
Wednesday, October 24, 2018



For my 50th birthday
(don't ask when THAT was)
my family and friends
threw a huge bash.
My brother came from
out East and friends from Florida
and around the area showed up
to surprise me.

One of the things that
surprised me most was
this watercolor that
my friend, Carol, asked
an artist friend of ours
to paint.

When Carol said she wanted
a painting of Bittersweet,
Lois Christensen, the artist,
about fell over her easel laughing.
WHO would want a picture of
BITTERSWEET? Lois asked.
When Carol said it was for me..
she "got it".
Hmmm...guess SHE knows I
am a tad "off-kilter", too!

Here it is! It hangs in my
foyer/hallway in our
temporary digs.

I see it several times a day
and always smile to myself.

A close up

So, when I dug out an old
magazine for October
I was tickled to see an
article called
Bittersweet Romance.

I think every Fall decorating
should have a bit of
don't you?

I love this table with a
bit of bittersweet color on it.
And look at these pumpkins,
wrapped with bittersweet.
How cute are these for
place markers?
Aren't these votives sweet?
I also found a bit of
color in the shot of this room.
Maybe just a tad
of saturated color for me!

And, where is the
you ask~
Well~ It is
that my own backyard
NOTHING like that!

that so many things have changed
over the years.
My dear brother is gone-
never to experience another
Earthy fall.
Lois Christenson is gone and has
 her easel set up somewhere
beyond this realm.
My friend, Carol, has moved away
and I miss her.
My friend, Stan, that flew in from FL
has passed over and his wife
is in an assisted living situation.

Life is surely
BITTERSWEET, isn't it?
And, yet, we solider on, don't we?
In a perfect world,
all the people we love would stay
safe and sound and forever young.
In this world,
we accept the reality of life and
move forward as best we can.

Just so you know that I don't mean
to make this post a downer 
(because I don't feel "down")
I will leave you with this.

I DON'T live in South Carolina
and I DID NOT have
in last night's drawing-
so, to all those I promised to
"share the wealth with" if I won,
I apologize.

Hmmm...maybe this IS a 
after all.

Have a GREAT Wednesday!


  1. Hardly a downer. Things sure do change though, don't they. I happen to love bittersweet. Wish it grew wild around here. Does it grow wild there? Have a good Wednesday, Diana.

  2. And I thought you were only thirty-five now!!

  3. Wait.... You're over 50? Can't be. Must have been a typo. Your painting is lovely. Bittersweet is one of my favorite words in the dictionary, Diana. You did it justice today!

  4. I didn't find it a downer at all. At this time of the year I tend to reminisce about people and events that have long passed. It truly is a bittersweet time of the year.

  5. Such beautiful photos of bittersweet, the painting is lovely as well, not a downer at all this post,, it’s just you keeping it real, life is not all smiles and laughs , it makes us savour the good times,,bittersweet, perfect,

  6. Bittersweet is so pretty and I love your painting you have hanging in your temp home. Life is full of ups and downs and people come and go. It’s bittersweet the memories we have of loved ones. Enjoy your day and weekend.

  7. It took me a while but I got it....I was wondering what “bittersweet” was. Now I know. Haha.
    The painting adds a nice touch to Fall.

  8. Diana, I hope who ever won that lottery shares with their family and friends and the ones in need. They need to break those big pots down to maybe a couple millions so more can have some help. LOL.
    Diana, yesterday I had such a bittersweet feeling. I thought of my mother and actually cried from the longing to hear her voice and hug her. I call it the blues. I thought of my parents friends just about all of them are gone too.
    I love the plant bittersweet. On a trip thru Martha's Vineyard, I ask a step on guide about the vines all over the place...she said, It's bittersweet an invasive plant here on the Island. LOL. I told her people buy it at fairs to use in décor here in Indiana. Crazy huh?
    Take care , have not been to Horton's yet. :( Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  9. What a lovely thoughtful post. Those who are no longer with us, there is the sadness mingled with the sweetness of having known them. I do love your painting and that beautiful table with the white pumpkins. My dear, you have a sweet and gentle way that is a delight. God bless you. x

  10. I love bittersweet. I used to buy it along the side of the road, but I never see it being sold anymore. That does make me sad. xo Laura

  11. I always had fun gathering bittersweet in NC. It's beautiful and lasts all Fall. Time much changes. It's good to remember those that have meant a lot to us and to enjoy our good memories! We're lucky to have those! Hugs!

