
Thursday, August 30, 2018


Yes! It's true.
I am moving this weekend
into a brand new place.
It is lovely 
there is 
there for at least two weeks.
I won't mention any names
about why we won't have service sooner...
but it wasn't me
If you come looking for me
you might find me
doing something really weird
with my time...
like reading....

My internet shuts off at midnight tonight...
no cable, no internet, no phone---
sigh....what did we do back in the

I will try to pop in from the office
when and as I can....
but I have a tough boss-
so not sure how often that will happen.
Meanwhile, I will be 
Love you all-
I promise I WILL be back!


  1. You kidding me? That boss looks like a push over for a Nana! hahahaha

    Love the post and yep, reading can be FUN. hang in there and love a good book!

  2. You have the cutest boss ever!!!! Wow what did we do without internet or TV?!!!!! Hope you can survive until you get your internet up and running.
    Happy Holiday Weekend. Enjoy.

  3. I hope you don't get the shakes or any other withdrawal symptoms, LOL! See you when service gets restored!

  4. I would be finding somewhere to get online. My withdrawal for four days was bad. But at last you will be busy and get a lot done moving in. Looking forward to hearing all about the new house.

  5. LOL. However will you make it? Let us know what 1992 is like would ya?

  6. I'm sure your boss will let you play awhile, if he can go with you!
    Find that time for yourself, moving is WORK!

  7. We are moving this weekend too........ but we have all that!!!! xo

  8. Diana, either you'll be having withdrawals or you'll enjoy the freedom.

    Now don't work too hard! See you soon. :)

  9. Status quo in 1990

    sounds like hell in 2018

  10. Two weeks is a long time to be that disconnected. Thankfully you have the office and certainly there's a Starbucks and free internet is the best ;-) Happy moving! We did that 4 years ago and never again.....although having downsized a good bit feels great.

  11. I think I’d go batty now without being able to get on the Internet! I use my cell phone when I’m not at home. Best wishes to you with the move this weekend.

  12. I am happy for you that moving day is here at last! The 2 weeks will fly by...but we'll miss you! Don't work too hard! Love you!

  13. What will we do, no Nana Diana for 2 whold weeks. Oh yeah, grab a book and enjoy the break. Love you gal, and hope the new place is grand and everything goes as planned.

  14. Oh my goodness! What will we do without you? Miss you that's what. You get that hard core adorable boss to let you use the internet and phone if you have too. Otherwise enjoy the solitude....Love you~ Dolly

  15. I can't wait to see your new home, Diana. I'm not sure who in the house would be traumatized by no internet first. We're all pretty dependent on it. However, there WAS life before wifi and I'm sure you'll survive! :) I hope the move goes well! -Jenn

  16. We all could use a break from the Internet and technology. Enjoy your quiet, and good luck with the move.

  17. You might find you enjoy the break so much that you won't come back! I hope not. Always enjoy your posts. See you in a couple of weeks!

  18. well, you might get alot done in your new home! Hope everything goes well, will miss you!

  19. Wishing you blessings and happiness in your new place! (And internet as soon as possible!!)

  20. Enjoy a needed rest. Good for you but will miss you very much.

  21. You will be missed! Take some time out for yourself along the way. Difficult to say NO to that adorable boss. Happy weekend. xo

  22. Take a'll be glad you did, probably find more time to nest!! Have a good one.

  23. It will be nice to unplug for a while. Pace yourself but GET-ER-DONE! :D

  24. Good luck with your move!! You will be missed but I am anxious to hear all about it when you are back online!!

  25. Best of luck with the move and wishing you many years ahead of happiness and memory making in your new home.

  26. Enjoy your break, and your move!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back in 10 days! You will probably be too busy unpacking and settling in to notice. We will miss you, but we'll see you when you are back in cyberspace again.

  27. GASP! You may have to resort to something unthinkable like reading paper books...


    Enjoy your time off. It sounds lovely! About to turn mine off too.

  28. Hi Diana,

    Wishing you all the best with your move and how exciting to be going somewhere new.
    Enjoy your rest and taking time out and we look forward to seeing you on your return.
    Happy weekend

  29. Two weeks?! I would DIE! lol Actually, you will probably really enjoy the break. It'll be amazing how much you will accomplish. I hope the move goes smoothly and can't wait to see pics of your new place!

