
Friday, January 6, 2017

A TREE-T FOR YOU AND A LITTLE LAUGH----(Testing Out Windows 10)

This is basically a 
for me--
as I figure 
Windows 10 and this
new computer out.

I wanted to show you
what I made for my 
for Christmas.

I watched our little CJK
one night and we made a
Christmas Tree.
This is 16x20 and I framed it.
It is on a piece of foam board.
I took a brush and 'filled in'
between the finger prints
to give it a brushier look.

We did a 
on a little piece of foamboard first.
It was too dear to throw out
so I made it into a 
for Dad's desk at work.
This one is 8 x 10.
I painted his hand with 
acrylic paint and then pressed it down.
He put the red balls on 
with the end of a dowel
dipped into paint and 
directions from me as to 
where to place the balls.
Didn't he do a great job?

Anyway, just an idea for 
next year for you.
It's a real memory-maker.

Where did I get the idea
you might ask?
Well, over at my friend,
I spotted it in her Christmas post
hanging on her wall and I

WHEW~ I got through this post!
I figured out my font size-
how to import pictures-
how to link to someone-
this 'dumb blond' is feeling pretty smart...

Of course- I still haven't figured out
how to keep 
MyHero from drying his underwear
in the microwave when we travel.
Yes--true story..
and here's the proof!

A picture is worth 
a thousand words they say...
but doesn't that just leave you
You all have a good day
and remember-use your regular
dryer to dry your underwear
unless you like smelling like
Smokey The Bear!


  1. So cute! I'm using a Windows 10 on the Toshiba I got a year and a half ago. Seems pretty easy to me now, but I can't recall what I thought then...

  2. Windows 10 gets better when you accept that's it's terrible but you can't go back to 7

  3. Love those darling hand print trees! Glad you are catching on! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  4. It's a good thing he wasn't in those undies when he dried them!

  5. I love the little tree made from CJK's handprint. That's so clever and as the years pass his parents will certainly treasure it more. I knew you would figure out Windows 10!
    As far as the underwear photo, all I have to say is please be careful! You guys crack me up! xo ♥

  6. this is the cutest idea I've seen in forever...sending it to my 2 grands that have babies....

  7. Darling Christmas trees - CJK did a great job on both of them! And ... well, yes - speechless :) Bless You! xoxo

  8. Diana, That proves men can't do laundry. LOL That is so darn funny. I love the little handprint trees. How sweet. Looks like you are getting the hang of it. I knew you would. Blessings for a fun filled weekend. We are cold here. xoxo, Susie

  9. Maybe for Father's Day you could frame that underwear! -Jenn

  10. LOL!!! Your hubby is a "kick". Love the tree!

  11. Great tree! He did a wonderful job as did you on your new computer. Give yourself a pat on the back. Have a good weekend Diana.

  12. You are the best grandma...and mother in love...out there! What a great pair of gifts! I can't say that same about that other pair you shared. It did make me laugh though! ;)

  13. I knew you would catch on to Windows 10. It's not hard. I'd rather use Windows 7 but.... Love the little trees. They are so cute. What a great idea. As for the underwear... Well, we all have to try new things now and then.

  14. I used to make handprint things all the time when I was a toddler teacher. But never a Charlie Brown tree, that's really cute.
    Oh my about the undies.
    I hope John is doing well. Now is your job. Hugs

  15. What a darling gift idea...very special! I underestimated's only January 6 and you already have the new computer tamed.

  16. When I was teaching I always had my kids make these types of gifts to give to their parents. We had so much fun with it and they had so many precious memories. I love these kind of keepsakes :-) The underwear is truly funny!! ;-) Have a great weekend!


  17. Love the hand tree....what a cute idea! I knew you'd catch on to that windows 10 thing...never had a doubt! Have a blessed week end...hugs..

  18. Love the handprints, such a cute idea.

  19. Oh I bet your dil loves her tree and the single handprint one - too cute! And look at you! Rocking Windows 10. I knew you could do it. (Just don't ask me anything, I'm no help).
    Seriously? He dried his underwear in a microwave? Uh...why? That's too funny!

  20. John is a hoot and I love the hand tree - wish I had seen this a couple years ago. And I love the one made for daddy. So sweet - he will love it.

  21. Now my thought is: wonder if you could turn your tree pictures into Christmas cards....that would be neat.

  22. Oh my gosh, I'll be dreaming of those underwear tonight! lol! I saw this idea on Ann Marie's blog also and thought it was darling. They both are simply darling! Especially love the single one in the bucket.

  23. I was thinking about the cute Christmas tree ... but now I can not stop laughing about the underwear.

    Fun idea and GREAT tip to pass on to the 3 boys in my house. I have a feeling one of the three would try something like this.

  24. I knew you wouldn't be long figuring it out! Love the Christmas tree. And thanks for the laughs re: the underwear! LOL!!

  25. Cute, cute, cute. The trees. Not the underwear. Eeyew!

  26. What a sweet idea! Ya know, I think I like the single hand the best, with the little red ornament hanging off the thumb! So adorable! Microwave undies? There are so many things wrong with that picture! Lol! Were they at least dry? 🔥💥😵

  27. Good morning, Diana! Those paintings are positively darling! I am sure they will be cherished for many years to come. Stay warm. BTW.. the Kiehl's really is a miracle worker on my dry skin. It comes in a big bottle and and you only use a couple of drops at a time.

  28. Love the handprint trees. Making memories for sure. does a man's mind work?

  29. The trees came out adorable!! I am quite happy that you "stole" the idea from me. I don't want to burst your happy computer bubble, but I think there may be a problem between yours and my blog....I found you in my Spam folder this morning...Oh NO!!! Of course I told "them" in no uncertain terms that you are NOT Spam so hopefully it doesn't happen again. Maybe you can check to see if you can get to my blog? Or check your Spam folder for me!!

