
Sunday, July 22, 2018


Now I know that may sound
STRANGE to you...
but, after all, isn't a 
LOT of what I say

I have always been fascinated
by old bridges.
I don't like going across them
BUT I do like
seeing them.

I always thought it would be
fun to have a little 
Open Air Cafe on one.
A place for women to
come and sit,
relax for a moment,
share a cup of coffee,
 and chat.
I know-I know-

I would make the sides 
of it look like this
bridge in Northport, Michigan.
Here's the other side.
Wouldn't that be fun?
And, maybe a little shop off
to the side like the one
next to the bridge in 
Do you think I could convince
MyHero to BUY me a bridge?
Nah- Me neither...

I found one that is 
AND they will deliver it!
Yes-indeedy-they will.

Well, I know 
out there are going to 
try and beat me to the punch.
I already have my name in,
thank you! you suppose 
this is the bridge
Billy Jo McCallister
jumped off of?
(some of you chicks are
WAY too young to remember
that song).

Maybe THAT is why it's for 
sale-it's haunted!
(Just trying to scare you 
off so you don't bid!;>)

I'll let you know when
it gets delivered
so you can get your
seating reservation in early!

Have your umbrella 
at the ready
in case it rains.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Well there was the man in the Arizona desert who bought the London Bridge... Hope you're the winner. Let me know if that happens and I will visit you. We can have tea and crumpets at that cute little table.

  2. I love the thought.........put me down for 1 seat for sure! Happy Sunday.

  3. Beatles manager Brian Epstein died from an overdose of sleeping pills. But around water coolers, the hot topic was what Billie Joe McAllister and his girlfriend threw themselves off the Tallahatchie Bridge. The mystery created by Bobbie Gentry in her debut single “Ode To Billie Joe” cast a spell over the entire country....

    And not forgetting....

    When you're weary, feeling small
    When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all)
    I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough
    And friends just can't be found
    Like a bridge over troubled water
    I will lay me down
    Like a bridge over troubled water
    I will lay me down....
    (I'm sure you all know the rest)....! (=ඔᆽඔ=)

  4. I really didn't know that bridges were sold. Really would be fun to have a party on one though. When I think of bridges I think of crossing the beautiful Ohio. What a view !

  5. there are few bridges that look like that last one around here,, the first bridge you showed us sounds perfect, its lovely,, but in answer to your question,, are you crazy, mmmmmmmmmm,, I'll get back to you on that, lol,,, ok,, just teasing,,, it sounds lovely,, take care my friend,, I hope you're not working too hard!!

  6. The Northport one is gorgeous! What a fun idea! Fingers crossed! haha!

  7. ♪♫♫...Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge ♫♫....
    did Bobbie Gentry EVER have another song ??

  8. I have some ocean front property in Arizona that I will sell you cheap. That way you can put your bridge on it!! LOL!
    Diana, you are so much fun. Love your crazy!


  9. Sort of like my fascination with gates..only I see being able to work a gate into my landscape somewhat easier than a bridge! haha...although I live on a creek (runs by the drive) but if I put a bridge out there it will have one side in the neighbors yard...haha. Okay, so where is this going? You have peaked my interest.

  10. Oh my gosh Diana how cool would this be. You could find some land and put your sweet little cottage home right at the end of the bridge or find land with a creek or river running through it and put this bridge over it. We have a little town near us called Long Grove and they have an historic bridge coming in and out of the town. The only way in. It is adorable. Then there are lots of little shops right after you get off the bride in town. Something about those sweet bridges that are so intriguing. Have a great Sunday.

  11. Diana, I like the stories of and why bridges were built....but oh boy they are scary to cross over these days. Especially the really old ones. The State is replacing a bridge on hwy. 26 ...gee, it is taking forever !! LOL. The old bridge looks like the one in your last picture. Hope you win. :) Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  12. It is nice to dream, but your Hero will never allow you to have a bridge. It is nice to pretend tho. Take care and keep in touch with your fun times.

  13. I have always loved bridges! When traveling as a kid especially, it was my favorite moments of the trip! So yes a little cafe on one would be ideal for me. Sadly I won't be bidding on the bridge this time, but will visit you when you set up that cafe!!

