
Thursday, March 7, 2019


Many of you were here
and along for the journey as 
fought for his life.
This is before & after cancer.
His prognosis was 
We called all the kids home
to say their good-byes
to him just before 
Christmas in 2016.

You can read the first plea
for him here.

Three years ago today
he had his last radiation treatment
and they told him he was
done with treatment.

He fought off sepsis 
and a very aggressive form
of head and neck cancer.
A cancer that only affects
about 3% of people...
a tough cancer to beat--
a tough cancer to recover from--
a cancer that forever changes
your life.

It was a long hard battle
and he is forever changed.
It has meant adapting
in several ways.
There is a permanent 
feeding tube in place.
He cannot swallow properly,
he tires easily but is still
working as a chaplain.

This sort of thing can make you bitter
or you can accept the changes
and move forward with an
altered way of life, 
being glad that your life has
been extended even though it is
different than the life you had before.

We have accepted the changes.
It has not always been easy.
There have been up times and down times.
Let me tell you- 
having a sense of humor helps.
Sometimes you have to laugh 
at unexpected "problems".
Trust me-but don't ask for details.

Do you think THIS is part of 
Chemo Brain?
Do you think he remembers when
he was a rabbit?
In case he doesn't-
here's a little reminder.
I hope that this gives some of you 
cancer or whatever life throws your way.
We have-and if we can do it-
you can do it!
Pinky Promise.

I will be around this weekend with
results for the
Pick Your Table Game.
I like to wait for people that 
don't get to blogs daily to show up.

Have a wonderful Wednesday-
I'll be getting MyHero's new costume
I'm pretty sure I can convince
him he wore this before and just
doesn't remember it!

Do you think someone should have 
warned him not to marry someone
with a warped sense of humor.....


  1. Cancer free is wonderful! Im happy to wake up to some good news. He looks like a fun and sweet guy.
    Miracles happen every day. You just have to keep the faith.

  2. I gotta say, those yellow striped stockings are Happening!

    Thanks for this hopeful reminder. :) Bless you.

  3. I'm glad you started with the good news in the title..! :).
    As l scrolled down through the was all a bit
    upsetting..! :(.
    The BIG C is an awful thing..and everything that goes
    with it..but fortunately the doctors and scientists are
    getting there with a cure..And..prayers must be sent in
    their direction to..! Bless'em!

    And a warped sense of there any other...HeHe!
    Oh! And! Remember!
    "We don't stop laughing because we grow old....We grow old
    because we stop laughing". :o). God Bless to one and all! :).

    PS...I'm still sitting at table three (3)..waiting to served
    with my dinner..! Weekend! Can't wait that long..!!! 😉 😃

  4. Diana,
    I am so happy for you and your family!! He definitely fought a hard fight o get to where he is now. And I am sure the changes that this has brought to your life must have been hard to deal with at first but he is still in your life and that is what is important. I will continue to pray for you and your sweet hubby and the rest of your family....
    I am sure you remember my nephew who was diagnosed with colon cancer.he is still fighting hard but his latest scans show his liver lesions growing and his liver function studies now are abnormal. His last few rounds of chemo did not work to shrink the lesions...They have been trying different chemo drugs and hope to find a combination that will work...It is very hard because his girls are 9, 14 and 17 years old and are realizing that they will eventually loose their Dad....My heart breaks for them...

  5. Great news . . . Inspirational . . .
    Keep the zest Diana . . .

  6. Cancer free. Miracles do happen. I am so happy for you and your family.

  7. I think your "warped sense of humor" is probably what has helped him survive cancer and continue to thrive. God knew what HE was doing when He put you two together for better or worse, in sickness and in health....etc... Thank you for this encouraging report today. May God continue to bless your hubby with good health and many more years of putting up with a mate who puts bunny ears on him and leprechaun suits with funny shoes... Maybe it IS a good thing to have some kinds of memory loss... God bless you both. Thank you for brightening our day with good news!!!

