
Friday, October 19, 2018



Just so you know right upfront
I lied about the 
"I can't get up" part.
How I WISH I COULD sleep in.
Apparently my DNA is tied to the
whirling dervish rather than
a fat lap cat.

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind.
Fall is finally here,
after a long hot summer,
 and the leaves have started to fall.
I have been putting bits and pieces 
of FALL around here.
They will stay up until the day after
(except for the Halloween stuff)

This is the little slate I painted
when my kids were little.
These are the youngest three-
my older son was "too cool"
to dress up anymore.
I sold a lot of these slates back when
were popular.
This is the only one I have left 
for Halloween.

Love this soft side of fall.
I will do some overall pictures this weekend
of the new place and I will post them
this coming week.

I found an opaline pumpkin that is gorgeous!
I have never seen one like it
so I need to get a picture of that 
on the blog here so 

On the last warm nights of autumn
the kids liked to go down 
to the beach by the bay.
Their Mom took these pictures.
SweetCheeks said they are 

Cooler nights bring
sunsets like this!
Oh!!! How I miss this view.
I hope to have some sort of 
water view when we figure out
where we are going.
We have fall colors all over.
Wisconsin is a wonderful place to 
take a drive to see colors
like this.-
Or this-
Please remember-
while driving...
or in MY CASE-flying!
The kids say I have found
the perfect sign for my
front door.
I need to hang it there this weekend.
Wonder if I should paint
The Witch Is Out
and turn it over when I leave?
Nah....let 'em be scared!!!!



  1. Fall colours are splendid here in Ontario too, but one day all that colour will give way to white!

  2. Those trees!! So beautiful! I'm not one to sleep in past 6:30 and even that surprises everybody. I like your fall decor and hope you get things figured out soon about where to go. I agree with Sweet Cheeks about the magic!!!

  3. What gorgeous color. The leaves here starting dropping last month before any color. All that darn rain we had this summer.

  4. Love the witch sign!! Haha... giggled about turning it over when you leave! Great pictures of the littles at the beach! Looking forward to seeing your decoration photos!

  5. Speaking of witches. I have your ole Hilda sitting on the mantel. I plan to do a giveaway next year to get her traveling. I just couldnt let her go this year. Im gonna somehow incorporate a way we can keep up with how far she goes through blogger land. I have a year to think about it. For now, shes still my pretty! Lol.

  6. what fun! We are also moving into wonderful fall colors. I can't imagine not having fall.


  7. Even witches get stitches from texting and driving

  8. Those fall colors are amazing! We are just starting here. Love the beach pictures.

  9. Love your fall color pictures and wish we had them far, nothing has turned, and it seems the leaves are just falling off the trees. Have a nice weekend.

  10. Your painting is beautiful, Diana. Love it and all the fall colors. You do live in a beautiful part of the country, and you're no witch!!!
    I love the middle photo in your header.
    xoxo Sylvia

  11. Your pictures are amazing! Busy wonderful days. :)

  12. That slate is so charmingly vintage, Diana! Make them again!

    And you don't have to sell me on the beauty of Wisconsin, I'm already in love with it even though I've never been after reading a couple of Amy Reichert's books, all set in Wisconsin as well as seeing photos from Wisconsin blog friends over the years. A love which began when I used to subscribe to Midwest Living decades ago.

    I hope you do get a water view again someday but I know you make anywhere you live into something beautiful. After all, the Good Witch is always in!

  13. Fall has certainly fallen around here. How quickly our weather changed. The tree pictures are beautiful. Wonderful colors. I love your decorations and am looking forward to seeing your new house.

  14. I grew up in Wisconsin and miss the fall colors, and our house had a lake view, so I understand how you want a water view. I hope that works out for you.

