
Sunday, September 23, 2018



Nothing like giving the
FAMILIES of the 
a surprise!

Everyone was told that the party
was an honorary fete for Glen's 
25 years of service with the
and an
to follow the 
honorary presentation.


When people walked in the door
here is the sign that greeted them.
This was made by Tara's oldest daughter-
this girl that has lots of creativity.
The next clue was the "altar"-
My new son-in-law
and my daughter are both
super-talented and artistic....
a match made in Heaven.
Tara did all the florals with help
from her sister and a friend.

Two little nephews and a niece
carried/tossed flowers down the "aisle".
Tara looked beautiful
In spite of the fact that she
was unable to wear the 
gown she had commissioned to have made
for the wedding, (long story-don't ask),
she bucked up at the last minute
and ordered a dress that
worked for her.
Her dad (MyHero) married them.
That is my WHITE HAIR on the left-
with CJK (ringbearer)
on my lap -not a wiggle out of him
as he watched the wedding unfold.

Afterwards, during the presentation
of newly wed husband and wife,
Glen gave a very emotional speech.
He was adopted and
found his birth mom 2 years ago.
Both  moms were right in the front and 
get along beautifully.
He also recognized his ex-wife, Sue,
the mother of his boys.
He thanked her for 
her part in his life and
paid tribute to what a good mother 
she has been to their boys--
 a testimony to the fine man
he is.

There was a first dance....
And a sweet moment where both had
something to quench their thirst.
Our friend, Jessica, 
sent me all these pictures 
this morning.
She is the one to the right 
and my other daughter, Mimi,
shows off her red head on the left.
What a blessing to have Tara's 
high school friends attend-
Rachel to the far left- her hubby,
Jessica (blond)
Mimi and my youngest son, Ryan,
Kristen and Jess (in front) taking the selfie.
It was a wonderful, wonderful night.
However, as much as I would like to
I am off to pick up coffee for everyone
and help with cleanup.
oh wait....

When the professional photos come through
I will share some of those with you, too....
and you might even see one of me if
they do enough photo-shopping so that 
I look like Loni Anderson....
just sayin'------

Have a wonderful blessed Sunday.

Where are those blogging friends
when you need work done?
Clean up crew volunteers?


  1. How exciting! Your darling daughter blessed you to welcome you all to her surprise wedding. She could have eloped (as I would have done) and left you all out of it That would have been no fun at all. Wishing the newlyweds many blessings!

  2. Oh my gosh, I am so happy for your daughter and her family! Life holds so many blessings. Congrats to all. Jane

  3. What a beautiful and loving wedding...I have tears in my eyes! I always cry at weddings:)
    These pictures are wonderful and I adore the bride and groom!
    Wishing them all a very happy marriage!!!

    Sorry...I can't help with the broom's in the shop :D

    Hugs to All~

  4. Oh my goodness! A Surprise Wedding! How exciting! That's incredible they were able to keep it all a secret from all their family and friends.
    Everything looks beautiful, especially the lovely altar with all those gorgeous flowers overflowing!

    God's blessings to the bride and groom, to you, and all your family! Net

  5. What a wonderful surprise! Much better than eloping and so much less stress (I hope) than a big do. Congratulations all around. I'd love to help with the cleanup, but well, you's a little far to go.

  6. Amazing!! Congratulations to all...what a wonderful family you have. oxox

  7. How fun!!! Congratulations and Best Wishes and all that stuff!

  8. Good Morning Diana, A very special surprise and your hero doing the ceremony would make it all the more special. They wanted it so that the families and friends could be there to celebrate with them and didn't elope. Wishing them a happy and blessed wedding. Take care. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley.

  9. What a surprise! How wonderful and it seems like a wedding full of love. Great photos and yes I would help with clean up! Hugs!

  10. Amazing Diana...absolutely amazing...
    What a wonderful occasion it must have been..
    Now...get crackin'...and clean up the mess1 hahaha!!
    Linda :o)

  11. What an amazing surprise! A beautiful wedding and how nice to hear of the gentleman thanking his ex wife for being a great mom. In our state, there is a family suffering a great loss when a dad that shared custody with his ex fatally shot his children in their sleep while they were at his home. Police are suspecting that it was due to a court preceding coming up due to him not paying child support. How sad!!

