fight for a cancer-free life.
He has brain cancer,
and desperately needs a healing.
So very sad.
I will never understand why
have to suffer like this.

Now- here is the sad thing.
I KNOW someone else
asked me for a prayer request post.
I cannot, for the life of me,
remember who it is---
sorry---blonde moment.
If you asked me and I don't have you included,
please let me know and I will go in and add 
your/the name.

As always,
if you are not a person that prays,
please wing good thoughts, good wishes and
healing vibes towards these good people.

Have a blessed weekend and

Back Monday with the
Some of you should 
to be raked over the coals...
and you know who you are....


  1. Good Morning Diana, Sending prayers for those in need and for the families along with hugs. We know the prayers work from our experiences. Everybody needs a hug even if it is long distance. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley.

  2. Good Morning sweet friend. OMG of course everyone would ask you for prayer requests!!! You are one of God's Angels here on earth. My goodness married to a pastor and you being so loving and open and sweet. I see your halo over that head of yours all the time. I am not a big religious person either but know God and know he listens to our prayers. I have witness this myself. So happy he brought you into my life. You are such a fun and loving bright light to be around. I am praying for all of these sweet people. I thank you again for having a prayer request for my surgery a week ago. I am doing great and I know it is from all the good wishes and prayers here on your blog. Thank you sweet friend and have a great weekend.
    Love you,

  3. Ahhhh, you remind me of Ora, the wife of an Army Chaplain. We visited her in Kentucky to talk about her Cochlear implant. Ora did blog but now is on FB. Of course my prayers do have wings. The request are soaring as I sit here. U B SWEET. So glad I ran into NANA.
    Prayers here.
    Sherry & jack

  4. Yep! Prayers, and good thoughts, good wishes and
    healing vibes towards those good people...
    Onwards and Upwards...! :).

    Raked! Raked! Oh! Raked! I was getting confused
    with another word...Oh! never mind! HeHe! :o).

  5. Prayer warrior here, will be praying!

  6. Diana, Several weeks ago, you posted a prayer request for a young man named Devan Wooten, who has been fighting brain cancer for 10 years, he is now 15. Please continue to pray for him, he is on a new trial medication that seems to be helping a bit, he is the young man who when his dad told him he could miss church to rest after an extremely difficult trip, said no, he needed to go and praise Jesus. There is another young man in Hospice care right now, fighting brain cancer, can't remember his name but he also says he is ready to go meet Jesus. Pray for both of these young men

  7. Diana, You are the prayer warrior. :):) I am praying for Steve , Jeff, John and Bill...and all their families. We know that health issues involve one's family as well. Don't be hiding your halo under your hat, we are all wise to you sassy girl. Blessings to all your way and you, xoxo,love you, Susie

  8. My Blogger Blanket Pray List is now including all these.
    God knows who I am praying for, even when I can't remember the names. So many in Blog Land and real life that I add ea night to my Family List for prayers.

  9. Thank you Diana, I know that the prayers for my Steve will be heard and that grace will be given in line with whatever the Lord is doing. We are fighting the fears, but knowing that Jesus is Lord. He is in control and we are in agreement with His purpose. That said, we still believe in miracles :)
    Prayers are going out for all of these people in need.
    God bless them all and their families as well.
    Thank you for your prayer warrior blog.
    You're a special lady.
    Connie :)

  10. Of these bloggers I only know Connie but sending out prayers and good vibes to all of them

  11. Praying for them and for their families as well.
    God be with them through everything.

  12. Well you might want to rethink being a religious type person - because God is using you like one. All those stories are so sad and of course I will send up prayers - but when cancer hits a little one - it literally hits my heart. So innocent and so much of life to look forward too. sandie

  13. Sending prayers for all of these people, sweet friend!

  14. Prayers lifted for all. So many in need. Sad, but for those of us who trust in our Lord we can rest assured that He is with us. Thanks for allowing us to add our prayers to others'!

  15. I paused and prayed for each person. Thank you for sharing these needs for prayer.

  16. Thank you for sharing these prayer requests. I love that you do this!

  17. Prayers said for all. Thank you for posting these requests.

  18. Diana, I'm so glad that you're not the "religious" type. I almost despise that word. You are a true angel with a heart of gold and our is surely pleased with your compassion for others. Bless you for sharing these prayer requests. ♥

  19. I will keep them all in my prayers. It's so hard to go through these trials but easier when we have each other, caring and sharing and of course praying. Thanks for letting us know, Diana. Hugs, Diane

  20. Will make sure to light a candle and say a prayer for all. Thank you for letting us know.

  21. Thanks for including Wild Bill. We appreciate any prayers coming our way! Hoping that the miracle continues, and hoping everyone else that needs help will get one too.