  15. Diana, I love that little slate painting. I love all the color you are getting's just starting to turn a bit here. Hey, I love that door sign. LOL. Love the beach pictures. Our beautiful children. Blessings, xoxo, love you, Susie

  16. I do the same as you...leave the fall decor up until the day after Thanksgiving, then start with the Christmas decor. Ah, sleeping in. What's that? When I retired a few years back I had dreams of sleeping the morning away. That's till hasn't happened. Each day I'm up at the crack of dawn. Just can't break that habit.

  17. My favorites are the precious beach pictures.

  18. You are so talented, Dianna! That slat is absolutely does remind me of the Halloweens when I was little and it would also be a wonderful illustration in a child's book! Those are some kind of wonderful MAGIC photos...just WOW! Can't wait to see the pics of the new digs!

  19. Super pictures. Love the witch on the tree. Love seeing the leaves change. The photos from the beach are always clever.

    Enjoy your weekend


  20. Those pictures truly are very special. Looking forward to future posts.

  21. Great little painting. I love it. And wow on the pics at the beach. Those are beautiful. Our leaves have yet to turn, still waiting! Thanks for the great comment on the blog....the weight is not all hard work, I had gastric bypass 1.5 yrs ago. But...still it is some work. Hoping you have a great weekend.

  22. Diana you are just full of talents! I keep seeing talent after talent! Love the Halloween Slate you painted. It is gorgeous! I remember the folk art craft shows and did many of them. That was a glorious time crafts sold so well then! I however, do not have the talent for painting that you have! Amazing! xoxo Dolly

  23. That slate is just amazing. You are one talented lady. And yes, I do hope you get your water view back. I would be camping out at your son's all the time at sunset. Cocktails anyone?

  24. I also love that little slate. I can't wait to see your new home. Did you know we actually already got snow? It lasted about a day. Yuck. It's gone now thankfully. Have you been out to a pumpkin patch yet this year? Will you take Sweet Cheeks with you? (I remember that story!) -Jenn

  25. Sweet post. Loved the kids and the sunset. That type of picture ushers in memories later, that is for sure. I love the painting, neat idea, it is easy to see how it would catch a shoppers eye.
    Yes, deciding WHERE is tough. WE drove and drove, tested the water and finally settled in Tavares for a couple years, but that wasn't it either. So we still love the road.
    Yeah, just let 'em worry about the Witch! ;-)

  26. We actually have had very cool days, lots of rain (rivers and lakes are flooding), almost feels more like our winter than fall but I'm loving it. We will have a slight warm up next week but thankfully we are done with 90 degree weather!
    Love the beautiful leaves. Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  27. I love sunsets but we have too many trees, can't see but a smidgen of it. Oh well, just makes me appreciate them all the more when I do see a good one! Your pictures are beautiful!!
    Cooler here too. Not much color here yet but it will come.

  28. Love your slate you made, even more because it's of your kids, Diana. The pictures your grands took on the shore are really spectacular. Our fall is less than spectacular so far here in WV. With so much rain this spring & summer, the leaves are pretty much moldy and just dropping without much brilliance. The trade off was having a remarkable year in the landscape garden. I'm okay with that.
    Have a great weekend.

  29. I love that slate, you are a multi talented lady. Fall will begin to change color here soon, a few trees have a tinge of color right now, we've had a wet summer so hopefully our colors will be brilliant this year.

  30. Magic pictures indeed, I agree with her!
    You ARE so talented, Diana. Your artwork on that slate is wonderful. Why are you not a famous artist? You should be. xx

  31. Oh the memories of times long ago, love that painting. The weather has changed here too, not much color in the trees yet but it's coming:) The sunsets are GORGEOUS! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  32. What a cute slate for Halloween. Glad you kept one for yourself. I do love the magical beach pictures! The beach is always a favorite place to be for me. I thought that when I moved I'd like to be by a beach, but sadly all the places in our area were out of reach for me as they cost more to live in. We do have a small lake here, but it's not within viewing distance either. I do take walks or bike rides over to enjoy it though. Leaves are turning and starting to fall here, but the peak of color hasn't come yet. Looking forward to seeing your new place soon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  33. Hi Friend,
    I love the craft you made.
    We have wind today, the leaves are flying all over. I will peek to see if I see any withes flying too.
    Love, Carla

  34. You have some pretty cool Halloween decos.....I don't decorate for Halloween any more since my kids and grands are all grown now. Only a very few thingsw for the greats.....

