
Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Who doesn't love
Especially in the dead of winter
when it is cold and we look for a
This takes less than 10 minutes
once you have the corn popped!
This family loves it!
Here is the easiest ever recipe:

Pop 3/4 cup popcorn-
(or measure out 10-14 cups popped corn)
Place in extra large microwave safe bowl.
In large Pyrex mixing bowl 
(I use one with pouring spout)
(recipe follows at bottom of post)
Stir together:  Brown sugar, corn syrup, butter.
It will start to melt down after first minute
in the microwave.
Microwave for 4 minutes-stirring after each minute.
It will get bubbly like this:
After 4th minute.
Stir these in:
Pour over popped corn.
Add as many nuts as you like.
We like cashews.
Coat everything by stirring
Stir.  Microwave.Stir again and repeat process.
Cool on cookie sheet then break apart.

Ummmm... I promise NOT TO TELL if you
accidentally leave some caramel in the bowl
and HAVE to scrape it out and EAT IT so it
doesn't  go to waste.
Yeah- I am a good friend like that!

Here's the recipe:
Caramel Corn:
Place in large microwave safe bowl:
10-14 cups popped corn 
(I use 2 large bags Orville Redenbacher)
In separate microwave safe LARGE measuring cup:
Mix together:
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup light Karo syrup
1/2 cup butter
Microwave above for 4 minutes-stirring after every minute.
Then stir in:
1/2 teaspoon salt (more if you like sweet & salty)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
Pour above mixture over popcorn and nuts.
Stir well.
Microwave on high 1 minute.
Stir well.
Microwave on high 1 more minute.
Stir well.
Microwave on high 30 seconds.
Stir well.
Microwave on high 30 more seconds.
Stir well.  (That's a total of 3 minutes)
Dump onto greased cookie sheet and let cool completely.
Break apart and store -if there's any left!

Some of you know that somehow,
someway I did something to my back.
It was NOT lifting a fork to my mouth
either-thanks for asking.
Anyway, I am not working at the VA today.
Just felt I couldn't do an adequate job
and that someone else could do it better.
This, too, shall pass.
Just a little bump in the road--
or crick in the back.
I have to get back on track with 

Hope YOU have a great Tuesday.
I will be watching mindless TV 
today, or reading, or computing,
just not doing anything worthwhile...

Oh- Yeah-Just so you know--
I mighta lied about the 
(the devil made me do it)


  1. Sorry about your back - neck thingy. I have two discs fused together since 2007 due to an injury in 1971 so I can honestly say I feel your pain. Hope it gets better soon. Those vets will miss that whip you crack.

  2. I read somewhere that caramel corn will cure a bad back! So take lots of this home remedy and get well soon!

  3. I am so sorry about your back. Having back issues myself I can certainly empathize with you. I hope you feel better quickly although with me it usually takes a day or two.

    The caramel corn recipe looks easy. You asked who didn't like caramel corn well... I'm the person. I hate caramel corn. I hate caramel. But I eat a lot of popcorn. At least once a week I pop corn on my stovetop for lunch. Hey, I'm eating a vegetable for lunch aren't I? I find that getting a 32 oz bag of kernels and using my stove top is a lot more economical and healthier than using a microwave. But please, enjoy your corn. It just might disappear by magic as you watch your mindless TV today. I don't know how that happens but it does around my house.

  4. So sorry about your back! I too have had back problems. I have a theory, that for women it is due to carrying around a gorgeous frontage, if you get my meaning!!

  5. Hope your back gets better soon. Some times I think the cold makes my back hurt if I stay out in it too long. I would love to eat some caramel corn. I never eat pop corn any more. :( I would like some caramel on ice cream though. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Stay warm there. Susie

  6. I was wondering when we were going to have the 'no calories' discussion! haha! I ate popcorn last night with a little melted butter. It was yummy and a good thing to have watching a little football. Hope you get some rest and feel much better today. Maybe a heating pad would feel good. Lots of gentle hugs, Diane

  7. I'm going to pretend I didn't read the popcorn might have calories... lol ... maybe my body won't recognize that ... haha

    As for your back Diana, I feel for you... I really hope it heals so quickly. .. I took my health for granted when I was younger... ♡

  8. Okay. The header bug bit. Darling picture selections. As for caramel popcorn. Nope. You are not going to tempt me. I'm running as fast as I can...

  9. Yummy! I was hooked in by the no are too funny. Hope your back feels better soon.

  10. Diana do take care of yourself. I'm sorry that your back is bothering you. Maybe your Hero can take care of you today!
    The Caramel Corn is calling my name. No calories to boot--I'll eat the whole bowl. xo ♥

  11. I wondered if you were going to comment on the no calorie thing! lol
    I did not know you hurt your back - I am sorry. I hope it feels better soon.
    Do take care of yourself. It is important.