  22. I’ve already sprung forward because I’m a rebel. I see you are, too. This being the clearinghouse for so many prayer requests is a big job. I think you’re right, God is using you. I believe that people need such an outlet and to know that people are praying is very comforting. I am going back now to stop by each person and ask for The Lord to intervene as only He can and to give each one comfort and peace. Blessings on you, Diana.

  23. I will pray for all. I have been praying for Sandi's son and so concerned for him. I don't understand cancer period but hitting a child with this cruel disease is something I will never understand. My mom had brain cancer and it's unimaginable.


  24. I just lifted up a prayer for each of these. It is always an honor for me to pray for others. Thank you for passing on this information. I know those involved appreciate it so much. God loves to hear our prayers.

  25. Father God, I ask for comfort, peace, and healing for these dear ones who need Your touch. Bless them and those close to them who are concerned, fearful, and needing the peace that only You can give. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

  26. There are so many hurting people out here, and it is good that you have opened your "door" to let us gather here to pray for one another. Having lost a wonderful son to cancer almost 5 years ago, I can truly identify with these who are watching their dear ones fight their battles. Without God helping them, I don't know how anyone could deal with the heartache and pain of watching a dearly loved one suffer and then eventually succumb to the disease. It is a road that none of us want to walk, but oh too many of us have had to. Praying now for all of these dear ones, In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  27. Good morning Diana. So much suffering in this old world. They are all in my prayers and you are an angel for sure.. It breaks my heart knowing there's so many in need. This time is for the birds. It's thrown me for a loop but I guess we have to get used to it. You have a nice day and week my sweet friend.

  28. Morning, You are being used on the world wide web to help us to all pray for healing and strength for our loved ones and even ourselves. Will lift them all up! Religious no, but compassion YES...
    Love Ya, Roxy

  29. Prayers to all of these wonderful people. What a compliment to you to be ask to pray for these people my friend. You show love, trust and compassion for all.

  30. Thank you Diana, You are so kind and caring. Praying for each one.

  31. You sound like you have a good heart. Have a Nice week hugs from Nina

  32. Diana, you truly are an angel. Praying...

  33. Diana, I will pray for them sometime today. Life can be so hard at times! I just read about someone who was miraculously healed by the Lord and he went on and did wonderful things for the Lord. Stories like this are so faith building, I find. Just in a nutshell, he was in an incurable hospital and at death's door. In the last stages of MS. He could not move, was blind, his left side had been completely atrophied and paralyzed and he had lost all sensations in his arms and legs. Someone from a charismatic group came to pray on him. That very night he started to feel acute pain and heat in his extremities. The atrophy disappeared and his body became proportional again. His voice came back and his eyesight returned to normal.

    Exhaustive tests were done but there was no known medical explanation for his cure. God had completely healed him. And it's stuff like this, Diana, that keeps my going in my prayers. Hugs to you.

  34. Well, dearie, I guess people just trust that you will be their voice in their time of need. Congrats to John on this third year of being cancer free! Proof that prayer works! I trust you are well, and looking forward to the warm up in weather that is coming. Love to you, and bless you for your constant faithfulness sweet Diana.

  35. You are doing a good thing here. thoughts and prayers for all. Cheers

  36. I'm saying a prayer for everyone. Such sad news.

  37. Bless your heart, Diana, for being the head of the prayer chain. You may never know how much your efforts help other folks.

  38. Thank you, Diana, for keeping these blogland folks and loved ones out there for us to pray for. Sending prayers for all. Bless you, dear heart.
    Shelia ;)

  39. Thoughts and prayers for all the beautiful souls mentioned here today...

  40. Diana, all of the angels are busy this month. We all appreciate you and think that you are the best angel of all. What a shame these people are suffering and I will be sending prayers and good thoughts.. xxoJudy

  41. Seems like my prayer list is growing so fast and so long. I know that the Lord does not always make the outcome we want but if he eases pain and suffering, that is good for me as well. Bless you for being there.

  42. My prayers to all of them …

    All the best Jan

  43. Pray for Debby at My Favorite Things. She's had test after test and still everything is non-conclusive.

  44. I will be praying for all of these needs Diana, cancer is such a thief of life! It is so kind of you to send out these prayer requests with your readers!

  45. I so lovely daylight saving time!

    And yes, prayers for all. So needed in this world and at this time.

  46. Sorry I'm late but I do pray and I have prayed for each of these. In return please pray for a dear friend of mine, initials HM, a young woman with three beautiful children and a loving husband, who has just in the last few days been diagnosed with a glioma (brain tumor). She will undergo surgery next week and so far, virtually no questions have been answered except that this is a genuine crisis. Thank you! xoxo


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~