
Saturday, January 7, 2017


I did it!
I picked
A word to live by
in the upcoming year!
Many of you have done this for years
but I have never done it.

What is it you ask?
Well, I thought I would 
rather than
I am determined to
things this year.

One of the 
I accomplished was figuring out
for my blog.

Would you believe I have never
had a header before?

I figured that little sucker out
and now I have a 
Pardon me while I go look
at myself in the mirror
and gloat for a bit.

yes, I mean me-thanks for asking
can make a header 
and get it up there without
losing her blog 
anyone can do it.

So, I accomplished
TWO things today.
I got my printer that has not worked
in two years
up, running, printing, and
interacting with my new computer.
I think that deserves a 
or something!

Now I can go to bed happy
knowing I accomplished something today.
This is going to be a year of changes
for MyHero and me.
Yes, indeedy......
we are going to have some 
FUN even if I have to drag
him there kicking and screaming
like a girl~
Just you watch!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
We will be rooting for
from the warmth of a chair
in front of the fireplace tomorrow.
And HE calls THAT fun!


  1. Congratulations Diana! I knew you could do it. A new computer with Windows 10 has given you the courage to make a header! It really looks nice.
    I've never chosen a word either, but one word has been whispering in my ear. Here's to your fun year of accomplishing your heart's desire. xo ♥

  2. Well, you know more than I do. I have never figured out how to make a header. I just use what blogger gives me and I'm happy. Congrats on getting your printer to work too. You're on a roll! I like your word. I've never picked a word for the year, but this year facebook picked one for me. I guess I should reveal it soon. Maybe tomorrow.

  3. LOVE your word for the year, my friend. I look forward to hearing throughout the year all the things you accomplish :) And yes, getting the printer running definitely deserves a big bowl of ice cream! Wish I could have a bowl with you.


  4. Can't wait to see what you call fun...I have a feeling it doesn't involve a chair or ball game.

  5. It's a perfect word, Diana...and you did a lot! The header looks great! And connecting a printer is always a challenge!

  6. Look at you! Fabulous header, it looks great and ugh...those pesky printers. Getting one of them to work is a feat in itself. Congrats!

  7. It really is a thrill when you make a header and it looks great - and you did it yourself !!! Then you got the printer to work - that is often a very time consuming puzzle to solve - and you did it yourself !!!

    You are well on your way already this year - accomplished.


  8. I don't know who to root for this year in the NFL. The Panthers really shot themselves in the foot after the best season they ever had.

  9. I think your word ACCOMPLISH is awesome! I might have to take on two words this year and add that with my word UPLIFTING. There is something wonderful about accomplishing things that makes you feel lighter.
    You go girl! I look forward to hearing of all your accomplishments over this year.


  10. I think your word ACCOMPLISH is awesome! I might have to take on two words this year and add that with my word UPLIFTING. There is something wonderful about accomplishing things that makes you feel lighter.
    You go girl! I look forward to hearing of all your accomplishments over this year.


  11. I noticed your new banner right away! WAY TO GO! And I'll root for your team tomorrow. I LOVE football! I guess it came from raising 4 boys and watching AND playing football with them. Go Packers!

  12. Good word for the there such a word for: unprocrastinate??? that should be mine. Now you need to show me how you made a header with 10?? Maybe I should go looking for a new one.

    1. PS....Mama's cookies you might want to add more sugar to the recipe, I said 1/2 to 2/3 and the recipe called for 1 cup and 1/2. Being diabetic I cut the sugar down to about 3/4 and it was fine.

  13. Wow, I am impressed that you have a header now, Diana:) Love the pics of the kiddos, they are getting so big. Now that you've accomplished so much today, maybe you can help me figure out how to use our i pad (which was gifted to us months ago)!!!!

  14. PS: I think my word for the year will be "EAT":)! As if I need any reminders to do so, hahahaha! Oh yes, I have to force myself to eat.....not!!

  15. Hi Diana...
    Good choice of words...and you are on a roll already!
    Enjoy your weekend....(sorry...not a football fan at all...)
    Linda :o)

  16. Good word choice...I just may join you and use that word too. Congrats on getting that sweet header up!

  17. Look at you! I knew you'd get the hang of it.
    Accomplish is a great word choice. And you're starting off with a bang. Go, go, go...
    I'm going to the fridge to enjoy some of that ice cream you deserve. LOL
    Hugs, T.

  18. Yaaaay, you figured it out! Oh Diana, this is still something I've yet to learn. I take many of the pictures for our Header, but the girls create the blog design. I'm so happy that you learned this, that's a big pat on the back! And I'm lovin' that cottage all covered in snow. ACCOMPLISH is a perfect word for you this year, Diana. I haven't done the word thing before either, but it sounds fun.

    love, ~Sheri

  19. I am so happy that you figured it out - How to do a Header, now can you help me. My has not been changed since Phyllis help me to blog 2 or 3 years ago. Getting a little forgetful .... in my 81 years. I keep pluggina along.

