
Sunday, May 13, 2018

MOTHER'S DAY-Written for those that are LOVED and those that are NOT LOVED

I have published this before but
I believe that someone new might
find comfort in the words written here.

You know Mother's Day is a special
day for many people.
not everyone was blessed to have
a wonderful mother.
To them, Mother's Day is a mockery,
an injustice because of
 all the hurts they
have suffered.

Blogging is not all sweetness
and light.
There are deep, dark pains
that hide beneath some of
the smiling faces...
aches that are too
deep to share with anyone.

I think this piece I wrote
addresses both sides of the

Mother's Day

Some of us have been blessed with wonderful Mothers.
Some of us have Mothers that were not quite so admirable.

Some of us have Mothers that praised us and adored us,
Some of us have Mothers that never said a kind word.

Some of us have Mothers that loved us unconditionally.
Some of us have Mothers that loved us only
if we met all her expectations,
and even that was not enough.

Some of us have Mothers that smiled readily.
Some of us have Mothers that never found much to smile about.

Some of us have Mothers that~
whatever we did~ it is more than they hoped for.
Some of us have Mothers that
no matter WHAT we did-it was never 
"quite right".

Some of us have Mothers that had a charmed childhood.
Some of us have Mothers that were raised in pain & shame.

Some of us have Mothers that
 need us & want us in their lives.
Some of us have Mothers that are needy
 and we seldom see them.

Some of us have Mothers that complete our lives.
Some of us have Mothers that
leave us aching, wanting and empty.

Some of us have Mothers that stand
on this side of the Great Beyond.
Some of us have Mothers that have passed
 over this earthly barrier.

Some of us will emulate our Mothers.
Some of us will vow to never be
anything like our Mothers.

Some of us are happy and fulfilled,
no matter what kind of Mother we had.
Some of us will never be happy
even if we were nurtured by an amazing Mother.

Today I am blessed to be a Mother.
My daughters are blessed to be Mothers, too.
Today I vow that I will be
the best mother (and grandmother) I can be.

Today I vow that I will love
as deeply as I can those that share my life.

Today I know that I am blessed indeed~
Today I hope that you find blessings
in your own life-
and love your Mother
even if it is just because she gave you life.

~Happy Mother's Day from Me to You~
©Nana Diana 


  1. Have a blessed Mother's day, Diana. You hit the nail on the head.

  2. Oh Diana, this post says it all. I know that you are a wonderful mother and grandmother to your children and grandchildren & I am sure lots of other children.

    May you have the most wonderful mothers day ever, dear friend.


  3. So true dear friend, thank you for sharing this writing with us! There are ALL kinds of Mamas, thankfully my Mama was the BEST one ever and I miss her every day! Have a blessed Mother's Day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. A very happy Mother's Day, Diana. I am sure your children and grandchildren have many, many fond memories. Your tribute does hit home. You're correct in saying that not everyone had/ has a mother who was capable of being that Hallmark mother. -Jenn

  5. One thing is for certain, none of us would be here without our mothers. Hope you have a blessed and happy Mother's Day

  6. This is a very wise and beautiful piece, Diana. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  7. Diana, You are right about mothers, so many different kinds. My mom was no June Cleaver, more like Sgt. Carter. When I was young I did not know all I needed to know...even forgiven was not something I could do so easily. But I think of the fun and good times of growing up, more and more these days as I have aged. I always loved my mother, and I know she loved me. When I look at the mothers my daughters are today, I can smile. I think if I were a child I would love any of my daughters as a mother, so I know I did a fine job raising them. Happy Mother's Day dear friend. Blessings to all, xoxo, Love, Susie

  8. My mother gave me life, I am grateful.
    Happy Mother's Day.

  9. Yes there are two kinds of moms, and sadly, mine was the 2nd kind. You don't have to beat a child physically, to break their spirit. You just don't meet their expectations at anything you do.

  10. Thank You. Today is a hard day for me. Both of my kids are estranged from us. One for 10 years and the other for 2. I will not go into why, but it has broken our family. We love our kids, but for some reason they do not love us. One day I still hope to have our family whole again, but Days like this is still hard.

  11. There's no way I could have stated this as eloquently! Nothing I ever did was "good enough", even as an adult. Thanks so much for sharing!


  12. Happy Mother's Day Diana. And yes, for many this is not the happiest of days. I pray God's peace over those who find themselves longing for the relationship they wished they'd had. May He place another woman in her place to fill that empty void.

