
Friday, October 12, 2018


There are so many needs out there
and I am happy that I am able to
pass along the names of those that
need prayer(s) and uplifting.

I never in the world thought 
I would be doing this--but I am and 
I feel honored that people 
can use me/my blog to reach others.
Please pray for Lauren's family.
Lauren's mom has Alzehimer's and
is in very poor physical shape.
I believe she is in a hospice setting
at this point.
Her dad is struggling with the decline
of his wife.
You can read about it on her FB page
To make matters worse,
Lauren's hubby, Mark, has had to have
some facial reconstruction because
of cancer and the surgical procedures
performed on his face.

Lauren is such a dear person
and my heart aches for her and 
all she and her family are going through.

Please pray for Devon.
He is a young teen suffering from
brain cancer and is fighting
for his life.
The link to his
Aunt Kristy's page
is HERE.
She is an advocate for him and
keeps everyone updated as to 
what is happening.  
He needs lots of help and his
medical expenses are way
beyond what any family can 
afford to pay.

And, last but not least,
Please pray for my friend, Nira.
Here is a bit of what she 
wrote in a group that I belong to-
we have been online friends for
well over 10 years
I had the appointment with the surgeon yesterday and it is not good news. The tumor has spread to a couple vital veins in the pancreas making surgery impossible. I will be seeing an oncologist next Monday and will start chemo to shrink the tumor for now. But it's only to give me a little more time as surgery will never be on the table due to how the tumor has spread. I am mostly upset with the fact that this tumor has been there for more than a year, and was only discovered in late August by the bozos (name removed). If it had been diagnosed earlier it would have been operable. The tumor was the reason for the stricture in the bile duct. Now it has also created a stricture in my stomach where it empties into the duodenum. Food backs up and makes me feel full when I'm not. Surgeon said that while doing chemo they will do procedures to make me comfortable, such as putting in another stent if needed for the stomach to empty as it should. Pain control will also be discussed. So that's it. I am dying. Not a wonderful thing to think about, but it is what it is. Sorry to be a downer today. (name removed) is flying in Sunday  He wants to accompany me to the oncologist. Not sure what he thinks being there will do, guess he just wants to be able to ask his own questions.
Please pray for all three of these
families-not only for healing
but for peace of mind and 
acceptance of life's journey.
I you don't believe in praying, please
send best wishes and healing thoughts
and wishes to these people and their
I don't understand why people we know
and love have to suffer like they do.
It is heart-wrenching.

Love to all of you that continue to 
support and uplift people you 
often don't even know.

To end on a happier note-
I will be gone for a few days 
next week to visit my daughter
and her three kids while her hubby
is out of town.
I can't wait.
Oh-and they look
SO angelic here, don't they?
They are!  After all, 
I look "nice", right?
See what I mean about looks?!

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Praying for all of them, thanks for sharing! hugs to you and your family xo

  2. Oh Diana, you are so wonderful to set this up for all that are in such need. I’m praying for each one of them. God bless them and you.

  3. Diana,
    I am praying for each one of them and their families.

  4. Thanks for sharing these Diana. I will pray. So many, many heartbreaking stories out there, it's hard to understand. xo Deborah

  5. My heart is breaking, Diana, although I treasure you for bringing us into the light about these travesties in our blog and 'real' worlds. I absolutely love Lauren, I've followed her and her healthy recipes for a long time. Its always so unfair, cancer is not kind nor selective. And that includes and definitely makes me want to pound my fist to the sky when it robs a young person of so much. So many prayers are up and going for all of these precious souls. And your friend with the pancreatic cancer--that is such a tough one. I hang on to her courage as she fights the odds and finds the inner strength to write of her takes a strong person to do that in face of the odds.

    Sending prayers and love to all.

    Jane x

  6. Will be praying for them. Please keep us updated.

  7. Prayers for all Diana. I hope you enjoy your trip. Thanks for sharing and my heart goes out to all here. xoxo Dolly

  8. I’m typing through tears, thank you so much for what you do Diana, praying for all,

  9. Diana, you have such a beautiful family and you are a beautiful and kind person. I feel fortunate to know you and have you as a friend.
    I will pray for these families. It's so very sad when we see there are so many suffering and hurting. At the same time it is often a rude awakening to know that sickness and pain extend way beyond our imaginations and our own families and circle of friends. All we can do is be aware of others suffering and pray for them. It's a kind and caring thing that you do.
    Have a wonderful visit with your daughter.


  10. So many big needs and God is bigger than them all. Praying for all to set their sights on Him. Everything else will pale in comparison. Now you have a blessed time away visiting the know the saying what goes ‘round? Did your mama ever wish this on you? My mama wished it on me more than once. ☺️

  11. Oh my dear Diana, so many hurting folks out there. Yes, I will pray for them. My heart is breaking for them, each in their own personal struggles and/or in their beloved family members. And the sweet young man with brain cancer...what a tragedy. May God speed His ministering angels to each of these dear ones and bring healing to each in accordance with His divine will. May He provide comfort and strength for each day and trial.

