
Sunday, November 20, 2016


Every year
I treat my daughters and
to a day with me!
Ha! As if THAT is a treat-
they only go to humor me-

Yesterday was the day!!!!

Every year in good old
 Green Bay, WI
there are 5 or 6 houses
decorated by florists and designers
that are open to the public.
The money from the tickets goes
to a local school so it is a win/win
type of holiday undertaking.

All fall it has been 
WARM and we have had 
Yesterday we woke up to

Nothing like living in the

We start the morning with a
STARBUCKS coffee or latte or chai-
I am sharing a few pictures from the
Every florist and designer tries to
Each designer puts their best foot forward-
As a result-
We all get all kinds of ideas
to say nothing of having fun.
Oh- and 
As a side note- after 42 years of marriage
MyHero FINALLY figured out that I love
WHITE ROSES--now, I'm not saying he is a
SLOW LEARNER or anything but you can
read into it whatever you want.
Loving this, too-
Did I mention they decorate outside, too?
Thanks to my sweet daughter-in-law
I have a trio of those beautiful
candles that look like real flames.
Did you know they make
TAPERS, too?
Somehow I missed seeing those before 
this year.
Yes- I am 'out of the loop'-
thanks for asking.
It was a 
even if 'the kids' did make fun of me
for RUSHING from house to house.
Hey- What idiot wants to stand outside in
longer than they have to--
that's what I want to know.
(not that I am calling THEM 
idiots, you understand)

We finished up with lunch at
Another year of tradition.
The only sad spot in the day is that 
my youngest daughter, Mimi,
was not here to enjoy it with us.
Nope!  She was home in 
Carmel, IN, with her sweet
family-having her own little walkabout.
Do you think BrightEyes is saying
"Come on-Hurry Up, Mom?!"


  1. I would have been hurrying too in that weather. The pictures are lovely, I love white roses too, and Red ones, orange ones, lavender ones, black ones.....................

  2. Very inspiring décor!! I didn't know they made tapers, either! I'm going to be on the look out for those! -Jenn

  3. These really are some lovely ideas... some people are so creative... I too love white roses, they are classy and pretty... I am glad you had time with your daughters and daughters in love... It seems like such a lovely time, especially on a cold day xox

  4. Good Afternoon Diana, I enjoyed the tour and we have had the cold weather to the point of getting out my long johns. I am not ready for that weather yet. I love roses whatever the color is and they are still blooming outside my hubby's window at the nursing home. It is quite a drop when you go to 73 to 29 at night. First hard frost. Bright eyes is such a sweetheart and I know big brothers will be very protective as she grows up. Take care. Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley.

  5. Diana, I am so glad you had that fun time with your girls. I know what you mean about the one day when you would love some pleasant temperatures ,it has to be freezing outside. Loved seeing all the pictures too. Blessings to all of you. xoxo, Susie

  6. It sounds like a wonderful day and full of inspiration!

  7. I love going to events like this, Diana. What a great tradition to go with family. I too like the white roses in the dough bowl--so pretty! Luminara candles are so realistic and easy to use --no mess, no fuss. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend. xo ♥

  8. Love touring homes and it sounds wonderful to do it with family. Hope you get out of the frozen tundra soon.

  9. what a beautiful tradition to share with your girls, amazing homes aren't they. Your grand kids are so beautiful, they could be models,, very photogenic your family is, beautiful,,I hope you are long over that nasty sinus infection and I hope your hero is able to eat something now,,

  10. That sounds like a wonderful "girls day out." I have got to get me some of those candles that run on batteries.

  11. What a tour!!! Love all the inspiration. Sounds like a fun girls day. My fave pic is the last. Too cute. Have a great Thanksgiving, Diana!

  12. Only 42 years? I would say he is pretty quick on the uptake LOL

    I love these kind of tours. So many wonderful ideas. xo Laura

  13. What a fun day out , lunch looks good too.

  14. How fun and festive! You are a kind mama!

  15. I want to do something different outside this year and those globe-like things might be the ticket! Glad you had fun with the girls. It's always a good day when it starts out at Starbucks :)

  16. I would have enjoyed the hoe tour. Activities like that truly put you in the holiday spirit!

  17. Awe...sounds like a lovely day out! And those houses looked wonderful. Love the white roses too. I have never seen those taper candles either, but I might have to go looking for them. ;)
    Have a wonderful week and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Amy

  18. Oh, how I love this! What a nice way to spend a day together! I love touring houses, and when they're decorated for Christmas, that's even better. Those sure are some nice candles. I didn't know they made the taper ones either. What will they think of next? Glad y'all had such a good time. xoxo

  19. What a fun tradition! I am so glad that both my girls will be home in Atlanta this year and at least for the next six months. I need to look into some things to go do with them (of course around my oldest bb and school schedule-they don't get out until the 23rd!!!).

