
Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Poetry has always come easy to me.
My girl cousins and I listened to a lot
of poetry growing up.
Both of our fathers read poetry to us
so it is second nature to me.

Are my poems perfect?
Nope- Not even close
 but they are heartfelt.
Here is the one I wrote last night.


Oh! The memories of Thanksgivings past,
When I was just a child,
When the days spread out forever,
And I could just run wild.

I remember early morning sun
Upon the kitchen floor,
And father hurrying across the room
Going out the old screen door.

He would go to do the milking 
Then come  in to eat his fill,
Of Thanksgiving dinner lovingly prepared
In that house up on the hill.

My little grandmother always came,
Bringing the mincemeat pie,
I never ate a single bite of it
Cuz I didn’t want to die. (smiling)

My Uncle came along with her,
And another Uncle, too,
A cousin tagged in here and there,
When they had nothing else to do.

Oh! Then the years just marched along
And God took some family home,
The Thanksgiving table got smaller,
As other members began to roam.

I never dreamed when I was a child,
That the day would come to be,
That the old homestead would all be gone
And the only family left would be me.

So, gather your family close, my friends,
As you celebrate -I say-
Remember to give Thanksgiving,
For the love & riches you have today.

By: D. Diana Kosmoski ©2017

I hope your day is 
and for those that do not have family
to spend the holiday with
I wish you 
peacefulness  and  joy
as you celebrate alone.
I'll celebrate with you in spirit......


  1. You are totally awesome !!! And, now I can completely relate to your heartfelt poem. Adult kids with their own kids spreading far & wide. Thank you so much for this, Nana Diana

  2. Hey, I LOVE mincemeat pie! I would have eaten your piece! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Okay that poem was awesome - I always have been horrible at poems - at least figuring out what Emily Dickinson meant in hers - I tried to help Kelly figure it out once and we got an F! How do teachers know what she meant! lol Well you are very talented, but that does NOT surprise me. Have a blessed THANKSGIVING!

  4. This is beautiful, Diana! Thanks so much for sharing it. You know I have your book. Dang...I have to get organized and start to read again. I will and I'm sure I'll love your novel.

    I want to thank you for the Jackie Lawson e-card. I have to bring my flash up to date before I can see it. Will do asap! Thanks again.

    A huge Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


  5. Happy Thanksgiving Diana! Your poem is heartfelt and so expressive.

  6. What a sweet poem, Diana! Enjoy your Thanksgiving with family and many blessing to you all.

  7. Your poem is beautiful, Diana! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  8. This is beautiful, Diana. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Diana... I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday xox

    The poem is wonderful and very true, we need to have gratitude for the people in our lives as they don't stay there forever... I love poems that are heartfelt xox

  10. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, amazing lady. xoxo Maria

  11. Love your poem, Diana, your talents never cease to amaze me !
    Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend !

  12. I love your poem. Thank you Diana. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family. It's so wonderful to have our sweet memories! Blessings, Diane

  14. That's a beautiful poem and right from your heart, where all poetry should come from.
    Wishing you a day of happiness and the love of family.
    Tell John to please stay out of the lake. It's too cold out there for his shenanigans!
    Love to you on this day- and I give thanks for you- you bring joy and laughter to so many in your life and here in blogland.
    xoxo, T.

  15. Diana, Your poem is very makes us think back to our youth and brings to today. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving day together. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  16. A lovely poem, Diana. Nostalgic and full of truth. I hope you have a memory making Thanksgiving day with your family. Hugs.

  17. Such a lovely greeting this Thanksgiving Day! All the blessings of memories, of family, of food and fun and laughing around your own table, as you make the memories and poetry of those young minds and hearts gathered with you today.


  18. Such a lovely greeting this Thanksgiving Day! All the blessings of memories, of family, of food and fun and laughing around your own table, as you make the memories and poetry of those young minds and hearts gathered with you today.


  19. I love your poem and your memories. So sad you are the only one left but happy you wrote a poem to keep those days alive. I know we are not to long for those days past, but sometimes it is hard not too!

  20. Diana, your poem is lovely. Thank you for sharing your heart in poetry. Hugs to you, dear one. xo ♥

  21. Diana, such a beautiful poem - and oh so true. Hope you had a wonderful day celebrating with your family. Jane

  22. Loved your poem VERY much. Memories from long ago, sometime bring tears along with them, but so special those memories are. Thank you for sharing with us.

  23. Very nostalgic..made me a little sad..lots of memories crammed in there..lovely.. I hope you and your family had a wonderful day. xxoo

  24. Oh Diana how touching! What a wonderful talent you have dear friend. Beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing with us.

  25. Lovely...makes you think about all Gods blessings and to never take family and friends for granted. Thank you for sharing with us Diana :)

  26. I love it, Diana! Such a wonderful expression of what Thanksgiving is all about. Blessings to you and yours,

  27. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Diana! Thank you for the lovely e-card too. What a wonderful surprise in my inbox. Cheers.

  28. Diana, this is a lovely poem! It is all about what Thanksgiving means. Besides having a fabulous sense of humor, you are one talented lady! Hope your day was a good one. xoxo

  29. A perfect way to share precious memories. Is there anything you can't do? Nice knowing someone so talented.

  30. Thank you for sharing your lovely poem and have a Happy Thanksgiving....hugs....

  31. Really beautiful and heart felt, Diana. You are amazing!! Hope you had a wonderful day with your family..xxoJudy

  32. A beautiful poem that brings tears to my eyes...just because I remember all the wonderful holiday celebrations when my mother's family all gathered. Such great times with incredible food and yes, those mincemeat pies! Lol! My mother and aunts always made them but very few ate them. I think these memories are so precious and a reminder to be present with what's going on in our lives. Enjoy the moment, the loved ones or friends that are around and all the love to be shared!


  33. This was so lovely Diana, it almost brought tears to my eyes (and that ain't easy!).

    Time has a way of changing our circumstances in the blink of an eye, so it's important not take take our loved ones for granted, and your poem expressed that perfectly.


  34. Got a tear in my eye. Loved this, Diana. It's so special and flows beautifully. I smiled when you said "here is the one I wrote last night." It takes me awhile to write a good poem, and I've only written three. Your house on the hill growing up sounds charming, and you have many memories of your family gathering there. I know people either love or hate mincemeat pie. I happen to like it. My mom used to make it, but I never have it any more for the holidays, and really miss it.


  35. I liked your poem Diana - so very true. Time changes everything....someday I guess my time will be gone too. Life is so poignant at times. Hugs to you! Ronda


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