
Thursday, December 15, 2016


You will have to bear with me-
I have a 
It is wonderful but I am still trying 
to figure it out.

It is kind of like being on a 
It feels a little awkward and uncomfortable.
(don't ask me how I know that)

I am still trying to find my pictures
because they transferred over by
Lord help me- 
 I had spent weeks putting them into
named file folders.

That being said...
because, basically, it is all I can find.

What are the chances of a mom
snapping a picture just at the moment
landed  on
Can you see the snowflake on her tongue?
They don't get much snow where they live
so this was an exciting day for her.

Can you see she's a bit banged up?
We won't talk about that here....
I see I have switched font size
without any help from myself.
I am SO lucky like that!
I am assured that even a blond
can master this thing without
a license to operate.
I am going to try to prove
them right...
for a change


  1. Ha! My new laptop arrived yesterday, so I'm with you on the learning curve.So far, I've loaded Facebook, but haven't had time to do anything else. What a sweet moment of catching a snowflake - Bright Eyes is adorable and growing up so quickly. Sounds like she will have plenty of time to catch more snowflakes on Saturday - at least that's what Milwaukee news is saying. Have a beautiful day! Jane

  2. Oh the joy of a new computer! I'm about to face that myself. *sigh* Hang in there. You can do it. Your picture is really cute. Love that you can see the snowflake on her tongue. Hope you have a safe and warm day. It's not getting out of the 20s here today with a high wind chill factor of 9*. Brr.

  3. I totally know what you mean about photos. On my old computer I was able to create files like "Christmas 2012" or "garden", but now everything is all done by date. I also want to be able to create shortcuts on my desktop and I can't do that anymore either. Ahhh, change is hard. That was a well-timed photo of Bright Eyes. I wish I lived in a place that didn't get much snow! -Jenn

  4. Aw! Bright Eyes is so cute! She looks like YOU!
    How's your new job?

  5. Diana, I love getting up and reading your blog. You keep us laughing.:):) Oh that sweet baby. You are one of the smartest blondes I know...sure you are a redhead? If you saw how many crazy circles I go in to make a post, you would be rolling in the aisles. Enjoy your new lap-top. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Oh she is just too precious! What a fabulous shot that is!!!!

    She does look like her pretty Grandma. : - )


  7. I need to get a new laptop, but new and improved are not my favorite words anymore.

  8. I am laughing - we are so at the mercy of our computers and a new one is going to be quite a challenge. I love the capturing of that snowflake on her tongue - wow - and she is cute - and I hope she heals soon! Love, sandie

  9. You are so funny. These new electronics should come with a real person to explain. Oh wait that's what grandchildren are for.
    The picture is adorable. She reminds me of Sweet Cheeks. Did she have a tumble. Hugs

  10. Good morning!
    You just reminded me of my photos getting jumbled when I got a new computer. Magoo did some wacky things with my files and now I won't let him touch my computer. When you take as many photos as we do, it's important to have your files the way we want them. Keep working on it- it'll all become second nature soon, Blondie.
    Little Anna is so cute...great shot Mindy!
    xoxo, T.

  11. I need a new laptop, mine is sooo slow. I don't know if I'm up to the challenge of learning to navigate a newer one or not. Tech stuff is just not my bag!
    Little Bright Eyes is just so precious...what an adorable photo!

  12. Oh come on now, you know you love a challenge. I have yet to touch Windows 10 or whatever the latest is, but I already know it is a pain in the toe. Of course BrightEyes can catch a snowflake, and her mom can catch that photo. They are both related to the smartest blond in the country.

  13. How sweet that her Mom caught that moment on camera! That's a great photo. I feel for you with the new lap top. I am struggling with a new cell phone after having a old 'flip phone' for years!! LOL

  14. That is a precious photo...what are the odds?! It's either skill or serendipity. Oh, that is not fun to have all your work undone on the photos. That would frustrate me as well. I like the larger font size...

  15. Snow and adorable children, it does not get better than that! New computers....I am still moving files almost a year later!