    So glad that your back to blogging.

    Have a wonderful week my friend and I hope your Packers win.


  20. Oh phew! I could see a bit of the word in the thumbnail sketch and it looked as if it was going to be "compliant." Believe me, that did not compute with the gal I have come to know! Ha! Now regarding headers...they can be so addicting, which means they can suck time like crazy. Since you have accomplished this thing, I expect that you will not be able to quit. It's all good. Somehow, I can not imagine you ever having been a slacker. Pace yourself with this "accomplish" year of yours. Enjoy the game tomorrow...

  21. Oh my goodness - the very first thing I saw was your new header - looks GREAT! Good job. And you figured your printer all by yourself - I am impressed. You will accomplish things this year I am sure! sandie

  22. Your header is perfect. I love it. I made one a long time ago on a different blog. I have been wanting to do it again but i can't remember how. Could you tell me, in an email when you have the time?

    Hubby will be cheering for Green Bay too tomorrow. He has been a Packers fan forever. :)
    I will probably be at church or watching religion shows or maybe even snoring as I have been feeling a bit under the weather the past couple of weeks.

    I hope you ACCOMPLISH a lot this year. And enjoy the new year.
    May you all be blessed with good health and happiness
    Take care, Janet W xox

  23. Your header is fabulous! And you can accomplish ANYTHING you set our mind to, Diana! Here's to a great year! xoKathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  24. You did good, Diana! Your header is YOU! And the pics will be fun to change out now and again.

    I do believe 2017 will be a good year for you and your loved ones. You so deserve it and you are a true angel for people in need of prayers. I believe it all comes back around.

    Love to you. Go on...accomplish.

    Jane x

  25. Diana

    Beautiful header, together we can do anything. You make me want to be a better shabby girl!

  26. The Green Bay Packers I heard of them but have you heard of the Parramatta Eales.

  27. Good for you! Nice job. And here's to a year full of accomplishments and good health for all of us!

  28. :) I think that's a great word for the year! Your blog makes me smile! Oh and I agree you deserve a bowl of ice cream as well!

  29. I haven't figured out how to make changes on my blog. :( My word for the year is JOY. I need some of that in mitt fulls! Speaking of mitts, my husband and son will be freezing theirs off at the Packer Game today!

  30. That's a great word! And good job with the header!!! I paid a LOT to have mine designed, but I use it on my website and social media pages, too! I even have a notepad with it at the top.

  31. Way to go! It's such a good feeling to tackle something behind the scenes on the blog and make it work. I have a few things that I need to address too.

    My word for the year is DARE but it has a lot to do with accomplishing things too. Happy New Year, Diana. ;)

  32. Diana, I love the new header. That is the cutest picture of your grandson. You know about your computer than I do mine. LOL I want to re-style my blog...but I have that dreaded fear of it going off into space. Love your chosen word for this year. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

  33. You go, girlfriend! The header is great and printing isn't so bad either. Have a great Sunday!

  34. That's great, good start. All small things count

  35. You are a computer WIZARD! Sounds like your word for the year is paying off big-time already!

  36. Great header, Diana! Congratulations!

  37. You go girl! You are such a great writer that I never noticed that you didn't have one! I'm so proud of you for making your own and I love it! I am impressed with you fixing the printer! Mine goes off on a tangent and refuses to copy or scan at times so after re-installing it about 10 times I've given up. It prints and I leave it alone...Enjoy that ice cream girl you deserve it! xo Dolly

  38. You go woman! You are on a roll! Great job and I am so proud of you. xo

  39. A great word for the new year. You are already on a roll.

  40. LOVE your word!!! Good for you to figure out making a new header! I have used picmonkey for mine.

  41. Sounds like you've already accomplished some big milestones...Yay for you!! Thinking on it now, at the end of each day, I tend to list in my head what I "accomplished" that day. The littlest of tasks get put on that list. :-)
    Mary Alice

  42. Well done!!!! I love your header. Doesn't it feel great to ACCOMPLISH something? Love your word. Mine is 'Identity' trying to find out who I am again :D xx

  43. First of all, I love your header! Great job! Someday I'm going to try to change mine. I'm not feeling so confident about that. I've not ever chose a word for the year either. I've chosen verses for the year. But this year, I've chosen two words for myself. I hope that is allowed. They are "wait" and "abide." As soon as my computer is working properly, I will record that.

  44. Sometimes even the little things in life are worth celebrating - you go, girl! Hmm, maybe I'll actually change the header on my blog - the same one has been there for awhile and it needs a little refreshing. For the first time ever, I chose a word for this year, too. :-)

  45. Good for you, dear Diana, although I really think you're the kind of person that gets lots accomplished all the time. Bravo for creating a new header and getting your printer working. 2017 is off to a great start! All the best to you and your hero!