  35. The little painted slate is adorable! I have a few Fall/Halloween decorations out. I need to photograph and share on my blog. I'm so happy with less decor but really enjoying what I do put out. We have started to have a little cooler days and a few leaves changing but nothing like where you live. Gorgeous! This 'Witch' I is in also!!

  36. Beautiful fall colours. Enjoy it all Diana and a happy weekend to you!

  37. Diana, this is such a fun post . . . I truly enjoyed my visit. That little slate that you painted is perfect and I'm sure a treasure to your family. The Autumn color makes me want to buy a plane ticket and travel back to the Midwest. I always get homesick this time of the year. Those photos of your grandchildren are incredible . . . I agree with SweetCheeks, Magical, that is exactly what they are.
    Happy Autumn!
    Connie :)

  38. Happy fall. I'm afraid that our leaves may drop without changing color this year. I sure hope not. We have just this week gotten cooler weather. We had our first frost tonight's ago. 60 today! The slate is adorable. You have a lot of talent. The pumpkins are amazing colors now. Of course they charge more for the blue ones and white ones. I love your header with sweet cheeks . Remember when? There is nothing prettier than the fall sunrise or sunset. Such beautiful colors. That witch is great. I wish I had a tree so I could use one. Yes, that sign is perfect. Leave it to you to do something different with it. Hope you're having a good weekend and not too horribly busy.xxoo

  39. Diana, those photos are definitely magic as is your lake view and the beautiful colors. We have some pretty colors in the higher altitudes but nothing like those. I'm glad to see the witch is in, as there will need to be someone to carry on the tradition when THIS witch retires!! But you will have to learn better driving habits if you want to succeed!..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  40. Good Morning sweet friend.
    OH I love the pictures down by the beach how magical in deed they are. Love those. I love that slate you made of the three kids. You have a talent girl and should make more things to share and sell. You really have a gift of being able to be so crafty. Have a good weekend.

  41. The leaves aren't changing here yet. I'm concerned that they are just going to turn belly up and fall to the ground. The thing I miss most about where I live is not being close to water. ope you get another water view. xo Laura

  42. Dear Diana ~ Feels like I've been gone forever. Have missed your posts, but dealing with my dearests' lung issues has taken time. Thanks for your prayers, we finally found a lung specialists that we believe will get to the bottom of his problem.

    Love Fall, and even though I haven't been posting....had to do a Fall one...the leaves, the candles, the fragrances...Love your trees and all your beautiful shots. Hugs.

  43. What amazing photos of your grands in the sunset! And I remember tole painting on blackboards and all our
    folk art crafting! Those were the days that don't seem that long ago. Your Wisconsin color is gorgeous! Looking for ours soon ...

  44. Loved the pictures of Sweet Cheeks. She has always been such an adorable child/lady. You are one busy lady. You need to slow down and take a long brake. I do not decorate anymore since it is just me. I have so many various decorations need to get rid of. Thanks for finding the time to drop by now and then.

  45. I am always entertained by your posts! I love the sunset pictures. You are the Good Witch, right?!

  46. You are such a talented artist. I know you wish you had more time for art! And I love the sunset pics and the beautiful Fall leaves! Enjoy your weekend!

  47. Your slate painting is JUST awesome. You are so darn talented.
    I love the sunset photos of your grands....someone knows what they are doing.