  12. I think all of life is bittersweet. At least I've found it to be so. Your post is not a downer at all. And I love the plant bittersweet as well as the emotion. Missing those who have gone before just makes us long for heaven even more where there will no longer be any goodbyes.

  13. I've never seen you post "downer" throughout, no matter the subject, you always make me smile. xoxo

  14. iNDEED life is filled with bittersweet moments...I so enjoyed your post today is what it is....seasons changing can bring melancholy feelings.

  15. I just LOVE Bittersweet too and try to get some every Fall. Haven't found any yet though. Not a downer is a reality post and we have to keep on keeping on. It's always fun to do that with special, fun people like YOU!! Thanks for visiting me!

  16. I used to decorate with bittersweet every fall. It used to be readily available, but somewhere along the line it disappeared from the places I frequented and I stopped using it. Now I'm going to have to make a point of finding some. The painting is definitely a keeper. What a treasure filled with memories. Life is bittersweet, but thankfully more sweet than bitter.

  17. I didn't realize that bitter sweet was a plant, love the painting and you're right, life can be bitter sweet.

  18. I've always loved bittersweet! Life is like that I find and it's ok. Not all good, not all bad. No lottery winners here but dreaming was fun! I'm enjoying the cooler days and nights. Soon it will the holidays and hopefully lots of time with family and friends. Hugs!

  19. A great post! And what a gorgeous painting -- so beautifully framed too!

  20. I love this post. I also love bittersweet. How I wish it grew wild here. I'm going to see if I could grow it in pots.
    A blogging friend sent me a whole box of it a few yrs back and it was so pretty. I even like a good faux bittersweet stem.
    It;s raining here again today and the winds are blowing like crazy. so glad I don't have to get out today...or even out of my pj's.

  21. Such beautiful images of fall decor. Life can be like that, bittersweet, at times... especially when we look back and see the changes along the way, and loved ones who are now gone. Fall is a beautiful season... and our lives are filled with various seasons!

    Blessings to you, dear! *Hugs* for a cheerful day of reminiscing! Net

  22. Oh no, not a downer. One of the sweetest (bitter sweet) entries! Ah when you started the list of those gone & in assisted living I was with you. This year (summer) is the worst in recent history, but we made it. I can relate to the 'bitter sweet' THANKS!
    Sherry & jack!

  23. I love bittersweet. Life is so like that, isn’t it? I’m thinking along the same lines you are as I prepare to bake and then go visit the nursing home. I drive past houses that were once homes where friends lived and now they are gone. Other friends are in nursing homes and some don’t even know who they are anymore. I’m working through some feelings about being elderly. At 70 I guess that’s what I am. I find I’m a little bit embarrassed by it. Not ashamed but slightly embarrassed. I’m purposely living each day so I will have no regrets ......
    We are on the pensive side this morning, aren’t we?

  24. Diana, the learning curve is tremendous! I've spent 30 minutes trying to comment...perhaps this time I'll be successful. Life is bittersweet in all its ups, downs and sideways. I spend too much time battling, unsuccessfully, ennui and seems I'm always caught up in remembering.
    I take it someone in SC won the lottery? I hope they'll be wise and safe.
    Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

  25. I would have loved to win the lottery - I think.
    I do like that color too - but I know we don't have any of it in our backyard.
    Your photos look so dreamy.
    And yes life is bittersweet -
    Love, sandie

  26. I always think of the Whitney Houston song with the line "Bittersweet Memories"...........
    No winning ticket for me either. Damn! I am back at work!

  27. Bittersweet has always been a fall favorite of mine too but it has gotten to be so hard to find. How I would love to find me a patch! And you are correct about life being bittersweet...but what else do we do other than take the good with there any other way? I love how the Lord has a way of evening out the balance on the scales of life. Beautiful post, Dianna! HUGS!

  28. Diana, I love bittersweet too! I have a fake swag of bittersweet at the top of the late 1800's pumpkin pine stepback cupboard in my dining room! It has always been a favorite of mine!!

    You are not a bittersweet downer, you are just relating what has happened in your life. Your post was a beautiful one! I love Carol's watercolor of the bittersweet, I'm glad it was commissioned for you and was gifted to you!!