  8. I’m so glad he doing so well and he couldn’t have found a better partner to travel this journey with. You are the perfect combo of common sense, love and compassion and absolutely over top madness lol,, love you.

  9. A milestone anniversary! Best wishes to you both!

  10. I didn't want to tell you when he was going though it - but I know no one that has survived that cancer and I know about 5. So he is one heck of a blessed man and I know he knows it. He looks great. And God wanted him around to do something else girl. He looks cute in bunny ears. Love, sandie

  11. I'm sure he thanks God each and every day for YOU! What a wonderful wife you are and the best friend I could have! I was holding my breath when I saw his photo come up on my sidebar. I'm so glad this is good news. We all need to hear good news, especially those that are suffering right now. Thanks for letting us know how he is doing. I keep him in my prayers. And he would look cute in any long as he stays home to wear it! heehee! You could dress up in matching outfits!!!

  12. You two are God's gift to one another. Three years is great and I pray for many more good years together.

  13. WOW! just WOW! rejoicing with you both over this good news! Yes, I'm betting he'll be more than happy to done a St. Patty's hat and attire for you, his sweet, loving wife. Happy everything!

  14. Congrats to your hero! What an accomplishment for sure and encouragement for others too. I have had cancer victims in my own family. One is a survivor and the other was not. I lost my oldest son to cancer almost 2 years ago and my youngest son has been cancer free now over 10 years. There is no telling what each day may bring but we live forever thankful and hopeful. A cheerful heart is the best medicine!

  15. What a happy anniversary!!! Prayers for continued improvement!!! Keep on making memories! xoxo

  16. What grit and determination and a wonderful testimony that your hero has taken life and carries on in spite of the changes it means. Obviously, he lives by the Word of God, “Choose Life.” I think he has become a hero to many!

  17. Morning, a bit of laughter with truth that makes one to want to continue to stand and fight the good fight of faith! Prayed everyday for him and the family, and you dear one! Hugs, Roxy

  18. What a wonderful thing to be “cancer free”. I remember this all. Thank God.

  19. Praise God for those words “Cancer Free”!! Yes, it’s our faith and outlook on life that gets us through these terrible trials! Lucky him to have you and your sense of humor around. *giggle*

  20. WhooHoo 🎉🎉 to three years!!
    I admire those who live with purpose even though life is you said. I believe God can and does heal, sometimes completely, sometimes not. When you choose to live and be thankful in an incomplete healing, i believe God gets tons of glory....maybe more than a complete healing. My daughter who uses a wheelchair since an accident at age 21 (paraplegic) is testament to that. So many still think God should heal her to walk again....but I say she’s living life, a good it easy? No but she is living with thankfulness. And God is with her and is getting glory! If he chooses to heal completely, fine. But in the meantime she’s not whining and begging.
    God bless you and your hero, Diana!

  21. I think he thanks his lucky stars every day that he married you -

    What a beautiful post - words so true -

  22. WONDERFUL NEWS. Thanks for the ability to click back to bring me up to date. That is breath taking. Prayers of THANKSGIVING are definitely fitting. THANK GOD!
    Be blessed. GOD is good! Now my problems are very small, and my thankfulness is BIGGER!.
    Sherry & jack

  23. When I saw your post on my side bar, I couldn't wait to read it! Wonderful....wonderful news.......xoxo

  24. Good Morning my friend. This is such great news and it is really something to celebrate. I tell ya that power of prayer and the strength John has to over come this cancer has been amazing. This is a happy dance kind of day for both of you. Big hugs and more prayers coming that this cancer stays out and away and he lives many more years to drive you to your own "brain fog" lol! Happy Thursday.

  25. Sweet Diana, Irish cousin-so very thankful to the Lord for His Healing Hans and mercy on your man, plus His grace and humor poured out on you. May H extend your hubby’s life for decades still.
    Love, Noreen

  26. Wow, Diana, I can't believe it's been three years!!! I'm so glad your sweet hubby is doing well, what a blessing to still have him here after such a terrifying diagnosis. Hugs to you both!!

