
Friday, March 1, 2019


I know that many of you
know (and love)
KRIS-from JunkChicCottage.
(stole this picture, Kris)!!!
Kris is having surgery today
on her foot.
It is not life-threatening but,
as we all know,
any kind of surgery is scary.

One of the side effects she has
is that she becomes really
nauseous after she has 
the surgery 
when she wakes up.

So, please pray for not only a
but also pray for a mild recovery.
Also, pray that her 
does NOT kick in until she feels better.
Terry says she follows him around
with a vacuum in her hand.....
(she didn't know I was going to say that!)
Hey- my blog---my words!

An update on my beautiful
She is back in school and doing
really well.
I want to thank all of you that sent cards
to her.
She was thrilled.
I have three more in my car 
that came to my house to drop off to her.
I cannot believe how
GOOD blogging friends are-
how much we care about each other!!
She is back to dancing
and being "my Julia" again.
Praise be!!!

Happy March First.
I will be back in a couple of days
with a 
St. Paddy's Day table.
I found some lovely ones!

Have a good weekend
and thank you again.

If you are NOT a "pray-er"
please wing healing thoughts
and good wishes Kris's way.


  1. Diana, I'm so happy to hear that your Julia is doing well. I know your heart feels lighter. It's so hard when one of our babies feel bad and are sick. I'm thankful she is back to enjoying life.
    Yes, we all know and love our Kris. I pray that she will get through her surgery and take the needed time to heal. I'm a clean freak too but I've also learned that some things can wait. Maybe Terry can keep her in line..LOL.
    Anyway, big hugs and thanks to you for letting us know.

  2. I was out of the blogosphere loop and missed what was going on with your sweet granddaughter. So glad she is on the mend! Prayers for Kris! Hope she will let Terry do the vacuuming for awhile!

  3. Diana, If I thought Kris's gotta clean it now gene were contagious I would try to catch it and I would spread it all over the place. LOL. She could always tie a little dust rag to Buddy's tail. :) Yes, I love that sweet girl and have prayed for her to have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Terry might have to sit on her to keep her still.
    So happy for SC. she is a beauty. I know she's been your fun pal granddaughter for all this time. Speaking of grands...oh and I am loving the wee Irish folk on your header. Adorable. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie

  4. Prayers for these two beautiful women! I'll pester Kris to take it easy but I don't think she'll listen lol! So glad that Sweetcheeks is back to school and so much better! Hugs!

  5. To~day over here it's St Davids Day..!st March.
    St David is connected with Wales...
    Saint David's Day is the feast day of Saint David,
    the patron saint of Wales, and falls on 1 March,
    the date of Saint David's death in 589 AD. The feast
    has been regularly celebrated since the canonisation
    of David in the 12th century...

    And let's hope Kris's surgery goes is not
    a nice thing, no matter where it's you
    say..scary! :(.
    And, SweetCheeks back at school..that is good news....
    Well done her..! :). Shake yer leg Julia, and keep on
    dancing..! :).

    ooooO! AND..Pick a table..don't forget to put food on
    it..and a little vino to...! Bless! :o).
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

  6. Well I see you have your Irish header firmly in place, Diana! I hope Kris' surgery goes well. Anasthetics can really make some people nauseous. Couldn't they give her gravol? I'm very happy Sweet Cheeks is back to her old self. The young'uns heal so well, don't they? Have a good weekend and I look forward to choosing a table! -Jenn

  7. I know what it is to be sick from the anesthesia. It's awful! Praying for Kris both with her surgery and when she wakes up.

  8. Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Kris. So glad to hear that Sweet Cheeks is back in school and doing well. Prayers do help.

  9. Hi DIANA, yes hopefully Kris has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I also glad that Sweet Cheeks is feeling better. Have a great day and weekend.

  10. Im so glad that Sweetcheeks is feeling better. And as always, prayers go out to everyone. Thank you for letting us know of your special prayer request. We all love each other here and in the blogging world.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Praying for your friend and PRAISING GOD for SweetCheeks doing well:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Good on Julia and prayers for Kris. God is good! U B a sweet blogger, even if you do 'steal'. LOL
    Love ya from Central Florida,
    Sherry & jack

  13. So happy to hear about your granddaughter and tons of well wishes for Kris. I know it's going to hard to keep that girl down!! xo

  14. Will pray for your friends surgery and hope all goes we'll and she has a speedy recovery. Praying prayers of thankfulness too that all is well with your SweetChecks. What a blessing ! I love your blog topper for St. Patricks Day!

