
Saturday, December 17, 2016


This was NOT supposed to post today-
has a mind of it's own-
It's obviously IRISH!
Anyway- here it is-
You can read it and RANT-
but be nice- Santa is watching~

My last post about this subject (here
raised a few comments--
Some good---some hmmmmm...
Let's say I deleted one!  
I might have been called a name or two 
in that one!
Of course, ANONYMOUS had no last name.

So-here we go.
Here are some things that were
in homes in my early days of blogging.

What say YOU?
IN or OUT?
Remember these?

Deconstructed chairs

Fabric-wrapped or bare wire lampshades

Wreaths made from books
I have one my daughter-in-love made me that 
I will NEVER part with!
You can see it on my chippy old window below.

Does Chevron make YOU dizzy?

How about Roe Antlers?
I know some of you LOVE them!

When was the last time you saw a
Keep Calm Sign?
Were they overdone and 
now a burn-out?

Sitting on a 
Morocan Pouf?
There's still lots of them for sale all over
but the 'powers that be' say they are 
OUT for 2017.

These, too, were really popular 
when I started blogging:

Concrete Countertops

How about these floor coverings?

Sisal & Jute

And-last but not least I will end with this one
I can't tell you how many rooms 
I painted for myself
and others with

Faux Finishes

So - what do YOU think?
It is fun to get another's 'take' 
on what they like...
or don't like...
or don't care.

You know what IS IN STYLE?

This little coat and hat that is 
36 years old!
My daughter's great grandmother 
bought this for her
and she wore it when she was little
and now her daughter-our little
is wearing it here.

OH! LOOK! Do YOU see Santa?
Yep-Being cute is always


  1. I won't voice my opinion on most of these things but I did have one burlap feature which is now retired. I stick with what I consider traditional and I'm always happy with it. I can't believe how riled up people get about these things. Little Bright Eyes is always a joy to see! She will always be "in style"!

  2. There was a time that I went crazy painting faux finishes. Now that screams "the 90''s and early 2000's". The good thing is we moved from that house and I didn't have to repaint all those rooms. I sold the house in a matter of hours (with multiple offers), so a lot of people appreciated all my work. I have to admit, I still like it. Today everything seems to be 50 shades of grey.

  3. Ahhh yes, faux finishes. The days of crumpling up sheets of plastic and applying them to still wet walls. I'm going to guess you were also a stencilled border girl, too! Yup, I stood on a chair in my first little apartment and cleverly stenciled a floral border in dusty rose and hunter green all around the top of my bedroom wall. -Jenn

  4. I think it's Pinterest's fault. You see these new fangled things on Pinterest so much that then you are sick of them before you even get a chance to try them in your own house :)

  5. I don't have a problem with any on your list. I'm sick of them all - especially the wreath made from book pages. How many ways can anyone make this one? And I agree with Pam, who suggested that Pinterest is at fault! Before I decide to make something now I always check Pinterest to see how popular it is - and if it is, I'll move on!

  6. Diana, That little girl is going to be in style a long time. :) Love that face. You know what really makes me laugh, when people are doing decorating and even fashion styles now....that they think are new,and you know you did it already or wore as a youth. Cracks me up. Everything old is new again, I guess. I say if you truly like something keep it, do it, wear it. I tell my granddaughters , if anyone should make fun of your style, just say "Oh please this is the lastest on the Paris runways." We don't want to all alike. I am keeping some of my old ideas. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. where do you get those Irish laptops? :):)

  7. I've heard those computers have a mind of their own.

  8. Who cares if it is "popular" or if it is on Pinterest? If we like it, we keep it. We are all individuals, we should respect each other's indiduality and taste. I love going into friends homes where their personality and memories are displayed. I don't want my space to be like yours or any one else's. Also, white is so boring! It is beautiful and I have loved photos of white rooms posted on our blogs, but it is not for me. Let's praise each other's own personal style!

  9. Very interesting! (I still wish that I had concrete sturdy and cheap.) Other than that, I am too old to give a fig about what is in style. I just do what I like or get rid of what makes me gag. Basically, I am tolerant and have a high threshold for banality. I can't imagine the hours of work that goes into making a book page wreath. No wonder you treasure it and it is beautiful, too.