  27. So thankful that your hero is still enjoying all the laughs and jokes at your house! God is good!

  28. Oh Diana... I needed to read this...praise the name of Jesus that you are able to write this post today! I went back and read your post... I wasnt following you yet even though you had told me about your Hero’s cancer. This is so encouraging... especially when the “c” word has been thrown around in my world a lot the past couple of months. We should never give up no matter what the medical statistics are! I had a core needle biopsy yesterday and am now waiting on those results. This post has greatly encouraged me! God bless you and Your Hero!❤️

  29. Congratulations to your HERO!!!

    From one warped to another!

    Hugs to you both ~

  30. What a blessing. I am so happy for You Both.

  31. No, I think he married the perfect woman!

    Thank God he's cancer free; the Lord works in wondrous ways.


  32. What a beautiful and wonderful milestone. I can't even wrap my head around all you have gone through together. A testimony to all young couples who think life will always be fun, exciting, easy and you'll always look like you do on your wedding day. Life is never smooth or easy and yet, I'm sure you can't imagine going through this life with anyone other than your sweet hero. Thank you for sharing your story. Now get going on that costume hahaha!

  33. Amazing, amazing, amazing! Diana, I am so happy for your family, what wonderful news. My sisters and brother in law are all survivors and I know it's not easy somedays, but it's so amazing, just the same. xoxo

  34. Such great news. Although he's changed in some ways, I know that his heart and soul are the same and he still puts up with his wonderful wife's nutty sense of humour! Keep on laughing together!

  35. Wow that is great news Diana. I hope that things will stay that way and he will be cancer free for the rest of his life!!

  36. Oh, my friend, are a wonder! You sweet soul mate is so very lucky to have you in his corner.


  37. I am so happy for you and your family. That is fantastic news!
    God bless you.

  38. Has it been 3 years? Wow! Congrats John! I remember the courage and faith y'all possessed, the ups and downs and the countless hours of sharing prayers and love! So incredibly happy that your life together goes on! It may not be quite the same, but it is truly blessed! Love and hugs!

  39. Oh dear lady, that is awesome news. I am praising the Lord with you and him. So sorry my friend but haven't been able to catch up with your blogs. Gone for a week on a birthday celebration and came to home to gt sick and under the weather all week. Trying to read a few blogs today. Such great news! God is so good. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  40. Three cheers for three years cancer free. Great ispirational story for everyone who faces a battle with the odds stacked against them. Onward to the fourth year!!

  41. Congratulations to your survivor!! It's been 13 years for me!! Keep celebrating survivors!! Hooray!

  42. I am just so happy for you and your family.

    All the best Jan

  43. I'm so happy that your Hero is doing well, Diana! Thanks be to God!

  44. Awesome news!! God has blessed your family with a miracle. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news. Hugs and prayers continue for your Hero and you.

  45. Three years cancer free is a huge reason to celebrate. That's awesome. Just my opinion but I think that it takes a strong faith to be able to survive any illness and a good sense of humor and a will to survive goes a long way also

  46. Great news. A medical miracle. God is Good. So happy for you all.

  47. Oh Diana...what marvelous news. The word "Cancer" is so hard, but the words "Cancer Free" are so pleasant to the ears. I'm sure your warped sense of humor has been the glue that has made your marriage good and strong.

    My cancer journey was so mild, in comparison...but whether stage one, or 5, the words Cancer Free still make me a thankful person. Since 2009 ~ 10 years for me.

  48. Dear Diana, this is so heartwarming to hear. I remember following along with your journey and so sure that I didn't know a 1/10 of what was going on, but when a smile from you came through the ethernet (aren't you impressed that I know that word? A little inside joke) I know that it affected all of us going along with you. I am so glad that your hero has come so far and that you just keep on smiling! Tell him for me that he is a handsome devil, whether a rabbit or a little green man! He is a hero for all of us..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  49. All praises go to our Lord for your hubby's healing! It is hard to adapt to a new normal and I think your sense of humor has helped with that immensely. You are a strong woman and I am sending hugs to you (( ))

  50. What a great blessing for your dear one to be cancer free for three years. Time to celebrate, every day really!

  51. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I came to your blog only a few months ago, so I didn't know the background. Now I understand just a little bit better what you've been through. The Lord has shown Himself faithful to you and yours, for sure!