  12. I got so darn excited when I saw the no calorie thing!!! Hope you feel better soon, dear Diana!

  13. Carmel popcorn and cashews are my favorite too!Yes, do take care of yourself, no one can do a better job that you!
    Love your header, I don't like mine so I'll have to change it soon.

  14. Ha ha you fooled me for a minute. Until I saw the ingredients. It does sound yummy. Take care of your back!

  15. Forgot to add that I love your new header! This is my favorite kind of header.

  16. So sorry about your back! In fact I'm so sorry I won't even make a joke about how the injury *really* happened.
    This caramel corn sounds so good! I'm curious about the baking soda. I wonder if that helps it set as a shellac coating?

  17. Wow, this sounds delicious! If only it was no-calorie!


  18. Naughty girl! You hooked us on NO CALORIES and then you pulled us in. I'll bet you're a great fishermen, LOL. My back gave me trouble although the night and still this morning. I need to learn that shoveling snow is for younger folks. Maybe it's time to think about buying a snow blower. The trouble is we go some years with no snow at all and then it sets around and takes up precious garage space.

  19. Sorry about your back. What a PAIN!!!!
    I do not like caramel popcorn at all. Am I weird?

  20. YUM.. and I am headed to the dentist today to replace a crown a broke yesterday while eating.. POPCORN. *sigh. So nope. Not making it.

  21. Sounds good...wonder if I could make in SMALL a cup at a time??? I probably would devour all 14 cups at one time....calories and all. Take care of your back...oh, make a nice cup of tea, lay on a heating pad, put your feet up...enjoy the day!!!

  22. Not a single calorie, just not telling how many there might be. I hope that you are feeling better. We do have to take care of ourselves. Nobody is going to do it for me. I would eat the caramel corn all by myself and I don't need to do that for sure. I am not to shovel snow did you do some of that. Take care my friend.Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

  23. So sorry to hear about your back. Hopefully it won't last long! The caramel corn sounds so yummy. My sweet MIL used to always send us bags of it.

  24. I wish I had this recipe over the holidays when all my grandchildren were around. I will have to put it away till next year.

  25. Diana, Sounds delicious, but like Madge(someone stopped taking care of my shape) none for me. Sending you big hugs and lots of love.

  26. Oh my stars!!---that sure looks delicious!! Hope your back has settled down! Heat pad? Arnica? Epsom salts?

  27. Yum, yum and extra yum! I love caramel anything and I will try not to think of the calories while eating this! You are smart to rest your back when it is out...pushing yourself never does anyone any good.

  28. No doubt about it, I would be addicted to this stuff! So sorry about your back. God bless. xoxo

  29. Hope you are feeling better. You weren't shoveling snow, were you? I used to make a similar caramel corn. Sweet things and I have broken up. xoxo

  30. GIRL! That looks so delicious I can hardly stand not breaking the screen here to get me some! Oh that looks SO danged good!

  31. I hope too that your back is better each day. Is it lower? Do you have any muscle relaxers prescribed? Robin is pretty good and safe. When I had sciatica I had some even though mine was horrific nerve pain. Now, if I over-do with workouts of walking..a half of a muscle relaxer with a Tylenol is great! Please ask the Dr.

    Feel better soon! Hugs to your Hero.

  32. Your caramel corn recipe looks so yummy Diana, gosh I hope your sore back is feeling better real soon.

    Hugs Diane

  33. I am going to have to try this recipe as it looks yummy! Love the Maxine cartoon!

  34. Yum, you had me at Caramel. And easy. I'm saving this one...I'd probably skip the popcorn and nuts and eat all the caramel by itself! Hope your back is better soon. Take it easy!

  35. You and the devil are close buddies... so funny. Karmelkorn isn't very nice to my teeth/gums...yummy though..I was writing a post a little while ago and I needed to Cross out things like you do.. how do you do that? I think I used to be able to do it on my Dell but haven't figured it out on my apple.. any ideas?

  36. Take it easy with that back, OK. Don't walk on anything slippery. Wait till spring.

  37. sorry about your back...i took it easy all day long today and there's nothing wrong with my back...:)
    making this popcorn see if I can do it...and will make more for fellowship at my house the last of this month...they will love me forever...xoxo

  38. so yummy.. feeling to have a bowl.. :)

  39. Thanks for your sweet comment.. I'm trying to follow you.. but I'm getting error :( .. I'll try again..

  40. Sorry to hear about your back problems...hoping you'll be turning cartwheels again real soon. And have gotta try that popcorn recipe.