  12. What an incredible wedding and a huge surprise! I know that everyone was blessed.

  13. It was all just so exciting and wonderful. You have the most interesting life and friends. You never seem to amaze me. sandie

  14. wonderful! Such a special day! This made me cry!

  15. What a very special day! Congratulations to everyone!

  16. I'll be right there to help...might take a few hours for me to get there since I'm coming from Texas...just saying.
    Congratulations to the bride and groom and families. It looks like it was a beautiful ceremony. Her dress may not be what she originally wanted but it is beautiful and she looks fabulous.

  17. Such a lovely wedding. Congrats to the happy couple. What a nice surprise. xo

  18. Love it! Congrats to Tara and Glenn! May it last forever...:)
    Have fun cleaning up- got a list here to do- you're on your own! Bwahahahaha! Love ya!

  19. What a wonderful, wonderful surprise for the invited guests. Your daughter looks beautiful and very happy and it sounds llike she married a very good and kind man. Congratulations to all.

  20. This is wonderful! I think it was so creative to have a surprise wedding. Love it! Congrats to the happy couple. He's very handsome and she is gorgeous.

  21. Congratulations to the couple, and what a wonderful surprise for all in attendance.

  22. Hello and congrats on the new member of your sweet family. Glen is a firefighter so that shows what a wonderful guy he is. I am a little biasis to firefighters lol! I cannot wait to see more pictures. What a beautiful celebration. Tara and Glen are such a cute couple. Ok no need to photo shop the pics you are the twin to Loni Anderson. Even prettier in so many ways. Congrats. Loved this post just made my heart smile.

  23. Wow, I always thought that a wedding was the best thing but now I know that a SURPRISE wedding really is the best!! Thanks for letting us share in the joy! Best wishes to them. xx

  24. Oh my what a wonderful surprise! I love it! How beautiful you all are. What a good man your precious daughter has married. How thoughtful to recognize and get along with all. Best wishes and prayers for their new life and your new family! xoxo Dolly
    P.S. No photo shopping needed girlfriend, you put Loni Anderson to shame with your beauty! <3

  25. If I lived close enough, I would for sure come and help with the clean-up. I'm good a clean-up, actually, and am happy to do it. What a wonderful surprise!! I can't wait to see more photos!! Such fun!!

  26. What a lovely wedding!! Now that is the way to do it in my book!! Looking forward to more photos!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment!!

  27. Diana, Oh so sorry, my broom is in the shop. LOL. Wow, talk about surprises. It was all so pretty and everyone looked happy. Oh yes, when people can get along with ex's for the sake of their's wonderful. Wishing all of them the very best. Did SC do okay..she's kind of special to me. All your kids are so cute. Blessings to all,love, xoxo, Susie

  28. It's tough to pull that trick off. You got to make people care about your fake party.

    Congrats to them.

  29. Wow! Did you and your hero know about the wedding ahead of time? Thanks for sharing the photos!

  30. Diana, what a wonderful surprise for the guests! Your daughter is gorgeous and the groom is handsome and they both look so very happy. Congratulations to everyone!

    And I wonder, could your life possibly get any busier?


  31. What a sweet surprise and wedding! Congrats to the newlyweds!

  32. Her young man is a rare find these days. So considerate and nice to his ex family. I think you are great find too and present things so neat for us to enjoy.

  33. Sweet surprise. Fun photos and best wishes to the beautiful couple.


  34. Wishing Tara and her new husband a life full with happiness and blessings.
    She looks beautiful with her handsome husband dear Dianna. They look so happy !

  35. What a fun surprise. What a lovely couple!!! Congratulations to them!!! Sounds like an amazing time!!!

  36. A BIG congratulation to the happy couple!! God bless all of your family!

  37. awww....I could almost feel ALL THE LOVE jumping off your blogging page. Everyone looks so happy...and such kindness shown to the x's...I love this entire post and remember, years ago I told you that you look like Loni Anderson...only prettier. xoxo

  38. Wow!!! I can’t imagine your shock and surprise! Blessings all around!

  39. Congratulations to your whole family but especially Tara an Glen. What a fantastic surprise that was so creatively pulled together. Your daughters are as beautiful as you inside and out! All the love must have completely filled the room!