    1. "High threshold for banality.." Vee you crack me up, I love your outlook so much. Lol

  10. Yes, time to move on past those trends. I normally am not a trending person anyway...more traditional and classic. Look at that sweet face!!

  11. Love Little Bright Eyes coat and expression. That's about all. Still have somewhat terrible bathroom walls painted faux by the builder, which I should redo, but haven't yet. Wondering if white walls will be considered ridiculous in a few years? I'm drawn to them and thinking that's the way to go so of course that's the kiss of death to them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  12. Your granddaughter is a beauty! As for all the out dated DIYs the one that hit me is the Faux Finishes. I was guilty of that one in our old house, LOL. I did have a tiny painting in the living room that I kind of hated painting over, before we put it on the market. I had to sit on the floor to paint it, but I had painted a little mouse hole with a little mouse's bottom and tail running inside. I never told anyone about it, but always watched their faces when they spied it . . . it brought many a smile to faces of friends and family :)

  13. My mom crocheted my daughter a little coat and as Stacy grew, Mom added another row of crochet to the arms and length...I so wish I still had it.
    Yep...most fads will see their last days...and we have some now that everyone is trying to get that will be OUT in a year or so. I still love concrete counters........

  14. I still love sisal and jute.... in fact, just ordered a 6 x 8 for the under the coffee table but it does have cream wool on it too. I love her outfit!!

  15. Bright eyes appears to be singing a Christmas Carol. She would fit nicely on a vintage Christmas card, Diana!
    I hate the ins and outs. I just decided I would paint a couple of rooms in gray tones after the 1st of the year and now heard that gray is out. Too bad, I'm painting the walls gray.I love my antlers, their not going anywhere! I never liked Chevron. I would never have bought a deconstructed chair or Morocan pouf. I do really like book wreaths, sisal rugs, but I prefer wooden counters over concrete. I think I lean towards rustic style and a bit of farmhouse. So I'll just keep decorating as I like. Besides, who can afford changing with every fad? And who the bloody heck would leave a hate note over decorating likes or dislikes. They need to get a life, right?

  16. They have the riding train at our mall too. I'm shocked no one gets hit.

  17. Well obviously I'm really behind the times.. because I didn't know about deconstructed chairs (bleh) and the wrapped wire lamp shades. (eh.) I hate Chevron.. HATE. It's hard to look at if you ask me. As for things coming in and out of style, I think nothing is ever a no-no. What appeals to some will not appeal to others (see previous remarks, lol). I'm a fan of mixing it up, changing things out, keeping what I adore regardless of who thinks it's in or out. Same thing with clothes, although I still love some things that just don't look great on a 51 year old, so I've moved on. LOVE the book wreath!!.. what a special keepsake! If I had the patience I'd try to make one myself.

  18. Yes, seen things make a big hit....and then they are not....deconstructed chairs...I thought they were cool to look at, but then so awful to sit in...and isn't that what a chair is for?? The poufs....again, can you sit on them?? The wreaths (yours is super special) are cool...but since my wreath needs to be able to be wouldn't last...
    So many things come and go in style it makes one's head spin.
    I think it is up to the individual...what is "out" for some is "in" for others...
    I don't go through stores like I used to (especially at this time of year)...but Yes...I think you are right...a great number of the things you show are "out"....cement counters are actually more expensive to order than natural or even quartz ...and I think they are ugly...
    In any case...
    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

  19. I love that photo of your granddaughter - what a great look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay I can't believe that anyone would write you something not nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I also wanted to Faux Finish something - and I put it off so long - are you saying it is out of style?

    Oh vey!


  20. I'm never in style about anything, least of all home decor LOL! I just do my own thing and let people talk behind my back, hahahaha.