  14. I've always loved bridges too, Diana. There is a bridge here called the Foresthill Bridge which is 730 feet in height, and it's the tallest bridge in California. I've visited it and am amazed every time I see it. I also love the little bridge at the park that my kids used to play on. I'm with you.....bridges are fascinating. A little café on the side would be nice if you ever get your dream bridge. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  15. Well, if you're crazy, then I am also. How fun to have your own bridge!

    This reminds me of a little bridge we'd cross when going to our grandmother's house in W. FL. When we were kids, and crossing the bridge Mom told us "Ask Biggun if he can hear you". We did, and did, and did. We'd say "Mama Biggun didn't say anything" and she'd tell us "Biggun said nothing" It took a few years for us to figure that out. Thanks for reminding me. :)


  16. Send me my reservation for the grand opening. You might just be on to something here.

  17. You know I can sing just like Bobbie Jo Gentry! I love bridges too, my son just went t St Augustine, Florida and told him to appreciate the bridge over to the beach area. Look it up! You will love it. Not to mention all the bridges in London, I try to walk across as many as I can when I am there.☺

  18. Okay. Things not going well at work? 😉 I suppose that all brilliant ideas are those outside the box by a lot, which acquiring a bridge seems to be. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  19. I'll want a seat too! And I DO remember that song ~ it was a total mystery to me at the time!!!

  20. I like your vision but my suggestion would be to sell that rusty thing for scrap and then take the money to invest in something that more closely resembles your dream bridge! Do keep us posted!! 😜

  21. I guess I'll take you to the Withlachoochee bridge if you come here to visit! heehee! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  22. Bridges here are made of stone so it would be extremely hard to sell and transport it to the buyer. But it is an interesting thought concerning that rusty old bridge. I rather like it.
    Hope you're doing fine, Diana.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Well there’s a thought! Let me know when your bridge is going to be delivered- I want to take pictures! PS-the bridge in Charlevoix opens to let tall boats through! You’d have about 30 minutes to enjoy in between!


  25. Hmmm... well... I think it's a fabulous purchase! And if you believe that... I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you...


  26. This reminds me of a lesson on the Japanese language that I thought was funny.

    Hashi is the Japanese word for bridge, but it also means chopsticks.

    One accent in Japan says Ha longer than Shi and the other says it in the reverse.

    The point of the lesson was, regardless of where you are in Japan, if you're in a restaurant and ask for chopsticks, nobody is going to hand you a bridge.

  27. Well, I must say I've never entertained the thought of owning a bridge but, like you, I do like to see them. Have a great week Diana and let us know when they deliver your bridge.

  28. You are so much fun. Is this a "bridge over troubled waters?" Or a "bridge too far"? Or a "let's bridge the gap"...or "A Bridge to the Sun"? Whatever you want to call it, it should be lots of fun and certainly an interesting and entertaining venue for a ladies' cafe'/tea shoppe...Let me know when you get it. It sounds lovely.

  29. Bridges of Madison County with Meryl Streep and I think Clint Eastwood. You can have the bridge - I will come and have lunch on it. sandie

  30. I like bridges too. :-) Keep me posted my friend.

  31. Your idea sounds great! After all, if you win Billy Jo's bridge, it'll be a fixer-upper! Make it pretty and a place where we girls will want to gather!

  32. I'd love to have a bridge there's just something so special about them. Standing on a bridge is like washing worries away...or at least for the moment. I think sitting at a cafe on the bridge with the girls would be a special moment. If there's room for a shop I could see myself and how my shop would look...look you already have someone to lease just in case you are looking for one.

    Whoa, you found a free one! Where the heck will you put it Just kidding, I promise I won't be a bid on it....but I'm going in on it with you!

    Thinking of you...

  33. I like the idea!! There are a number of wooden covered bridges in Oregon that would make cool places like your idea!! I rmember the song about Billy Jo McAllister!!!
    July 24th is my 66th birthday but I say I am going on 26!

  34. I am reminded of that saying, “Be careful what you wish for”.

  35. OK, I will root for you to get yourself that bridge:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  36. I'll be sure NOT to bid on the bridge just so you can get it. And I'll come visit your "Little Tea Shop on the Bridge" for a chat over scones and tea. You will have scones, I hope!

