
Monday, December 19, 2016


Every year I like to post this little
-ahem- tutorial on wrapping 

Prepare to spend a lot of time
after you read this!

Is there anything more

mundane to wrap than SOCKS????

You KNOW that

you just don't want to

stick them in box

with a bow on it.


Look! Here's an answer to

your wrapping dilemma.
Well, peeps,

Here we go~

First you must get a sock..

well, make it a pair because

one sock won't work for

MOST people.

How about something like

these-?  Cute, huh?

Then you must find some of

those short peppermint sticks.

You can buy them or

someone might send them to you.
Then you must let the

peppermint stick


the SOCK!
Before you can say


that peppermint stick

has jumped into the sock

and worked its way down

into the toe.

Can you see it there?

I've pinched it to make it stay

and now I am gonna roll

that little sucker up
into what I like to call

Well, GREAT, we got ourselves 


NOW- what the heck are do we do with that?

There's another kinda roll

lying around my house

cuz I've been saving them.

Used toilet paper rolls.

No..No..Not used toilet paper..

Used up empty rolls.

They look like this when they are naked.
Don't worry about that little bit of

white tissue left-you won't see it soon.

Find some foil based wrapping paper.

Foil works best because you can

bend the edges down and you

don't have to glue/tape it

lest you want to.

Wrap that foil paper around

that roll leaving about 1/3"

extending over each end.
Simply bend the paper down

so that it overlaps the edge of the roll.
You will not see this when it is

done but you can glue/tape if if you like.


Sneak up on those socks and

stuff them in the roll.

A roll in a roll.

I'm just keeping myself rolling here!;>)

Remember you won't see this at the end.
Then, take some sweet tissue paper

and cut an 18" x 18" piece~

or thereabouts.

Center the roll in the middle and

starting at one end,

roll that baby up and then

twist the ends so that it

looks like a big old fat

piece of taffy.

Toilet Taffy

Laffy Taffy!
Now is that cute, or what?

I only need to tie a bit of ribbon

around the twist and I'm done.
And, when it's unwrapped

they will see the shiny foil roll

and NOT this..
Cuz the only place we

REALLY want to see THAT

is in the bathroom.

And we don't even really want

to see it there because that

would mean that someone

like MyHero..

not pointing fingers here but it

has happened

has used the last piece on

the roll
 and neglected to replace

it and there is none to be found

making me want to scream

bad words...naughty words...

Okay-that's it-

Now get rolling and wrapping

cuz there's not much time left!

And I'll just say a little prayer for you

to have to go to the bathroom

a whole lotta times

(if you need empty rolls

to wrap your socks)

cuz I am just nice like that!;>)

You can always TRY this if you need

empty rolls in a hurry!
I am just FULL of .......what

good advice!


  1. Diana, The way they have changed up T.P. is laughable. Some have no rolls. Some rolls are so big now you could put a sweater in them. LOL. Poor Hero, you give that fellow a tough time. LOL. I know that old empty roll thing and one tiny smidge of milk in the carton or they don't have to rinse it...or heaven forbid open something . We are onto to those fellows. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. What if you buy the T. Tissue with no roll? What then? You cut down paper towel rolls, of course. So for those (like me) who buy the kind with no cardboard roll because you want to save the environment, be sure to wash your hands a lot. Or spill things and have to clean them up. Christmas is coming and that's the only way I'm going to get there to use this idea. Great idea, though.

  3. Great post, I laughed all the way through it! A beautiful wrapping job on an awkward-to-wrap gift!

  4. You had me rolling in the floor laughing...great way to start the day! hugs....

  5. LOL!!! Too funny. What a super duper great way to give socks. Love this!

  6. LOL!! You are funny!
    Socks are hard to give....great fun idea....
    except, doesn't the sock smell like peppermint then??
    or get sticky?
    anyway....hugs, Nancy

  7. HA! great post that brought a smile this morning. I have lots of empty wrapping paper tubes that could be cut down and used for this.

  8. Ha...toilet paper rolls can be wrapped in pretty paper and used to roll up electrical cords...many uses for them, if you run out I have a whole Never know when a toilet paper roll may be needed.

  9. HAHA..very cute idea Diana..

  10. Well shoot...I just threw out a collected bag of these. I told myself I was never going to do anything with them!
    Such a cute way to wrap socks. I'm skipping the Ex-Lax. I don't need any of that business going on just to get more! LOL!
    You are hilariously entertaining this morning, Diana.
    xoxo, T.

  11. Ho Ho Ho Ho!!! A fun idea and fun post!
    Merry Christmas!!

  12. Wow what a fabulous way to wrap a sock Diana, thanks for the tutorial.

    Hugs Diane

  13. Great idea Diana--like a Christmas Cracker! Now why didn't you post this last week when I was wrapping socks? As always thank you for the laughs! xo ♥

  14. Great idea, Diana and I'm asking myself why didn't I save that last year because this year I tried to find an idea for giving socks. Rats! I will save it for next year! You're so funny.