  21. LOL The only one of those trends I embraced was the wrapped wire lampshade and that was for my daughter's dorm room in 2011. I think that when people fluff their homes with what they like and what speaks to them that their homes look authentic. Embrace trends if you like them because eventually they'll come back. We kept our shiny brass fixtures when everyone else was replacing them with brushed nickel and now the shiny brass is back! ;P

  22. Oh Yes, many of these things are out of date, but I still see the 'Keep Calm' signs, and love them! I just saw a cup that said Keep Calm and Get Your Jingle Bells On haha. I think the wreath made from books is cool, and yours looks so pretty hanging from your window in the white room. It's fun to see what's in and out these days. Great post, Diana.

    love, ~Sheri

  23. Guilty as charged of some of these trends....we had faux walls in the foyer and dining room 10 YEARS ago! Thank goodness they are gone. When we first moved in our house my son was 10 (he's now 42) and I stenciled mallard ducks as a border in his looked great and was a lot of work, of course I was a little bit younger then too! I still have my huge bookpage wreath in a guest room, really just to take up space until I find something I look but honestly I still like it (LOL). Chevron is played out but I like it in small someone above said, who can continuously change out things to keep up with the trends (or the Jones..whoever that is). I often wonder what some of these folks are going to do with all that furniture they painted white, I love white too but goodness, that's going to be expensive to replace when they get tired of it. I always like to mix things up, traditional with a little trendy thrown in.

    Well, that's my 2 cents. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas Diana!

  24. I love Bright Eyes and her expression seeing Santa. That coat is adorable. Your front room is beautiful too...maybe that paper wreath can stay too....all the other pictures????? Ish...not a fan. Oh and that cement countertop? Never heard of such a thing???? I never was in style for anything...always danced to a different beat of the drum.

  25. Little Bright Eyes is always in style for sure! Styles come and go and it kind of makes me dizzy! I say, just stick with what you love. I love your beautiful white, Diana. So calm and peaceful. Have a great day dear one. xo ♥

  26. I've never been one to keep up too much with the styles that are fad. In fact, by the time I invest in something that I have decided I like, it is probably already out of style, lol! But you are so right, cute kids never goes out of style! Have a blessed day :)

  27. Oh, and burlap! I couldn't have burlap. Makes me sneeze.

  28. HaHa...enjoyed the post I missed and today's. In our many years of living in parsonages...."Hand me downs from the congregation were in style" We were poor and didn't buy new. So when anyone in the church got something new....the Pastor's Wife got the old. You know, I was grateful then, and grateful now.

    I'm waiting to see what the Lord is preparing for me....I knows exactly what will do! In the meantime, I have always like "country" and "comfy" for my own home, but love everyone's taste and love to visit all the different homes in blogland.

  29. I agree with the comment above. I have my own "eclectic" style, but love to look at others homes and admire them even though it might not be my taste. I don't pay too much attention to what the latest styles might be. I must say all of the fads pictured here are not something I have ever coveted. :) Chevron? Ick!! It makes me dizzy. I do like the pretty wreath made from book pages.

  30. Hi Diana I no longer take on interior design clients but my advice I always gave and still give is simple - do not follow trends follow your heart with what it loves and it will never go out of fashion.

  31. That little angel in the green coat is precious! Christmas hugs...

  32. Somethings just never go out of style even if they should. Bright eyes is just the cats meow! She's adorable. Hugs

  33. In my mind, decorating trends are a way for the industry to ensure its survival. And it plays to the herd instinct that most of us have - if we see someone else has it, we want it, too. Yes, I'm a bit cynical about it, but I also will embrace a trend if I like it and it suits my style. I like things that last a long time and will go trendy for small items like cushion covers that can update a space quickly and cheaply. One trend I hated was the tearing off of book covers and shelving them, or shelving books with the spines to the back. I suppose if one wanted the look of books without reading any of them that would make sense.

  34. I like the lampshade and the paper wreath(there is one as a tree topper on my tree right now that I made)and Bright Eyes' outfit and face! Not a fan of faux finishes at all anymore!

  35. I would bling out the lampshade with crystals. I never pay attention to whats in or out, just to what I like. People probably would cringe at my decor!

  36. You're right, Diana, cute is always in style, and your little sweetheart has plenty of cuteness. For the most part I don't follow trends. I tend to stick with what I like. I painted furniture way before it became the thing to do. I painted my first bedroom set almost 50 (yikes!) years ago, and they'll probably have to pry a paintbrush out of my cold, dead hand. I like chalk paint (I make my own) because it's super easy to work with and I like the look it gives when waxed. I like antiques and vintage pieces, always have, and that won't change. Most of my blogging friends have completely different tastes from one another and I LIKE that! I guess what I'm saying is I just like to surround myself with things I love and not worry about what's "in". And I think it's perfectly fine if others follow trends and completely change their decor every year. To each his own. Oh, and I thought I left a comment on the other post you did like this one, but I didn't see it when I followed your link. But then, it's quite possible that I forgot to hit the "publish" button, because -- you know -- I'm kinda forgetful. Hugs.

