
Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Do you know Mary

I have followed Mary for a long, long time.
She has always been such a
I don't know if she wants me to tell you 
how old she is....
but you wouldn't believe me anyway.

Yesterday I got recieved another email from her
asking for prayer.
I know it is hard for her to ask for anything 
for herself-but she is 
anxious and scared.

Here is her email to me:

You are probably wondering what up with me.  Wellllllllllllll I was rushed by Parmedics back to ER again.  I had congestive heart failure, couldn't breath, asthma, pneumonia and COPD. I finally came back home late Saturday night and taking it easy.  They couldn't do the test because I was all hooked up to heart monitors, oxygen, iv drips, you name it I had it.

Will send more inform when I can set up better.

Love to all and all the good wished sent my way.

When I sent her an email asking if she wanted prayer this was her response:

That is fine Diana, we all need as many prayers as we can get.  I'm home but have come up with something I am allergic to, I am broken out all over with sores that itch   Made a mad dash to Dr's office and got a shot, seems to be a little better.  Look like road kill - but things will get better.

I am hoping that I can get well and have the Tavr procedure, so I can get on with my life.

Thanks so much for all the love I feel coming through to me, dear friend.

As you can see, she still has her sense of humor as she refers to herself looking like ROAD KILL.  Gotta love that!!!

If you are not a pray-er, please send your good wishes and personal blessings to Mary.  I just adore her and want to see her health restored.  She is a beautiful lady inside and out.

Thanks and love to all of you that take the time to say Hello and send her some love!


  1. Oh my word. I will start prayers immediately for your friend, rest assure.

  2. She ai a positive person and that is half the battle. I pray that she will feel better.

  3. Oh Yes!! I will be praying for Mary! And so happy about your new buisness, the office looks wonderful and about the upcoming wedding!
    Love you dear friend!!
    Hugs, Roxy

  4. Many prayers for this special lady to be healed and comforted. Thank you Diana for all you do. It’s a privilege to be able to pray for others. I hope she is blessed with our answered prayers.

  5. I received an e-mail from Mary as well, and said a prayer for her the other day. She is one of my favorite ladies in blog land and we have something special in common.....we both love roses and we both live in California, so we're familiar with all the areas we mention when doing a post. She's terrific, and I'll be sure to pray for her, Diana.

    love, ~Sheri

  6. I love Mary. I am praying for her all the time, as I think of her often. She never has any pity or negative thoughts about her health, and she is plowing away at life like she's fifty! We can all learn something from her.

    I'll also ask for prayers in my next post, I don't think a blogger has ever touched my heart the way she has.

    Thank you, our little angel!


  7. I'm praying for her.. Hope she will feel better soon..

  8. Sending prayers for Mary. God Bless her as she goes through this difficult time in her life and praying for her full recovery.


  9. Prayers for Mary, Diana!

  10. Prayers for your friend gf. Wishing you well on your new business adventure Diana! Love reading your blog. Hope all is well!!!

  11. I will keep her in my prayers. Thanks for always looking out for us Diana! You are the best friend we have! Hugs, Diane

  12. Prayers can certainly help and I will join you in prayer for this sweet lady. May the dear Lord bless her with good health and healing.

  13. Diana, Praying for Mary. Her humor is helping her stay strong. ...that and a big dose of prayers. So I am praying she can get the tests she needs to get treated and back to her life. Blessings to you , xoxo,love, Susie

  14. Found your blog by accident.. and I will pray for Mary and her recovery. Not enough lovely people in the world and we need to keep them around with us.

  15. Yes, I know Mary. Consider it done!

  16. She and I have been blogging friends for so long, I don't remember. I will send prayers up for her...

  17. What a funny sweet lady. Of course I will pray for her. Such a pretty woman, a strong one too I bet.

  18. I love her blog. I will say prayers for her.

  19. Praying for her, thank God for a sense of humor.

  20. Sending her gentle hugs and prayers.

  21. I will pray for her too - I am glad they have your place to come to. sandie

  22. Ahh poor girl. Prayers for her.

  23. Joining all in prayer for Mary. 🌿 God bless her!

  24. Sending prayers. What an amazing outlook on life.

  25. Praying for dear Mary. Bless her heart. Such a sweet soul. x K

  26. Mary is truly a gift to the blogger. She always has a kind word and sage advice. I wish I lived close to give her a hand or fix a meal while she recovers. Prayers going up! Thanks for keeping us informed.

  27. Hi Diana, I feel so bad for Mary and I'm saying a lot of prayers for her health.
    I hope you are ok and have a nice week. I wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
    Hugs, Julie

  28. Prayers lifted for Mary! I hope she gets approved for the TAVR. It will make such a difference for her!

  29. Oh, praying for your sweet friend Mary. Sounds like she is having a really difficult time right now. May the Lord give her comfort and rest ...and good medical attention. Bless her heart. Thank you for letting us know. I will pray.

  30. Thanks for posting this Diana. I am a big believer in prayer. Mary is a sweet sweet friend and I am hoping she will begin to feel better soon so she can get the TAVR procedure. Hugs to you for being an angel in all our lives. Prayers for Mary.

  31. I "know" Mary and love her blog. Thanks for sharing this. I will send her another note and of course, the prayers are constant.

  32. I will pray for Mary's health to be restored. Thank you for sharing this request, Dianna.

  33. I know this blogger friend....she is indeed an inspiration to all of us. Prayers from here.


  34. Thanks so much for the prayer request. I am home but I'm still a long way from normal. I try to keep up with positive thoughts. I have developed HIVES all over my body and they are driving me CRAZY!!!! But I will get there.

    You are truly a very special lady and I thank God you came into my life.

    Hope your enjoying your new job - I know that you are terrific.

    Lots of hugs,

  35. Dear Lord, please have mercy on this dear lady! God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think. Sending hugs to her and to you, sweet friend.

  36. Will continue to keep Mary in my prayers!💖

  37. Healing thoughts to Mary. Blessings

  38. Thanks for sharing. Will lift her up in prayer. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  39. OH bless her...Lord bless her richly. XX

  40. Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over Mary for healing. God I pray that you will create a new heart in her and renew a right spirit within her. You are the breath of life. I pray that you will clear her lungs and fill her with the breath of life. COPD be gone and healed in Jesus' name!
    Thank you Jesus! Holy Spirit please be close in her mind and heart in Jesus' name. Amen.

  41. I adore Mary! She is such a loyal reader, and such a sweet lady.

    I am sending up prayers now for her and will send her a note now too. Thanks, D. You are the BEST!


  42. Mary is such a dear!!!....Just saw this posts...thoughts and prayers are with her...will have to hop on over...her posts stopped coming into my email...


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