  30. Those brown drawers...had to say it! leave me speechless but my mind went walkabout! I do know both men and women have crazy and strange ideas but this one might take the cake. Great Christmas tree projects...what a delightful memento and very well done. As to Windows 10 - if I can't say anything nice I'll shut up.

  31. I'm still laughing about the microwaved underwear!! Oh my goodness...too funny!
    The trees, both of them, are just adorable and yes, wonderful keepsakes. Thanks for the sweet idea, Diana. Happy New Year blessings to you and Your Hero! xo

  32. Darling! Anything with my girls handprints is always a keeper!! Adorable.

  33. Appears you are doing very well with the computer. Also, never a dull moment at your house. Never in all my 87 years have I heard of putting underwear in a microwave. Live and learn.

  34. What a great idea! The tree, not the scorch marks.

  35. You can guess that I would like the handmade Christmas trees...but you KNOW I love me those scorched shorts from the microwave!! HANDS down, one of the funniest things to me EVER!! :-)

  36. The trees are just adorable !

    The scorched shorts...LMAO!

  37. Darling trees your grandson made! They are something definitely to be treasured. My girls are 45 and 42 and I still have some of their artwork and crafts. Oooh, scorched britches...makes ya sorta cringe... xoxo

  38. Hi Diana! Oh, the little hand art is just so precious! I'll have to remember this for next year. Oh, I'm glad those stains were from the microwave and not something else! :) Happy New Year, my friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. so cute!!! my daughter in law and gbabies also made me a "print" pic but it was my sophiejane's paw prints and they made it into a is so precious to me! wish I'd seen the day they came and put paint on my baby's paws to make the print...had to be funny. sophiejane is 16 and not doing very well so it means to world to me that they thought of it!!

  40. What adorable crafts. Need to share with our great grandsons mom. She's crafty!! She would love that. HaHa Smokey underwear. When we were first married I put a little white throw rug in with my dearest underwear. I didn't realize it had a tiny purple thread in the rug you couldn't see...but my man did not appreciate several pairs of bright lavender shorts. It would not beach I told him don't get in an accident and have to go to the hospital. HaHa..We all have stories don't we.

  41. LOVE the hand print trees! Such a cute idea. Glad you stole the idea! 😉

    Glad you're sticking with the Windows 10 , its a challenging program but you'll get it figured out after a while. I'm still learning stuff on it. I won't lie, I still get frustrated with it!

    You and your hubby should write a bloopers type book on do's and do nots in marriage. You crack me up!

    Hang in there and have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Amy

  42. Your husband's underwear has me sketched out because I just finished reading Joe Hill's The Fireman. Go read the blurb for that book and then look at your hero's drawers! (That's what we call underwear in Alabama)

  43. I love them both, Diana, they are so cute. Great idea and I bet his Mother thought so to!

  44. I love your hand print trees...they are heirlooms for sure. Not sure about Windows 10. I am still using 7 and have no plans to switch! Hope your new year is off to a good start and that you're keeping warm. :)

  45. Oh my gosh...the trees are spectacular, but the crisp underwear is truly hysterical. Have a wonderful weekend.

  46. I love the hands tree. A priceless gift! hmm...your hero!?!?
    Happy New Year.

  47. Diana, you have a picture Header - I was so surprised to see this! Now, is that your house all covered in snow? I couldn't believe that Nel has snow in Georgia where she is living right now. She's going to show pics of it on Wednesday. I do wish you would show me more of your snow, IT FASCINATES ME! HAHAHA. This hand print picture of CJK is such a cute idea. His dad will love it in his office. And the one you helped with by adding a little more brush is sooooo darling. What a treasure that you will forever have of your sweet grandson's hand print.

    Good for you learning your new computer, and did you figure out how to put pics on your Header?

    love, ~Sheri

  48. That is so sweet...the tree, not the underwear lol.

  49. Oh Di, I was sooooooo relieved to learn those were burn marks!

  50. Love the Christmas tree made of hand prints! Very sweet and special, and one of a kind too. Now those undies...well, I guess they're one of a kind as well. Lol! Too funny!!!

  51. These tree prints are the cutest and will be keepsakes that are loved and treasured!
    I'm not commenting on those burnt up drawers...heeeheeheee.
    Enjoy your football...I have had enough of it for one day!
    xoxo, T.

  52. You made my evening, LOL just like a man..... So glad that you ahve everything figured out.

    Have a great evening.


  53. I am sure your daughter is going to treasure her tree. I have had Windows 10 for a long time. It helps to have an IT guy living in the house!

  54. The hand print tree is wonderful, I am going to suggest my daughter does this with her children for me next year, I would love something like that... she's pretty creative too xox

    Your hero is hilarious, drying his underwear in the microwave, I never would have thought of that one and now I definitely won't... lol

    Yay to understanding Windows 10 better, soon you will be a pro xox

  55. Those hand print trees are awesome! Underwear in the microwave...Hilarious!!

  56. Congrats on the new computer and good luck in figuring out the fine points. Love the canvas with the children's hand prints....definitely a treasure.

    About hubby's undies...I'm just gonna say TMI and laugh the whole time!

    Sending warm hugs and sunshine from AZ!

  57. Ok the underwear just cracked me up! Tooo funny. Looks like Windows 10 worked well for you.

  58. So I just wandered over to your blog via several others and came upon the underwear in the microwave story and laughed so hard my coffee came out of my nose. So I have you to thank for a burning nose. I actually have had a sinus infection for over two weeks and maybe that coffee lavage will help clear it up. Thanks for the laugh today. I am now a happy follower.


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