
Tuesday, March 6, 2018


It's said that
on St. Patrick's Day.

I am Irish every day of the year.
It's in my blood-literally.
I have bits and pieces of 
around  me all year long.

My sweet girls bought me this set
a few years ago.
I love it to the moon and back.
However, as we are preparing to move
I gifted this back to my
There are about 45 pieces in the set.
We spent quite a bit of time 
researching this on the internet
and couldn't really track it at all
to find the pattern.
If you know anything about it 
I would love to know!
I also LOVE this sweet compote dish
that stays in my china cabinet year round.
Also - now gone from my home.
Yeah- I know- 
crummy picture...
Here's a bit of the lid-
It's a pretty piece, isn't it?
The manufacture's mark looks like this.
Those French sure do a nice job on

I thought I needed a new shamrock plant
Someone  who shall remain nameless 
killed my plants while I was gone.
So~ I went to Stein's Garden & Gift.
As I was walking in I noticed a lady walking out.
She was walking out with a 
Whoodedoo- I am excited now!
I can't wait to get a plant...
or two...or three...or....

I rushed to find some for myself.
I couldn't find any!
I asked the clerk where the 
shamrock plants were.
She didn't know.
She called someone who called someone
who called someone---you know how THAT goes.
Sales clerk who was standing there 
chewing her gum said...
Oh-Ya lookin' for those green cloverleaf plants?
Me:      Ummm....YEAH.........
Gum Chewer: Oh- some woman just came in and 
bought both flats that we had.
What? WHAT?
I don't know if I wanted to kill the 
gum-chewing cashier or the woman that
took every last plant!
The plant gal has gone home....
Guess who is left?!?!

They SAID they have more
coming in tomorrow.
I'll believe it when I see it,
if you know what I mean.

Looks like a big snow storm 
going on here today.
AND- I have 3 grandgirls 
& their mom (my daughter)
staying here until they can move
 into their new home
next week.
Oughta be a fun week....
or a crazy one---take your pick!

Have a great Tuesday--
and shake out your 
and get your Irish on!
Y'all have a great day now,
you hear?!


  1. Hope your day is great also, Diana! I have a little Irish in me so I'm told. Love all your china you've given away.

  2. I've got my shamrocks hanging on the front doors, flags flying and Shamrock shirts out of the drawer (that holds all my favorite seasonal gaudies. LOL). Bring on the green! Enjoy your time with your girls! I know you will.
    That china is so beautiful. A real treasure to be passed to the next generation. Love that. Have a great day, Diana! blessings ~ tanna

  3. I have a little Irish in me as well. Have a wonderful day!

  4. Diana, I could not help but laugh. Why do you think someone would two flats of shamrocks? Gifts? Centerpieces? Hope you can find one. I had one for almost a whole year and it finally died away. Love all those beautiful dishes. I am not moving(want to) but I know I must start thinning things out here. Too much "stuff". You will have lots of helpers with all those girls there. It's cold again here and foggier than London, right now. :) My neighbor lady and her sister are going to Ireland this month. They will be there for St.Pat's day. Lucky girls. Blessings, xoxo, love,Susie

  5. That lady must have been hosting a St. Patty’s dinner or something. Hope that there’s one or two for you after the storm is over.

  6. Do you have a Trader Joe’s nearby?
    They have both the green and the purple shamrock plants.

  7. The lady who bought the 2 flats of shamrocks must be getting ready for St Patrick's Day too!

  8. Beautiful dishes indeed!!! I have enough clover in my yard that I could make a bouquet. I just need to figure out how to keep them from willting since the stems are so short. Haha
    I plan to make a cornedbeef briskett and cabbage for St. Patricks Day.

  9. such lovely china,, truly beautiful, giving to our daughters is really like not giving things away at all, at least thats how I felt when I cleared the house out when we moved. I wonder why that woman needed all the Shamrock plants?

  10. LOL that's what's on my to do list some shamrocks, and God help a cum-chewing millennial who says they're out! ;P

  11. I think St Patricks day became popular all over because our obsession with any reason to get drunk lol

  12. This reminds me of one time going to Savannah, Ga for St Patrick's weekend. Once was enough. :)

    I love your dishes, so pretty! I've often wished I'd been born on the 17 instead of the 18th. :)


  13. Sorry you missed getting a plant. That lady must have had an event going on where she needed that many. Your china is beautiful and I know that your daughter will treasure it forever and then one day pass in on to your granddaughters. It will always make them think of you and how proud you are of your heritage :)

  14. I hope parting with your treasures is not too painful for you......
    And hopefully you used and enjoyed them while you had them. I’m parting with some things but nothing in comparison to you. You have such grace in all you do. But even you can get a bit riled over the shamrock shortage! Hope you find some!

  15. Such beautiful China! I need to get out some of my Shamrock plates and enjoy them! I love those Shamrock plants but so does my cat (munch munch).

  16. I left my table top Christmas tree up. It is now covered with green shamrock lights and shamrock ornaments. I need to find the green material for under the tree, my dinning room table has a basket with a shamrock snowman in it. I will have to take pictures of the tree and center piece for you.

