
Friday, November 25, 2016



Kinda like me--

Oh! Wait- I mighta lied about that

I am 


I am trying to figure out if I can get 

a drive in to go see some special people-

It's about a SEVEN HOUR drive 


They can make it in SIX HOURS because

they don't know where all the REST STOPS

are along the way.
Don't you LOVE the expression on Bright Eyes face?

Have a great


and I will see you the first of the week.

You know why?

I am actually dragging out my


this weekend

if I stay home.

I won't be in the stores today

Have a wonderful weekend, folks!


  1. Yep, trample some old lady or steal it out of her cart. True story, several years ago, my son in law was early morning shopping on Black Friday. He put a couple items in his cart and stepped away, when he turned back, he caught a woman 'shoplifting' his items. Since he is 6' 7" , he just stared at her, and she put it back in his cart. So that is why, unless it is his gift, we send him shopping.

  2. Enjoy your decorating day! I'll be doing the same unless my husband drags me out to lunch or something "fun" like that!

  3. Love the cartoons..Can't decorate today..there is one more day of Thanksgiving to get thru first..Enjoy
    Bright Eyes looks like she is caroling..Great family picture

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I hate when I manage to misspell my own name. So here goes my comment again: Bright Eyes looks like she's saying "ho ho ho!"

  6. Haha, nice. I have in laws in town for the week, and we will spend the day doing un-Black Friday like things, like going to zoo, when really all I want to do is blast Christmas music and start pulling out the holiday decorations!!! haha... have a great weekend my friend! -

  7. Diana, Bright eyes look like one of those caroler statues. cute. I don't do the back Friday thing any more. Angie and I will do the small store shopping tomorrow. That will be more fun. Many years we did those going out in the dark to the malls trips. Just like the cartoon says for a cheap TV. LOL. I have been on the heating pad today...too much standing around...why? :):) Blessings to you, be safe if you go out. xoxo, Susie

  8. Hope it all works out so you can visit. Sounds like fun. I am doing some Thanksgiving dismantling and Christmas decorating, too. But I'd be out of here in a heart beat IF I had a chance to go.

  9. Thanks for the laughter, my friend :) And that picture is just precious!

    Happy hugs to you!

  10. I'm not going out to fight the crowds either. As to the Christmas trees and the other shtuff, we'll see!

  11. Diana, I hate shopping on a regular day, let alone Black Friday! I always love your humour!

  12. Whether at home or away, have fun this weekend!

  13. bright eyes made me think of Shirley Temple in this photo, lol,,, no shopping for me either, I have everything I need,

  14. "trampling strangers for a tv!" LOLOL!
    it's on reason why i'm home. but it still makes me laugh.
    love your cutie pie pictures! XO

  15. No matter what kind of day you are having, just look at Bright Eyes and your troubles will disappear. Take care.

  16. My husband just asked if I needed to take a ride to the stores. Think he forgot today is Black Friday. The only place I'll go is to the fridge for leftovers😂Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  17. No Black Friday shopping for me today! We went and got our tree and will be putting it up this weekend, along with other decorations, sparingly I hope (I can never resist using all that I have!)Not in the mood to do it, but tis the season! I might bake some cookies too. Be safe if you do take that drive! Bright Eyes is gonna be an actress :-)

  18. I hope u had to a wonderful thanksgiving with your family! Mr will have to drag the boxes up for me, I had to have some major surgery Monday. No lifting over 10 lbs till Jan!

  19. We don't have a crazy black Friday in Halifax... we have a very light version of what the states offer.. you will never see me in the stores on a day like that... xox

    I will be busy getting ready to work from home but next weekend I will be bringing out the tree, I think it will nice to enjoy it for the month of December, Valentina is excited about getting it out early. Now that I will be working from home, she and I can decorate it when I get off as I won't be so exhausted... I am looking forward to the changes, I already feel a little better xox

  20. That photo is adorable! I can only imagine the future years with Miss Bright Eyes! :) I hope you get to see them. There's not one thing I can think of that's worth the madness of this day in the shopping world! I love online shopping and there are a few places I visit during the week...before school is out! I just can't take the crying and screaming children and parents that ignore them.

    IF you stay home and choose to do Christmas, good luck!


  21. That is a wonderful picture of daddy and his brood. Bright Eyes is precious. Take it easy on that seven hour drive. The only Black Friday shopping here was a bag of cat food that wasn't on sale! -Jenn

  22. Love the expression on Bright Eyes face! I'm laughing at the rest you are funny!

  23. I hope you get to go visit, Diana. I know you must miss them all terribly.
    I think Charlie must have goosed little Anna. ;)
    Safe travels if you get out on the road!
    xoxo, T.

  24. Bright Eyes reminds me of Shirley Temple in that photo :)

    I just dragged up a bunch of Christmas stuff and then took half of it down to the DIL ( did the same with fall decor about two years ago ) I am giving them my Christmas houses and people etc...the kids can enjoy that every day there instead of off and on here and I am thinking ( HOPING ) they are old enough now not to break it....

  25. We're hoping to get the tree up today here

  26. Loved your jokes and I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Since we had my son and his family - we went ahead and put the Christmas out. I loved Bright Eyes expression!

  27. Love the pic! So cute and love the expression on Bright Eyes! I only bought one thing on Black Friday and it was at Walgreens. Lol. It's actually a cute bracelet and I'm doing a blog post about it now. Happy holidays!

  28. Oh, look at this family picture, I love it! That's a good one, Diana, and Bright Eyes looks so cute with her funny face expressions. Their front porch is all decked out. Can't wait to see your Christmas stuff! I'll be back soon. :)

    love, ~Sheri

  29. Happy decorating Diana . . .
    Sure do love that picture of the young ones!
    And the facial expression too! WOW!


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