
Friday, March 9, 2018


I know some of you
have green that is bursting
through the soil
right now
and it feels like an early Spring.

Spring comes a bit later
here in Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin you might
awake to
THIS scene on
the little deck off the dining room.
The play house is covered with
nature's frosting, too.
Mrs. Cardinal makes her
morning appearance.
Mr. Cardinal is a lot more
colorful and a bit cocky 
cuz he thinks he's purty!
Fat and Sassy is here, too.
(NO not ME- I mean this guy)
I know some people hate them
but I get a kick of 
Now- I'm not saying
that I have a
addiction or anything...
although SOME people in
my own family have
accused me of just that very thing-
Imagine THAT
but this is what the
roads looked like
when I headed out for
morning fix.
Were the roads slippery?
Did some idiot partially
cross over into my lane?
Was it worth the drive?
Did I white-knuckle it all
the way home?
Did I live to tell the story?
Would I do it again?

The answer to all the questions
above is a resounding
Anyone get them all right?

Hey...did I EVER say
I WASN'T crazy?;>)

I have a houseful of grandgirls
this week while their new home
is getting set up.
I am back to cooking big meals,
lots of laundry,
squabble settling,
and-best of all-
lots of 

Wishing YOU 
Love & Laughter
this weekend, too!!!


  1. What a springlike photo! : /

    Haha...well, it is only March. It will melt soon, right?

    By the way, did you know you can make coffee at home? :-)

    1. REALLY great cardinal shots. I have a good one of Mrs. but Mr. is far more elusive! Looks like you got what we got. It can't last too long! I have to admit, it IS pretty but I'm so over it!

      Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Wow! That was quite a story...did you REALLY drive to Starbucks in that? Hmmmm, we may need to have an intervention here...LOL. Glad you made it back safely to your house full of grandgirls and the laughter and hugs and laundry and food to cook and squabble settling...and the snow on your deck and playhouse (love it!) Enjoy your precious little group while you can. They grow up way too fast...Blessings and joy to you today.

  3. No wonder you were NEEDING that Starbuck's enough to get out in that snow! LOL! A house full of little loves requires LOTS of energy, but, oh, the fun! The snow is beautiful, Diana! Enjoy your loves and be careful on your next Starbuck's run! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  4. After growing up in Michigan and living in western NY for years, that scene outside your windows looks familiar! Have fun with the kiddos!

  5. I know whereof you speak regarding spring. Spring? What’s that?!

    Never would I need a coffee, even from Starbucks, so much that I would go out on roads like that! Course my house isn’t full of teenage girls. Does that have anything to do with it?

  6. I love snow and I think it’s beautiful! There’s nothing better than a house full of laughter, enjoy!

  7. Well Girl you sure are a brave one to go out in that mess just for Starbucks! Um, I think you might just be pulling our leg a little bit! Of course a house full can make us do crazy things like that.
    We moved to the South of North Carolina to get away from all that cold but it has been unseasonably cold here too....guess the Earth is p.s.ed-off! Have a wonderful weekend.


  8. You are a braver man that I ...gunga din! haha! You couldn't PAY me enough to get out in weather like that. But I'm glad you survived and I know you'll enjoy having everyone there for a few days. It IS only a few days, right? heehee! Hugs!

  9. I love seeing your photo's, everything is so pretty. I'll take sunshine and cold though! I answered your questions as if it was me and it would be NO it wasn't worth it. Thankful you got back home safe with your cup of Jo, as for me I don't like Starbucks coffee! Stay safe and off those roads, sassy Lady!

  10. We had that scene two days ago and might have it again on Monday. “Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows, lies the seed, that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the Rose.”

  11. Get in there with those kids and play, try not to do TOO much cleaning and tidying up!
    Glad you made it through all that snow for your coffee fix, of course, we ALL knew you would! LOL!

  12. Starbucks should use you in their advertising!

  13. You do this to us every spring! Snow and it will be 80 in Dallas today! Come on down! Enjoy those grands and stay warm.

  14. Diana, That kind of snow makes me crazy !!! I would never go on that drive unless I was already in an ambulance. No way girl. I know you are having some laughs with S.C. and her sisters. Hope your weekend is fun and safe. We have some sun's been cold here lately but not that sub-zero stuff. I am ready to go looking around Horton's. :) Blessings to you and your family. love, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. hug the girls for me.

  15. Yikes! Stay home! lol And please keep that nasty white stuff're not too far from me and we only have a few patches of snow here and there.

