
Thursday, April 12, 2018


Yesterday as I was driving
home I stopped to consider
one of my favorite places
that is still closed for the

This is Bay Beach.
Our small town amusement park
where tickets still cost
25 cents each and it
costs one, or two, tickets
per ride.

This is the  pavilion where
our daughter, Mimi,
got married 
a few years ago.
It was the first wedding held there
in 40 years!
They treated us like royalty
and gave everyone 
free tickets for rides.
Everyone loved it!
However, today it is 

This is the Zippin-Pippin~
It was Elvis Presley's favorite
roller coaster.
The city bought it a few years ago
and had it erected at 
the amusement park.
I finally got a chance to ride it
last year with my granddaughters.

Do you KNOW how much
I love roller coasters?
Does that surprise you?
I am the one in the front row
with my arms in the air;
discreetly covered so my fat arms
(as SweetCheeks so fondly calls them)
don't wave in the breeze!
And as I look around,
I see the little train station buttoned tight.
Its little cars and engine parked inside.
The small pavilions are empty,
benches tilted sideways.
The swings have no load
to carry-except for the snow
that has been covering them.
We do have bits and pieces of
GREEN showing through here and there.
However, everything is still
The playground equipment
echoes with the whistles
of the wind.

Finally ~I look up and see
the Spring sky and notice a
jet has scratched its way
across the surface.
My deck chairs sit sadly,
for Spring when they will
be filled with a warm body
~or a wet one~
depending on the day.
Yep!  I am

And..what else is ready for
Not this one-
he appears
to still be hibernating!

I hope you have a wonderful,
wonderful Thursday.

Next week at this time I will be on my way


  1. I enjoyed this so much and looks like more excitement to come!!!!!

  2. Diana, When you fly over my house on your way to Florida, don't forget to wave. LOL. I am happy for you. You have been a trooper helping your children and grandchildren throughout this winter....time for you to have fun. Hope John gets to go along. You both could use some sweet sunshine. :) Blessings to you my friend, love you, xoxo, Susie

  3. Sounds like we both are waiting for spring. You have such a wonderful area.


  4. I know what you mean. Today we are at 60! Rain is predicted for the next three days but today is sunny and lovely and I'm celebrating! I hope you can too, soon!

  5. 70s here but a good breeze blowing. I used to enjoy roller coasters, but haven't been on one in years.

  6. Poor little amusement park. It just makes me sad. Hope Spring gets there (and here) soon!

  7. You and me both, Diana!!! I can't wait to get my deck cleaned off and back in use again!!

  8. Winter sure is hanging around for a LOOONNNGGGG time this year! I am glad you are getting away, it will be so nice to enjoy some warm rays of sun, and hopefully spring will have arrived once you get back! Such a lovely place for the community to come together and enjoy good old fashioned fun! Hopefully they get to open up again soon :)

  9. So glad you are going to the place of sunshine... We have had warm temps and I have been raking and getting ready for warmer temps here. Still expect some more snow (we hope)
    Love, Roxy

  10. I am not with you on the roller coaster. I see Mr. Wonderful still sleeping. And I wish i was going with you on that vacation! lol sandie

  11. Wishing you lots of rollercoaster rides this summer! You can have my share!

  12. A whole lot of us are still waiting for spring. My corner is expecting a "mixed event" overnight. Blick. It is definitely time to get out of Dodge and head for warmer places.

  13. Spring doesn't want to come and we will probably go right into summer! LOL. It's so nice that you will be getting away to the beach! At least there you will be able to enjoy the warm weather and beach.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Julie xo

  14. I hope spring makes a comeback soon.

  15. 80 degrees here today..My bird baths frozen this morning..Supposed to be in the 80's the next few days then back in the 50's I hope..The flu is back and worse than before..I just heard that..It's just a crazy world in so many ways..I can see you in the front of the roller coaster...Why not??

  16. We have been waiting for spring and tomorrow and Saturday are going to be like June. Sunday nose dives to 50s. Bizarre. Have fun


  17. Have a wonderful trip to the warmth. I am extremely envious but then the sun doesn't like me too much. I will have to wait it out here for Spring. Great post!

  18. Ok, number one...I HATE roller coasters! I am such a chicken. I can't even do the kiddie ones at those pop up fairs. Number two...I am also desperate for spring. I am so ready. And Mimi's wedding sounds like a fabulous party. Those are the best weddings!

  19. You are a brave roller coasters for me!....and Happy Trails Diana!!!!

  20. A roller coaster queen! My goodness, Diana, I really dislike them! Have a great vacation. I'm sure you could use the sunshine and the warmer weather-enjoy! ♥

  21. All of waiting for spring, here in California the weather is better now..

  22. Oh you have so much to look forward too . Our weather is crazy this season . One day cold in mornings and then warms up . One day rain and hail . But i just praise God for another day sweet friend . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  23. I am ready for spring as well.

  24. Oh goodness, I'd never survive up still be waiting for Spring, Hoo boy, I'd be a big old grump! The park looks like so much fun! Enjoy the beach!