    I'm on break from blogging since we are in the midst of our move, but I do read blogs when I can. Glad I was able to catch yours this time. I'll run over to see if there's room for me at one of your St. Pat's dining tables. I do love to participate in that.


  52. So wonderful that he's past the 3 years! Life really is a gamble and so glad you guys have won so far. I'll be here in 7 years when you do his 10 year post...looking forward to it.

  53. Diana, I am so thankful that John is a cancer survivor . I know some of what you are talking about, now that I am helping Ted thru his battle. I pray we can be as strong as John and you have been. Humor is good for sure. I told Ted he had chicken hair this week...I can see his hair is growing back. I pray he will enjoy life to the fullest. We are still waiting for some action from the bone marrow transplant group. At times I feel so anxious and stressed. I have to remind myself to breathe and pray.
    I love how you like to dress John up for the holidays. LOL. You crack me up. I can't wait to see that little green suit on him. LOL Love you crazy girl. LOL Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  54. Praise the Lord!!! Gosh, in so many ways it seems like yesterday. Celebrating and rejoicing with you all. We are approaching the one year anniversary of diagnosis.

  55. Good Evening My Friend, When I think of all of the things that you have been through with John requiring your strength, but god is there with you every step of the way. It makes me so happy that he is doing so well and I know of the many prayers that were said and continue to be said that it continues that way. We have been through a lot between your John and mine so I can relate to what you have gone through with him. It is a blessing for each day we are given and God is there for us. I still feel prayer gave us as long as it did with my John. I will continue to pray for the both of you to give you the strength that you need. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way from your Missouri friend Shirley

  56. I know that battle of cancer and after cancer with a loved one. Bravery is is an everyday occurrence. Celebrate all the days.

  57. What a great thing to be able to say! So glad for you both. God isn’t done with him yet, but you on the other hand!! LOL.... 🍀🍀🍀

  58. I wasn't reading blogs back when you and your hubby were going through this journey, but I know it must have been an extremely difficult and challenging time. How wonderful that he beat such a rare cancer and that he is doing as well as he is now. I am sure your wonderful, bubbly personality and fun sense of humor helped him tremendously. I hate the Big has taken or affected so many wonderful people in my life. Now my grandchildren's dog has it and won't last much longer. But there are some extremely smart people working on a cure so maybe some day...hope it's sooner than later.

  59. Cancer is an ugly word, and ugly issue for anyone in contact with it. I am so glad your hero has beaten it. There is hope in the world when you hear things like that. Darn...I missed the table set up again!

  60. I remember this journey, Diana! He had the support of everyone in the Blog World! Prayers continue for him and all the family as your life goes on each day! xoxo Nellie

  61. This is such a joyful post to see!Three cheers. It's a dreadful disease and I'm so glad that you have had those three years out and more to come!

  62. I am SO SO SO GLAD he is doing so great!! God has surely been with y'all as you went through this hard time. Now you can be an inspiration to lots of others! Im happy your have your hero with you, times together are so very precious.

  63. What great news! So happy for you all!

  64. This is a true miracle...I don't know where you both gathered the strength and courage to handle this but you did and I'm certain that God knew how special you are to so many around you! Hugs and blessings for a beautiful journey ahead.

  65. Your hero is a living testament to the power of prayerful minds. Congratulations on the 3 year mark - to your entire family, but especially to your hero and you, Diana.

