
Sunday, March 3, 2019


Good Sunday Morning
I had a dear sweet blogger,
send a request for prayer 
for her mom,

Yolanda had a stroke
and is not doing well at all.
Please pray for a 
restoration of her health,
mind, body & soul.

She has been an active senior
and I am sure this is very hard
on the whole family---
especially Fabby, so pray for her, too.

If you don't know Fabby,
she & her hubby owned a 
china factory. 
She has more dishes 
and table settings
than anyone I know.
It is always 

Fabby entertains a lot,
has a prayer group that meets weekly,
and hosts wonderful meals for her mom.
Pray that her mom can once again
join her for one of her special luncheons.

I talked to Kris yesterday.

The nerve block had worn off
and she was in quite a bit of pain.
I just got a text from her
and the pain is less today.
I can see her going through
drug rehab in the future, can't you?

Please pray for her pain level,
and her peace of mind.
I know it makes her anxious to 
not be able to "do anything"
and to have to be waited on.
In REAL LIFE she is the one that
takes care of and waits on
everyone else.
As someone once said-
She is a waitress at the banquet of life.

As always-
if you are NOT a "prayer",
please send good wishes and
healing thoughts to 
Yolanda & Kris.


  1. Prayers for Fabby's mom. Thank you sweet angel for putting out the prayer request for me and the update. I am doing so much better today. Thank you to all your prayer warriors. The power of prayer works.
    Hugs and Happy Sunday.

  2. Goodness! What a lovely surprise...
    I've just popped over for a peek at Fabby's Blog..
    And..l have the identical dinner/tea set as hers..
    Though mine is of the 'Constable' pattern..But the
    same colour, Constable being the English painter of

    And..Yes..Goes without saying prayers ALL round,
    would'nt be a Sunday without a little prayer...
    And a Catholic from Sicily..I cannot be a 'prayer'
    would'nt be right..! :).

    And...'She is a waitress at the banquet of life'
    Yes! I like that..very honest saying...!
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

  3. That is so fitting for Kris! I pray she is better soon and know how difficult it must be for her to be inactive. But I bet that mind of hers is racing like mad, making lists of wonderful new projects.

    I'll pray for Yolanda too and her family, that she will begin to improve day by day.

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for these wonderful women,

  4. I've been praying for Fabby and her mother and it was nice to see a photo of Yolanda. I heven't met Kris but I shall add her to my prayer journal and I'm going over to 'meet' her right now.....

  5. I keep a Blanket Prayer List going all the time...xoxo

  6. I am praying for healing and peace for Fabby and her mom. I did what you suggested on my blog and added the correct email address but I'm not sure it worked. It is worth a try, thanks for your directions.

  7. Praying for both!

    Also, praying about the painkillers. That is an awful thing. I am praying for the medical community to find a way for the addictive effects of the meds to be corrected. They turn off something in the body. They just need a way to turn it back on!

    Blessings, Sandi

  8. I can identify with Kris’s situation...a real pain to be sidelined, but it is in those places where we grow. Yes, praying for Fabby and her mother Yolanda.

  9. What you do is a wonderful thing, but also depressing. It is great knowing someone you can depend on to give a helping hand. Blessings special lady.

  10. Diana, I am praying for Fabby and her mother. This is so hard. I hate what strokes can do to people and it always involves the whole family. I think Kris has some grit...she will be fine in a couple more days...then look out , Terry will probably have to hog tie her to keep her quiet. Don't you wonder how many make -overs she do of her house in her mind , while sitting around. ? LOL. Tell her hello from all of us when you call her again. Blessings, xoxo, love you, Susie


  11. Thanking the sweet and beautiful Dianna for her request for prayers for my mother, I am a great believer in the power of prayers, so I know mother will be better because of Dianna and all of you dear friends. I will always be grateful and please request prayers for my Rosary where we'll pray for you too.
    Blessings to each and everyone of you.

  12. Sorry to hear Fabby’s mother suffered a stroke Prayers for her recovery. I talked with Kris to thru email and so glad to know she’s doing well.

  13. I spoke to Kris today through email. I will absolutely pray for Fabby. So sad.


  14. I LOVE Fabby, and will definitely say a prayer for her dear Mother. And a prayer for Kris as well. : )


  15. Added to my daily prayers!! Please do keep us posted. xoxox

  16. Prayers for both - strokes are hard. Love, sandie

  17. Sending prayers for both families...strokes are so difficult to come back from. My Mom had a stroke and she lost her was hell on earth for her not being able to communicate! I hope Kris pain level is under control soon and she can get up and vacuum soon! I sent her an email letting her know she is in my prayers!

  18. Praying for all Fabby, her mom and Kris. I'm sorry they are going through these things. xoxo Dolly

  19. Prayers here, God is Good! You are very dedicated to set in motion all these prayers. I am sure the intended appreciate it. it is good also to know people do lean on prayers in this present life.
    Love from Central Florida, Sherry & jack

  20. Sending many good thoughts to both Kris and to Fabby's mom. I'm so sorry they have to deal with this.

  21. Sending prayers for both ladies!!!!

  22. thinking of them both. I follow Fabby too! Cheers

  23. Prayers for Yolanda and Kris!

  24. I do hop Yolanda does not get discouraged and keeps working on recovery. It is not easy. May she find the strength through God. Glad to know Kris is doing better.

  25. Love, hugs and prayers for these two ladies. God knows what each one needs and He is the Great Physician.


  26. Praying for both of these sweet ladies! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  27. It's always an honor for me to pray for others and your two friends will be included in my prayers. Pain and strokes are two things that are very hard to endure. May the dear Lord bless them both with the healing they need.

  28. Lifting prayers for your friend, Diana.


  29. Sending lots of prayers and hugs to Yolanda and Kris.

  30. Prayers are going up for both sweet ladies. Thanks for letting us know. Hope you enjoy your week sweet friend.

  31. I follow both of them. I love their blogs.

    I'm praying for both of them.

  32. Will be adding these "friends" to my prayer list tonight.


  33. Keep us updated! :) Blessings...

  34. Prayers and good wishes …

    All the best Jan


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