
Monday, March 18, 2019


I usually just do these
prayer requests on Sundays

Our beautiful friend,
Linda from Life & Linda
needs prayer.

She is caretaker to her mom,
wife, blog designer,
(The Fairy Blogmother)
3 time cancer survivor and now,
to top things off,
she has pneumonia.

Linda has helped me out too many times
to count when I had blog problems.
She did it with no expectations
except being helpful.
She is a gem.

Please pray for her.
She has so many that depend on her.
We need to see that bright light
restored to good health.

As always, if you are not 
a person that prays,
please send healing thoughts
and good wishes her way.

Just want to add-
you are all just 
when it comes to doing this.


  1. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

  2. I have heard of more people with pneumonia this year than any other year. Prayers for Linda.

  3. Hope your 100% soon!
    Sending recovery good thoughts your way.
    Hope your feeling well soon.
    Sending good, healthy vibes for a speedy recovery....

    Saint Raphael the Archangel serves as the patron saint of healing. Unlike most saints, Raphael was never a human being who lived on Earth. Instead, he has always been a heavenly angel. He was declared a saint in honor of his work helping humanity....God Bless..!

  4. She is my fairy blogmother too! You are right. She is a gem.
    I will be keeping her in my prayers.

  5. Thanks for the info on Linda. She is a true angel to me!! I'm going to Mass today and will remember her in my prayers. Have a great week, Diana.

  6. Btw... I had to do that "verify" thing four times before it let me make a comment!!!

  7. I am sending prayers for Linda’s health.

  8. You got it...such a strong woman it sounds like that I send all my blessings and hold her close to my heart at this time. I don't think I have ever blogged with her but I will hop over and check that out also. You are such a sweetie.

  9. Well I went over to visit your friends blog and I have hopped all over blogland...thanks

  10. Prayers for your friend.
    Thank you for always sharing so we can shower them with prayer.
    Have a cozy day!

  11. Another prayer is now being said. May your friend be returned to good health. Shining lights are needed in this world for sure.

  12. She is a dear heart and I will certainly pray for a speedy recovery. In the meantime, I pray that others will step up and help her with all that she does.

  13. I love Linda, and saying a prayer right away. : )


  14. Diana, you are such a loving sweet friend. Thank you dear friends for sending your loving prayers and healing thoughts. I so appreciate each and every one of you. Blessings, XO Linda

  15. Another name to add to my Blanket Prayer list...thank you for this post...if we don't know they are ill or troubled, we don't know to pray for them. xoxo

  16. Prayers for Linda's MOM, here in NC.
    Sherry & jack

  17. Of course...Linda is the sweetest.

  18. I will say a prayer for her - I don't know her - but God does!

  19. Love being a part of the prayer warriors on your blog. What a priviledge to take burdens of others to the throne of grace...Sending love and prayers.

  20. Praying for her now. May the Lord send healing rays to touch and renew her and give her strength to keep going. Praying also she will get much needed rest.

  21. Will definitely pray for her, there have been some rough bugs going around this year! She is a precious lady, and the Lord knows her situation, praying He touches her in a mighty way in Jesus name. Blessings to you too Diana, for sharing these prayer requests so we can pray!

  22. Praying for Linda's health, not only for her healing but so that she can be there for those who depend upon her. xoxo

  23. Praying for her tonight! Hope she is doing better very soon!

  24. I had no idea Linda is ill. Thank you for this post. I will follow through in prayer and contact.

  25. Sending up a prayer now for a return to good health!

  26. I'm praying for Linda right now!

  27. Oh no! Our dear Linda. Hope she will get well very, very soon. Praying.

  28. You are always so conscientious about posting for those who need prayers...I know each time you do it is greatly appreciated. I don't know Linda; have never visited her blog (although I intend to look for it) but I will certainly send up a prayer for her to bounce back to good health ASAP. She certainly has a lot on her plate.

  29. Diana,
    Sending prayers for Linda!! I know how debilitating pneumonia can be as i had it once and missed almost 3 weeks of work!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  30. Diana, I am praying for Linda. Prayer is so helpful and so needed in our lives. I truly believe. Blessings to you and your family, xoxo,love you, Susie

  31. I'm so sorry to hear that Linda has pneumonia and certainly will pray for her. Tammy recently had pneumonia too and I was so worried about her but thankfully the last x-ray showed the pneumonia was gone. I remember how valiantly Linda has fought and overcome cancer and I know she will this too and be back to all the beautiful things she does. Thank you for passing the word on about this, Diana.

  32. Sending positive and healing thoughts..Hope she is better soon...

  33. Praying for Linda right now. Lord have mercy! So much sickness. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  34. Oh no I did not know this. I knew she was not feeling well. Prayers for sweet Linda.

  35. Oh, Diana, thanks for posting this! Linda is my blog designer and such a dear. I will sure be praying for her.

  36. She's in my prayers every day. What a special friend she is to all of us! And the most beautiful lady! Hugs, Diane


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