  15. A prayer for Kris... Thrilled to know that SweetCheeks is back up and at’em!

  16. Prayers for your sweet friend! Good news to hear sweet cheeks is healed! Have a great weekend!


  17. I will pray for your dear friend too.
    Sweet cheeks has grown into such a pretty young lady and I'm so happy she's well and back at school. Blessings to her.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  18. Kris really does never seem to stop. I think this will be hard for her but probably a good rest . . . if she behaves lol. Glad your sweet gal is doing better -- amazing after such an ordeal!

  19. Sending all my best TLC to Kris ~ and it is great to hear that Julia is back at it!!

  20. Thank you sweet angel in my life for putting this out there about my surgery. I soooo appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts. I did teach Terry and Buddy how to use the vacuum!!!! Thank you. Live you ��������������������

  21. Sweet Cheeks has grown into such a beautiful young lady. I will keep Kris in my prayers. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Diana.

  22. Awwww yes of course we will be praying for sweet Kris!!!

  23. Of course, prayers for beautiful Kris for fast healing and gentle recovery after the surgery. Thank you for letting us know about it, Diana. And I'm so glad your darling granddaughter is back in school!

  24. Sending good wishes to Kris and great joy for your Sweetcheeks!

  25. Prayers for a very successful surgery... and I am so happy your little granddaughter is doing better! Love your Irish banner!

  26. I'm so happy that sweet cheeks is feeling well; praise be!
    Sending up prayers for Kris too-healthy and quick healing. XX

  27. I've continued to pray for your darling SweetCheeks, Diana, and will add Kris, too. Thank you for the updates on your grandgirl. Happy weekend to you!

  28. Praying for Kris. Praise for your sweet granddaughter.

  29. Praying for Kris.

    And so glad to hear SweetCheeks is doing better!

  30. Hoping your blog friend is now recovering without the nausea. To say that it’s so unpleasant, we’ll we all know that! But it really is 😉
    Praise be, indeed, for the good news about your granddaughter!! I’m not a card sender but I do pray.
    Looking forward to choosing a table at your next party!

  31. Prayers for Kris for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery

  32. Praying for Kris and so thankful Julia is ok. Love you.

  33. Prayers for your friend Kris. So happy to hear good news on your granddaughter. Hope you enjoy your weekend sweet friend.

  34. Praying now for Kris, even tho her surgery is probably over. But the recovery will be difficult, so praying for her now. So wonderful that your "sweet cheeks" is back in school and dancing. She is so lovely. So thankful for answered prayers on her behalf. Great and wonderful news.

  35. Diana, I said a prayer for Kris, and I hope her surgery went well. And great news about SweetCheeks! That makes me happy to hear. I'll be back to see the St. Patrick's Day tables. : )


  36. I have been saying prayers for Kris. She will have her snuggle partner Buddy to keep her company.

    Very happy about Seeet Cheeks. Looking forward to our St Patrick's day


  37. Prayed for Kris. Sometimes that anesthesia can be rough on you after surgery. I know it has been scary for me a few times! I have a hard time waking from it and have actually scared the doctors! Glad to hear Twinkle Toes is back to dancing!

  38. How wonderful it is to hear that your Julia has recovered! I don't know Kris but I have already said a prayer for her. Looking forward to the St. Paddy's Day Party! :)

  39. It is always a blessing to hear about prayers answered!! And prayers lifted for your dear friend! I get nauseous after anesthesia too, so can feel her discomfort with that.

