
Sunday, October 7, 2018


Many of you will probably 
remember Lucille.
She was an avid follower
and visitor of blogs
in the past.

She reached out to me 
this past week and told me
about her daughter,
Johanne has breast cancer
and after surgery they are
treating her with radiation and chemo
to make sure they got any stray cells
that might have been in her lymph nodes.
She is anxious to be done
with treatment and wants to
get back to work.

Lucille did a lot of praying for
MyHero when he went through
his cancer treatments
now she is asking that you please
pray for her daughter, Johanne.
Sadly, she understands the depths,
the highs, the lows and the fear
that tags along with a 
cancer diagnosis.
Please pray for her peace of mind
as she tends her daughter.

If you are NOT a person that prays,
please send up good wishes and 
good thoughts for healing and 
peace of mind.

Thank you so much!
I hope you have a wonderful


  1. Prayers and good thoughts. And a peace that passes all understanding for Johanne.

  2. prayers for Johanne for healing, strength and courage during her treatments and recovery. thanks for being a pray warrior for all those that need it.

  3. Prayers for all going through this, it's so hard.

  4. Yes, praying for Johanne. She sounds like one who will not allow this to sidetrack her and praying for her mom because mother’s hearts are tender.

  5. Praying for Johanne and her mother. I am a breast cancer survivor (11 years) and I know it is tough going through it.

  6. I will be praying for your friends daughter. May the dear Lord bless her with healing and good health and may He comfort them both at this stressful time.

  7. The picture of the apples reminds me of God's love to us, like the old statement an apple for the teacher except in reverse.
    YES prayers for Johanne, God is faithful and God is good!

  8. Diana, I will pray for Johanne. We all need prayers and at times we need many prayers. Praying Jahanne 's cancer will be gone and never return. Praying her family will have the strength to help her through this. Blessings to you dear friend , always so kind to help others. xoxo,love, Susie

  9. Prayers, good wishes, healing thoughts sent her way -

  10. Di, please let her know there is JOY when you do get past most of the bad and start seeing the wonder of life again! You are such a wonderful friend to us all in the bloggy world.

    Your prayers for my husband and advice to me in those late night emails meant so much...more than you'll ever know dear friend. Today I am sharing our miracle in a post, and I hope that perhaps there's a person that will see it and send up just one more needed prayer! If anyone you meet says there are no more miracles, just tell them about ours.

  11. I was a friend of Lucille's and lost her email and blog name. Darn. I will certainly pray for her daughter. Love, sandie

  12. Thank you so very much, Diana, for writing this blog for Johanne! She also thanks you. Thank you also to all the wonderful people who are praying for her. Bless you, Diana! You are such a caring person and such a treasure!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. My friend, Cindy Nelson, is going through the same. I have added your friend to my daily prayer list.

  15. I will keep her in my prayers, dear Diana.

  16. God Cares
    When his eye is on the sparrow
    And each budding leaf that grows
    You may know Lucille beyond all doubting,
    In this trial your daughter Johanne is going through,
    God cares... and every moment
    The Lord is watching over her.

  17. Praying for them, and God Knows.

  18. Prayers for peace and strength for healing. 🙏🏻

  19. Thoughts and prayers for both. As you and I both know, it is just as emotionally draining on those walking alongside them on their journey.

  20. DONE!! prayers and positive mojo too...

  21. PRAYERS for those in pain and in need are so needed...of course we shall send up many for such a lovely person...I know things will be ok.....warm hugs too!

  22. She’s a beautiful young woman, I will keep her in my prayers,

  23. I just said a prayer for your friend's daughter, Diana, and also for the mother. I am so very sorry to hear about this. May God wrap around them like a blanket of love.


  24. Will pray for sure . Thanks for sharing . I love it that you are a prayer warrior for so many . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  25. I sure will say a prayer for her. Its so sad read these prayer request but such a relief knowing things are looking positive. Prayer is powerful.

  26. Saying a prayer now for her healing.

  27. We are healed by HIS stripes. Laying hands on her picture and praying for a full recovery. Please tell her to consider reading the China Diet book. Many have cured themselves of stage 4 cancers by a diet and lifestyle change vs the cut and burn procedures. Blessings.

  28. I promise to pray for Johanne that the Great Physician will touch and rid her body of every last cancer cell.


  29. Praying for her now. I am 18 months into my treatment plan for breast cancer. I am now cancer free, but it's a long road anyhow.
    You may give her my contact info if you wish.
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    lauraofharvestlane at gmail dot com

  30. I sent a prayer off and will keep good thoughts going.

  31. Praying for your dear friend's daughter Johanne now. May God bring healing and comfort and returned strength to her soon...and may she be cancer free! Praying for her mother as well. It is so hard to watch our children go through such things.

  32. I will pray for Johanne and her Mama. Hugs and prayers coming your way!

  33. Sending your friend and her daughter wishes for strength, healing, comfort, and peace.

  34. Prayers going up for Johanne! Thank you for sharing Dianna. ♥

  35. Diana I was diagnosed with lung cancer in January. I had 18 chemo treatments, 4 blood transfusions, 4 fluid transfusions, 10 radiation treatments to my brain and throat and 30 radiation treatments to my lung. One week ago I was told I am in remission! The Doctor said because they treated me so agressivley it worked. There is always hope and I will pray for your friend tonight.

  36. This is heartbreaking..
    Praying for her.

  37. Miracles happen every day. Praying for Johanne and her mom.

  38. Sending prayers along for healing and love. x Karen

  39. I will pray for your friend Lucille and her daughter. I agree with Vees comment about a mother's heart. So many supportive comments, praying women, and so many who have been affected by cancer. We know that God works through the prayers of His people. Thank you for sharing this with us and being a good friend to Lucille.

  40. I'm always willing to pray, so just sent up a prayer for both these fine ladies. My niece will have another scan in about 3 months and I'm praying that it will be clear; a very dear friend is going through chemo and then will do radiation. HOW I HATE THE BIG C!!! You are so sweet to spread the word of Lucille and her daughter. Lots of prayers will go up I'm sure.

  41. Prayers for your friends daughter! I hope she has beat her cancer and gets well and lives a really long time!!! :)

  42. Its a wonderful thing to connect people with prayer. I will pray for peace of mind.
    We can all use prayers and our Father likes to hear them. Hugs Janice


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