
Sunday, July 15, 2018


Do you love 
like I do?
If so-
you may enjoy this sweet 
little poem in their honor!

Oh- Sweet Mop Head 
that bobs and sways,
holding court in the garden
for long warm days.

We watch you bloom
pristine and white,
You shimmer by day
and glow at night.

When Fall comes tramping
down the lane,
You feel your life
Has been in vain.

Your time is limited
that we know.
What choice do we have
but to let you go?

But wait, oh wait,
Oh dear, Oh dread,
SOMEONE somewhere
lopped off your head.

And here you sit
Without a shout
For dear old Nana
Has dried you out.

And the great queen shouted to those below her.
~The End~

Come back again-if you dare-

Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday-
watch out for the cranky old lady
with scissors in her hand!


  1. I do enjoy the hydrangea as well, and your pictures are beautiful. Love the poem. Have a happy Sunday.

  2. My bushes only had a couple blooms left, I snipped them yesterday and made a bouquet:) LOVE those big blooms, they make me smile! Loved the poem:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. LOL- off with their heads! Cute poem- Happy Sunday!

  4. I love Hydrangeas! And I love cutting them too! Happy Sunday my friend!!!

  5. Cute ! I love hydrangeas. I do not have any here but we had several at our old home place that were very old! They would bloom purple, pink and blue. My neighbor has some white ones and I plan to go ask for a bundle to put in a vase. They are so pretty, They are even pretty when they are dead and dry. I used to have a vase of those in my daughters shabby chic rooom.

  6. oh its beautiful! The flower and the poem! I do love this flower, fresh, dried, cut or still on the stem, I love them

  7. My bushes are full of blooms and gorgeous this year. Love the poem.

  8. I've cut those beautiful blooms off and dried them in the past. I still have some! Love your as always! Hugs!

  9. I do love hydrangeas and have dried many over the years. They seem to last and delight forever.

  10. Cute! We planted our first hydrangea here a month back. No blooms yet, but we were late in planting.

  11. Diana, You crack me up. I have taken photos , just yesterday afternoon of our hydrangea. It's a purplish color. I love the poem. I will show my flower in a blog soon. Hope you are at least enjoying some good days. It's miserable hot here...can not sit out. Take care, hug the girls for me. Blessings, xoxo,love,Susie

  12. Off with their heads . . .
    Cute poem, brought a smile!
    My “mop heads” are huge this year!

  13. Your poem is delightful.

    My favorite flower is the Hydrangea and I have nine of them but only four bloom for me now. They are frustrating. My thought is that they no longer have enough sun, but they are too big to move. So every year I try some new fertilizer, call in landscapers, and hope for the best.

  14. Great poem! I love those flowers, but can't grow them too well. I'll just look at yours. :)

  15. Love it! So true, and it made me smile.

  16. We have some hydrangeas on our mantle that our neighbor gave us. Nice poem Diana and have a great day.

  17. I love them blooming, I love them dried...give me hydrangeas any old time! That almost rhymes!☺

  18. Love hydrangeas.....but I still have not bought or planted one in my yard...what in the world am I waiting for????? Hope you are staying cool like a cucumber!!

  19. Fun! Lovella from What Matters Most has a great tip for extending hydrangeas in bouquets...
    Return? Oh I dare!

  20. HYDRANGEAS! I love them. I have never heard of that poem but it is kind of true. I love your photos - and header. Very pretty. I will be back.


  21. Cute poem! My Granny Kelly had a yard FULL of hydrangeas. She called them her snowballs and loved to take me on a walk through her yard to look at all of them. Thanks for the memories!

  22. What an interesting poem about such a lovely flower. I always thought that they resembled a head of cauliflower.

  23. Love the creamy white color of that flower. I haven't seen one like that before.

  24. I'll always be back! Cranky? Never. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite s.. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Your delightful poem did not go in the direction I assumed it would, lol!