  16. A girl's got to have her coffee fix no matter! Have a fun week end....hugs..

  17. Helllooooo my friend. You are running the best B&B ever!!! The girls adore you and love being at your house. It will be tons of fun and lots of laughs for sure. I can see you sliding down the roads to get to Starbucks for your fix! I would do the same to get my Diet Coke at McDonalds! Happy Friday. Have a great weekend and enjoy the girls next week.

  18. I'm glad you will go out in that, this southern girl hybernates when we get any white other than frost.

  19. You know, they make coffee you can brew at your own house now. You make it in this thing called a coffee pot. Much safer than driving through a blizzard!

  20. That's a scary ride for coffee. Hopefully spring is soon for you. ❤️

  21. I can't believe you drove in that weather, but an equally glad that you made it back home safely!

    Enjoy your time with the littles! xoxo

  22. Those cardinal's were gorgeous - but why are they still there???????????????????????
    Sorry but your spring looks so cold.
    And tell me you really did NOT go out in that for Starbucks!
    I know you are enjoying the kids.

  23. Wow. You must have had a verra strong hankerin' for Starbucks, Lassie!

  24. Geeez! What people will do for a cup of coffee! haha.
    It's been warm here and Spring is showeing up everywhere but old man Winter showed up again yesterday and brought us some snow flurries. Glad it was just a little because I have already put away the winterwear!

  25. Enjoy those grandgirls and all of the fun that they bring!

  26. That sounds like the best kind of week ever! Enjoy :-)

  27. wow wow wow!! today i can see a little doing like weather.. but from tomorrow it is going to rain continuously for few days.. :/

  28. You crazy girl :) driving in that mess for coffee! Sweet and crazy.

  29. You need to buy a coffee maker!! There's no way I'd head out on those roads for anything. Winter is pretty....... pretty long! But your photos are beautiful.

  30. Have a magical week end with the little ones. I understand the coffee thing, except I am a Dutch Brothers, double chocolate gal myself.


  31. On the road to home Dianna...should be there by Sunday night.
    Envy your grandittle time...hoping for some myself later next week...
    Linda :o)

  32. Hello Wisconsin, from Marshfield, Wisconsin..guess we lucked out here today, no snow, but woke up to a very sunny morning, and in the 30's. Got our coffee from McDonald's just a couple of blocks away. We get it to go also...Anyway..nice to talk to you, have a great time with the girls. Grandchildren, go good with coffee (grin)

  33. The roads aren't even there, or are they?

  34. That was a wonderful post! you in all your glory! You must've needed that coffee pretty bad.
    Your spring is beautiful. We really didn't have a nice snow this winter. Lots of little ones. Have a wonderful weekend.

  35. YUP, that's how our Spring looks here too! Lots of white stuff everywhere. Today we had intermittent blizzards! I see you got your Shamrock plants....nice header. Ya know, you can buy Starbucks coffee at Walmart and brew your own at home on bad weather days.....just sayin'. That's what we do anyways!

  36. You are certainly rich in snow these days! We spent a St Pat's night in Oshkosh a few years ago and had a wonderful St Pat's celebration at an old German restaurant downtown. The next morning it had snowed so much overnight we had to turn around and head south to get out of the blizzard. It was a really fun time while it lasted.

  37. LOL all that I could think about reading this is that you need to find a way to make comparable coffee at home if you can!!! :)

  38. You are so crazy, but with a household of grands one must have caffeine! Love you girl, crazy or not!

  39. that weather would have kept me home! Too much "frosting" for me! I do not think we have cardinals here in Oregon, but do have plenty of squirrels!!

  40. Our area looks just like yours and today was constantly changing with lake effect snow and sun! Spring is coming soon - I’m sure of it- right?
    Well at least it’s not as cold as January- there is always a positive to be grateful for! Have fun with the grands!

  41. Happy spring! Wow...what a white out! Well, Old Man Winter isn't finished with us here in NC either. We have Bradford pears and plum trees , forsythia. and redbuds popping open BUT we are to get snow tomorrow night! I guess that's March for you. Enjoy the snow and enjoy those grands!

  42. Oh br. You still have snow...our trees are budging out and flowers are springing forth! It's supposed to be 89 tomorrow before a front drops us to the 60's. So you can't be far behind, right? :) You must of been desperate for that cup of coffee! Have fun with your grands. I bet it's nice to have them around for awhile.
    Have a good weekend!

