
Saturday, October 27, 2018


I have followed Wanda
for several years and,
let me tell you,
she is a wonderful person.

She is a Christian lady,
an artist, and I think she is a

She is always praying for others
but is now requesting prayers
for her hubby, Don.
Here is he with their son,  Myk.
Is it me or is there a real resemblance there?

It has been quite a journey for 
them as they have gone done one avenue and another
trying to find out exactly what is wrong with Don.
 Wanda is asking 
that we pray that they can 
pinpoint and treat his 
medical needs.

Here is what she wrote
in a recent post.
I want to thank each and everyone of you that have prayed for my dearest.  It's been a long haul, but I do believe we are getting some clarification and answers now that we have seen the lung specialists.  Linda Shin, MD has taken Don's symptoms very seriously, and has ordered a Cat Scan, breathing tests, cultures of the mucus he has been spitting for a long time.  Waiting for referrals, and tests can be taxing, but I'm so thankful to have someone who is going to get to the bottom of his lung issue.

Please take a moment and say a prayer
for Don AND for Wanda, too.
We all know how hard the 
caretaker and/or spouse's job can be.

If you are not inclined to pray,
please send healing thoughts 
and peaceful wishes.

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
Thank you all so much!


  1. Yes, I will pray for sweet Wanda and her beloved husband.

  2. Love Wanda...have followed her for years...hoping her Don gets some answersđź’™

  3. Prayers lifted and I will include them in my daily prayers. Do please keep us posted!

  4. Wanda is a dear heart and I have been praying for her and her Beloved. Thank you for posting about this.

  5. Prayers, I know how hard it can be, I pray they get their answers.

  6. I will pray for them.
    As they await a firm diagnosis, may the peace of our Lord completely surround them.
    God bless this family....

  7. Prayers for Don and Wanda. caring for a spouse can be quite difficult at times.

  8. Oh my gosh yes of course, Wanda is someone who helps everyone! What an amazing couple they are, prayers sent for sure,

  9. I will be praying for Don and Wanda. It is hard waiting to hear the news or diagnosis. I've been on the receiving end of that more that I've wanted for sure. Hope answers are found soon and that they will be good ones for them too.

  10. Prayers going up. Thank you for sharing her link. Those cookies do look good. Hoping an answer is found and a healing comes.

  11. Prayers for the family and the doctors so they can find what is going on.

  12. Sending prayers to them and also hugs. Hopefully, the doctor will be able to give them answers.

  13. I follow Wanda too and have said a prayer that all will be well with her husband.

  14. Hi Diana,

    I've just gotten back to blogging and reading blogs and I posted an update as to why I've been away. I"m glad I saw this post this morning. AS a caregiver to my husband I SO understand how hard it is and even harder when you don't know what's wrong. I will be sure to stop by her blog and pray for her and her husband as well. I hope all is well in your world. On another note. I LOVE your new banner!

  15. Prayers! It is hard not knowing what is wrong as it took 6 months for Dr's to figure out what was causing my pain. Wishing them answers.

  16. You are so sweet to care for everyone who you come across in life.

  17. Just said a prayer for both of them. Life can be so hard sometimes but when we lift other's up, it helps all of us.


  18. I'm overwhelmed with the love and prayers going to the Father from all of you wonderful bloggers. We have had the cat scan and are awaiting the reports. I know we have a God who is in control, but how he loves to use His children to prayer for our needs. Love and Hugs to all of you! Wanda

  19. Diana, I love Wanda. She is a sweet person with such a kind heart. I hope they get the results and that it is something that can be taken care of quickly. I will pray for Wanda and Don. Thank you Diana, for always being there for us. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

  20. Saying a prayer from Wanda, hubby and family. Thanks for sharing.

  21. What a hard thing to go through. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to pray for them. Praying all goes well.

  22. Praying...

    Diana, have they had the house checked for mold, etc? Sometimes one person is more sensitive to it. Just a thought!

  23. Praying for Don and Wanda . Thanking the Dr who is truly concerned for Don.

  24. Prayers for Don and the family. Age brings mysteries and I certainly hope and pray that some answers are found. Being in the dark about physical problems is very stressful.....

    From Florida Sherry & jack,

  25. Sending up prayers for Don and Wanda. Praying they find the answers they seek soon. Also, strength for Wanda. I do know the toll it can take on the caregivers as we've been there.

  26. Oh yes, I will most definitely be praying for sweet Wanda and her husband. I have followed her for several years now...she is such a dear and precious lady.

    I hope you are well, dear Diana. I have been getting ready for a craft fair and I confess that my head has been buried in my craft room so my blog visiting has been put on the back burner. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way!

  27. Wow Wanda's hubby and yours look a lot alike. Just sayin. Prayers for sweet Wanda and her husband.

  28. I'll keep Wanda and Don in my prayers. Definitely see the resemblance between Father and Son. xx Karen

  29. Praying right now . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. Prayers coming their way. It's terrible seeing people go through health issues

    There is a resemblace.


  31. I think they look alike and it is hard - doctors go to school for years and years yet some things remain a mystery - I hope that they can find out what is wrong....

  32. My prayer list seems to get longer by the day but I'm always willing to add one more:) I just sent up a prayer for this couple and do hope that complete healing is in their future. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have prayer in my life.

  33. Praying for answers and a treatment plan. Also for Wanda and the family.

  34. Diana, this is what I love about you the most . . . you are a prayer warrior and you are always out there recruiting other Christians to join your prayer list. It's a wonderful thing and I feel honored to join you in prayer. We don't know the needs of others if no one lets us know. Thank you. Prayer is a very powerful thing, especially when many are praying for the same purpose.

  35. I love your blog, and I love your compassion for other people. That's not always an easy thing to have, but you make me feel more compassionate about other peoples stuff.

  36. I'll be glad to breathe a prayer for Don and Wanda. Thanks for sharing this need. xoxo

  37. I have said a prayer and do keep us posted.

  38. Prayers for Don and Wanda! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  39. Wanda is a blog friend of mine as well. Saying a prayer for her husband right now, Diana. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  40. Prayers being sent up for your friend, Diana. I know firsthand what it feels like to be in limbo, needing answers on health issues.

  41. Sending up some prayers now.

    You are so good about letting us know when prayer is needed, thank you for being such a busy wonderful ambassador for Heaven!

    Thank you, also for your visit and sweet comment about my little grand daughter's visit to the pumpkin farm.

    Big hugs. And prayers, always lots of those. ♥♥♥

  42. Praying.. hope he will be fine very soon..

  43. Praying for Wanda and her hubby Don now. May God bring the answers they are seeking, and give wisdom to the doctors and healing to his body. Praying in Jesus' name. Amen.

  44. Will certainly pray for this family, it is so difficult to struggle to find out what is going on with your body. Truly the Great Physician knows, and I will be praying the Lord leads them to answers, healing and/or treatment. He is able. Bless you for sharing the prayer request :)

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