
Saturday, March 16, 2019


Many of you know Kris,
and those of you that know her
know about all the struggles 
she has had this last couple of years.
Hubby's job-
Mom moving back to the area-
Recent foot surgery-
The list goes on and on.

Today she is asking for prayers
for her mom & Terry.
Her mom JUST got back from Florida
and is in the hospital with heart issues.
Her hubby, Terry, has been in terrible pain
for months with his back.
Meds & shots have not worked.
Now he is scheduled to have 
next week.
Did you know that 
next to my son-in-law
he is my 

Pray not only for Kris's mom
and Terry but pray for 
Kris's peace of mind, too.

She gives so very much to others-
let's give back to her by
sending up prayers.
As always, if you don't pray,
please send healing thoughts 
and well wishes her way.

Her request is on her blog here.


  1. I just love her so much and hate that they are suffering in any way.

  2. Praying for Kris and her family!

  3. She is so loved throughout Blogland....prayers

  4. Diana, You know I will pray for Kris and her loved ones. I hate that she is going thru this and not fully recovered from her own surgery. Bless you for helping get prayers going up for her. xoxo,love, Susie

  5. Kris is such a treasure, I’m so sad she’s experiencing such hard times. You’re a good friend Diana, and I will include Kris and her family in my prayers.


  6. You are such a sweetie for passing on the information about Kris and her family, Diana. Already prayed, but it never hurts to do it again! Have a wonderful weekend!
    Love you.

  7. Kris is the sweetest, so I will definitely lift her and her mom and Terry up in prayer!

  8. Joining you all in praying for Kris and her mom and hubby. May the heart troubles get sorted and addressed and may the surgery relieve whatever is causing that pain. And, yes, for everyone’s comfort and peace of mind. (I had never visited Kris’s blog and very much enjoyed it.)


  9. I have so enjoyed Kris' blog and know all the struggles and difficulties she has faced these past few years. I will be praying for her Mom and that the Lord heals her heart and for her husband as he faces back surgery. Both my brother and sister and law had neck and back surgery several years ago and have done beautifully post surgery and are finally pain free.

    Pray for each other that you may be healed. James 5:16

  10. Just got home from the hospital and my mom is doing better. They are working hard to get the fluids off her heart and lungs. Waiting on test results from today to see if any heart damage has occurred. Thank you sweet angel for the prayer request. Love you girlfriend.

  11. Diana, thank you for the prompt to read Kris'post. I have been so busy the past few days I've been out of touch.

  12. Saying prayers for Kris and her family and all the people in pain tonight. I hope he does decide on back surgery. I finally had surgery after 22 years of worsening back problems and it was the best decision I made. Would do it all over again if I was considering it.

  13. Lifting up your friend Kris and her mother and hubby right now. May God speed healing and strength to them and give Kris peace of mind and the strength she needs to care for her loved ones. I have had major back surgery, and can totally relate. Praying he will get the relief that he needs. Thank you for being Prayer Central for our friends and loved ones. We all need prayer and one time or another...

  14. Sent prayers to Kris and her family. xoxo

  15. I'm praying very hard for Kris. It's upsetting that her mom is going through this. Terry is a wonderful man and will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  16. Thank you, Diana! I'll be praying for Kris and her family.

  17. Thanks always for your heads up, Diana. I love Kris and I know her family is everything to her. Sending prayers out for her mother and her main man, Terry. He's such a good person---and she is the best!

    Jane x

  18. May you have rest and peace in your heart...
    May angels surround your bed through the night...
    May each day bring healing with the dawn,
    Restore your energy, and heal your wounds...
    May hope remain within your heart,
    As you find new strength and make a new start...
    I pray you'll soon be well,
    To love and live and enjoy life again...!

  19. Will be lighting a candle and saying a prayer.

  20. I hate to hear this and will be praying for her and her family. So many are suffering. Thanks for letting us know Diana. You are an angel.

  21. )m catching up.. Prayers here in North Carolina.

    Love from Sherry & jack

  22. Just came from her blog...lifting them all up in prayer for complete healing and for strength and peace.

  23. I have been a follower of hers for many years. Life sometimes seems to have road blocks and twists. I pray for them all.

  24. One of the sweetest blog ladies I know. Prayers!!! zozo

  25. Saying prayers for Kris, her husband and mom.

  26. I had read Kris' post and I continue to pray for Terry and her mom...Kris is the sweetest and so is Terry and all her family for that matter!


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