
Wednesday, April 11, 2018


You know,
sometimes some of us have a
and we might even feel a bit depressed
or sad or blue.

I am here to tell you-
if you have good health,
or just minor health issues,
fall on your knees and offer up a

While I am prone to complain about
or a
there are people that are 
praying for their lives.
Do you know Mary

I have followed Mary for a long, long time.
She has always been such a
I don't know if she wants me to tell you 
how old she is....
but you wouldn't believe me anyway.

Yesterday I got an email from her
asking for prayer.
I know it is hard for her to ask for anything 
for herself-but she is 
anxious and scared.

Here is her email to me:
Good Morning Diana,  I would like to ask you to put me on your prayer list.  I ended up in the ER last Wednesday morning after struggling to breath all night.  My COPD, asthma and heart were in high distress.  I apparently had heart failure and they have to put in a new valve, but can be done without cracking my chest and going in that way.  It will be up through my leg.  So if you could please have some prayers said for me I would appreciate it very much.

I am home now until all the paper work is complete for surgery.  All I have done is sleep since I got home yesterday evening.

I know Mary will appreciate your prayers
and good thoughts.
I love you, Mary, 
but you know that!!!!

Next on the list is 
Debbie-Dabble's nephew, John.
You can read his whole story here
This is him with his beautiful family
before CANCER struck him down.
He is a trained 
You know what that means?
It means that
you know more than you want to know
about hospital me!

His story is just heartbreaking.
Please take a moment to pop by 
Debbie-Dabbles blog
to see his whole story.
Here he is with his brother, Dan.

You can sure tell they are from the
same family.

If you are a pray-er, please pray.
If you don't pray, please send 
healing thoughts and wishes to 

My heart aches for them and their families!
Thank you for taking the time to read this-
You are ALL so appreciated
and loved!


  1. Mary is a wonderful woman who always leaves kind comments whenever she visits. They both will be in my prayers today. Thank you for bringing them to our attention Di.

  2. Will keep her always in prayers.

  3. Diana, I will pray for Mary and John. I always pray for cancer cures. So much suffering. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  4. I have already sent up prayers as I read your blog, Diana. We all need prayers from time to time, and like our Lord said, we are to pray for one another. It's always so sad to hear that anyone has cancer or heart problems. We know how devastating that can be. Thanks Diana. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  5. Prayers for all, prayers of comfort, healing and strength. amen

  6. I will surely be praying for these families! Thank you for sharing their stories and needs with us. Have a blessed day dear friend, we sure have SO much to be thankful for! HUGS!

  7. I'll keep them in my prayers. Thank you so much for always letting us know about those in need of prayers. We can make a difference...all of us together! Hugs, Diane

  8. Praying for Mary and for John.

  9. I will definitely say a prayer for friends. We don't realize how much good health means until we don't have it. I'm so thankful for mine. Although I may be getting older, I only have the usual problems that come with age. I may not be able to do what I used to but have learned to slow down and enjoy every day.

  10. Prayers for Mary and Debbie's nephew, John.


  11. Absolutely. Prayers indeed...

  12. Thank you for asking on their behalf Diana. Will be keeping both Mary and John in prayer. We have been so blessed by the many praying for our family in recent weeks. God hears and answers.

  13. I do "know" Mary -- thank you for sharing this. She is in my prayers as is Debbie's nephew.

  14. I have never understood what prayers are supposed to do or what they accomplish.

  15. Thanks Diana... I will definitely keep John and Mary in my prayers. Have a good week.

  16. I will be praying for them both, Diana. My Sis is going through radiation right now for an aggressive breast cancer and is in a lot of pain. Could you say a prayer for her too?

  17. My heart breaks for these sweet people. I just stopped and prayed for them and their families.
    I will surely be keeping them in my prayers.

  18. Hello Diana, I am so sorry to hear about the health of these two people. I am sad to hear about Mary as I was lucky enough to have met Mary a few years ago. She is such a sweet lady. I am sayin prayers for the both of them.
    I just found out that my husbands uncle just passed away and I will be busy with the that this weekend. :(

  19. Oh Diana, you are so right. I have been complaining about this crazy weather for weeks. Sometimes we just need to have things put into perspective. Thank you once again for sharing these prayer requests...prayers going up in behalf of both of them. Hugs!

