
Tuesday, November 20, 2018


I was working at the office
a few minutes ago
when I got a text
from Susie.
ALL of you know our sweet SUSIE
I was lucky enough to meet her in person
last year and, let me tell you,
she is as dear in person as she is in blogland.

I told Susie I would do the request tonight
when I got home but I feel like
I need to do it 

Her dear, sweet 
was diagnosed TODAY with

He was hospitalized immediately
and starts chemo tomorrow.

He is in the closest city to their home
but Susie doesn't do city driving...
so she is planning on staying there
with him.  

He will be hospitalized for 
at least a month.

Please pray that the 
Also pray for peace of mind for

As we well know, when our loved ones
are ill we worry and
many times we just feel helpless.

For those of you that are not pray-ers,
please send healing thoughts and 
best wishes their way
and leave a sweet comment for Susie 
on my blog if you have the time.

Sending you love, Susie~
Thank all of you so much!


  1. Praying for Susie's husband. And also for Susie. ❤️

  2. Will pray for Susie and Ted. I'm so sorry to read this for this sweet lady and her loving man.

  3. So sorry that this is happening to Ted and Susie and at this time of the year. Praying for every need of heart, mind, body, and spirit to be met for them and their family. Being in God’s hands is the safest place in all the world to be...there is real comfort there. God bless you for being Prayer Central.

  4. I have been worried about them both, reading her posts, so thank you so much for the update. (Lovely photo, by the way!). All good thoughts, prayers, healing wishes, the whole nine yards is coming their way from me.

  5. oh no,,, I was really hoping it was just something simple,, I will keep them both in my prayers, poor Susie must be beside herself with worry,,

  6. May God bless Susie and Ted. I'm sorry they are going through this. Will be praying.

  7. Praying for them. I'm keeping my finger cross. Hope, everything will be alright again. XOXO

  8. I just left a comment on sweet Susie's blog...I will be covering Ted and her in prayer. Hugs to you, Diana!


  9. Tomorrow I am having our Rosary prayers, where we do pray for the sick, so we'll definitely pray for Susie's Ted, so he can heal soon.
    Blessings to them.
    PS: Can you do me a favor Diana ? Can you go to my comment entry at my post and just say hello to see if it is working, cause a blogger friend wrote me and said she couldn't. Thanks !

  10. I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll keeping Susie and Ted in my prayers.

  11. So sorry to read this 😢 Yes, I will keep sweet Susie and her hubby in my prayers. Thanks for your willingness to be the messenger.
    God be near....times like this we hang tight to him!

  12. I will definitely keep Susie and Ted in my prayers.

  13. Oh no, I'm so sorry! I'll be praying for Ted for complete healing and for Susie as she stays with him and is such an encouragement to him, just as she always has been. They are a wonderful couple!

    Sending them hugs and prayers,

  14. Prayers for Susie and Ted. It's just heartbreaking to see families go through such difficult times. I will pray for his healing and God's grace upon the family.

  15. Hugs, good thoughts, smiles and prayers...

  16. Sending prayers and hugs to Ted and Susie. I will say more prayers when I go to bed tonight. She has been there for me and I will be here for her now. Hugs and Prayers from her Missouri Friend Shirley

  17. Oh my, I've been wondering about him getting a dx ever since you last posted for his sake. I will definitely add him to my prayers, and Susie too. What a hard month facing them.

  18. I am so sorry to hear this. I have been praying for Ted and Susie and will continue to do so. Send her my love and please let us know when you hear anything.

  19. Oh my goodness, I thought he was going in for a heart stent. That is a beautiful picture of you two. Thank you so much for letting us know about this, Diana. She has a close family, thankfully. -Jenn

  20. Diana, Thank you so much for posting this-I follow Susie, but haven't been in blogland much lately. Praying for her man right now and minimal side effects of the chemo and for peace for them both.

  21. Please give Susie our love and let her know she and her precious Teddy Bear are in our prayers. My husband and I are both praying for him. I keep your husband in my prayers too Diana. Let us know whatever you hear from Susie. Thanks so much for doing these posts and keeping us informed. My heart is heavy tonight with this news. Sweet hugs, Diane

  22. Prayers for them both. Thank you for doing these prayer requests!

  23. Praying for Susie and Ted. May God give peace and take away any fear or worry.


  24. Praying for both of them, for the chemo to work and quickly, and for peace of mind during this time for them both.
    Hugs and Prayers

  25. I have added you both to my prayer list, Susie. Thank you for letting us know of this need! The prayer warriors have gathered!

  26. Thanks for caring and spreading a request. Prayers for the both of them and I can understand the city driving thing, that is for sure.Praying and wishing success in the Chemo!

  27. Oh I am so sorry to hear this news...I will surely keep them in my prayers for healing and peace. Susie and Ted are the nicest people...