  17. Oh Diana, I've been looking for shamrocks as well! Don't you love the service we get these days? I adore your china. So lovely, and so sweet you gifted it to your Irish daughter. Have a cozy day, my friend. ♥

  18. LOL on the Shamrock plants. I love that China it is so pretty. I have a few pieces of Irish plates from Terry's mom who is Irish. I am glad you could gift these back to Mindy. Stay warm and inside with all that snow coming. I am so over winter!

  19. I love your joke on shamrock plants.. And those chinas are so, so pretty!!

  20. What a fun post, always. These are certainly beautiful gifts to pass down to your family...treasure they will certainly cherish! I sure do hope you finally get your hands on a shamrock plant. Visiting Ireland is on my bucket list...we'll see!

  21. Oh I too love St. Patrick's Day! That is too funny with the plants. Yes that is such pretty china. I hope you have a fun week with everyone and that storm will not be too bad. I too can't wait for winter to be over. Take care.

  22. aww, sorry about the shamrock plants. Hope you get your hands on some. It’s not too unusual for you to get snow in March but we are bracing for another nor’easter starting tomorrow morning. Just had one a couple days ago and many are still without electricity. Love your dishes! Have a good week!

  23. You're moving? Then where will we have our Easter dinner? I mean, you've invited us all to come, and we picked our favorite table setting, and you've already assigned our seats...You'd better send us a map! LOL. Love the china and stuff that you gave away. So sad, but glad for your daughter, but is she moving Too? How confusing! I'm part Irish...mostly Scotch-Irish and German, so does that qualify? This was fun. It is always fun over here at your place. Thanks!

  24. Love those dishes . You crack me up lady . I love visiting with you . Snow ? Wow . I heard that we may have a frost again before Easter . Who knows in Florida . I’m afraid that being in the midst of a makeover in my kitchen there will be no patty’s decor for me . But i do love all the green . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  25. I love your Irish plates - the china - how nice to gift it back. And the compote dish is exquisite. So did you get the Irish plant today? And did you get more snow? Sandie

  26. I'm still waiting to hear from to find out my mix! You have some beautiful dishes. I love them. Are you moving soon then? I have never seen a shamrock plant before. However, I have seen that salesgirl before. 😜

  27. I am in love with these dishes!!! Absolutely lovely! If you find out more about them I'd love to hear about it! Hope all goes well this week with everything :-)


  28. Pretty dishes...
    How can someone walk out with all the shamrocks? What SAN she possibly want with two flats of them? How greedy. Tsk. Good luck with your house full!

  29. You should have tripped Mrs. O'Riley (or whatever her name was) on her way out the door and nabbed a couple shamrocks for yourself! I really like the china design with the little flowers on it. -Jenn

  30. My family on mom's side came over from yes, I am Irish too. Loving your beautiful dishes. So pretty. I need to go look and see what I have in my closet to wear that is green...don't want to be pinched.

  31. I have never had a shamrock plant, but seeing yours in years past, I thought it would be fun to get one when I saw them advertised in the grocery circular. Of course, I was planning to go tomorrow to grab one, but we are expecting 6-12 inches of the white stuff. Hopefully they'll still be there on Friday! Hope you find one and congrats to your girls on their new place!!xo

  32. Oh, my, I'm sorry you didn't get your plant! Hopefully, they will be there tomorrow for you. :) God bless you in all of the changes in your life. I know how hard it is to let those sentimental things go. I am STILL working through more of ours, as we continue to minimize. It is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Take care, sweet friend.

  33. I do hope you find your shamrocks. Do you have any Beleek chiba?

  34. My Dad was half Irish, and half Chippewa I am right there with you, Diana!! My maiden name was Fitzgerald. LOVE your china...gorgeous!! Don't you just hate it when you see something, like the shamrock plant, and your heart is all a-flutter...then all gets dashed to the ground when you find out you are just a few minutes late from getting one? That sales clerk would be wearing that string of gum around her head, me thinks!! Have a wonderful time with your family while they wait to move into their new home. They are so blessed to have you, my friend.
    Love you.

  35. What a delightful post -- except for the shamrock availability part. I wish I could tell you what your china was but all I can say is that it is simply lovely, both patterns!

  36. Love the Shamrock story..I always get a plant for my sister and her Irish husband..Sorry that I can't help you with your china..You need to take it to "Antiques Road Show" in your spare time..I assume that you googled it..Enjoy your snow..Our storm went west ..What we are getting isn't sticking..It's 40 today..

  37. Such pretty family heirlooms that you gave to your daughter. That is too bad that clover got away from you, not your lucky day! Yesterday, I needed frozen dragonfruit for my daughter's smoothies and I found out it was discontinued! Now, it would grow here, if I could only find it. It is a type of cacti! You think you could find one if though it is not native in our desert. xoxo Su

  38. That's a beautiful china set, Diana. At least it will still be in the family. Our local grocery store had two shamrock plants left yesterday and they were gone today replaced by some pretty flowers. Our local St. Patrick's Day parade goes right by our house, all we have to do is open our door and watch it go by. :)
    Have a wonderful day and I hope the weather gets better. Rain and sun off and on all day here.