  46. What a wonderful way to start the new year i'm so proud of you 'can do' attitude and I love your word!

  47. I like your word! And I like your header. I've started to change mine several times and get to the point where I'm to click the "save changes" button and I always chicken out. I would hate to lose my blog! Ok, so my word is focus. And I picked it because I never seem to ACCOMPLISH anything because I don't focus long enough to get one thing finished before starting the next!

    Cindy Bee

    PS - Too cold for ice cream! brrrr

  48. Good for you...great job..looks wonderful..I have had two headers..neither done by me..I know I would screw something up. I leave that to the experts. I guess you qualify now ..

  49. Hubby and son are watching that game right now! Not sure whose side they are is background noise for me. I am so proud of you! Your header looks great and how fun to change the pictures whenever you want to. I have been wanting a header like you have for my blog but too afraid of change to do it. I listed 6 things in my Etsy shop today and patched my jeans...again, so I am happy with myself too!

  50. Lol, look at you! Getting a header. And Accomplishing new things. :-D Go Diana!

  51. uh what?

    "even if I have to drag
    him there kicking and screaming
    like a girl~"

    #causedmyfeministhacklestorisejustsaying #youknowicallaspadeaspadeitsoneofmymostsignificantaccomplishments :P

  52. I love your word... it is one of the better ones I have heard. I truly want to accomplish many things too... mostly getting healthy, then going from there...

    Kudos to you for making your own header, I won a blog make over few years ago and they made the header for me... thank goodness. Because honestly I don't think I could do those types of things... I usually had my oldest daughter do for me as she is a graphic art designer...

    I think I should take a course for this as I would love to be able to make changes to my blog when I feel like it... it would be helpful xox

  53. I really like your word for the year, Diana! You should post a tutorial on making the blog banner. The program I was using has been phased out and now I need to find another one. This is the second time that has happened. I just get it all figured out and then it goes away.....I think you guys really need to have some fun this year for sure. Sometimes we tend to put that on the back burner and it is so important. Sending hugs xx Karen

  54. Way to go Diana! I am proud of you and I want you to know that you inspire me.

    Happy accomplishing ~ FlowerLady

  55. Way to go!! Love your header. I hope 2017 is the 'funnest' year ever!

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. Way to go Diana! And I love your word too. (maybe I should use that word and finish one of my projects).... Just saw the hand Christmas tree post and it is adorable. Been a while but I hope you had a great Christmas and all the best in 2017!

  58. I am so very impressed!
    I haven't been able to figure out headers even...after all these years...and I have been trying...figured I needed some IT person or something....
    I don't even know where to start!
    Great job.

  59. Hmmm. I've never had a WORD either, but had thought of starting this year with HOPE. Maybe ACCOMPLISH would be a better year for me, too, for I desperately need to clean out this house so that if we ever move it won't take us two years to get ready. Then again, maybe my word should be REALITY. I know that my sons were watching the Packers game too. I was watching The Crown for the umpteenth time. Congrats on your header. I seldom change mine because I'm always convinced that, like you said, the blog would disappear altogether! Have a wonderful week. I hear it's supposed to be mid-70s later in the week. LOLOLOLOL :-(

  60. Congratulations! I've never made my own header before. I've always had it done for me. I would like to know how to do it too. Hey.........maybe you could do a tutorial. I know you have lots of time for something like that don't you?! Ha! I like your header. I'm not very "techy" so I would be proud of myself for accomplishing that task too. I like your new word. I hope that it proves to be a good one for you this year.

  61. I like your word! Although I think you've always accomplished quite a bit! But yes yes on the ice cream. You gotta keep cool by that roaring fire, right?

  62. well good for you. i would say you are off to a great start!

  63. Love your word! I had a whole list of things to accomplished today and I was doing good until my cell phone decided to act up and had to spend an hour and a half on the phone with technical support. I was sooo frustrated after I got off the phone that decided to just make myself some lunch and watch a show. LOL. Enjoy your evening!

  64. Awesome! Well done, ma'am!

    Keep up the good work and accomplishments.

    Hope your new year continues to be full of joy, peace and lots of good health. Hugs.

  65. What a great word. Your header looks amazing. Great job.

  66. We were going for the Packers as well!! Now if they play the Patriots then it will be a different story...LOL! Your header looks great and that ice cream looks cool and delicious! Happy 2017 :)

  67. Love your word, Diana! It sounds like you are off to a great start on accomplishing stuff. Your header looks beautiful.

    Warm hugs,

  68. You are off to a great start! I love your motivation to learn new tasks- it's beautiful.

  69. I love your new word, and sounds like you are off to a great start - your blog header is awesome! I love each and every one of the pictures! It is always such a good feeling to feel like you've figured out how to do tough technology things! Enjoy that bowl of ice cream, yum! Hugs to you dear friend :)

  70. That is a great word! I chose "Kindness". I noticed in both NFL playoff games, that seemed to be lacking today! But they all accomplished much and one team moved on to the next playoff game. Your header is so cool! Love it! You are one talented chick! xo


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