
Sunday, April 9, 2017


I think those that know me well
might snicker a bit about the fact
that I have a blog that posts 

When my husband got ordained
about 20 years ago,
my good friend, Patty M,
(and you know who you are)
"Well~all good and fine for John but now~
Yeah- that is the kind of friends that 
I have!

Fast forward and here I am,
entrusted by people to post 
for them.
God is funny that way.
He does 
Trust me- I know-

Enough chatter---
First up:
My friend, Jettie.
She has been in horrible pain.
She has had a hip surgery and two knee surgeries
and some days she has so much pain in her back
that she could cry.
She just got a final diagnosis-
ARTHRITIS throughout her body and
There is no "fix" for either of these
but she is praying they will find something
to make the pain tolerable.
This is an old picture but the only one I can find
in my files.

Please pray for
Jettie's "niece" TESHA.
TESHA has uterine cancer.
Please pray for her.  
She is only 41with a lot of life
ahead of her.

Edited to add this request:
From Michele-@FinchRest

Asking for you all to pray for my brother who had a stroke recently, too and for my sister whose back is ruining her life with pain. And for my niece who was just confirmed on Friday (I am her sponsor.) Thank you. God bless.
Jill is doing fine.
She is recovering at home after stomach surgery
 and is slowly getting well.
Her family has been supportive and
her girls and hubby help her.
Jay, Connie's husband,
He had stomach surgery also.
It was a rather long, involved surgery
but he is doing well.
He, too is home now.
Connie says,"Praise the Lord for the outcome"~

Robbin's  (Down On The Farm)
mom had a portion of her
cancerous liver removed.

She will be staying close to the hospital
for a few weeks so they can monitor her.
The got the lymph nodes and it appears
that she is on her way to a total healing.
A real answer to prayer because 
they weren't sure 
what was going to happen there.
Robbin's message said to tell everyone
"Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever"
ALL the families thank EVERYONE
that prayed for them or sent good,
healing thoughts their way.

So, my friends-
There you have it.

If you are NOT a pray-er,
please wing good  and healing thoughts
everyone's way.
Thanks so much.

I am blessed to have our
SweetCheeks with us this weekend!
I don't see her nearly often enough
now that she is getting to be a
'big girl'.
We'll be having a few laughs
at Papa's someone's expense.
You know we will.
Here she is when she was just a munchkin
and loved to play dress up....

She is growing up

Thank you for the prayers for everyone
and I hope you have a wonderful
peaceful, blessed Sunday~


  1. Thank you so much for sharing the prayer requests and for the praise reports. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers. Say "hi" to Sweet Cheeks for me and I hope you guys have a fun day. xoxo

  2. Your friend Jettie must be encouraged by all the praise reports. I know that I am. Asking The Lord to provide pain relief for her. It is so miserable to be achy and suffering. Prayers also for Tesha. I have a dear friend who just came through this so there's another praise report.

    Thank you, Diana, for being a clearinghouse. You have a big, loving heart!

    Sweet Cheeks? Who? I thought she must have graduated from college ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป‍๐ŸŽ“ or run off and gotten married she's been so scarce. ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿป

  3. Praying! There's always such great need but not only is God able, He has a plan.
    Please add Alicia to your list...cancer has spread.

  4. Praying for them all, Diana.
    Remembering that I won Jettie's book in one of your sweet giveaways and I wrote a bit about it and connected it with thoughts on STRONG women and there is a prayer on there too!

  5. Oh, forgot to say....glad Sweet Cheeks is with you! Have fun!

  6. As I've said before, your blog is the best "prayer platform." I say this from experience and thankfulness for all the prayers and support that my son and I received from your blog followers.
    So here we go....Prayers for Jettie and her niece, Tesha, Jill, Ray and Robbin's Mom.
    I'm glad that Sweet Cheeks spent time with you. They grow up to fast. She is such a little doll.

    Thank you Diana, you are the best.


  7. I will keep them all in my prayers, Diana. Thanks for posting and have a good week.

  8. Glad to hear that everyone seems to be on the mend. Things are going better here for my family as well. Thanks for your kind words and prayers.

  9. Thank you for all of the updates and good news. I have arthritis throughout my body and degenerative disc disease too so I can certainly empathize with Jettie. It's not fun. Any news on Kristen? We've been praying for her in Bible study. We'll have to add these people this week.

  10. Thank you dear Friend for the post, and thanks to everyone for the prayer requests. I just heard from Tesha and she is scared, as we all have been with that diagnosis. I had it, and with surgery and GOD I am still here 32 years later.
    Kathy, praying for you too, as I know there are days that if it weren't for runny nose, you would cry too. I'm not a crier, but this isn't the way I planned to spend my Golden years...

  11. Its so great what you do here. You are a blessing to many. Have a happy Sunday.

  12. Love your place here, Diana.
    We will offer prayers for these intentions.
    And thank you for the updates!

  13. Consider it done, D- heading to sing in church choir in a few minutes and will take these prayer requests to the singers, too.

    Asking for you all to pray for my brother who had a stroke recently, too and for my sister whose back is ruining her life with pain. And for my niece who was just confirmed on Friday (I am her sponsor.) Thank you. God bless.

