
Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I am one of those weird people
(..I hear those of you that KNOW me..)
Anyway, I am one of those weird people
that STILL keeps notebooks of ideas.

Yeah, yeah--I know all about
Pinterest and the internet but
there is something satisfying to me
about sitting down and looking through a

I have one notebook for each season..
(well- Christmas has 3 or 4 binders)
These are all I loose leaf 3 ring binders
filled with page protectors full
of inspirations and ideas.

Being as it IS Fall now..
I pulled my
notebook out.
Yes! They are colored for each Season-
White For Snow/Winter.
Red For Christmas.
Pink for Little Girl Ideas.
Blue For Little Boy Ideas.
Yellow For Easter Ideas.
Green For Gardening/Outdoor Ideas.
And a slew of white ones with
typed cover inserts.
Well, you get the picture.

But for Fall
(and Halloween)
I dug out the Pumpkin Colored binder.
Here are a few of the images I have saved.
These are pictures of magazine pictures
so don't expect award winning 
photography on my part...ok...
no whining about it either.

I have always loved window boxes..
and I like the earthy simplicity
 of this one.
and a  white pumpkin surrounded by Fall gatherings...
A peek at a birdbath that is
Closed for the Season
(poor birds)
And the path of pumpkins
that leads you through an arbor..
And brings you home to this..
A place to spend an afternoon,
or an evening,
or a life time.
I have had these images for many years
and don't know WHERE they are from...
but Thank You to the people
that photographed these.

Please excuse me..
I am headed to Starbucks...
I hear they have a
(edited to add-new for the 
FALL SEASON-it's been around for a few years)
I'll pick one up for my daughter..
cuz I don't do sugar...
Can you say..
Pumpkin Spice Latte?
Now wipe the drool off your chin
and get busy (did I SAY you were lazy)?!

Hmmm...would that be what they mean
by the pot calling the kettle black?

You KNOW you need to get ready for Fall!
I do, too...
(if you are already done I DON'T want to know about it-m' I don't feel bad enough already?!)

Have a wonderful mid-week day & evening!


  1. I did a little decorating last week but only because my friend, Jane,made me feel bad because I hadn't. Well it sounds like you're organized with all those lovely photo's and different books. My ideas are in this tiny mind of mine.
    Waiting to see all those fall tablescapes too.


  2. Have not started and probably won't until October 1st. That is kind of when fall arrives here in the NC mountains.

  3. Those fall coffees really are popular

  4. Love your books! Oh girl, you are so organized and what stunning photos too! I’ve put up a few pumpkins here and there, not calling it fall decor yet!
    Hugs to you, sweet lady!

  5. I love how organized you are! In the midst of a move no less, so impressive. Fall is my all time favorite season and I'm slowly bringing things out, just don't want to tire of my decor to early.
    Have a wonderful week and enjoy that Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  6. Okay those photos are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come do my house like that.

    And yes I can say Pumpkin Spice Latte!


  7. I am not a binder person....for me it goes against the grain as much as lists! Yes, that's my weird 😊 My ideas are in a Pinterest folder titled ' It feels like fall'. I need to visit it again...haven't put out fall things yet. I saved a lot of stuff with white pumpkins this year. Thinking I'll change it up a bit.

  8. Good ideas Diana. I do have my scarecrow door hanger up on the front door. Thought I might buy a pumpkin today, but didn't. My dinning room table is decked out with a leaf table cloth and Fall center piece and orange candles. Umm, that might be it. OH washed my fall patchwork quilt for the bed...that's about it. I can't get on Pinterest anymore for some reason, login does not work. I have a feeling I have to download another gosh, isn't Microsoft Edge and IE enough???? You would think so, wouldn't you??? Least now I am now longer anonymous on your blog!!!

  9. I have not begun to decorate. Probably won't until around Halloween, but who knows. I tend to put up a few things as I find them. Those pictures are beautiful but I don't have the room to do anything close to that. I don't drink coffee, but I think I'll have some pumpkin spice tea. Yes, that's a real thing and I have it.

  10. I think we can still be friends, because I haven't even thought about fall decorating yet. Fall crafting, yes, a little, but actual decorating? Nope. And ps. I love your binders. I'm still a paper and pen, flipping through a magazine kind of girl too..xo

  11. I love your files. I have some of my own. I find them fun t create and a joy to look through over and over again...and to add, too :)

  12. I am betting when you are finished decorating for fall, it will be very beutiful and I cant wait to see it all. The new flavor of coffee is very appealing....yummmm

  13. Those are beautiful images, Diana. We've had a heat wave and so it doesn't quite seem autumn-y yet, but soon I'm sure. How are you settling into your new digs? I prefer my pumpkin in a pie, rather than my coffee, but enjoy! -Jenn

  14. I love the ideas of binders, I enjoy Pinterest but sometimes I forget to go back and look through the pins, lol. I've enjoyed having magazines to go through and get ideas from. :-) How is the move going? Are you all settled in yet? Have a great week!


