
Sunday, November 25, 2018


Good Morning!
Did you eat too much?
I did NOT myself.

My father,
God rest his soul,
was a humorist.

you're saying...
Not YOUR Dad.

Well, he was!
One of the things he absolutely
was poetry.

He read a lot of poetry to
me when I was a child.
Most of it way beyond
my understanding.

One of the ones that I
remember most vividly is
the one below.
It is short..
and I guarantee it will
put a smile on your face...
especially if you are thinking
about going out and having
a few little drinks
as we head into the holidays

It is called


One night in late December,
When I was far from sober,
Returning with my load of manly pride,
My feet began to stutter,
So I lay down in the gutter,
And a pig came near 
and lay down by my side;
A lady passing by was heard to say:
"You can tell a man who boozes,
By the company he chooses,"
And the pig got up and slowly walked away.
                              Unknown author

Happy Sunday!
Don't eat too many leftovers
and pick your companions well!

See you soon and I will give you an
update on Ted & Susie (She Junks)

Ummm--need I remind you that
is one month from today?
You're welcome!


  1. Thanks for the smile this morning. I'm slowing starting the morning the poem gave a kick start to the day! Enjoy your leftovers and keep smiling!

  2. Our good morning giggle!, after a long & sickly week. <3
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. Good morning sweet lady. Please let Susie know she and Ted are in our prayers. Hugs, Diane

  4. Good Morning Diana, I have my cup of coffee and reading your post. I can relate to what Susie is going through. The prayers are what keeps us all going as you well know. I did eat too much and we got together last night and did it again. It is starting to snow here as I look out my window. Take care Hugs and Prayers for Susie and Ted and you all. Love Shirley

  5. I finished off the leftovers yesterday. Now I want a big Pizza!!! Haha.
    Ive got about 2/3 of my Christmas shopping done.

  6. That poem has me smiling. I've had a good Thanksgiving and I'm ready to start the Christmas decorating. Going minimal on gifts for the Grands this year since I went a bit overboard last year it seems...who me? So at my daughters request I'm keeping it simpler this year with the gifts and heavier on the experiences and time spent together. I think that's the best kind of gifts anyway! Hugs!

  7. LOL! What a funny man! You always make me smile. You have his sense of humor. What a wonderful gift. Google has once again disappointed me and I had to start a new blog. I tried to post on my blog and it would not bring it up and said I was, "author of no blogs." I couldn't find an answer, thus a newbie. I feel like a newbie trying to set up a new one! I can't believe I'm not as sharp as I was 8 years ago when I first started blogging. Has it really been that long. Crazy time! Thanks for the new follow. Maybe my friends will find me.

  8. My new blog is

  9. Are we going to have December tables to choose from??

  10. Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve etc.

  11. ๐Ÿ˜ That’s some poetry right there!

    Glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast!

  12. Always love a happy memory and fun poetry :)

    Have a lovely Sunday ๐Ÿ’ฎ

  13. LOL ... now that is a fun one.
    I caught up with Susie. I saw you brought her Wisconsin cheese. :-)
    You Rock Girl! After traveling 5 states.. yep.. Wisconsin cheese is #1!!!

    Love you.. P.S. our birthdays are about here!

  14. Your father was a humorist? No way!

    Chuckles here for the poem and thankfulness for reading about your visit to Susie's Ted on her blog. A merry heart doeth good...


  15. Yes the poem did bring a smile, with a real lesson in life.
    Our left overs was spaghetti. We just finished it. LOL
    Beautiful day here, life is fine, God is good!
    Sherry & jack

  16. That cute poem did put a smile on my face! Christmas is coming!!

  17. I love that! Gives me a good big grin and I needed one today!

  18. Haha. I tried when I was younger to write poems. I even had one put in a thingy for high school. So funny thinking back on that stuff. No...I did not eat to much. I took it slow while eating and I did not feel up fast that way. But it was so GOOD! All of it, conversation, food,and family. Hope you had a good one.

  19. Definitely a funny poem...but with a very valid meaning:) And yes I too ate more than my share so this week back to the gym I go!!! Thankfully I am about ready for Christmas...just posted about that. A few more presents to go and I'll be done. Enjoy your holidays:)

  20. haha, great poem! And I love the pigs. :)
    Had a great Thanksgiving and no, I didn't overeat but it was very tempting to! As for Christmas, my tree is up, the halls are decked and half of my presents are ordered and on their way! You're welcome!
    Smiles, Cecilia

  21. I ate so much I had heartburn for two days. Love that poem. Sitting here chuckling as I read it to hubby.

  22. Funny post Diana. Hope Susie and Ted are home and doing somewhat better. Prayers for them.
    We are getting our first blizzard down here and already about 4 inches on the ground Ugh!!! My internet keeps going out too!!!
    Keep warm.

  23. Thanks for the smile. Nice poem ...Thanks for the chuckle๐Ÿ˜I didn’t eat too much over Thanksgiving...I always eat too much. Love the piggies ๐Ÿท.. have a wonderful week. Hugs ๐Ÿ˜˜

  24. How funny ๐Ÿ˜€
    Yes, I believe we ate far too much !

  25. Cute poem. It sounds like something my father would recite. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Now on to Christmas and New Year's. The year is almost over!

  26. Too funny!
    Was whispering another prayer for Ted & Susie last night, hoping for good news.

  27. Very. Use poem. You always come through with some humor and wit. Prayers for Susie and Ted. Our Thanksgiving was quiet and sweet. Mom is doing pretty good. I have already decorated, so I am ahead of the decorating this year. Happy holidays Diana. Love to you. Xo

  28. I'll drink when pigs fly! Haaaahahaha! We had a GREAT Thanksgiving dinner (which I cooked) and a wonderful time together. And now for a Merry Christmas! xoxo

  29. I ate a bit too much but did't over due.
    Haven't thought too much about Christmas yet.
    We really don't get into the shopping and just have a relaxed Christmas.

  30. A cute little poem, made me laugh. Poor pig :) LOL

  31. Hi Diana :)) Lovely blog header photos! That poem is a hoot, I loved it. I'm in Canada, so I did my overindulging for Thanksgiving last month, but I plan to make a LOT of room for Christmas cookies!!! :)

  32. I loved that Diana! That was so funny. It was good to laugh. sandie

  33. Oh that is hilarious!! We were invited over to a friend's house and I purposely refused to take any leftovers lol.

  34. Loved this!! LOL!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  35. Thanks for the chuckle today. We've been pretty serious around here for a while. It was nice to smile.

  36. Oh dear the pig has taste and doesn't want his good name spoiled.

  37. Silly, silly, fun silliness! Thanks for the Christmas reminder. I now have a month to de-humbug myself! :-( :-)

  38. That was so cute. I see you "come by it honestly"...the humor, that is. Love it.

  39. … Christmas is getting nearer and nearer.

    All the best Jan

  40. A funny poem, and oh, so true! Hard to believe Christmas is around the corner. Where did the year go? Saying prayers for dear Ted and Susie. xo Karen

  41. Hilarious! Reminds me of times I'd rather forget. :)


  42. Too funny on the poem! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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