  41. Caramel corn, we'll really, caramel anything and I'm sold! Your recipe is quite similar to mine but I use Chesters corn puffs instead of popcorn and WOW is it ever tasty. Quite addicting actually. :-)
    You're doing a good thing by resting up.
    Take care~~

  42. Caramel corn, we'll really, caramel anything and I'm sold! Your recipe is quite similar to mine but I use Chesters corn puffs instead of popcorn and WOW is it ever tasty. Quite addicting actually. :-)
    You're doing a good thing by resting up.
    Take care~~

  43. Caramel corn, we'll really, caramel anything and I'm sold! Your recipe is quite similar to mine but I use Chesters corn puffs instead of popcorn and WOW is it ever tasty. Quite addicting actually. :-)
    You're doing a good thing by resting up.
    Take care~~

  44. loads of thanks for your help.. I turned it on..:)

  45. Oh my...yum! Yummy yum yum! Did I say yum?! Yum! I need this like now! Ha!

    Sorry to hear about your back. Rest and don't over do it! Praying for you!

    Hugs my friend!

  46. Wow...that looks amazing. I am literally drooling!! I am sorry that your back is not behaving. I hope a day or two of rest is all you need to feel better again!

  47. Ooooie, Goooie goodness! Hope you are feeling better after some rest. I swear by my electric heating pad.....Sending hugs xo Karen

  48. Oh wow! Not what I should be reading at midnight! It looks amazing, and I am sure it is wonderful! xoxo

  49. Mercy, this looks so good and I don't care if it has calories or not! LOL! Love me some popcorn. A must try cause I am hooked on popcorn. Glad I popped over to visit you Nana! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  50. yum yum yum :)
    love it.....I use pancake syrup seen to have karo on hand..ha..
    works pretty good..hugs,Patty

  51. Ok, so now I have gained another 10 pounds by just drooling over this recipe!
    I am a popcorn nut anyway, now you have taken it to the decadent level!

  52. Oh my this looks so good and I am so excited that it has no calories! Just the treat I was looking for!

  53. I HATE YOU for this post, LMAO...just getting ready to pick an amazon prime movie with no snacks..made the mistake of visting a few blogs prior INCLUDING YOURS.

    Now I feel deprived and craving ha ha

  54. You know I love this because there's no candy thermometer again!!! These are the best recipes, thanks! And I hope your back gets better soon. Take it easy and try to relax. :)

  55. I dangerously have all these items I cant stop thinking about it.!!
    Now excuse me while I stalk out the rest of your blog.

  56. Happy New Year Diana girl !
    You gave me such a great laugh with this post but ... having access to this recipe ? YOU are VERY naughty .. one of my most favorite things is sweet and salty popcorn ... BIG sigh !
    I love the cartoon ... that is SO me ... I haven't gotten on the treadmill or started my yoga YET ... but I swear I will ... just like the part when I say I am totally ignoring this recipe ! haha
    I am so sorry about your back ... best thing to do is put pillows under your knees and heating pad on lower back .. I am a pro at this so you really can rely on this "recipe" to have you back feeling better !
    Take care
    Joy : )

  57. Somehow I'm guessing this is not Whole 30 approved??? Lol, but I won't deny that I'm not sitting here drooling over it right now ;-) I will have to save this recipe for the future! Hope you have a wonderful day and your back feels better soon!


  58. Looks yummy. I'm sorry about your back. Take care of yourself. xo

  59. Oh yum! Indeed an easy recipe to make! Such a wonderful snack to munch on in the dead of winter! Sure hate to hear about your back troubles! Do hope that resting will make it better! Hugs to you today!

  60. Looks amazing and easy too. Who doesn't love caramel corn? Sorry about your back. Who knows what happens. Getting older is the pits! More aches and pains....LOL xo

  61. Oh, Diana, that looks and sounds so good but back in August, during our county fair, they make the best caramel corn. Bought a big bag and ate it all myself while watching TV that night. I was sick, REALLY SICK, if you get my drift, all night long, so can't come to think about it yet!!..Happy Thursday..Judy

  62. Oh my goodness! If I made this it would be DANGEROUS! I love caramel corn and would probably eat so much I would get sick. It looks yummy. I've never made it homemade before. So sorry to hear about your back. I hope it gets better soon. When your back hurts your whole body hurts!

  63. Take care of your silly self is what my DH would say! Seriously. Take care of yourself. Somebody said growing old isn't for sissies and I am realizing that more each day. The caramel corn looks fabulous, but once I put a handful of that in my mouth, it's goodbye popcorn. Yummy.

  64. YUM! I love me some caramel ANYTHING!

  65. Hi Diana, I love caramel pop corn! Thanks for sharing the recipe to make it. I'm pinning this one.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend. :)

  66. Oh you bad bad bad influence! Once I start eating popcorn, I have to be physically taken away from it! HaHaHa! somewhere in my possessions I even have a popcorn cookbook! Hee Hee Hee! I am going to make this tomorrow, while watching more playoff games!
    On a very serious note, thank you for sharing your easy recipe! :-)


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