    Enjoy your time with your precious grandkids...they do look so angelic. Don't go getting them into mischief, Nana!!! have fun, and may God be with you and all of the above.

  12. Thank you Diana for all of these, praying for them all. Especially pray for Devon, he refused to miss church on Sunday, even when he was told he could stay home and rest after a trip they had been on to see another doctor. Anyone help there if you can.

  13. Oh goodness, praying for all of these lovely folks as well as their families. Give those brands some extra big hugs during your stay. Jane

  14. Oh my. My troubles seem like nothing compared to these. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

  15. I will be praying for healing, for peace of mind and acceptance of life's journey for all 3. I like the way you have phrased that. It is not only good to pray for healing , but peace of mind and acceptance is very precious and dear too. Hope you have a wonderful visit and enjoy your weekend!

  16. Good Morning Diana, I cried as I read the post for all of the families and what they are going through It is such a hard thing to face, but prayers will be said for all of those. You wonder just how much a person has to face. I know that God will be with them every step of the way from personal experiences and help us face it. I wish there was a magic wand that we could wave to heal all of the cancers.To change the subject go have fun with those three grandchildren. They have grown so very much and they will keep you entertained and busy. Take care my friend. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  17. Dear friend,

    I will offer my Holy Eucharist today at Mass for these intentions.
    Thank you for sharing the needs of others.

  18. I am happy to pray for all of those who need help. Being connected and staying in touch is one of the happier functions of social media. It is always an honor to pray for others, so never hesitate to ask.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  19. Please let everyone know that faith and hope can never be lost no matter how bad the prognosis. Never ever give up! Also, for the child's parents: There are so many organizations ready and willing to help with financial needs in all areas when cancer treatment is concerned...reach out for help and you will find it!

  20. These will be added to my BLANKET PRAYER LIST for BLOGGERS many needing prayers and I can't remember all names and reasons, but am a firm believer in blanket prayer.
    Love to you

  21. I will be praying for all these needs Diana. Blessings for you sharing these needs with all your readers, praying that the Lord will intervene miraculously with each one!

  22. I am glad that people can come to you. I know it must be hard and then your grands and seeing them will refresh you. I went to their sites - and I will pray. Have I told you that I despise cancer.

  23. I will add your dear friends to my daily prayer list. I do believe in the awesome power of prayer.

  24. Praying for all, love you for what you do, Diana

  25. So many people going through so many hard times. It puts your own troubles into perspective. -Jenn

  26. My heart is hurting for these folks. We have had the Alzheimer's experience with hubby's mother and cancer seems to just be running rampant, doesn't it? Your friend Nira's request hits a little closer to home for me since I have been dealing with a bile duct stricture for a while now. I will be paying closer attention to my symptoms from now on. Prayers going up for all.

  27. Diana, I will pray for all. We have to do this, it helps. So much pain and need. Sad to even think about it.
    Oh those beautiful grandkids. Big boy E he is growing so fast. Please hug all of them and their mom for me. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

  28. THanks for sharing, Diana. Sending prayers up for each and all. Enjoy your time with your daughter and grands.

  29. May the Lord help all of these dear ones through their troubles. I have prayed for them while reading through your post.

    Your grandchildren -- what an adorable picture!! I strongly suspect they are very much like their grandma!!
    Enjoy your time with them.

  30. Diana your blog has been a sanctuary for many in need of pray . . . I appreciate your deep love of other's and when you ask for pray, I am here standing with you.
    As for you and your family . . . have a sweet and safe visit.
    God bless you.
    Connie :)

  31. Such sad and heartbreaking stories, Diana. Saying a prayer for all three of your friends. It was nice of you to be there for them and mention this on your blog.

    love, ~Sheri

  32. Oh, my, such sadness! Seems cancer is on the rise and every day I seem to know someone else that is diagnosed. Prayers for these precious folks and what a dear friend you are to intercede on their behalf. Blessings abundant!

  33. Wow lots of prayers needed. Prayers for all of them. So sweet Diana for you to post this. Power of prayer is so great.


  34. Oh Diana, you know I will pray for these families. I pray for them all. God bless you for letting us aware of these good people who are in need of help. Wish I could convey how deeply you have made me aware of them and their medical problems.They all seem like folks I would want to know!

  35. Prayers here for the families. WE KNOW God always hears. At times it seems there is no answer, but there is. We pray for miracles, I have seen a couple so I know they are real.

    Thanks for your love, concern and sharing.sherry & jack

  36. Sending a hope for strength and courage, for inner peace, for well-being, and for love. Whatever time is left for any of us on this earth, may we spend it with those we love.

  37. Saying a prayer for all right nowπŸ™πŸΌ So many in need and I will join you in prayer for them. Have a blessed day dear friend and enjoy your time with those angels πŸ‘ΌπŸ». Hugs

  38. Praying for all three families. Continued each day. Enjoy your time away friend. May God bless you for sharing the needs of others in prayer!