  26. Love the poem. I love hydrangeas so much. One of my faves. Your pictures are so pretty. Hope all is going well.

  27. Dear Diana, great ode to such an incredible plant. I love Hydrangeas, but mine haven’t bloomed yet! Hope you are doing well, miss you dear friend!
    Love and hugs,

  28. Love them as much dried after they have been beheaded! Adorable poem!

  29. I adore hydrangeas- they won't grow here at the city house as the soil is clay and heavy but at the farm! I have an oak leaf one and a variegated one. Really want a blue one. Love cutting and drying them...your photos are beautiful.

  30. I do. I saw a beautiful pink and white one on FB and last year found one at a gardening center. It is blooming but my blooms are all white. I don't know why. I think I will call or email the company. We have 2 with blue blooms and I know if you change the soil pH you can effect the color but I read you can't change white.

  31. Hydrangea blooms are my fave. But correct me if I am wrong, aren't the white ones called a Snowball bush and color ones the Hydrangea? I have blue, purple and pink on my four bushes and I LOVE them. I did clip the last of my blooms the other day and brought them in. I had something happen the other day that surprised me, I clipped some and brought them in a couple weeks ago, still had a tad bit of color when I left for Calif. I left them. When I got home the blooms were dead but the stems still green and they had rooted in the water...I was surprised and excited.

  32. I LOVE hydrangeas. I have a whit one, a blue one and a purple one. Cute poem!!

  33. Love your poem! YES I do! And yes, I too love those pretty things. Just wished they lasted a little longer. Haven't tried drying them out. Great idea. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  34. I love hydrangeas, too. I've seen so many different beautiful colours since we've been in Ireland. I have a bunch on my mantel as I type :-)

  35. I do LOVE Hydrangeas! My bushes just got their first blooms and excited for more to come! A lovely poem I'll assume you wrote! You do have a gift or word and such a lovely poem!

    I love mop heads of any kind!

  36. :-) LOL .. I do love them too. I decorated our tree on our North Deck with them last year for the holidays. I put them into the Christmas Tree. It looked really nice. I did a blog post about it, so you might remember. ;-) I dried them and sprayed them with gold glitter.

  37. I LOVE Hydrangeas and I LOVE this ode to them. Too bad I can't grow them in my yard :-( My sister graciously gave me some dried blue and purple ones. Love them in my kitchen where I can see them everyday.

  38. Diana, I never gave much thought to the hydrangea until I saw them on my friends' blogs, and they showed them in their gardens, in the front and inside of their homes. Now, I really like them! I always notice now my brothers blue hydrangeas in the front of his house. Do you have these white ones outside your home? They're pretty even dried out, aren't they?


  39. I adore them , I have one small one trying so hard to grow , either the heat or the frost gets it but I am determined to find the spot it likes and hopefully get some blooms ..

  40. I do enjoy hydrangeas, just wish I could grow them. I don't know what I do wrong, but when it come to them I just can't do it.

  41. Love it, love it!!----cute poem! i have always loved mop head hydrangeas, especially the big blue ones. Hope your week is going well!!

  42. You are a nut. I love hydrangeas. I just planted a limelight one and it's already blooming so it looks like it's happy here. I won't cut off their heads right away.. that would be rude. LOL

  43. They don't really like it here so we don't have any. I am always tempted to buy the twenty dollar potted hydrangeas from the grocery store. I should.

  44. Beauties, we don't have the white ones here, I have everything from pink to deep purple at the end of my house.

  45. Very cute poem, Diana! Yes I love them too. There were none here at our new house when we moved last year but now we have planted 4, 3 white and 1 blue. I could take jillions of them!

  46. What a cute poem...and I do love hydrangeas! I have only one small bush that produces very few (if any) blooms, but my son has some gorgeous ones. This summer he has even learned how to root them. The only thing I don't like is how ugly the bush is during winter!!! But the spring/summer blooms are gorgeous.

  47. Oh, Diana, your poem is delightful! Hydrangeas are one of the few things I miss living in AZ...well, that and fall leaves!


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