  15. I think it's a great idea to have seasonal binders to put your inspirations and ideas for home décor, etc. I love that bird bath with the orange pumpkin, and oh my, an outdoor fire place. That's pretty cool. Nel loves the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. And their pumpkin scones are amazing. Hope you're settling in your new place, Diana.

    love, ~Sheri

  16. I have one thousand and one Pinterest Boards (well almost) but I still have a couple of binders with decorating ideas from catalogs and magazines. :D

  17. I will start to decorate this weekend. I am excited for Autumn in Wisconsin! I do think Wisconsin can really show off during this season. :-)

  18. Oh, I don't have the patience for binders! I don't have the patience for a lot of things. I DO have several private Pinterest boards where I drop ideas to look at later. That's the best I can do!! I'm glad it works for you and those photos for Fall are pretty amazing.

  19. I like you keep the notes! Pictures hard copy and online..maybe I'll just tape them up and let them be the decorations because I sure don't seem to be in any hurry to decorate...xo Dolly

  20. My notebooks aren't as organized but I keep magazine clippings too. Love looking through them for inspiration. I may or may nor resemble that last bit about decorating but I won't say. (After all can't make you feel bad 😉).
    Hugs, Cecilia

  21. Sherry decorates the dash for Christmas, WE do change the things on the dash at times, but for along time it is just her sailor Teddy bear and a figurine given to her by daughter in law Corinne.

    (I am not patient on a laptop)

    Sherry and jack In Atlanta

  22. PS Yes the pictures are great...... ideas!

  23. Over the years, I've kept so many notebooks/scrapbooks/files of images and ideas . . . but now I have made the switch to digital and do it all online. One of the main reasons is that's where all the images are these days -- I hardly ever read or even look at a magazine anymore.

  24. I love all these inspiration pics that you have saved. That fireplace outside oh my. Just beautiful.
    I have done a little bit of fall but not much. Just do not have the space in this tiny house. The little bit I am working on is enough to make me smile. Have a good week.

  25. How organized of you, I love the seasonal binders. Your pictures really make fall look warm and cozy!

  26. OMG Di...I even have one for outdoor fireplaces. I have tried getting rid of my binders of magazine pages, but honestly, It was waaaaayyyyyy worse when I just kept all 10,000 magazine separated into the four seasons! Let me know when you find a support group so I can sign up too.

  27. I used to keep notebooks with pictures, instructions on how to make or do things, etc that I had cut out from magazines back when I was younger. I would say "I'm gonna do that!" and never did. Now I do not save anything except pins from pinterest...which will probably also never be done!! LOL

  28. I have very little decorating done. I threw a few gourds in a bowl and called it a day. Enjoy your coffee.

  29. I have not done much decorating for fall either. I keep thinking I will bring in some of the many natural fall items from outside, but it is still in the 90's here with high humidity so hard to decorate for fall.

  30. Diana, I like that you still have your notebooks. I have a little book I will draw or write ideas in.. I like to keep some old magazine too. It's time for me to get busy here. Oh boy that latte is so tempting. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie

  31. Good grief you are organized! I'm a list maker, but you're a while notebook maker! And it's really a great idea. I think it's much more satisfying to hold a notebook full of photos you like than to stare at Pinterest. Sure wish I'd planted pumpkins. We're having Early Thanksgiving on October 13 and I'll need a pumpkin for everyone in the family. Wish I'd thought of this in May. Enjoy your pumpkin spice latte. :-)

  32. Good grief, you are making me feel like a dud:) I haven't been up in the attic for Fall decorations yet, I keep talking about it but NOT YET! Enjoy your day dear friend, I gotta get my hiney in gear:) HUGS!

  33. I have file folders full of ideas and I love to look back on them! Also way too many cookbook binders it is getting out of control. Love and hugs!

  34. Oh the coffee sounds so good. My middle daughter loves Starbucks. Love your notebooks girl. YES....I too have done the same thing. Have gotten out of the habit with pinterest boards now but I used to keep a notebook on everything. I too love the feel of a book in my hands though whether it be ideas for decor or my bible. Hugs and blessings dear lady. Cindy

  35. I bought some of that Pumpkin Spice Latte to have here at home. It comes in K cups with a little packet that you add to the cup for the creamy effect. Now all I have to do is add some whipped cream on top like your picture shows. Very good ! The decorating is done here. I pretty much use the same things now every year as there is not a whole lot of storage to keep much of anything new. I did pick up 3 small white artificial pumpkins to add to the mix this year, but they won't take up much room. The good thing is that fall decorations last all the way to Thanksgiving, so you have plenty of time.

  36. All I've done is pick up some little pumpkins at Trader Joe's and put them among my dishes on my blue hutch. Too hot yet to think much about fall around here. I was just wondering yesterday what happened to the notebook I used to keep with decorating ideas (magazine photos I cut out and glued in) in it. I loved that book.