  25. This was a great post, Diana! Come on Spring! Why am I not surprised that you love rollercoasters? I would be more than happy to hold your bag and take pictures while you ride your rollercoasters... because there is no way I would be on one. -Jenn

  26. Cheapest tickets I've heard of for a long time

  27. Lucky you! Snow and then a sunny vacation. The best of both worlds.

  28. I can see you now, laughing with your hair flying on that thing. No way I would join you, though. Unless there was money involved. Or a dare. I can't say no to that! Wherever you are going looks wonderful. Enjoy the sun!

  29. I know you will be so glad to get there!!!! Perhaps it will be spring when you get back home.

  30. What a fun place for Mindy to get married. I can so see you in the front car with your hands in the air! Me I would be the one in the back car throwing up! I cannot wait for you to head out to Florida not just because you deserve this break and need this break but because you have to pass by me to get there!!! I will be the one at the end of the driveway with my bathing suit and flip flops on!
    Happy Friday have a great weekend. Yeah weekend!

  31. You go girl! When I was on my 8th grade class trip to Dorney Park in Allentown, PA I rode the "The Coaster" which is now known as "ThunderHawk" 11 times in a row! It opened in 1923 making it one of the oldest wooden roller coasters in the country. And it's the second oldest PTC coaster (Philadelphia Toboggan Coaster) in the world. I can't believe it's still there! Your amusement park looks like such fun. And your daughter was married there? OMG, now THAT is fun! Oddly enough I no longer love roller coasters:) My kids do, though. And they can not believe that their mom actually loved them once, too. Hope your upcoming trip is fabulous. Wish I were going somewhere! xo Kathleen

  32. Bay Beach! I know it well, when my son was young we would go there 2-3 times a week,we live about 60 miles from there, spent so many happy memories there. Your photo's make it look so sad but once spring arrives Bay Beach becomes so alive. Hurry SPRING!

  33. Oh, you lucky duck! Enjoy your trip down South!

    The park sounds like a wonderful place to visit with family - and a wedding! Awesome..

  34. What a beautiful place with SO many memories! A gorgeous backdrop for a wedding:) Can't wait to see where you are headed dear friend, HUGS!

  35. So, is it closed for the winter? Or closed permanently? It sounds like such a wonderful place! Perfect for young families since it is so affordable. Your daughter and SIL look so happy and beautiful. I'm envious of your upcoming beach time! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  36. Beautiful! You are a truly talented writer.

  37. IT looks like a great amusement park. I hope you see spring at your home soon, but it is wonderful that you are heading off to find some spring!

  38. We are finally get a couple of very Spring like days here. After today things will get cooler again. Listening to the weather this morning they said we even have a chance of s n o w early on next week....But I going to enjoy today to the fullest !

  39. We have two nights of freezing weather over the weekend and I hope then winter is done here. I'm ready to go get myself some pretty blooms! We only get snow about once per year and it melts fast.

  40. Have fun, fun , fun on your trip south, Diana!! I look forward to seeing where you are going.
    Prayers will be said for Mary and many need our prayers, don't they? xo

  41. Good Morning, You could ride the roller coasters with my middle grandson. He rides everyone of them at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri. I turn every color there is and I am done for the day so I just watch. We have had two beautiful days, but now we are going back the other way. Enjoy your trip because you need to get away from it all. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  42. Oh my goodness. I know you are anxious for spring to get there. I am sorry I can't help, but I see that you are going to help yourself to some of our sunshine pretty soon! I don't know how far down into Florida you intend to come, but it would be such fun to meet you. However we don't live near the coast. Soon you will be back home and the roller coaster will be rolling again...and I can just imagine you there waving your arms in the wind. (mine do the same thing...). Have fun on your vacation!!!

  43. Awwww! Closed amusement parks are so sad! I keep waiting to see the ferris wheel show up here! I hope that your spring is coming soon! We finally are having a taste of it today, with sun and 75 degrees! So much better! Looks like you'll soon be headed for a warmer area -yay! It looks beautiful! Have a great weekend! Hugs!💜

  44. I had a Facebook memory show up yesterday or today where my youngest son's dog, Koopa the Pit Bull was doing what Pits do...JUMPING at trees. But it was a year ago today and my crabapple tree was loaded with white blossoms . Today it is just beginning to show a bit of green. We are way behind here in Western PA as well as your area ! :)

  45. Enjoy your trip! You deserve some fun time! xoxo

  46. So glad you are going to get some warm sunshine, even if you have to go far south to get it! Have fun!

  47. Getting married is akin to climbing on a roller coaster! I hope their ride has been smooth!

  48. Not much Wisconsin spring happening this weekend! I know you have it worse near you, but we still have high wind advisories, flood watch, winter weather advisory and the power has been off and on all morning! Can you swing by and pick me up on the way to the airport next week?!!! Jane

  49. Hello Diana! Thanks for visiting my blog via Pam's blog! Nice to meet you and thanks for connecting. I'll be following you too.

  50. Man, I'm such a wimp! I can't do big fast crazy rollercoasters. Disney ones, yes but not the crazy ones. You're a brave girl!!! I am so ready for spring if only this wind would stop. Doesn't it know it's not march anymore. It sure looks like you are going somewhere fun, I can't wait to read all about it!!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  51. Ha ha ha! My Hero needs that sleep!
    I am ready for spring, too.
    I hope your little vacay is just the ticket.

  52. I loved this. For several reasons. It resonated with me.


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