  16. Love the snowflake pic! Perfect timing! My hubby and I are going to switch to Apple computers soon. I think I'll probably be lost, but my kids switched over a long time ago, so at least they'll be here to help me. Technology can be so frustrating. Hope you enjoy your day. My oldest graduates from college tonight! I'm so excited! xoxo

  17. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that picture of Bright Eyes.....and all dressed in Pink! Well, a little snow is better than no snow, right? That's a great saying from Maxine. Gotta love her. :) I have no doubt that you will learn your new computer in no time, Diana. You're knowledgeable in so many ways.

    love, ~Sheri

  18. Oh Diana, you are so funny - love the post. You always make me smile or laugh out loud when reading your posts.
    Bright Eyes is so pretty and I love that picture of her with her first snow flake.

    Good luck with your new computer. It seems it's always that way when you get up dates - have to try and figure it out.

    Wishing you and your family a most wonderful Christmas.
    Hugs dear friend,

  19. LOL Diana. Totally been there with you on computer stuff. Wowsie the flake landing on Bright Eyes as mom snapped the picture is priceless.
    Hope you are staying warm. These temps are too crazy! Have a great rest of the week and weekend. I will catch up with you soon.

  20. Love that picture! She is so precious!! What kind of laptop did you get?


  21. Yeah....that's me,! Thank you, I will stick to my desk top. Laptops are not in my future for now. Course the thought of taking one on the front porch sounds nice. Bright Eyes, she is so cute. Enjoying her snowflake!! Blind dates.....mine was an all nighter, 2 restraunts, dancing and a cocktail lounge later and now we are married 43 years....yeah, it was blind for sure!!! Have fun with your new computer, someday you will say "how did I live without you?" (lol)

  22. Pretty soon Bright Eyes will be able to help you with your computer. You know the main reason for having children these days is so we have someone to help us with our technology! I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season, Diana!

  23. I hear you with that new laptop...good luck my friend. They say it is learning new things that keeps our brains flexible. Consider it brain exercise. I told my mother that when she suddenly realized that their new house had the dishwasher on the left of the sink, after 27 years of having dishwasher and glass cabinet to the right. Ha ha. Their moving day is right after Christmas. Love the Maxine comic. That's me some days. 😊

  24. I want a new computer than I can make me a new header with different colors etc and lettering
    I am not sure I am smart enough to figure out a new computer
    Old dogs can learn new tricks with help LOL

  25. Mastering a new computer...Lets just say I'm glad I'm not you right now! Your photos are priceless! Lucky, lucky Nana.

  26. Oh, that one pic is plenty. What a doll. What kind of laptop did you get? Mine is acting weird and I'm thinking it may be time to switch. Merry Christmas, dear Diana.

  27. Oh I feel your pain! I hate changing anything technology related. And what an adorable picture, and perfect timing.

  28. Oh yes.... That happened to me a year or so ago, when my son got me a Mac Bro Book..(I think that's what it's call. Everything was crazy different than my old desk top...but finally I did find my pictures, but now I need to organize them.

    What a doll getting that snowflake...too cute.

  29. I got a new laptop a few months ago and still can't figure out where my photos went and how to use windows 10. the learning curve is great at this age, and the blond thing doesn't help. good luck.

  30. I need to take this moment in time to say that I just love you, LOL

    Always a laugh or inspiration here and I sort of cracked up looking at Bright Eyes and her snowflake PIERCING ! Yes it reminded me of the younger generation and their tongue piercings....thank goodness that Bright Eyes just has a natural one :)

  31. Bright Eyes is such a full of joy and life! Have fun with that new laptop!

  32. I will say I will never get a HP laptop. We had a printer of theirs and it died in 6 months. My brother went through 5 laptops in a span of 3 years. I do miss having a computer with Linux on it. Windows supports more programs, but Linux is fast. Android phones essentially run on a modified version of Linux along with most smart devices that need an operation system such as Roku. Even Linux is not a true platform, there are many variations made by different communities, virtually all of them are free.

  33. I am finally used to my new laptop and I got it at Christmas last year! I think I am a little like Maxine in the morning, except I make the coffee before I go straight to the computer! That picture of Bright Eyes is priceless!