  37. Anything fall is great! So far there are no signs of it. Hot and humid! I can’t wait. To early for mums..They won’t last. Too early for 🎃.. they will just rot... patience is not an easy thing! So tired of summer... can you tell? Hugs

  38. What beautiful inspiration photos!

    I had books, but mine were spiral bound 2"thick cardstock books I made - 38 to be exact. The trouble was a place to store the books. It was a pain to go up to the attic to get them. And, in our little cottage, we just don't have space for extra things so one day I brought them all downstairs, went through each book and took pics of favorite ideas and tossed out all the books. I was surprised how many of the photos I had saved were pics I had pinned on Pinterest.

  39. Your magazine photos look like Country Living....I had years of them saved till I just threw the moldy things away! It's too early to decorate for Fall! It's still hot here...supposed to be 88 Friday....UGH! I did buy a white pumpkin and a new wreath for my front door but that is as far as I go till October 1st!

  40. I MUCH prefer a binder or hard copy to pinterest. Love the ones you've saved. Looks like we think on the same lines!

  41. Sometimes I think I hear Hilda waking up in the attic.

  42. Well I brought in a bunch of Goldenrods and put them in a green pitcher, does that count? I love your fall book and Oh my gosh! I love those last two pictures.

  43. You are so organized I’m not surprised with the folders , nope not at all, with all that you have going on I’m amazed you have time to blog!,,,

  44. I think we are on same boat. I'm still thinking of decorating for fall.. :D

  45. While it's still ranging from 90 to 95 degrees, I cannot think of Fall. But, when I do I'll let you know. :)

    Pretty pictures, and I was wondering when people buy pumpkins what do you do to keep them from 'falling' in.


  46. ME TOO in fact in cleaning out everything for my sale I found my old book of ideas. Has clippings and notes and all sorts in it. I found it quite fun to go through it. I put it on my bookshelf with my journals. Ever since I was a child I have collected clippings and poems, news things and so on. I have always loved quotes and now on Facebook I have a page (My Little Corner) where I post quotes on my own photographs. Guess one can't stop doin what comes natural right?
    Luv Janice

  47. I'm embarrassed to admit I'm just not one to decorate, although I love seeing what others do and I appreciate the decorations. I do enjoy decorating for Christmas, but that is pretty much because I enjoy what I already have and don't really have to think about it. Your photos and ideas are beautiful. I really wish someone would come help me. Lol!

  48. I'm slow on the uptake too, Diana. I've done some decorating - honestly all that I will do. When I see completely overdone homes on blogs and Pinterest, it stresses me out. There I said it out loud.

  49. You are always so organized. It is great fun to look back at things we have saved. I love the inspiration. I have decorated our home somewhat with pumpkins and fall leaves. thanks for your visit sweet friend My mom is with us for a while, while she gets stronger. Much love to you. xo

  50. I used to keep blinders like that too, but Pinterest has taken that away. I do agree that it is nice to sit down and thumb through an actual book. It's more relaxing to sit in a comfy chair with a hot beverage beside you, yum . . . oh and a warm quilt :)
    I've done the mantel but still want to do a little more . . . maybe outside.
    Here's wishing you a marvelous weekend.
    Connie :)

  51. Okay, dearie dear. When do we see the new digs?

  52. I am loving these beautiful fall ideas...and I love your book of ideas {{smiles}} I have added a few pumpkins here and there to my home, but I'm not sure if I will do much more... We'll see :)

    Happy weekend to you! Hugs!

  53. I'm a big believer in notebooks, Diana. I did weed down my stacks of torn pages greatly when we moved but it was about time for those 1970 ones to go, don't you think? I do regret that when I passed down many of my Martha Stewart books to my daughter in before blogging days that I included all the magazine pages from Martha's very first appearances in print. I have a feeling some of them would still be fairly timeless.

    I am not one who can say I'm finished with fall decor--I may start today since we may finally be out of the 90s here in Nashville. With just having moved I don't think even your new neighbors will expect an extravaganza this year for fall. But have much fun nesting!

  54. Oh my goodness...we are SO alike!!! Well, except for the "white" pumpkin...I like my pumpkins orange:) And YES I keep notebooks of all sorts of things. I have MANY. I do use Pinterest (quite a bit) but I have cut out pictures, printed out ideas, etc. for years & years. I am a total paper nut and ORGANIZATION is my bag!!!! Also, I will be glad to share a PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE with you anytime. I guess we are both thinking of FALL because I just posted about it on my blog...there are some ideas there you might like to add to your notebooks:) One thing we do NOT have in common, however, is that your blog gets waaaayyyy more comments than mine. I used to get more, then left my blog for awhile and lost a lot of readers. But I never got this many comments. Your blog is great and I really enjoy keep up the good work. HAPPY FALL!

  55. I love your fall book and I'm all for any way to keep ideas fresh and on hand for referring to as we change seasons and decorate accordingly. I am not as organized as you, but each year when I get my fall (or Christmas, or Easter) stuff out, I try to arrange things in a new way, then I try to remember to take a picture of what I did so that maybe the next time, I won't have to work so hard. I freely admit to being lazy. Haahaa xoxo


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