
Sunday, November 11, 2018


I am ashamed to say

that I don't

always think about what the cost

is for my freedom.

I don't always think about

the person that laid

down their life so that

I can enjoy the freedoms

this country allows.

I don't always think about

the day-to-day struggles that

some of our veterans must deal with...

the physical, emotional, spiritual end

of it.

I do think about my Father,

a vet of WWI (yes-WWI)-

He was a young man in the service

and an old man when I was born (53).

I do think about my Uncle Samuel,

that fought in the Korean War~

but I don't ever remember him

mentioning it.

I do think about my foster brother, Gene,

that was part of the Vietnam war years...

the war that wasn't a war,

or so they say.

I do think about my nephew, Scott,

that suffered permanent damage

when he was fired on as

he guarded one of

Sadam's palaces.

And, I do think about a man

that has a blog..

A man that I met in my blog travels...

you know when you hit that

Next Blog button on the top..

This is a man that gave it all

for his country...

and is now but a shadow

of his former self, on the outside..

Inside- he is a fighter of the

greatest magnitude.

I have a soft spot for 

Kurt The Krippled Warrior.

He lives a hard life but asks

for no pity or sympathy.

I also think about my 

old classmate, Tom,

that was a chief petty officer

in the Navy.

I haven't seen him in years but

I remember his infectious laugh.

I am sure he kept his

Navy friends laughing

with his wit and humor.

The only picture I could find of him

(along with his lovely wife)

Today, I raise a salute 

to EVERY man or woman

that fights (or has fought) for all of us.

God Bless Our Veterans

and those that are serving

our country today.

Without them- we have no hope.


  1. Amen ~ and yes, I hugged my vet today!

  2. Thank you Diana. I do think about the vets in my own family. We do not realize how many men and women are veterans and we had no idea of their service. I am thankful for each one. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Poignant and beautiful. You and my friend Pam Gordon (Playing With My Camera) have the privilege to call a WWl vet your dad. What an honor and a heritage.

  4. Well said my friend. Yes Freedom is not cheap. I was never a hero, but I served with some. Not a bragger among them. Yes, many gave all and were buried, many gave all and still live, like your friend. Then there are those that served this country.
    Thanks for the tribute to those who served. God id good.

  5. You have two post coming up today. You are the best at finding the right thoughts and words. Always look forward to seeing another from you.

  6. So well said!! God bless our veterans and all those still serving!

  7. Great you, I know they go through so much and put up with so much but you never really stop to think about the struggles that the vets and their families go through. Bless them and their families. My friend Laura was not sick but she had taken a fall a few days before her death. She either had a massive heart attack or a clot due to the fall. Results will not be in for 8 to 12 weeks. Its only been two so far. It was a terrible blow and if I could help the kids in anyway and by doing anything, I know this was a good help.

  8. What a thoughtful and beautiful post. Yes, we don't always think of the whole batch of strangers, even if we should, but of those we knew. Someone knew them all. Thanks for this.

  9. My ancestors have fought in every war since the American Revolution, and so have my husband's. I am proud of all our men and women who have served our country. God Bless them All and God Bless America.

  10. Beautifully said my friend. My dad served in the Korean War and had lots of stories about his struggles there.
    We should thank all the veterans everyday that served then and now to keep us free. They have sacrificed so much. You my friend are a sweet angel to volunteer each week at your VA. Your beautiful caring heart has touched so many of them. God Bless them All.

  11. I've been watching TCM today, old war movies introduced by veterans. Made me think a lot about the price of freedom and my father's experience in WWII...and I am truly grateful.

  12. So beautifully written, Diana. We do owe them so much and so many of them paid such a high price for our safety. The story of your father is wonderful, so young to be in that war. I hope we always have Veteran's Day to make us think about the sacrifices they made for us and our country.

  13. I am proud of our vets and pray for them all.

  14. Beautiful post, my friend! My Grandpa--WW2, and our son, currently serving. Thank you for a great post.

  15. A beautiful tribute, indeed. Like you, I am also guilty of not always thinking about the heros who have kept and are keeping us safe from harm. Thank you for bringing this to mind, if for no one else, for me. A wonderful post, my friend.

  16. Well said, Diana. Well said. We are blessed because of their sacrifice and service.

  17. Your thoughts are a very fitting tribute to our veterans. So true, without them, we'd have no hope.

  18. Such a beautiful post. Now I will go get a tissue...Hugs

  19. They say the same thing about the Korean War. My husband was in Korea. It is often referred to as the Korean conflict! Really made him mad. We must be grateful to our veterans and those that are serving now. They make our lives better. We owe a lot to many..xxoo

  20. Thanks for giving the veterans this tribute!

  21. Great tribute post Diana. Hope you have wonderful day.

  22. We are indebted to them all. I am both the daughter and the mother of true American heroes, veterans of the United States Air Force. Along with all those who have served and currently serve, I salute them today and every day. xoxo

  23. Very true - thanks to all the veterans for their service.

  24. Yes, our freedom comes at a price and I am so thankful for all who served and are serving.
    My husband was in the Navy 20 years. (1969-89)

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I look forward to getting to know you too.
    A happy day to you.

  25. A stirring and moving tribute to our warriors. Thank you Diana.

  26. This is very touching.. respect to the veterans..

  27. What a great post. God bless them all. Cheers

  28. This is definitely the most touching Veteran's Day post I've read today, so thank you. I think I've been a 'News Junkie' since I was a child. The Vietnam War is etched in my brain. Remember when they called the North Vietnamese gorillas? As a five year old I thought they must have looked like real gorillas. My dad was in the Navy and earned his high school diploma on a ship on the seas outside of Japan. He brought home his scratchy green wool army blanket, and it was in our garage for our dog to lie on--how he kept it all those years...but I would lie on it, next to our collie, and wonder what it was like to be a soldier in a war.

    Well, that's my say. Again, thank you! We need to catch up. I'm sorry I've been remiss.


  29. My father was an army air force reconnaissance pilot in Italy in WWII. My father in law served in Korea. I can not fathom the sacrifices they made. Humbles us all. Or at least it should. Thanks for publicly thanking them. xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  30. I never forget our veterans. They gave the ultimate sacrifice. My FIL served in WWII and Korean war and never spoke about either one.

    They always have my admiration.


  31. Such a lovely post, we had Remembrance Day in the UK
    Lest we forget.

    All the best Jan

  32. Thank God we have men willing to go fight for us. They are all heroes!

  33. Difficult to think about..and horrifying. God bless you, Diana.

  34. Thank you for writing this.

  35. Beautiful. I like to write and send cards for the troops - hopefully to encourage someone. Sometimes life can be so hard and cruel that it seems the best way to deal with it is to reach out to someone who may be struggling and pass along encouragement.


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