  39. Praying for all these folks and their families. My sister-in-law is suffering from dementia, so I can relate to Lauren's concern for her mom and her dad. Enjoy your stay with the grands...the weather is not too bad down least it's not HOT. Hugs...

  40. People are going through such hard things all the time, and we never know it. Sending prayers for all.
    Hope you enjoy your time away, Diana...xo

  41. Many prayers for your friends, Diana. I'm so sorry for all they are going through. You're a kind, and loving person yourself!

    Enjoy your grandchildren, they grow up so fast.


  42. Well! Lots of prayers needed. Hoping for happy times for all three of them and their families. Safe travels.xxoo

  43. My precious friend, you truly are an angel. I cannot thank you enough for all the love, prayers and encouragement you have personally showered me with. And thank you for asking others to pray alongside us. We serve an amazing God, and He hears each an every pray said. My entered hospice on Friday. But again, God orchestrated it all. Within an hour, we knew where she would be placed and He was in all the details. I am at peace knowing my mom knows her Lord and Savior and is ready to go "home" as she calls it. Mark is doing well. His surgery last week went very well and he is healing. God has blessed us tremendously these past few months. Bless you for all you do for others. Devon and Nira will be in our prayers. I pray for the day we no longer hear the words cancer and Alzheimers. May it be this side of Heaven.

  44. Thoughts and prayers are with those you so beautifully presented here....

  45. Praying for these sweet people and those boys are the cutest.

  46. Diana, God certainly uses you to serve others. I pray right now that all are covered with the peace of God in spite of what they are going through. You keep encouraging others. You are a blessing.

  47. Praying over them this morning. May the Lord bring each one (and their families) exactly what they need in this season. Enjoy your visit with your angels.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  48. Prayers lifted up! So heartbreaking reading all this.

  49. You are so sweet. There are so many out there hurting and dealing with so much. It is horrible. Thanks for noticing them

  50. I'm lifting all three families up in prayer Diana. It's heartbreaking when we see so many suffering. Enjoy your visit with your sweet {looking} kiddos. :) XO

  51. My prayers are with all of these folks. IT is so difficult to understand why. And we do want to know why and most of the time there is no answer. It is a difficult road, for the individuals with cancer, and for the families watching their loved ones suffer. Asking God to send His Holy Spirit to meet every need. Thank you for sharing these needs, Diana. I know it is difficult, but as you said it is an honor to share the needs so we can pray. Prayer is what God asked us to do. The rest is up to Him. Sending a hug.

  52. You are such a dear to get people praying for these people - Nana Diane never really takes a break.

    Have fun with your cute grandchildren,

  53. Hi Diana... I have had Lauren and her hubby in my prayers for a while now. Sorry to hear about her parents. I will now include Nira and Devon in my prayers as well. Have fun with your daughter and children!

  54. So many people in need...and of course, I will...

  55. Praying nowπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  56. Oh dear, these are heartbreaking stories, all of them, but the last brought tears to my eyes. I will certainly make a note and pray for these families and especially for your lovely friend Nira. I hope I can be so brave if and when I face such a situation. Thanks for entrusting us with these needs. God is faithful. Have fun with your grandbabies. xoxo

  57. There truly is such a need for prayer. I have been following Lauren's journey and her positive outlook is just incredible.
    Keep these posts coming!

  58. Praying for all you have mentioned in your post and those that have not been mentioned! There are so many things going on in people's lives lately.


  59. I'm so behind with the computer problems that finally never stopped. I had to take it back because they forgot to adjust whatever it was that is needed to plug it in, the mouse and my camera ! It's been a very obnoxious situation.
    I will definitely pray for all your requested people, specially next week at our Rosary, as you know more then two gathered together pray, the more Jesus hear us.
    I can't wait to see pics from your visit to your dear daughter. Enjoy the fun !

  60. Oh Diana, I'm so sorry each of these dear people are struggling with these serious illnesses. I've written their names down and stopped to pray for each of them. God bless the prayers of everyone who has read this and is sending love and concern their way and God bless you for always telling your readers when prayers are needed. I can't help but remember the time when your grandson was in the hospital, doctors stumped, and a blog friend was the means of a proper diagnosis. There's power here, Diana.

  61. Those grandkids look like they're straight out of a children's book! What an adorable photo!

    I will certainly pray for those you mentioned. So much heartache in this fallen world. Praying for peace and comfort and miracles for your friends. Lord have mercy.

  62. First off have a safe and wonderful time with your family. Enjoy every minute. You deserve it. Thank you for also letting us know about all of these situations. I will add all of them to my prayer list. I truly believe in the power of prayer. God can do anything at anytime.

  63. Praying for your friends. Life is full of sufferings. Thank God we have a saviour or it would be unbearable. That pic of your grandkids at the bottom is too cute. Love the red hair. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season if I don't get back to reading blogs until after the new year, lol...


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~