  66. This is wonderful news and I love your attitude about acceptance and turning away from being bitter. Not an easy thing to do. Hugs...Petie

  67. I've a few cancer scares myself so I understand. An attitude of gratitude can take you to happy places. I'm so glad your Hero is doing well and I love your sense of humour! My hubby is the clown in our family and I'm so thankful for him. Laughter is such good medicine. Have a beautiful day, Diana. Blessings...Sandi

  68. Such blessed, good news! So happy for you!

  69. Such an inspiring post, Diana! So happy for all of you...praying John will be stronger each day!

  70. My heart sank when I saw your Hero's picture.. Thought something had happened. But no, it's good news, great news in fact. So happy for both of you. I know you have been through a lot and are probably still going through it. I'm glad that you both still have each other..hope things aren't too changed..xxoo

  71. This is a testament to the power of prayer. So happy for both of you. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

  72. This is so wonderful, dear Diana! Praise be to God!

  73. Diana, you are amazing! I love this post! You encourage and inspire so many!

  74. What a wonderful milestone to celebrate!

  75. Wow, what an inspiring post. I wasn't around but I'm sure happy to hear this and it's brought tears. I lost my sweet mom to cancer as it affects every family. thank you so much my sweet friend for making my day and God bless you both.

  76. Such a joyous blessing. Embrace it each day!!

  77. Oh yes, I remember your husband's cancer journey. How wonderful that he is now three years cancer free! Something to celebrate every day, that's for sure. xoxo

  78. This is really a wonderful reason. Not only he is a real hero, both you are warriors. Both of you fought the battle together. Kudos to both of you.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  79. Diana sorry for being late. Three years is amazing and I know things were scary and very hard but the strength both of you have is amazing.

    Your HERO is an amazing hero. He refused to give up and won the battle many times. You're right you have to laugh about things sometimes. We have done that with me. Some don't get it but we do and don't care.

    If there's time put me at a happy fun table for St. Patrick's day. Thanks dear lady.


  80. I love this post because he beat the odds and is such a strong person. So true how our lives change, but we must keep moving forward. I saw your post for the prayer requests and I will be praying for them as well. I can relate alot to Jeff's situation with the concussion as Hayley went through that and so much suffering. Still has effects from it a couple years later :-( Hope all is going well! Enjoy the rest of your weekend


  81. Hi Diana! You are so funny and this must be so good for John. You made me laugh! Thank you! Talk about chemo brain. Yes, I witness it every day. Glad John has beat this monster for three years. Sorry I have not been around lately. You did not show up in my e-mail so perhaps you went to junk mail and I never remember to check. Just so much to do online that sometimes it feels like a full time job. You know what with Facebook and I am very much into politics which takes up a lot of my time. I'm just so tired of it. I'm having difficulty keeping up with it but I must fight for the good of my country. I feel it's my duty. I don't know if it will help but every little bit helps so perhaps it will. Take care. Hugs to you and John! I just want to add you are still in my prayers. Don't worry if you're not a religious person as you say. You are full of love and that's the most important thing. You bring joy to people.

  82. Diana, I'm so glad that your husband is in good health now. What an awful time he went through three years ago, and you too. I also said prayers for all of the above. And it's nice that you use your blog for all these dear ones who are suffering.

    love ya, my friend.


  83. What a blessing that he is cancer free! He is so lucky to have you right by his side. Lots of love- Kristin

  84. Last and least, the seldom blogger from the other side of the state. I remember those very dark days and your faithfulness and commitment. John is looking good. It's a tough road you're on, but you're obviously not walking it alone. May God continue to bless you and show you that next step. Regular prayers for you two, although I'm rarely at the computer these days to know what's going on. I'm so happy for the cancer free report, Diana.

  85. I well remember the struggle that you went through with your hubby, and how thankful I am to hear that he has reached his 3-year cancer free mark! It must be a difficult struggle to still need a feeding tube, but I know you are thankful to still have him with you! Will pray the Lord gives him many more years with you! Blessings and hugs :)

  86. I'm so thankful to know that he (and you) have surpassed this horrible health crisis and are still making progress. God bless him!! I can't imagine what he's been through, but surely with you and the good Lord by his side, good things will happen. Xo

  87. This news is so wonderful. It shows how attitude, great doctors and the power of prayer can do, not to mention the love of family.


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