  34. Bright Eyes is just the cutest child, Diana. And I'd say her Mama is a great photographer! I can see she is enjoying the snow to the hilt. I hate it when I have to get used to new things on a computer. It's amazing I can post on my blog! You'll get the hang of it all soon. Maybe your photos are in One Drive. Have a wonderful evening. xo ♥

  35. Yes, each new computer should come packaged with its own geek. ha! I know everything goes to the cloud but don't ask me how to retrieve it. My computer geek moved to Texas. However, he is willing to Skype and do the little thingy where he takes over your computer. The snow was pretty when it fell but it is just bitter cold now. xoxo

  36. I feel your pain! I've had my laptop for awhile now but there's way more to learn than I have. I'm not a techie person at all and I have no idea what some of these features are! Sometimes I accidentally get into one and it's like a maze in the dark with no sound. :)

    Miss Bright Eyes is such a beautiful girl! The photo is precious and the timing perfect! I do hope you're staying warm. We're supposed to be in the 70's the next 2 days and then 19 Sunday morning! It was very cold today and overcast.


  37. I do good to operate what I have. Definitely do not want a lap top. I am not the most technical minded. You can do it. You have overcome a lot worse. I got an email from blogger today, but not sure what they are telling me.

  38. Awesome shot Diana... they are rare to get them like that xox

    I am not fond of laptops, I have one for work but I have keyboard, mouse and monitor attached to it... lol... if I had to work only on the laptop, I would be lost... haha... Good luck on getting everything organized on your new computer, I am sure it will become easier with time... xox

  39. Congrats. Santa came early, did he? I always have a different size font show up and I have an old computer!! And I have never been blonde (well except that one little bit of time that that bottle fell on my head), so I can't blame it on that! Bright Eyes is too cute for words. Love that her mom caught the pic at just the right time..Have a Merry Christmas with all your family..xxoJudy

  40. What perfect timing in the snowflake/tongue shot! Hope before long the new computer will feel like an old hat and you will be using it like a pro. We had lots of snow here Weds (yesterday) which is so unusual, and it caused LOTs of problems for many. I am glad to not have been out in it. Some people were stuck trying to get home for as much as 6 hours where it usually take a few minutes, some had to abandon their vehicles and hoof it, so many accidents!

  41. Congratulations on your new computer!!! Did Santa visit your house early? If he did send him my list is a mile long!

  42. Apparently old dogs CAN learn new tricks ;)

  43. That is an amazing photo, for sure. Bright eyes is such a cutie!
    I feel your pain, Diana. I spent hours yesterday looking for a photo in the folders I named, but never did find it. I should go back and rename them!

  44. How wonderful, enjoy your new computer.

  45. I bet you will have it figured out pretty quickly. Awesome shot of cutie with a snowflake on her tongue! Have a super day!

  46. Wow. You're pretty quick on the learning curve! I got a new Apple laptop a few months ago and am still using my old Dell laptop while I search for the password the Apple required me to create (wouldn't have put one in if it wasn't required) when husband set it up for me. I know it's in one of my many composition books, so that's a start!!!

  47. Ha ha, hey it can be tough finding your way around a new laptop!! I have mine about a year...or more...and it still baffles me at times!

  48. Catch a falling star...or a snow flake..very cute..
    I got a new Apple laptop..I'm hooked on Apple now unfortunately..Hope I never have to buy another one!! What kind did you get??
    I don't keep my pictures on my computer..They are out there in the cloud..somewhere..Enjoy your new Laptop!!

  49. Oh I feel your pain. I hate having to get acquainted with something new. I don't have a lot of patience so it doesn't usually end well. I would be like your granddaughter if it snowed here too. I always say I could do without winter except for a few pretty snow days. I don't like cold weather. It rarely snows here either.

  50. You'll get the hang of it! (I say as encouraging as possible!) 😊 And the picture of Bright Eyes is priceless! Love her expression as the snowflake lands! Good luck with the computer!

  51. I see the snowflake on her tongue, She is adorable! Have fun with your new puter :)

  52. The luck of the moment in that snapshot! So cute! Lil Bright Eyes is such a darling! Good luck with the new computer, ugh! I don't envy you one bit, and trying to organize those photos again, oh my goodness, makes me shudder to think of such a job! Hugs to you today friend!

  53. She is so beautiful! I bet she loved the snow. We just got new phones. 7plus. So am finding out what is on it. I found out I can write with my finger (messages). We found that out by mistake. Picture quality is great. Not giving up my big camera but will have fun with the I-phone camera also.


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