  15. What a fun tutorial! What a great idea to fit a gift inside the roll! Hmm... I wonder what else can fit snugly inside the TP roll? LOL... thanks for the laugh today too :)

  16. You are full of it for sure - full of fun. I love that idea and it doesn't just have to be for socks either.

  17. I loved this! You showed us last year and I made some for my young co workers. HMMM...they ripped into them so dang fast, I don't think they took one bit of notice! Oh well, they must have thought I had cash inside. Boy, were they surprised!
    This really is such a cute idea though, thanks very much for sharing it. They really do look adorable. x

  18. Well, Diana, since I did buy my hubby some socks I could do this! Thanks for the tutorial:):) Wishing you a VERY merry Christmas!

  19. Definitely a great way to wrap socks... I will remember this for next year xox

    Luckily for me, some sweet girls I know did all my wrapping for me Saturday... I adore them as wrapping is my least favorite task for Christmas. I have even thought of paying Thanks to them I am just about ready for next week, I get to enjoy Christmas eve watching some favorite shows and baking lots of treats xox

  20. Ooh Diana, you have me rolling on the floor with all your funniness...all over a tp roll and wrapping socks. I love this idea! You're the best!!

  21. Oh Diana, you are hilarious! Sox are girls used to get special sox for every holiday...that was many moons ago. Stay warm...xoxo

  22. I remember that post...great idea..I saw it last year after I had gone to the dollar store for little boxes for the socks I had bought for everyone..What's that they say about timing?? Have a wonderful Christmas..I hope 2017 is good to you and yours..xxoo

  23. Oh Diana, you made my day. Clever idea and I did buy a pairof sock for Kelly. So now I mus hurry up and use up some toliet paper. LOL. Great post......

    Hugs, and Merry Christmas

  24. Lol. I'm "rolling". You are too funny! (But the idea is quite brilliant actually).
    Merry Christmas!

  25. Haha. Funny girl, you are. A real steam ROLLER of wit. Your sock packaging is a great idea. . .very clever. xo

  26. You're full of something all right! I should be wrapping some socks, but I have managd to purchase the wrong kind. Accckkk...I am a sucker for those QVC pitches. Believe me, I have learned my lesson.

  27. You are too funny, with the ex-lax suggestion, Diana! This is the cutest wrapping idea - I'm pinning it for the next time I gift someone some socks....and I'm gonna start saving those toilet paper rolls!

  28. I forgot about this cute idea! I'm going to pin it now for next year or somewhere in between. :)

    We still don't have wx like you do but just fyi ~ it was 74* Saturday before the cold front hit and the winds almost blew us to South America! Sunday morning it was 18* and this morning 15*. Not my idea of fun!


  29. Yup, Your full of good ideas, enjoyed the witty sock wrapping tutorial...
    Now, how do we wrap a whole package of socks??
    Merry Christmas dear sweet and funny and witty friend!!
    Love, Roxy

  30. That's a real cute idea! I suppose a paper towel roll cut in half could work too if you are short on t.p. rolls! I have three for my daughter... I'll have to see what I can do to be creative like this!

  31. You girl, keep me in stitches!
    I love your sense of humor, you're just plain fun!!
    Mmmmm...You have given me an idea for a few of my husband stocking gifts, thank you.
    I should be okay without the ex-lax.:-)

  32. You girl, keep me in stitches!
    I love your sense of humor, you're just plain fun!!
    Mmmmm...You have given me an idea for a few of my husband stocking gifts, thank you.
    I should be okay without the ex-lax.:-)

  33. You girl, keep me in stitches!
    I love your sense of humor, you're just plain fun!!
    Mmmmm...You have given me an idea for a few of my husband stocking gifts, thank you.
    I should be okay without the ex-lax.:-)

  34. hahaa...I was just telling you how I wrapped our son's sox over on your FB...the same way....
    no time for talking sox, I am on the hunt for your caramels 'cause Kitty told me she had made 3 batches so they MUST be good....and I'll try making them ya...

  35. Your ending made me laugh! A great gift wrapping idea.

    Happy Christmas week and day ~ FlowerLady

  36. Hmmmm and I have been just sticking the socks in the stocking all these years! Very cute! You crack me up....always!!

  37. Only you can make a simple pair of socks look so festive! Good luck on getting all those toilet paper rolls!

  38. A good laugh and a crafty tip!! Love it!! :)

  39. Whew! That was a lot of work! Such a cute tutorial. Merry Christmas dear blog friend.

  40. Love, love this idea, Diana. How cute! No problem on finding empty toilet paper rolls around here, all you have to do is go in my youngest son's bathroom. He likes to collect them since he is too lazy to put them in the trash. :( In case I don't talk to you against this week, I wish you and your family a very, very Merry Christmas. Lots of hugs, Maria

  41. What a great idea Diana...the toilet paper roll, not the ex-lax (well for me anyway)! :) I have used them folded over at the ends as 'boxes' for small items before...but never just as the roll! I love how you used the peppermint stick in the toe to roll them up...I am so stealing that idea! :) Those socks are darn cute too! And I love how you decorated it on the ends with the ribbon and faux greenery! Hugs, Kimberley

  42. The finished product is very pretty. One would never guess it all started with a toilet paper roll!

  43. You are such a riot, Diana!! Love this, super cute idea for wrapping small gifts!!

  44. Lol... I love your posts! What a great way to wrap socks :-) Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful evening.


  45. That is brilliant, Diana, and so very cute! Now excuse me while I take a bathroom break. ;-)


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