
Friday, April 7, 2017


Mom! Mom!
I finally figured out how to
work this video-cam- kind of..
I know the picture remains
stationary...but can you
hear me talking?
Can you?
I am sending you this because
I want you to know that
you were
Dead Wrong!
Remember when I was
a teenager and
you kept telling me that
drugs would ruin my life?
That too much acid
would fry my brain?
Well! Lookit me, Ma!
Here I am!
48 years old and doing just fine.
I've been painting, too...
Yes I have!

Behind me is one of my
best pictures so far.
I call it
Study In Orange
and I'm gonna sell
it for about
a gazillion bucks
to the big art dealer
down the street...
although he seems to be
"out of the office"
everytime I stop by.

Well, anyway...
just wanted you to know that.

I'm doing fine and
many thanks to Daddy
that left me all his money
so I can buy more art supplies.

I hope you are getting by
on the $468. a month
you get from Social Security...
That's all for now, Mom.

To the advertiser:  If you would like your ad removed please notify me.

PS- How do you like my pig tails, Mom?


  1. Toooo funny! Have a great weekend, Diana.

  2. That painting should sell well at Halloween.

  3. Oh, Girl! You just won't DO!

    I'm so glad you like the little kitchen---I've waited so long, thinking that when THIS is finished and THAT is done, or even when all the shelves in the den are straight---THEN I'd clear out that pass through and put in the little kitchen properly. So then came the day, and it's such a bright and cheery little place---couldn't you just sit down and DWELL?

    Those charming tiny dishes are from BitsyNest, I think---they are two-piece and so small that the littlest movement would knock them rolling, so I secured them into the already-filled and decorated hutch I got from Trishiesminicorner. Sheesh!! I sound like one of those vacuous starlets walking the red carpet, naming off who she's WEARING.

    You stay well and warm way up there!


  4. Diana, I know that they call a one color piece art...but Hmm? My neighbor lady (in town) painted a picture in all brown and need I tell you how that looked? LOL No shapes, no lines, it looked like a palate on which,she mixed her browns. I keep wondering if she had mistakenly framed the palate instead of the canvas. hehe. Let's just say, I never made an offer. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. Good one! Not sure that is art. If I could paint it, it definitely isn't art! lol

    Have a wonderful weekend! As always, thank you for your support!

  6. You are just too funny, Diana!!! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! xxo

  7. It takes a special brain to think up ad copy, I guess!

  8. I had no idea where this was going at first! LOL!!!

  9. I cannot even begin to guess what this ad is for but your narrative is perfect!!

  10. Oh how funny - poor old mom how does she get by. LOL

    Have a great weekend.

  11. And her brain wasn't fried. Haha. Too funny Diana. Have a good weekend. xo

  12. You are so funny girl and just a little nuts. Just the way I like my dear friends. sandie

  13. Looks like Roseanne Rosannadanna from SNL. Wasn't Gilda Radner great? Not sure what's really going on THERE but hey it's Funny on Friday! Have a great weekend! xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home

  14. Too funny... just splash orange on a canvas and see what happens, lol! Hugs to you today :)

  15. Thanks for the smiles early this a.m. I hope you enjoy the weekend. xoxo

  16. Where do you find the ads? I always try to figure out what they are for...this one has me stumped!!

  17. Looks like Gilda Radner..Thanks for the chuckles..Have a fun weekend..

  18. Ah the minds of younguns. The story fits the photo perfect.

  19. Hahaa, hey Mom, I've been sniffing paint fumes and it's making me pull my hair out. Hope your weekend was a blast.

  20. Thanks for the chuckle today, sweet friend. :) You are such a blessing to us all!


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