  20. I honestly don't know why life is so much harder for some Diana. Prayers for all of them.

  21. Oh my. Hugs and prayers for Mary! And prayers going up for John!


  22. Diana,
    Thank you so much for this post!! I truly appreciate the prayer request for my nephew and his young family. I also "know" Mary and I will be praying for her also. She frequently has stopped by my blog and always had such kind and encouraging words to say! Thanks again and THANK YOU to all who are praying for both my nephew John and our blogger friend, Mary!!!

  23. Praying now for these two different families and friends. My heart goes out to both of them...and I know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think (Eph. 3:20) Thank you for sharing this with us. We will be praying here.

  24. Mary is a wonderful woman, I follow her blog.. I'll pray both of them.. Hope everything will be better soon..

  25. Prayers for both. It has to be really scary to have surgery like that for the heart. They are so talented these days with the new surgical techniques I hope all will go well. I hate what cancer does to people. It'e heartbreaking knowing the anguish it puts a person through.

  26. Will do......and thank you for sharing. It is one thing we can do for each other. I pray God holds tight to them as they go through their ordeals.
    Hugs Janice

  27. Mary is a brave woman - I am learning more about this - my nephew is 42 and he is having it done May 3rd. He has to have his chest opened so I will pray for her - she looked beautiful.

    I use to follow and write back and forth with Debby - just lost contact when i stopped blogging for awhile - I will pray for her nephew - wonderful help they received as well.

    Love, sandie

  28. Oh Diana, I’m praying for dear Mary, God bless her. I will be praying for Debbie’s nephew too. I believe in the power of prayer.
    Hugs, my friend

  29. Hi Diana,
    I will be praying. I have known Mary from blogland for quite a few years and just love her. So sad to here. Will also pray for John.

  30. Diana, sending prayers for Mary and for John. I know all to well, how life can take a quick change and not for the good. I pray God brings comfort and peace.


  31. Diana, you know I will pray for all. One thing I have learned is I will NEVER take things for granted. Getting positive results with my health I have told some of my close friends, we may be mad the weather stinks in NJ right now but keep things in perspective

    Don't lose your patience over stupid things because in one instance life can change

    Many prayers will be said


  32. I have been my husband's caretaker for the past 26 months and he has just been declared cancer free. Unfortunately about the same time I was diagnosed with cancer also and currently I am doing chemo. I will remember them in my prayers.

  33. Diana, I'm so glad I saw your post on FB. Mary is a sweet blog friend and I'm so sorry she's going through this and I will certainly be praying for her. She has always been so sweet to visit with me.
    Again, I'm sorry to hear of Debbie's nephew. Cancer is such a horrible disease. Thank you, sweetheart, for being so willing to share with us the prayer requests. I certainly believe in the power of prayer.
    Bless you,
    Shelia ;)

  34. thank you for lifting them up in prayer Diane. and you can still complain about snow in april. hugs to you!

  35. Lifting both Mary and John up in prayer. Life can kick you hard; it's good to know there is a loving community out here in blogland to boost you up when you need it.
    Hugs to you, Diana.

  36. It is my honor to join you and the others in prayer for Mary and for John. God is still in the miracle business. Your own John is a wonderful testimony to that!

  37. Thank you Diana for these prayer requests and reminder to be grateful for the little (and big) blessings we all have each day!

  38. Oh, I looooove Mary. She is so dear to me. I'm so sorry to hear this. Saying a prayer for both of them, and I will visit her blog as well. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  39. Hi Diana! I'm headed over to Mary's and Debbie's blogs to offer prayers right away!💜

  40. It is so wonderful of you to put these prayer requests out.....that word-of-mouth, or word-of-prayer is powerful!

  41. Thank you for letting us know and I have them on my prayer list. I read on Facebook today that Deborah at Shabby Queen's husband died today. They were married for 38 years! So please add her to your prayers too!

  42. Of course I will be honored to pray for both of them.

  43. you can email me at marainey01 at yahoo dot com

  44. Praying for these folks and their families, their caregivers, all who love them...

  45. How precious of you to share these prayer needs with your blogging friends. I would be honored to pray. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  46. Thanks so much, Diana. I just heard from Mary the other day and she didn't say a word! She is one of the sweetest ladies and I am going by for a visit right now. My prayers and thoughts go out to her and Debbie's nephew..Thanks for all the kind deeds that you do..xxoJudy

  47. I believe in the power of prayers and I am sending mine to both Mary and Debbie's nephew.

    I know you are anxious as I am for spring to hurry up. We don't have the snow, but we do have the tornadoes, flooding, and strangely cold windy days all mixed in. Ugh.


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