  37. Being cute never goes out of style! I don't pay too much attention to what is in or out. Someone is making buckets of money out of all these changes they say we "need". Oy vey, indeed, on "anonymous", hiss... xoxo

  38. I find myself after having tried some ideas, getting back to just the stuff I like. Vintage-y, eclectic, not matchy-matchy...stuff that I love and especially if it has sentimental value. I have always loved anything old or that looks old. I love antiques and although I do like the look of painted furniture, for the life of me, I can't bring myself to paint over a beautiful finish...that is except when it is kitchen cabinets, which I did. I would buy a beautiful chippy piece in a heartbeat though! I love wallpaper but have gotten over borders. I think we need to be true to ourselves!

  39. I love that wreath and still want one.

  40. Haha, the faux painting cracked me wallpaper I tried it and lived with it but eventually got rid of both. Antlers, now that's a trend I don't quite get but then I grew up in a hunting family so it is so yesterday for me (lol), chevron, no. Just no. Makes me wonder how long the whole farmhouse craze will last or all white interiors. Don't get me wrong, I rather like both but it seems like that's all anyone is doing now. (Ok I admit. I have my share of farmhouse but I have a farm.snort). I guess I'll never be popular, I'd rather be different. :-)

  41. Great post! I'm not sure if I read the first one or not...once again, that "memory" thing. :) I cannot imagine someone writing you ugly words but it's happened to me too. Sad people, IMHO.

    I never understood the deconstructed chairs or the lampshades...they look like something that's going to the trash. I could never do chevron...makes me dizzy! Can you imagine being nauseous and having to see that? I bought a duplex in 1990 and it would take days to tell you about the shape it was in. There was a huge wall, vaulted ceiling in the living room. After removing wallpaper and all the repairs, I did a faux finish! Lol! That was the "in" thing at the time.

    I find it interesting to see different blogs with the same rug in all! The white fuzzy one with black/dark grey X's in them. Add the animal print shoes or boots, a disco ball and some flowers and you have a jillion displays with 90% all looking the same. I could never tolerate burlap, coffee filter wreaths so much stuff displayed in a vignette. There are 50 shades of grey paint, all white and a "must" to use the color(s) of the year. I'm sure many would shake their heads in disbelief at my decor but I love color, memories and things I like, regardless of whether they're "in" or "out". I honestly don't know how so many afford to constantly change things. Also, there are some that post the latest boots, pants, sweaters, coats, you name it! I'm just amazed that people shop like that.

    Well, I guess I should shut up now but I have to say that this photo of Miss Bright Eyes is worthy of a Christmas card or magazine cover. She is adorable!!


  42. Hi Diana,
    I can remember a few walls in my decor days done in the faux sponge painting technique. Wow whoever thought that was a good idea lol!
    I learned a long time ago that if you surround yourself with things you love and not trends you can never go wrong. After all we live in our decor so it should reflect us and not what the rest of the world is doing. Bright Eyes looks soooo cute in her sweet coat that Mommy wore. Adorable.
    Have a great weekend. You are getting lots of snow so get out there and make a snowman or some snowangels!!!!

  43. Bright Eye is so beautiful and she really reminds me of you. Her little outfit looks so cute on her. Lots of things I like and some I don't. I think it is up to each person to decorate the way they like and what they like. Don;t you think?

    Good luck with your new computer - sometimes they have a mind of there own.


  44. Oh, the faux painting on walls! Like you, I did so much in my home and for others! Adorable little one in her special coat. Precious!

  45. My last home had a huge bathroom with the faux finish on the walls when I bought it. Although it was a mauve color and not really what floats my boat, I made it work. Bright eyes looks like she belongs on a Christmas card in that little coat...PRECIOUS!!

  46. I go with what floats my boat - somewhere between traditional and eclectic...just comfy and cozy. Reminds me of a Christmas song "comfy cozy are we" having a Sleigh Ride!!