  39. Hi Irish cousin, You and I are both Irish through and through-I used to say I didn't have red blood, but green since I'm 100% Irish. Love the plates-so thoughtful of your girls and so thoughtful for you to regift them to Mimi. I was just sitting wondering what in the world I could post about, when I saw your post. I will once again show my Beleek pieces this week. I'm still wondering where you are moving too, since you are downsizing. You may have posted it and I just missed it. I won't buy any Shamrock plants this year, because we will head to the Islands a week later.
    Love you Nana Diana. Have a fantastic day and stay out of trouble.

  40. I've always loved that Irish dish with the gold lid. Are you keeping that one, or passing it on to your daughter? I hope you get your shamrock plants soon. Oh, those Irish people are something else, and how wonderful you are a part of them. Can't wait to celebrate the holiday with a bit of green. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  41. Diana, pretty dishes. I'm glad the Irish will stay on in your family! I'm Irish too on my paternal grandmother's side (Kelly) but I had forgotten all about St. Patrick's Day coming. Thanks, for the reminder, now I have a subject for next week's blog..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  42. I hope you got your shamrock plant. I also hope to get one this year and I live with a plant killer also.
    I love, love that set of china, wow!! I am so happy it will go to the person that loved it first.


  43. I was trying to find some shamrock plants the other day and didn't see a one! Maybe there is a mischievious leprechaun grabbing them all up! I only grew one once and managed to kill it- one of the few plants I've struggled with but then again I think it needed to be transplanted and I didn't do it quickly enough. The dishes are beautiful. No Irish in me that I know of (just Welsh- but it's close by!). I always enjoy St. Patrick's Day one way or another!

  44. Your shamrock dishes are stunning. Love the French covered dish. You know what a dish nut I am. LOL

    Sorry you couldn't get a shamrock plant. Hopefully they will get more in soon.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.


  45. I don't know that I have ever seen a shamrock plant in person! So I am 100% Italian and the only thing we do is make corned beef and cabbage. Isn't there some centuries old rivalry between the Irish and the Italians?! I don't even know what it is but I get along fine with Irish you! Are you 100%?

  46. Oh honey, those dishes are so pretty🍀 I know your daughter is happy to be the lucky recipient of those beauties. Enjoy your evening with the family dear friend. Hugs.

  47. what lovely china that she gets to use down the line

    I hope that the snow / this latest storm won't be too bad!

  48. You crack me up! The china piece is stunning and you definitely need those shamrock plants. It's a mission!

  49. Your shamrock dishes are lovely and Your compote so unique ...I love vintage china pieces....My hubby’s birthday is on St.Patrick’s Day so needless to say ... we’ Love celebrating March 17th... Don’t let the shamrock plants get away ..there will more to come...and may the luck of the Irish be with you..

  50. Love your dishes. I knew the Limoges the minute I saw it - it's my favorite. It was my maternal grandma's favorite "china", too. :-) I can't believe someone bought two flats of shamrock plants. What the heck?! Hopefully that person works in a nursing home or something, where she was going to pot all those plants with the seniors. dare she! lol

  51. Stunning dishes!!! St. Patrick's Day is celebrated here all month long with parades every weekend in March!! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!

  52. Pretty sure I have never seen a shamrock plant! Now I will be looking everywhere for one. Love the dishes- very pretty and a beautiful heirloom to hand down.

  53. Hi Irish Diana! Does it feel good to part with some dishes? Those are very pretty!
    I hope the snow melts soon.

  54. Awww, so beautiful Diana. The dishes are so lovely. Shamrock plant, interesting.....That someone was quite the hog...LOL Your daughter will loving having those special dishes. Happy St. Patrick;s Day Diana. xo

  55. So I'm a little late for the Easter table party. Sorry, but I HAD to go to Florida in 82 degree weather, and spend time NOT thinking about Easter, which is celebrated at our house. Now I'm doing cleaning and such getting ready for Easter! Which is going to have to be celebrated a week later in our family because everyone will be on Spring Break. I will say that I will sit at at any of the tables that do not have tall flower arrangements. Because when people sit down, and there is a tall arrangement on the table, you spend ten minutes trying to find a place to put it because you can't see the person across from you to talk to them, and all of the surface space is taken up with food! SORRY I'm so practical! I LOVE your St. Patrick's day china. And I guess I'm going to have to go back a few posts. I don't remember you moving. Not that I didn't read it, I just don't remember.


  56. What a gorgeous set of dishes - I am Irish too (for real) so I truly appreciate their beauty and Irish charm.

  57. Your dishes are gorgeous - so pretty for St Patty’s Day! I’m Irish too and my Mom comes from a HUGE Irish family (14!) I remember always going to huge St Patty’s celebrations growing up. Go green!


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