  37. I just wrote a whole paragraph and it's gone!! What a pain..anyhow, your bridge is beautiful..Be careful what you wish for...Believe me..If I could make it happen, you would have your bridge..xxoo

  38. It wouldn't surprise me to see it all fixed up and in your yard...a beautiful pale pale pink with big cabbage roses all around. :) If anybody could do it, you could. I will keep checking back.

  39. haha, well let's hope it's not the one he jumped off of 'cause then it might very well be haunted! I love your idea...not sure it would be very practical in the winter up there but how glorious it would be in fine weather! Let me know when it's opened and I might actually come!

  40. Well, why not? And if you do, in fact, open that cafe, save me a seat!

  41. If it fits in your yard, don't be surprised to find me drinking my morning coffee one summery morning.

    If it doesn't fit, I know a (missing) blogger who just happens to have a great river front lot!?!

  42. I can't wait to see where you will put your bridge, assuming you get it! I know that one in Northport -- don't you love flower boxes on bridges? I get freaked out on some -- Mackinac and the bridge to Canada, to name two. My day of hell was the day I was coming back from Canada and the traffic was jammed up on the Michigan side of the border and I was sitting on the bridge barely moving for 45 minutes. I really thought I was going to die and wished I'd stopped at the duty free to get a bottle of lemoncello and some diet coke (and hit the bathroom) first!

  43. Doesn't have to stay a bridge ... it would be an awesome frame for a house.

  44. It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day
    I was out choppin' cotton, and my brother was balin' hay
    And at dinner time we stopped and walked back to the house to eat
    And mama hollered out the back door, y'all, remember to wipe your feet
    And then she said, I got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge
    Today, Billy Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.

    Never heard of that song before....HA!

    Actually, I do love me a vintage bridge too!

  45. I like the old one at the end! It reminds me of one by my grandparents' little town when I was a child.

  46. Northport? That is near me, we go there a lot. I know that bridge.
    Were you there?
    luv and hugs Janice

  47. Sweet-scented roses growing over the top. that would be perfect.

  48. You must visit New River Bridge in WV-also the bridge from Ohio to Point Pleasant wV. The latter fell many years ago and we had been on it a few days before. Frightening.
    I love old covered bridges like the ones in Iowa from The Bridges of Madison County!!!

  49. You get the bridge & I suspect we'll all be there to celebrate with you!

  50. Been away for a while...good to see you blogging again. Save me a seat on the bridge....what a delight post. Trying to arrange my life to have more blogging time. Hugs.

  51. You certainly do know how to entertain us, just waiting to see what you might come up with next. Love the bridge-idea and want to come!

  52. I always thought it would be fun to have a curvy little pathway n the back yard with a little bridge over a rippling stream. I remember Ode to Billy Joe. Wish somebody would have told us what happened there.

  53. I love cute little bridges, covered bridges, and other interesting ones. There are some though I really don't like. Like the two narrow ones on Rt 60 where they cross the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Twists my stomach every time I have to cross. It would be cool to give a bridge a second life as you described.


  54. Hi Diana, thanks for visiting. I don't know how to put Follow buttons on my blog. I've tried to add an email thingy but that's about as technical as I can get. Any advice, please?

  55. I want a bridge too! and an ocean in my backyard... I think that's called a beach house... I think I want a beach house more than a bridge. I think you should have a bridge though. You deserve one. Just don't burn it. Burning bridges is not a good idea.
    You nut.

  56. OH MY, Diana, you make me smile! Yes, I sure do remember Billy Jo McCallister!! Happy weekend to you...xx

  57. What a happy thought:) I have always loved covered bridges even though I've only seen a very few. Most bridges I don't mind going over but NOT really HIGH ones. Last year I drove over one of those totally by myself for the very first time. It scared the mud out of me but I made it. All the way across I was saying over and over..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Bad thing was, that bridge was leading to an island and so I had to drive BACK across it to get off the island!!!!!

  58. Thought of you yesterday as we crossed that bridge...................Hugs


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