  29. What a beautiful post. Your writing really speaks to me, so much so I have gotten back into trying to write. Would you believe I had to google bittersweet??? such a beautiful painting and a beautiful tribute to those who have crossed your path.


  30. This is such a nice post, Diana. Yes, life is bittersweet. If we give ourselves to love and caring, heartache will come, but oh, how sweet the journey can be.

  31. A very nice post, Diana. A bittersweet life is a life to enjoy. Ups and downs but enjoyable. Enjoy your day!

  32. OMG you crack me up!!!! I love bittersweet too I think it is so pretty for fall decorations. Love it around those white pumpkins.
    Happy Wednesday.

  33. Dear Diana, I love Bittersweet but just have the fake stuff. Seems I've been gone to long if you are in temporary digs-so will go back and see when that happened. Probably last year-lol.
    Sending hugs and love your way girl.

  34. Bittersweet Love it, but it still isn’t ready here yet...soon! I enjoyed reading about your history with bittersweet. I love that you have such a meaningful piece of art. It does make a statement. I like to think that the sweet far outweighs the bitter.

  35. No bittersweet around here - I've heard it's considered invasive...But oh so pretty! Yeah, things happen and people leave this world. Enjoyed your thoughts on Bittersweet and I love your watercolor painting ! What a wonderful present!

  36. Oh my goodness, yes! I LOVE bittersweet and it does have to be in every Fall decoration. Love, love, love. Sometimes bittersweet memories are the sweetest.

  37. If I have ever seen bittersweet, do not remember. It is a very pretty plant and your painting is gorgeous.

  38. I literally JUST cut some bittersweet from the yard and put it around the house in vases. I love it too. I was so happy when I "discovered" it climbing up one of our fences years ago. You certainly have some good friends:) xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  39. Haaahaa, yep, in Simpsonville, about an hour's drive from my front door, someone nabbed the WHOLE thing. Can you imagine! I didn't even try. Now, bittersweet ... yes, I understand it both literally and metaphorically, all too well. Shades of orange aren't really my thing, but I do love the color for accent in the fall. Your picture is beautiful. Tomorrow marks six years since a beloved uncle of mine went to Heaven. I miss him so much and have spent time today remembering good times we had as a family when he was young and strong. Bittersweet indeed. xoxo

  40. Yay! Got it to work. Love the bittersweet photos. I never knew there was a plant called that. It truly is bittersweet with all the changes that we experience in life.

  41. So sweet that your friend painted a lovely picture for you. That is so special a gift. Those kind of gifts are oh so special! Things are bittersweet for me right now. My dad was taken to ER and then in hospital for a while. He has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. My brother said I should come so am going to visit them. I feel it is necessary. Wish I were going to visit in better circumstances.

  42. Life keeps moving on, doesn't it? I don't think we have bittersweet here, at least I've never noticed it outdoors. I like the way it can be curled around things as shown in your photos. Orange isn't my favourite colour (that's an understatement), but I can tolerate pumpkins on the front porch.

  43. Oh, so very true... My mother loved to take me to hunt wild bittersweet on our farm. I love your painting... In that perfect world... But we don't run the circus.... Happy fall.

  44. oh that post was so bittersweet! haha...I am sorry to say that I never thought about bittersweet and what it looked like or that it was used so often in decorating. I love it. Beautiful. Love that watercolor painting. Like you I sometimes think back and wonder about folks, where they are and how they are. Most folks I am aware of but there are some in my past that just seemed to be passing through for whatever reason and I wonder. Thanks for sharing. HAHA....I loved my 50th and the folks I worked with were amazing with the theme they decorative with.

  45. I love that table. I think I might have it pinned. It is beautiful!

  46. Your picture looks just like Autumn, Diana. How are you liking your new place? I love items that have a story behind them, and it was nice of your friend to have this painted for you. Yes, things change and people move away, and it seems that it's just not the same any more. I know how much you are missing your dear brother. My brother just had a birthday and I miss him so much. There's something about Autumn that remind us of our loved ones. Enjoy the rest of these October days, Diana. Can't believe it's November already!

    love, ~Sheri

  47. Some of the most beautiful flowers I ever received were classified as weeds, but when your children or grandchildren give them with love, they are priceless.
    It will be one year on Saturday since our son, David, left this earthly world for a much better place, you miss them but you know they are healed and happy and waiting for you. Fly high all our loved ones gone before.