  43. Hey pretty lady! You really got walloped. Those roads look treacherous. I would NOT have ventured out in it. Have your tried making Starbucks coffee at home? I know, not the same. Just don't kill yourself getting it!

    I love that despite the chores, you mentioned the fun and laughter. You have a great mindset! You are a fab Nana!


  44. A housefull of grandgirls sounds absolutely WONDERFUL--ENJOY! And I love love love that picture of the male cardinal---great capture!! Happy weekend!

  45. Oh, the snow is so pretty!!! I imagine you and those girls are having a ball! What a blessing, in spite of all the chaos. :) God bless you, sweet friend.

  46. How sweet the house will ring with all that laughter. Beautiful snow! I know... maybe prettier in December rather than March!

  47. Oh my goodness. I think you may need a 12 step Starbucks program. Mrs. cardinal is saying "what the heck is going on here?" I think she may be wishing for a home further south. xo Laura

  48. Such pretty photos of the cardinals, Diana! You really must be careful when you get your morning fix! Have a great weekend! xo ♥

  49. That's a lot of snow! I see the male cardinal far more than the female cardinal. I'm wondering why that is?

  50. lol,, well, its almost spring but its not looking like it is it, I swear when they do blood tests on you its star bucks type B that comes out lol,,

  51. Hello my Wisconsin friend, yep, that is our life in March in Wisconsin. LOL
    Have fun with your family.
    xx oo

  52. Well, you are busy! But, I know you are making lots of memories with the girls.
    We were without power a couple of years ago for about 5 days. When the roads cleared, the first thing we did was go buy coffee!

  53. we had snow as well though a few inches less than you but still enough for a school delay and the grandkids here / though their parents INSIST that they fed them breakfast before dropping them off somehow any grand child arriving at my house is Starving and Needing Fed throughout their sojourn here :)

  54. Oh, my, that's a lot of snow and yes, we do have green breaking through here in Louisiana. I bet lots of fun memories are being made with those Gran girls. Happy weekend!

  55. I have been waking up to that same view quite often - we have had over 150" snow so far this year....and I have had many of the white-knuckle drive. I CAN'T wait for SPRING!!! Great photos of the birds!

  56. In weather like that it’s time to make coffee at home! But this morning, (in good driving conditions) I went to my favourite bakery, which open at 6:00 to buy wonderful wild berry scones for breakfst and a loaf of whole grain sourdough bread for lunch, fresh out of the oven, almost too hot to handle. Does it get any better? I hear my wife stirring now. She will be in heaven!

  57. I guess you got plenty of snow left.:) I love the cardinal photos, they sat still for you. As for driving out in that weather, not me, the coffee is just a push button away in the other room unless it's broken. :)
    Enjoy the day!

  58. If I had NO coffee on waking...because of no power..I may make a coffee run not unlike that! But times would have to be desperate!!!

  59. I loved your snow pictures, Diana. It was a treat for me.....and what a cool picture of the Red Cardinal. Wow, it's so foggy around your neck of the woods, but that won't stop us from going to our Starbuck's. : ) I hope you had a great time with all the girls. I got to see Francesca for FOUR days as well. Happy Birthday to Bright Eyes, and I loved your post above to celebrate her special day. Those pictures of her are all so precious. She's already FOUR!

    love, ~Sheri

  60. Oh no, all these pics make me shiver. They're beautiful, but I'm so tired of the cold. Stay warm Diana!

  61. White Knuckling to Starbucks? No way, girl!! Easy for me to say. I've never stepped foot in one. lol!

  62. You and your driving stories always remind me of my mom. She would drive in anything. She was hearty New England stock, as they used to say, and she would laugh at people around here who were afraid to drive in a few inches of snow. She was the go to mom whenever we needed to get anywhere. I remember one year, she needed to get to the airport to make a flight to cruise, but all the airports here were closed for snow. She drove herself and her 5 friends (all 70+) two states over in a blizzard to get to an airport. She was not missing that trip!!

  63. Still snowing here in NJ, too, although because we had a warm February, my bulbs started poking through the ground. Hope you enjoyed your house full of grand-girls!

  64. I got one wrong answer. I picked no for would I do it again! Nana Di! You are crazy!!! I’ve been on those roads like that and I’ve decided no more. This year if the roads were bad, I stayed home.
    So what’s your favorite drink? I get white chocolate mocha latte’ or mocha Frappuccino.


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