  48. I don't do Halloween but love the Autumn decorations. I have collected pumpkins in pottery art and glass but they are out all year. In fact I hope to make a trip to the glass blower on the weekend because he made some with ladybugs on. I want one. I am hoping the weather will be OK, Tristen was supposed to come today but had a sore throat and fever so I am hoping next week. We have I think we are about done with the colour tour idea. Still it may be nice this week, I hope so.
    Hugs Janice

  49. "Do not text while driving" is the best in the bunch.. and you are an amazing painter I didn't know that.. the slate painting is so cute!!

  50. I have been behind (as usual) partly due to our going through Hurricane Michael...thankfully we just lost a lot of limbs, sticks, & pinecones and were without power a couple of days! But now I'm catching up on my blog reading, especially yours which I enjoy so much. Hope you enjoy/enjoyed your visit with the grandkids and I think you are just wonderful to ask for prayer for all these special people. I feel I am so surrounded right now with sickness and other thankful God is there to hear our prayers.

  51. I got tickled at the sign on the door! I wish I had one! I would also have the witch is out on it too. I get Wisconsin Today and it is always chock full of the most gorgeous pictures. And I love the stories. I also enjoy the article from the Amish farmers too in how they run their farm and make the products for sale. I would love to visit there.

    I have read your previous blog too about the three who need prayer. They will totally have it from me as well and we need prayer too.

    Love you and your family. It always makes me happy to visit here.

  52. Isn't it funny that once they're your "kids" they're always your kids even tho they are 45, 40, and 38? They are older than me by quite a bit since I never passed 19!

  53. What beautiful fall colours! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's chatter

  54. How cute, Diana! So, you're current place is temporary? I'd like a water view, too. I guess I have to settle for the sprinklers. Sad. Those are very cute magic pictures!

  55. I love, love ,love this post. I think this time of year is so wonderful. We don't get those deep reds and oranges like up north. Your daughter has your photography passion - I love them. You live in such a special area. As I look at your comments I see a lot of people I know! It's like one big family! Love the blog world don't you? You are a famous blogger!

  56. Fall is such a glorious time of year, glad that you are settling into your temporary place, will enjoy the pictures of it. I would miss the water views for sure! Gorgeous pictures of your grandkids with the setting sun! Leaves are falling at a rather fast rate here, it is sad to see, do love the glorious colors that we have while they last. Hugs :)

  57. I love the pictures!! You are SOOOOO talented!!!

  58. Your posts always make me smile!!! Happy Fall Diana!!

  59. Lovely fall color! We've barely a hint here in South Carolina, but the nights are becoming very cool indeed, and this week will bring some rain. This could result in more color very very soon! xoxo

  60. So much fun! Love your autumn/Halloween decorations...and that slate is wonderful! You are a multi-talented lady! Love the beach scenes. Yes, I also am longing for a water-view when we move, but not sure I can afford the price for it, so may have to just keep "borrowing" my water views from other people's vantage points. God knows what is best for me, and I am trying to be patient and wait on Him to lead. Have a wonderful rest of fall, and enjoy those beautiful autumn leaves for me, okay?

  61. Yes, the trees here in Michigan are beautiful and on sunny days they just sparkle! Love, love this time of year. It could last a few more months as far as I'm concerned! (We know what's coming after this!) You are a talented artist, love the slate. xo

  62. I always leave here smiling 😀
    Can’t wait to see your new place...
    Enjoy the rest of your week..

  63. Cant wait to see pictures of the new place and oh my goodness I love those "holding the fireball" pictures, so so so fun! We've done a few of those, and if you get them "just right", they are amazing, aren't they?! Okay, what is an opaline pumpkin??? LOl Love the pictures of the pretty Fall leaves and scenery, we dont get that here, so it's a joy when others share! We've been on vacation up North, and I'm at last trying to catch up with your posts and everyone's blogs this evening. A perfect way to spend a Fall evening, for sure! We even got to WEAR COATS AND HATS UP was so fun! and there were LEAVES! But my goodness it sure was cold, LOL Hope everything is going great your way my friend!


Please leave a comment~They bless my heart~