  48. Not a downer at all. So very true and down to earth .. I love bittersweet as well. Beautiful picture. I think I remember it from before. I can't have any in the house because Zoey eats it... I'm glad I don't have to worry about what to do with all that money. I know I would share with my friends. I guess I would have a lot of new friends all of a sudden! Never fear, you are an old friendxxoo

  49. You are always a lovable person.. XOXO

  50. I didn't win either, but I got ten bucks back playing powerball lol

    I loved this post. It's amazing how fast time flies. It truly is bittersweet.


  51. Oh I do love your bittersweet water color. It is so pretty. Yes my friend, life can be bittersweet. But as I reminded some precious ladies last night. God never promised us a life of roses without the thorns. But He did promise us that He would walk with us through the thorns of life and He is our ROSE. Hoping you have a wonderful week dear friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  52. Bittersweet...perfect word, love the post. Time does fly by and the memories do get more and more bittersweet with each year, don't they? I remember seeing this painting before and you were driving John all over the countryside looking for some. I had never heard of it before. I don't think it grows in my neck of the woods. It's very pretty though. Perfect for fall...xxoxo

  53. Lovely post, Diana! Life is bittersweet isn't it? I have that feeling more and more the older I get...

  54. Well...your painting is lovely, and I love bittersweet! I have used it to decorate with from time to time during's so pretty, and the dining room you shared on this post is gorgeous!

  55. Well apparently the comments I left from my phone never went through. Who knows why! I can remember when you could drive along the roadside and cut some bittersweet for fall decorations. You could also pick up those hedge apples (osage orange). You don't really see it much anymore. Hmmm...I think I will put that on my fun things to grow list! didn't promise me any money so I don't care if you won or not!!! LOL!


  56. Bittersweet but precious the memories of life, love & dreams.

  57. Love the bittersweet. The pumpkins look so lovely. As for dreams, life is always changing. We never know what will come. My mom is living with us for awhile until we figure out if we are building her a house or. My husband keeps wanting to move out of state. I hope you are settled in. Lots of love to you.

  58. Lovely bittersweet moments and palettes of October as well!

  59. Not a downer, this is a charming post and only reminds me to look at the beauty around me, including those I love. I've never seen real bittersweet growing, Diana, but read about it in so many of Gladys Taber's books. It is beautiful and I happen to love touches of orange, with a passion especially in October with blue the color of the sky.

    I sure would have loved to know the winner of the lottery was you! You would be a very good steward of it.

  60. Bittersweet indeed - I didn't know it was a plant! Am going to do some research now. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  61. I loved this post-Diana! Life is truly bittersweet and I adored the decorating ideas you shared.

  62. I had never heard of the bittersweet plant before this post! But I think I like it. But I sure can identify with a lot of "bittersweet" moments in my life. Of course, there will always be ups and downs but hopefully we can all find joy in the journey. Love all your posts!!!

  63. Didn't have a Lotto ticket so didn't feel bad about not winning. Love the Bittersweet. I'd never heard of it until I saw your post a few years ago.

  64. I would love to have bittersweet in my garden.

  65. I love the white Pumpkins. I don't do Halloween but I do love Autumn decorations. Mostly outside though. I wish I had the kind of house that I could decorate the table but as always it's full of something. Still has my sewing machine collecting dust waiting for me to finish my quilts. I have been collecting Pumpkins though, glass and pottery that is. I just added a couple of new ones so think I will share that on my blog.
    Hugs Janice

  66. I didn't win either. Everyone that said they would give me money didn't win either. Good thing I didn't count on the money.

    The painting is very pretty.

  67. I love bittersweet and last year at a rally I was given some from their yard. I treasure it but it sure is fragile stuff! I love the pumpkins with the bittersweet wrapped around them but actually, I love all the bittersweet photo but the door is a little too bold even for me! I typically don't win anything either but I did win a pot bowling last week! Life has it bittersweet momenta also when friends leave us and live moves on as if they didn't...Miss you!

  68. I love bittersweet too, although I don't think we have it here, sadly! I love the painting your friend Carol had made for you, how very special to have such a treasure to enjoy! Life truly is bittersweet indeed. It is hard to see loved ones leave earth behind for glory, while, as you said "the rest of us soldier on". That lottery win was quite something, nothing bittersweet about it for me, we didn't participate, lol. I love my simple life :) Blessings and hugs to you sweet friend!


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