  28. Prayers for Susie and Ted that all may go well and they have peace through the process.

  29. Oh my! My heart just breaks for them.. I love her and they were on my mind so much this week. I will send her a message. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    With love n prayers,

  30. Oh no, I have tears right now. I love Susie, and I have been praying for Ted and will continue to. She is the dearest blog friend. We've been together since the beginning, soul sisters, and this breaks my heart. Thank you, Diana, for doing this post and trying to gather us all to pray for Ted. He is the most wonderful person, a hard worker, a good husband and father. Bless him, and may God comfort him and Susie and the family during this most difficult time.

    love, ~Sheri

  31. Oh dear I just had an email conversation with her and was hoping for better news. Prayers definitely going up for them both. 🙏🏻

  32. Praying for healing and strength. Jane

  33. I knew he was in the hospital for his heart but this just knocked the wind out of me.

    Dear Susie..prayers and love ....I so wish there was something I could do for you. Praying for strength and complete remission of this thing that is making your sweetheart sick. Love,bj

  34. I am praying for complete healing for Susie's husband and for strength and peace for Susie for the month of treatments he will have.

  35. Oh no Diana I cant believe this! I am praying for all of them. I have met with Susie too and she is the sweetest blogger out there. The good thing is she is very close with her daughters and her family is all there with her. She and Ted will have a great support system. Thanks for being an angel and doing this prayer request.

  36. Praying for Ted and you sweet Susie. My heart goes out to you. Faith and Love will get you through this. Love you!

  37. I follow Susie and this is certainly NOT what I wanted to hear. I will be praying for TED and SUSIE. Thank you for sharing this so that we can all pray for them. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS!

  38. My prayers for Susie and her husband Ted! May God work his miracles on Ted!

  39. It's always an honor and a privilege for me to pray for someone and I will be praying. May the dear Lord bless Ted with successful chemo treatments and peace of mind for both of them.

  40. My warmest thoughts and prayers go out to Susie and Ted...

  41. I too will be praying for Susie and her husband. Also to give the doctors wisdom and skill.

  42. Oh no, what awful news, poor Susie and poor Ted - yes, they are absolutely in my prayers!!

  43. Oh, Diana, I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and was looking at my emails and saw this. I just cried and then couldn't go back to sleep all night. I haven't heard from Susie for a few days and was just thinking about her. I had no idea Ted was sick and I am going by to visit now. Thank you for always keeping us all in the loop, my friend. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family..xxoJudy

  44. Praying for healing and peace!

  45. This is such sad news. Susie is a sweetheart and I will be praying and thank you Diana for letting us know.
    Susie and Ted are in my prayer.

  46. Prayers for all. Thank you for sharing so that we can pray for them.

  47. My thoughts of been with them for the last week or so. I did not know of his diagnosis but figured it would be something serious. Sending healing thoughts for sure.

  48. Oh yes I believe in prayers and the miracles of healing prayers.
    Susie will get lots of healing prayers for her husband

    So sorry to read this all

    With prayers and loving thoughts, Janice

  49. Prayers sent!

    God bless them.


  50. Joining you in prayer for sweet Susie!
    Thank you so much for reading Decor To Adore and for your many heartwarming comments and friendship.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  51. Sending prayers there way.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  52. This is so saddening, I adore Susie, and Ted is a big part in her blogging so I feel I know him, too. Thanks so much, Diana. Do you know if they need financial help?


  53. Sorry to hear this and will pray for them both. Thank you Di for sharing.

  54. Dear Susie,
    You have been such a light for me during the time my son has been at Basic Training. I am praying for you and want to be that light for you during this time.
    xx oo

    We had a great visit with Sam. Thank you for the well wishes for him. He is now at Fort Gordon, Georgia for his AIT. He has his phone now, so that is fantastic. I have been getting Good Morning texts. :-)

  55. I will definitely be praying for Susie and Ted. My brother is going through the exact same thing...he was diagnosed in July and went immediately to the hospital and began chemo right away. His wife also stayed with him in the hospital. I am so thankful to say that as of right now he is in remission, even though he still goes for treatment each week from home. We are praying he will stay in remission. He may have a bone marrow transplant in the future. All of us siblings were tested to see if we were a match, and my other brother is a perfect match. I am a 1/2 match! Anyway, they are able to do great things now for acute leukemia if caught soon enough. Will keep your friends in my prayers. God is able.

  56. Your visit and prayers-and prayer request meant so much to Susie(my mom) and Ted. This is a tough adjustment for them, especially being separated at times. Mom is a strong and independent woman who is now relying on everyone for support and rides back and forth to Indy. They are both in good hands but truly appreciate the thoughts and prayers.
    Sorry I missed you and yours yesterday. Sincerely, Kathy

  57. I just left Susie's blog and I'm coming here to catch up. I'm SO GLAD you were able to go and visit with them. I am praying for him and expecting wonderful results from the chemo. You and John are wonderful to go visit them which I'm sure brings back some not so good memories of John's times in the hospital. Please keep us updated on his condition and let me know if there is anything I can do. I AM PRAYING!!!!

  58. Oh dear, this is difficult news and could it have come at a worse time of the year? I don't even know Susie and her beloved but I will ask God to bless and keep them today and every day throughout this trial. xoxo

  59. God bless Ted and Susie, Diana. Prayers will be said for both of them.

  60. Hi I'm Susie's Blog friend and just learned about her Ted today. I knew he had went in the hospital for other things going on but was shocked to hear this. Thank you so much for the update and they are in my prayers. So nice to meet you.

  61. I do not know Susie, but I will keep her and Ted in my prayers. I clicked on the link to her blog and looked through it a bit...I see you and John visited them in the hospital. God bless two are so kind and loving. xoxo


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