  13. I wish the fellow who wrote a very sad comment on my Mother's Day post could read this. I feel very sad for him. This is beautifully written, Diana, and so well stated. I think for many who had bad mums or none at all, the day reminds them of all they didn't have and it's a tough one. You say it so very well.

  14. Happy Mother’s Day, Diana. I am one of the lucky ones to have had a good mom and I hope that I have done her proud.

  15. Hi Diana.......Such a perfect post for this perfect day!



  16. Happy Mother's Day, Diana! Lovely poem with so much truth in it.

  17. Happy Mother's Day, Diana. I was blessed with a wonderful Mother, and although I don't have her here on this earth any more, she remains in my heart every day, always. I laughed when Jess said to me today, "Oh, I have a special day now." You are a great mother and grandmother, Diana. Thanks for being a part of this woman's life. : )

    love, ~me

  18. This was good Diana. Hope you enjoy your mothers day!

  19. Amen!!!! Beautifully written Diana. Happy Mother's Day sweet friend.

  20. You covered it all is heartbreaking to know that everyone didn't have a good mother. My prayer would be for them to be the best mother they can possibly be to break the cycle. If you are not able to have children of your own, find someone who needs mothering. Thank you for sharing this are such a blessing to all and I hope your Mother's Day has been special!♥

  21. A happy Mother's Day to you too, Diana. All we can do is be the best we can, forgive where it's needed, get healing where necessary and hope our children do better than we do. 😊

  22. Great post and so true.
    I want to have been a great mom too.
    I know you were.

  23. Sometimes Social Media can be a real downer. You've brought to light that not everything is all sunshine and roses as so many portray on the Blogs, Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for putting this in prospective.
    We received some terrible news about our Little Brother this weekend and it has devastated all of us. So, Mother's Day and my Birthday just seemed to be happening on the outside. I'll send you a message about it later. It's so hard to talk about right now. I'm probably going to need your prayer warriors on our side. So whenever you have the time to blog I'll be asking for your help.


  24. Nicely said.... I know I was not a great mom but I tried. I know I made mistakes and often wished for a manual to have come with my kids. But my kids NEVER wanted for LOVE. I made sure of that. They got words of encouragement and they got hugs and I love yous. I taught them right from wrong and I used to beat myself up when they made a mistake....but I have learned that I taught them, it was what they decided to do with the info I gave them that mattered. I know that schools can ba a big influance on them no matter what you give them at home. But thank goodness, even with the rough times, they both turned out well. Amber, my oldest took her time getting there and her brother made it long before her....but they made it and I think I could leave this world today knowing they will be fine.

  25. Beautiful said about mother. She is a wonderful person is the world. She loves and takes care for everyone:)

  26. Nicely put!

    Yesterday it hit me that Mother's Day is not wonderful for everyone. As I wrote my caption for my Instagram pic yesterday, I changed my words from Happy Mother's Day to I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day. It might not sound much different, but I know many people on IG who are praying to be mothers and I didn't want to hurt them. In my mind, having a lovely Mother's Day could be possible if they were with their mother or at least having a lovely talk with their mother who was far away.

  27. Your post brought tears in my eyes.. I know you are a wonderful mother.. And I want to say to Happy Mother's Day.. though it was yesterday..A big hug!

  28. That was beautiful, Diana! Thank you for sharing it with us. I believe that every woman who loves and cares for others or pets, should celebrate Mother's Day. I hope you had a wonderful one. xx

  29. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. my frined!

  30. I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful, sweet friend. xo Laura

  31. Such a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing it. I too have pledged to be the best mother and grandmother I can be and with God's help I hope I can attain that goal.

  32. Dian,
    I loved this. Hoping your day was lovely!

  33. Hope I can be like my mother.😃

  34. I was blessed with the best! I'm sorry for those who weren't. One of my best friends said her mom told her she never wanted her and wished she had had an abortion. My friend has spent a lifetime of hurt and rejection, but has overcome and been a wonderful mom and grandma.

  35. This is beautiful. As a teacher, I pretty much observed all kinds. As a mom, I could actually be both a great mom and an absolute flop! But deeper still is that bond with the good in a mother or the pitiful search for it in a mother who just basically couldn't do it... I see the same thing in fathers as my dad was awesome and my son just can't find his good father inside the man I chose to have that honor... Good thoughts. Thanks, Diana!

  36. It is so sad that there are even those of us that did not have a loving mother, because just the word alone implies love and caring and sweetness and all that good stuff. I am one of those that did not have the best mother but it makes me want to be the best Mom and Grandmother I can.


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