  40. SO glad to hear about your granddaughter! God is good. I've known about Kris' surgery and have been praying for her for a while now. I recently (two 1/2 weeks ago) had a full hip replacement (yes, at the ripe old age of 54) and she has been very supportive of me throughout my own ordeal. I was not given general anesthesia (which is usually the culprit for nausea) and I would think for foot surgery she would not get general either but can never be sure.....I was not told what my anesthesia would be until the morning of the surgery (epidural and whatever it is that puts you in the "twilight" zone -- trust me, I was OUT). Plus they put a small round patch behind my ear before surgery and they said it was for nausea. I thought that was great and who knows, maybe that's why I didn't have any nausea problems. (But if necessary they always have Zofram which is pretty good for that....) I have already offered a hand to help Kris and will reach out in a day or two to see what I can do for her (we don't live that far apart). My recovery btw has been awesome (not without some pain of course). I go to PT three times a week and am pretty much back to walking normally. God was good to me, too:) Your header is adorable. Happy early St. Patrick's Day from another Irish lass. xo Kathleen

  41. I hope Kris came through with flying colors. Love your header and that sweet baby. And Sweetcheeks - she is beautiful - and I am so glad she is doing better!

  42. I am the pokey one in the group. I still have my card to finish before she goes off to college! But happy to hear Sweet CHeeks is doing so well. Many prayers from Kris. My cousin Sissy had knee surgery today. She is a sheriff's deputy. Our friend Ryan had shoulder surgery. His mom reported he is turning into a human nut and bolt! He has survived by the very grace of God. Our SIL Roger also had shoulder surgery yesterday. Surgery is always scary. One of our daughters co workers from long ago, a lady who had a routine knee surgery and passed away. I try to remain calm and give it up to God. An expression my mother repeated to me most of my life. ;-) It is always wonderful to see you hear. I will have to PM you about other prayer requests too. Have a great weekend Diana xo

  43. Sweet thoughts and prayers for Kris..and glad Sweetcheeks is doing good.
    It is always such a joy to hear good news. I have been sad for so long, I;m tired.
    Love to you....

  44. Praying for Kris and hoping she will stop her cleaning in order to recover! Now, you must let Sweet Cheeks know that she is a star!🌟 and that I expect to see her on tv or the big screen one day doing something very positive! I can see it.👍

  45. Lots of prayers!

    So glad sweet cheeks is doing better. God is good, and prayer is poweful!


  46. I'm so glad to hear Sweet Cheeks is doing well! Praying for Kris - my son has the same issue. We learned to tell the doctor ahead of time so they could give him anti- nausea medication. So prayers for Kris, not only for a successful surgery but a easy recovery and no cleaning bug to hit until she is well!
    Looking forward to the pick your table!

  47. Diana, you are so right. Even minor surgery can be scary. As for getting sick after surgery, most likely it is from the anesthesia. They can give patients something before surgery, so that does not happen. I know because I also suffered from this. A speedy recovery for Kris. So glad Sweetcheeks is doing well. Have a lovely weekend. Love your St Paddy☘️ Styling. XO

  48. I don't know Kris but I hope everything went well during the operation and sending healing thoughts for her. I'm so pleased to hear that SweetCheeks is doing well. It's a terrible time for the whole family when someone's ill.

  49. Sending prayers for Kris. xx oo
    I am so happy Sweet Cheeks is doing well. She is so lovely! Maybe a trip North to visit my Sam in May when he gets back from training? LOL
    xx oo

  50. I will certainly lift up a prayer for is definitely no fun! And I also plan to check out her blog which I've not seen before. Sorry about your sweet-cheeks...didn't know she had been under the weather. I missed out on reading my blogs lately due to all that's been going on around her. Glad she is doing better. Love all the "green" pics of the kiddos...soooo stinkin' cute:)

  51. Lovely photograph of your sweet granddaughter, wonderful that she is on the mend.
    Prayers for Kris.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  52. So happy Sweet Cheeks is back in school and doing well! Kris doesn't have time to have surgery...she is one busy lady! Sending hugs and prayers... Hope the winter will soon be over...some sunshine and pretty flowers would go a long way to brightening things up!

  53. Will say prayers for Kris. So thankful your sweet cheeks is doing better. Lovely photo.

  54. I've been praying for Kris and appreciate you letting us know about her surgery! Glad to hear Sweet Cheeks is feeling better. What a lot she has been through! You have been the best friend to me this past week. I'll always remember all the support and encouragement you've given me! True friends! Hugs!

  55. Diana, I'm so happy that precious SweetCheeks is doing better, bless her heart! I've been praying for dear Kris, hope she's healing and staying down, bless her heart too.
    Hugs, my friend.


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