    A tile guy told me the other day that wall tile on the diagonal is OUT!! Thought you'd want to know. Is it really???

  47. Well I have tried so many different looks, color schemes, and styles in my life. I've learned that just like in clothing, home fashions evolve every year. It's all about keeping things fun and fresh I guess. I believe a lot of what we like has to do with our age and lifestyle. Younger people tend to like more trends and older tend to like more classic. Young families tend to think about what will hold up to their lifestyle and fit in their budget. Empty nesters tend to fill up they're rooms more to fill the void of children in their home. They go for more expensive pieces now that their budget allows it. That's my take on it all. What I like, someone else may not care for and vice versa. That doesn't make any of us wrong. I look more at furniture placement, scale, color schemes flowing, and accessory placement to decide if a room needs improvement (not the individual pieces per se). It's about how the room comes together. I think that's what people should focus on and then have fun with their choices.

  48. I really love those wreaths and yours looks so nice in the window. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family and friends.
    Hugs, Julie ox

  49. It seems like I never get in on any of the latest trends. I just buy what I like. I think people should just decorate the way they like. That coat is so pretty. So nice she has something that was her mothers.

  50. First off, how cute that your daughter's little one is wearing her coat... too sweet. My grandmother bought a dress for my oldest daughter when she was a baby that I had a professional picture taken of her... later (22 years) her sister wore the same dress for a professional picture .. when she had her own daughter I sent it her... it's a cute item to hand down...

    I remember lots of these trends, the one I didn't get was the concrete counter tops, I guess I am a little old fashioned and I like more traditional counter tops xox

    I hope you have a very Merry Christmas with your family this year Diana xox

  51. Hmmm....I can't say that I've seen most of these styles. Maybe its my age?! ;)
    My home is kinda country and natural. I love a home that's cozy and inviting and I of course love vintage and paisley styles and red! My kitchen is red with a vintage country flare. I have all boys, so no girlie colors are allowed!! Ha!

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas Diana!

    PS...I love that coat on Bright Eyes, now that should never go out of style!

  52. How could I forget about faux finishes? And stencils - remember those? I had both. :-) Never did like poufs, concrete countertops, bare lampshades or antlers, but hey, that's just me. Whatever floats your boat, right? I still have a yellow and white chevron rug in one of the bedrooms. I still like it. Now your gorgeous granddaughter...she's in style anytime! xoxo

  53. Oh my goodness, that little girl is adorable!! I try to stick with classics, and I love old things. But it's hard to completely avoid the trendy stuff. I did make a paper cone wreath out of encyclopedia pages this past summer. I had it up for a couple months then got rid of it. We had a bug infestation, and the thought of bugs burrowing in those pages was too much for me, haha!

  54. I love the look of roe antlers but they just wouldn't go in my house. WHY would anyone get offended by a post??? Anyway, your little bright eyes is SOOOOOO adorable!

  55. Such a sweet little girl...I dressed my daughter up when she was younger in items I had worn one of which was made by my late grandmother. As for trends I don't pay attention but that chair does not look comfortable..... Merry Christmas to you Diana!

  56. I say if you love it then it's not a trend! I have never followed what is in style or out of style...if I love it I hang onto it...or keep re-creating it, as the case may be here! ;) I was into shabby chic before it became popular, I just never knew it because some of my things were just old and chippy, lol! I have to admit, I love that deconstructed chair!
    I cannot believe that someone left you a comment that you had to humbug I say...sheesh!
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas my friend! Hugs, Kimberley

  57. Bright eyes couldn't be more precious! Mint green sweetness.

  58. Oh my! Your granddaughter and that coat! ♥♥♥ Merry Christmas to your whole family, Diana. :)

  59. Your granddaughter is such a beauty! Deconstructed chairs never thrilled me, blech! Having lived as long as I have, I have seen how quickly trends come and go. Just about the time you jump on a bandwagon another has taken it's place and you find yourself scrambling to keep up. It is a never ending cycle of buying and decorating. I see lots of trends that I love, but 1. I want my home to reflect ME, not necessarily the latest (short lived) trend, and 2. There are so many other things more important than fluffing my house every day. We all need to update on a regular basis, things wear out, we need a change, but I am no longer driven to have the latest trend. I would rather have a unique home than a carbon copy of trendy.


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