    Have a blessed Holy Week. Hugs. ♥

  14. How awful it must be for her to be in pain all the time. I really hope that she gets some relief soon! I'm so glad to hear that for some of the other folks, they are recovering and doing better. Thinking of all, -Jenn

  15. It breaks my heart to see so many in pain and need, but God is full of grace and your blog is a wonderful place to join with others in prayer. There is much power in communal prayer and I consider it a privilege to join with all of these christian bloggers to lift each other up to the Lord together. Thank you, Diana for the up dates and for prayer requests.

  16. Diana, I am praying for all in need. Our friends and loved ones, go thru so much...we need our Lord watching over us. The more prayers the better.
    I know your SC is growing up...come to my post today and see my Emma. OMG...we forgot to squeeze them down and keep them our babies. I miss reading about your little ones on your blog . I also miss our Emma...she always gave me something to put on my blog. Blessings to all, hug SC for me. xoxo, Susie

  17. Diana, my beautiful friend.. I'm praying for them.. hope they will feel good very soon.. please convey my hugs to them..and a big hug to you also..

  18. Praying for all and thanks for sharing the good news, too. I hope that you and SweetCheeks get into all sorts of trouble. Enjoy your day!
    xoxo, T.

  19. I dare anyone to snicker at you xoxox Healing prayers for all

  20. What a blessing you are to others!!


  21. Have a wonderful visit with sweetcheeks ---she is absolutely adorable!!! Does she like mermaids?

  22. Well I am not surprised at all you are being called for this mission. Not at all. I am glad people have a place to go. There are SO MANY people out there hurting isn't there? I mean and the world is going crazy with violence - another thing to pray for. Sweet Cheeks - I am glad she is visiting you I know how important that is for us grandmas. Love, sandie

  23. Prayers for all of your friends. Thanks for being our Blogger Chaplin.

  24. Thank you for the updates and prayer requests. We just never know how or why the Lord uses us. ♥

  25. Good to have friends, even like Patty -grin!- and these names are on Sabbath Keeping.

  26. Thank you, dear Diana for being a friend to all of those that request prayer. God knows exactly what He's doing when he chose you! Blessings to you, dear one. ♥

  27. Prayers for all three, Diana. : )

    love, ~me

  28. Oh dear friend, you are such a wonderful friend and I will pray along with my friends for this request.
    Tomorrow I am sharing how my Easter and Rosary table is going to be for prayers specially for the sick and as always for this country, as we are going thru a very bad turmoil... long story.
    Your cutie is growing for sure... don't they all?
    How are you and hubby, all is well I hope.

  29. There couldn't be anyone better than you to ask for prayer requests. You have touched so many lives and so many of us in blogland have a sweet connection with you. So glad to hear the positive updates! I will certainly pray for them. Prayer is an amazing gift from God!!

  30. Sweet Cheeks is the cutest! Sending up prayers for all your sweet friend Diana. You are such a great angel to help all these peeps out with a prayer request. I believe in the power of prayer. Hope they all find peace and better days ahead.
    Happy New Week.

  31. Prayers of course, all around. And that girl is adorable! ;) Enjoy her!

  32. Saying thank you here too, Diana, for your prayers and sending out prayer requests and updates. Life is hard sometimes, but God is still good and with us in the midst of it. I bet you had a great weekend with Sweet Cheeks there.

  33. You're a dear. I see clearly why people ask you to pray, Diana!

  34. Lifting all for healing thru His hands & heart ... I also wish to THANK all who prayed for me. It is truly appreciated. TTFN ~ Marydon

  35. I know you are sure happy to spend time with Sweet Cheeks. Thank you for sharing the requests and outcomes.

  36. It is wonderful that you ask prayer requests for so many and then tell when the prayers are answered. I hope you had a ton of fun with Sweet Cheeks! Nancy

  37. Have Jettie check out this site dealing with chronic pain:
    The actor Jerry Lewis suffer for over 30 yrs and this helped him immensely.

  38. Hmmm, somehow I think you were "ordained" at the same time. You have such a loving and giving heart. Sending up prayers for this fine folks. Enjoy your week with Sweet Cheeks. Love the names you have for your grands! xoxo

  39. Praying! Also good to get the updates. Keep it up, I know everyone really appreciates you taking the time to pass the requests along.

  40. Such a ministry you have. Nothing is as important as prayer and bearing each others burdens. Thanks for all the updates. Will keep praying.

  41. I think you are the perfect person to be posting prayer requests and updates. You can be silly but we all know you have a huge heart for people and you draw so many in. Have a wonderful time with Sweet Cheeks!

  42. Thanks for the updates, Diana, and for spreading the requests for prayer. God knows what He's doing entrusting these prayer needs to you. :) Enjoy your time with Sweet Cheeks. She's blessed to have you as her Nana. Hugs, Nancy

  43. Keeping them all in my prayers... hoping for all good things for them and their families. Thank you again for thinking and praying for me and my family.


  44. I always read your prayer requests and while I don't often leave a comment I read the personal stories and include your friends in my prayers. You are such a dear person to spread such kind and loving energy.

  45. Thank you for sharing my friend. Sending prayers.

    Well, my week changed very quickly. My dad had a heart attack on Tuesday. He had open heart surgery with four bypasses. He is slowly recovering.

    It is a 2 1/2 hour drive to the hospital that my dad is at. I did spend the night Tuesday - Friday.

    I tell you, things can change in ones life so quick, it is a reminder to love each other every day.

    xx oo


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