
Saturday, September 15, 2018


My lovely friend, Sheri,
over at 
Red Rose Alley
suggested this would make a
good quote.

So, I thought I would post it
here for you.
I believe this is
especially relevant to those
of us that are downsizing
and trying to adjust and adapt
to the changes.

Just thought I would share it
with all of you.
Hope you all have a


  1. Diana...this makes an excellent quote!!!
    I am so happy to follow your blog and I look forward to visiting you often~


  2. Diana, I love your quote. We need family and friends way more than we need things. Hope you are doing well. My grandson in Seattle and his wife are moving closer to their jobs this weekend. Next month Kathy is moving to a smaller apartment in her town. I surely hope this is a more permanent move for her. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. This is a good quote and so true. I'm doing my best to downsize. I don't know what I would ever do if I had to move.

  4. Yaaaaay, you made it all your own - I'm so happy you did this cause it's an awesome quote! And I think it's true too. I've lived in large homes and small homes, but a smaller home is much easier to take care of later on in life; easier to clean and fun to decorate. I hope you enjoy your smaller home, Diana. It's a change for sure, but I don't think I'd ever want to go back to a big home. And like you said, a small home filled with loved ones is wonderful. : )


  5. I do like the quote and certainly agree. Downsizing is something I have wanted to do for the past couple of years, but DH doesn't want to and this is not a good time to take him away from familiar surroundings. So I suppose my quote for now will have to be, "better a big house with loved ones in it, than a small one alone." After my first husband passed away, my quote was "better a messy house with loved ones in it, than a neat house alone." I guess we adjust to our circumstances and learn Paul was right about being content in whatever circumstance. Maybe I need to post this on my blog as a reminder. xoxo Connie

  6. I saw this go by on Facebook, Diana, and I agree 100%. Our house is tiny, but when it's empty even these rooms are too big. xo

  7. Never more true words have been spoken, you’ll be fine,, it just takes getting used to, we moved from 2300 sq foot house to a 425 sq ft apartment, it took time to get used to it but it was just fine,, take care my freind remember there’s not one of us leave this world with anymore than the other lol,, it’s all just stuff ,

  8. Never more true words have been spoken, you’ll be fine,, it just takes getting used to, we moved from 2300 sq foot house to a 425 sq ft apartment, it took time to get used to it but it was just fine,, take care my freind remember there’s not one of us leave this world with anymore than the other lol,, it’s all just stuff ,

  9. Sheri was right. It's a wonderful quote.

  10. That is so true! I've never had a big home..always small, BUT I completely understand this quote.

    Nana Diana, hugs to you!!

  11. Amen! Great quote. Enjoy the rest of your weekend hugs

  12. Yeah, the downsizing it a shocker, but worth all the effort. With my sister's death we have one of our homes back. We are back to the decision stage again.
    WE are overnighting in Biloxi. We are 4 miles from where we once lived in a 42x8 trailer and our first son was born here. We head for NC in the AM, will go slow and try to give TS Florence time to move out.
    The best to you in the transition, from Mississippi.
    Sherry & jack

  13. Oh that is spot on, isn't it?

    Oh, ye of words of wisdom.

    Downsizing - whew - slow going on my end. I lost my will, energy, ability and mind trying to clean my basement. I put it on ignore like many things, haha.


  14. So true isn't it. Hoping to see some photos of your new house soon.

  15. Love that quote! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  16. Great quote...tat Sheri is a smart one. I for one have those rooms...that are filled with that STUFF!

  17. I think she found the PERFECT quote - I think it's true too. sandie

  18. Yep, sounds about right. Need to remember this when purging years of stuff to move into the cozy farmhouse!

  19. Aww is true indeed, and Sheri is just lovely!

  20. During our bathroom remodel, not done yet, we were given the use of a 3,600 sq. ft. house on the water. Our son's in-laws left for a month in Europe the day before our Demo Day. It is a beautifully decorated 5 bedroom home, but we prefer our little cottage. There was too much space!

  21. That's a sweet little quote.
    You did good.

  22. Well hello there...glad you have wifi again! Nice quote. We just upsized! Who knows why....Mostly because it took us forever to build our home, and after building it (ourselves - and turning 60!) we are not moving!


  23. In reply to your comment on my blog today.....let’s get this straight...TIGRESS is not mine!!!! Haha. She belongs at the barn, so basically since she lives at Chris’ house that makes her his. He has nothing to do with them since he rents the barn out...although, I am the one that pets them, talks to them and loves on them! I am also the one that buys flea meds and keeps them treated!!! 🤪but again....THOSE cats are not mine!!!! Still did not stop me from crying all the way home that day or for giving my babes an extra hug cause they are safe....but they are not mine!!!!!haha

  24. What an amazing fete to pull off! Congratulations, and all the best to the newly married couple! Love the commentary at the end. Umm, I don't see anybody, no one.........


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