  40. Congratulations to you and the whole family! Sounds like a true blessing:) Here's to a great life together! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful HOme

  41. Lucky you to have a wedding to attend! Getting a sweetheart of a son-in-law like that makes you a very lucky mama!

  42. What can I say? What a surprise. I think it was great, when you are sure, what else is there to do but tie the knot. Love it. Looks like every one was doing well. I love it when parents can get along when they are the 'ex'. That is from family experience.

    Enjoyed the entry! NEAT!

  43. Wishing the happy couple many beautiful years of happiness together!

  44. I'm on my way girlfriend, with my broom (no, NOT FLYING IT, I KNEW you would say that! ha ha LOL), my dustpan, bucket, mop, trash bags, bleach, pine sol,tide, Dawn, Pledge, Lysol, Febreeze, tambourine, candles, crystal ball, guitar, matches for the campfire to dance around.... and all the rest, ha ha ha help you out.
    WOW!! A surprise wedding, how COOL IS THAT!!?? love it! and it looked so pretty, I love the decor, the altar, the swooping lights, the aisle and the flowers. Not sure what happened to her dress, but the one she had on sure is pretty and I love the color!
    The KIDS LOOKED ADORABLE!! How sweet! Did they have a wedding cake? I am looking forward to seeing more pictures! i loved the welcome sign too.
    As for LONI ANDERSON...girlfriend, you outshine her ANY DAY!!

  45. OH Diana..this must have been magical..congrats to your daughter and her groom. What a lovely celebration! September was perfect for a wedding! Wishing them a beautiful life together...what lovely children you both have!

  46. Awww... Diana.. I got tears in my eyes when I read the details of the groom's speech. Sounds like it was a beautiful day celebrating a wonderful couple. Enjoy your week!

  47. What a great day for two wonderful people. I will be right over with my Swifter (or is it Swiffer? Shows how much I clean!)lol.

  48. Turn the music on! I’ll be there to help clean up and we can clean up, dance and chat away! Want to hear more about the fabulous surprise wedding!! How exciting Miss Loni! Blessings to your precious daughter and new son in law!
    Hugs, Nancy

  49. Congratulations to the beautiful couple. What a wonderful surprise. xo Laura

  50. Oh my goodness, congratulations to the happy couple, Diana! I had tears in my eyes when reading this wonderful post. May they have many, many lovely years together.

  51. What a wonderful surprise to read this morning. Oh I adore the pictures. They look so happy. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  52. A great surprise indeed! Congrats to the happy couple and to you on gaining a new son in law! In times like this all I can say is it is a wonderful privelge to have that kind of mess to clean up!

  53. Their wedding was beautiful! and sweet, and just right! You do the best blog posts. I felt like I was right there with you all.

  54. So love the wedding ... & that the families were ALL there, past & present, to share love together. <3

  55. What a cool way to pull of a wedding! Congratulations to everyone!

  56. Oh, Diana, this is just one of the most glorious things I've ever heard. It's beautiful, she's lovely and most of all, the most perfect way to have a wonderful celebration! I love this more than I can say! Three cheers!

  57. WOWZA, that's a nice surprise. The photos are beautiful, the bride gorgeous and the groom handsome. I know you did a lot of smiling thru the entire evening. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see the professional pics. HUGS.

  58. I would love to help clean up. Knowing you, it would just be another party. I'm so happy for the Bride and groom... That is wonderful. I wish them a lifetime of happiness. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your week.

  59. Now that's the kind of surprise to have! How wonderful.

  60. This is me. Gayla... commenting as The Project for some reason... lol

  61. Oh, Diana, what a wonderful day that must have been for all of you. The happy couple look very happy indeed. He sounds like a wonderful man. My sincere wishes to all of you. Looking forward to seeing the photos and your beautiful self looking like Loni Anderson or just you..xxoJudy

  62. What a wonderful surprise!! I love that your new SIL acknowledged his former wife. It's a rare man who would do that. Your daughter appears to have found a great one!