  30. Enjoy the break. It should be helpful since you are going to be so busy with the move? But, I can't imagine no Internet for two weeks. Maybe a miracle will happen. Crossing my fingers.

  31. We will miss you, though I am excited for you that you will be untethered and doing the things that don’t require a screen, a keyboard or a mouse. Happy moving!

  32. Diana, We will miss you more than we do now. LOL. Hope you are not putting knots on hero's noggin. LOL. Blessings and praying for a smooth move for you. xoxo, love, Susie

  33. You know we all love that little boss man. :)

  34. You will probably be so busy with the move that you'll hardly miss it at all. Hope all goes well and you are soon settled in and back to normal.

  35. You will be missed, sweet friend! I hope all goes well with your move, and you enjoy your new place! I love your new blog header, too. God bless you. :)

  36. You might enjoy being disconnected for a couple weeks. I know you’re not really worried about that! You can handle him or are you out of practice? I will miss you. I hope the rest of your move goes smoothly. You will need the time to do the things you need to do and not be encumbered with the rest of the world. Enjoy your break. Take some time to smell the roses. xxoo😘

  37. Whatever will you do without auto correct? That was supposed to be “I know you’re not really worried about that Boss!” Good grief

  38. You are moving this weekend - Happy Move! I think you will be so busy you won't even miss this - but we will miss you - but we understand. Good luck! sandie

  39. I'll miss you -- but you will survive! (You might even like it!)

  40. Enjoy your quiet time and please come back real soon to us!!!

  41. I'll miss you so hurry back when you are able. In the meantime, with moving, you'll have plenty to do to fill up your time.

  42. I must have missed something. Where are you moving? If I didn't have internet for that long I wouldn't be able to pay the bills. However, no internet for that long really sounds quite lovely. Enjoy!

  43. We will all miss you, but I wish you well with your moving! Sounds like an exciting new adventure!

    Can't wait to hear all your exciting stories to come!

    God's Blessings! Net

  44. You will have your new place unpacked and looking like you lived there for years and then your computer, ipad, phone and tv will all be working! Happy Moving?

  45. Wishing you a nothing but great health and happiness in your new place. I don't know about two weeks with nothing. Your handsome little boss may be able to be bribed with an ice cream cone.


  46. Exciting times ahead .. looking forward to seeing your new digs and hearing about your reads. ;-)
    Love Ya!

  47. Best of wishes with your move, I hope all is going well! Not having connection to the outside world with internet must be tough! Thinking of you all!


  48. YIKES, at least you can perhaps connect a little on your phone:) That's what I do when I am out of town. I used to take my laptop but decided to just disconnect a tad when possible! Enjoy your new home and we will ALL be here when you get connected again! HUGS!

  49. Seeing this too late but best wishes for your move! Can't wait to see your lovely new place. Have fun!

  50. I will look forward to seeing you back up on line. I am sure there will be some sort of adventure to read about by then!!!

  51. How exciting that you’re moving though, right? When we first moved I didn’t have internet so I went to Panera, Taco Bell, and McDonalds for a coffee! And for free internet service! Enjoy reading!


  52. I am so late to the "taking a break" party and I know you aren't going to see this for two weeks but I had to drop in. Stupid Blogger has now messed up my emails from bloggers for their new posts. I don't get any anymore. I will be checking my sidebar where I have you under Blogs I Follow, so I can be sure to be there when you return :-)

  53. Two weeks? Good Lord, you might never come back.
    I think a two week getaway from all the media stuff would actually be nice. I think its rather an addiction so enjoy rehab.

  54. Did you sell your big house??? Have I missed something?? Guess so since you’re already moving!
    And I DO have internet...But still can’t keep up!!

  55. Forgive me but that is SO funny! in Jan 2012 I gave up television service but still have internet. I don't miss t.v. at all! Thinking of you and tucked you in prayer.

  56. Diana, this could be heaven! After writing that I just realized there probably won't be internet in heaven, no blogging even maybe. So your two weeks will be good practice for you!

    Have a safe and productive move. Be happy in your new home and share it with us, once you get back from heaven!


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