    One more thing ... Loni Anderson isn't now, and never was, all that great. To contrived for me. I love you exactly the way you are, Diana dear. No one else like you.

  63. So happy for everyone! Your daughter is beautiful! Family of 7 sounds good to me; I hope they have many wonderful years together. :)

    OK, Loni, we will await your photo. :)


  64. what an awesome wedding! and what a good, good man. Many many happy years to your daughter and son-in-law!

  65. What an awesome surprise! You really didn't know? Wow! That took some doing. Sorry we weren't invited and therefore we are not available to help you clean up. If we'd been in the loop, maybe we (your blogging friends) could have helped. Anyway, I know it must have been a great surprise for everyone. Congratulations to the bride and groom!!

  66. What a unique idea!!!! I had not heard of a surprise wedding before.

  67. WHAT a JOY to see these this wonderful day. I am happy to be a part of the wedding by seeing these beautiful pictures and reading how it all unfolded. Happy Wedding Day you two special and loving people. And I think Tara's husband is a total keeper. The bride, and all the attendants are beautiful as well. XXXXX

  68. HOW EXCITING!!!! Weddings are wonderful! Congrats to all!!! Hugs and love from Missouri to you beautiful friend!

  69. Congratulations ... what a joyful occasion for all of you. Truly beautiful!

  70. Oh, wow!

    Congrats to all. :)

    "Glen gave a very emotional speech.
    He was adopted and
    found his birth mom 2 years ago.
    Both moms were right in the front and
    get along beautifully."


  71. Surprises are fun, aren't they. Congrats to the lovely couple and wishing them a long and happy marriage.
    I love your new header. Those apples look delicious.

  72. I can’t think of anything more perfect than this, it brings tears to my eyes, I would help clean up but I think I’m too late lol

  73. Wow!!! This was a very special post . . . how exciting.
    This is the first Surprise Wedding that I have ever heard of.
    I'd say that these two both have a great sense of humor and I think that it is a very good thing for a couple to share.
    God bless their marriage.
    Connie :)

  74. This is such a sweet story.....and a surprise wedding is totally *neat* Were you surprised? Did you know???

  75. Well now I've seen this happen on t.v. shows like Four Weddings lol but never knew anyone that it happened to! How fun and surprising and what memories they gave everyone including themselves!!

  76. How lovely. Great and welcome surprise for all I imagine. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  77. Congratulations !! This is so fun! Blessings to all.
    xx oo

  78. Lovely wedding, Diana. We married off our baby son and baby daughter this past spring, so I know the feelings you're having. Also thanks for stopping by I'm Having A Thought Here and greeting me so kindly. I apologize for not seeing your comment until today; for some reason my site marked it as spam (which of course it wasn't) and I almost didn't see it at all. I hope you'll come back. xoxo

  79. Congrats to everyone and that looks like such a wonderful wedding. It's so nice to be celebrating good times like that with all of the family. I enjoyed looking at your photos :)

  80. Awe how special and magical!! What a lovely surprise! Great photos too.... I wish them all the very best in life!


  81. What a fabulous surprise! So happy for them and all of you!!

  82. Oh, he sounds like such a keeper. Any man that can have his x-wife attend his wedding and then thank her for the mother she is to their children says so much in his favor. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness. Blessings abundant!

  83. What an amazing surprise and beautiful wedding! Glen sounds like a wonderful man, giving kudos to his ex-wife. Now that's a stand-up guy! I wish your daughter and new SIL a lifetime of happiness together. Congratulations to your entire family!

  84. Everything about this is beautiful!!!!

  85. Amazing in every way. Such a lovely celebration for all involved!

  86. Oh wow! I've not been by in awhile and what a joyous surprise!
    How hard it must have been not to spill the beans...especially to mama!
    Congratulations my dear!
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  87. Very beautiful! Congratulations to the newly wed couple..

  88. What an incredibly fun time for all of you to experience a surprise wedding! So much fun for them to plan, I'm sure! Just loved the door/altar, what a gorgeous setup, and so sweet that your daughter and new son-in-law make such a sweet pair together! Just trying to get caught up on my blog visiting today... its been a busy summer, and loving the beautiful fall weather here. Blessings and hugs to you Diana :)


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