  20. What a great day! I've been wanting to go to Breath of Christmas for a few years now - it looks wonderful. One of these years! I love the realistic flameless candles. I bought a pair of the tapers last year and I have somehow misplaced them, lol. I keep hoping they will turn up in one of the Christmas bins. Happy thanksgiving! Jane

  21. This is such a fun tradition with your dear ones my friend ! Some gorgeous ideas here and I'm so glad you girls had some great time together in such a wonderful event.
    Happy Thanksgiving ahead dear friend.

  22. Thank you for popping in to say HB'day to my youngest cutie. Yeah, I can't believe she's one too, amazing how the years go by so terribly fast for my taste !

  23. I adore Christmas tours. Our neighborhood does one the first weekend of December. I am always working at it as a volunteer but we do get to do a pre-tour so we don't miss out. I love your tradition.

  24. Love this tour Diana and seeing all the inspiring decor. The flameless candles are also a fav of mine and I have them all through the house. Yes, the tapers are awesome too, but I have yet to get a set of those. Your tradition is sure a fun one and something to look forward to each year. Lunch looked incredible. The last pic of the sweet trio in Indiana are adorable. Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead. Big hugs, xoxo

  25. Fall was extra long this year and winter came in like an explosion. Yesterday, I was in short sleeves raking leaves, today the wind blew me and all the leaves that were still clinging to autumn, down the street. There was even some sleet on my windows but thankfully it melted quickly when it hit the still warm surfaces. However, this is the time to enjoy all the beauty of this time of year and visiting lovely decorated houses sure is a way to celebrate all that nature offers.

  26. They get you as a gift - that is so cute - I want you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love going to the Tour of Homes - some of them are so beautiful!

  27. What a fun times with the gals! Your grands are just adorable...who could resist Little Miss Bright Eyes saying "come on, Mom!". The weather has been fickle, at best. I even dug out the electric blanket. Now it will be in the 70's...ha....

  28. What a fun thing to do! I love looking at things like that and getting ideas!
    It's been crazy warm here too but this morning? It was a crisp 32 degrees. While you're crying over the cold, we are down right ecstatic! This week is going to be glorious - low 70s daytime. I just hope it don't jump back up to the 80s again until Spring!

  29. I'm not sure what's going the midst of writing and everything disappeared! Hate when that happens ~ :/ I do love house tours like this! When I lived in Ft. Worth I always went to the annual tour in an "antique house" section of town. Beautiful older homes that had been refurbished and just gorgeous! I'm really not that far away now...should check it out again. :)

    I'm sure Mimi had a good time with the little ones even if she couldn't join you. They are just so adorable! Have a blessed week!


  30. Oh how fun Diana! I would've filled in for Mimi! We also got the lovely weather too and have been transformed into a picturesque winter scene and only one day before we reached 72º! Oh well such is our life in the north! When I visit my mom we try to get over to Bravo to eat- I love that place! Stay warn, XO, Liz

  31. That does sound like a fun day. Yesterday, my daughter-in-law and her mother and sister had a similar day visiting craft shows and open houses. I had the grands so it was all good and I even visited Starbucks, too.

  32. I would like to come next year ;-) what a fun time.
    Golly, that crazy weather.
    Have a great Thanksgiving week ... I will be taking next week off from the blog.
    Love and Prayers,

  33. I would have enjoyed that very much! I liked the white roses and greenery centerpiece too. That is a sweet picture of your grandchildren.

  34. Such a wonderful tradition that you ladies share together every year. Some gorgeous decorating for sure. Candle certainly make for a lovely ambiance, don't they? And now with out the mess and worry of starting a fire.
    Aww Starbucks, a delightful way to begin the day and your lunch looks delicious.
    Thank you for sharing your day with us.

  35. Such a wonderful tradition that you ladies share together every year. Some gorgeous decorating for sure. Candle certainly make for a lovely ambiance, don't they? And now with out the mess and worry of starting a fire.
    Aww Starbucks, a delightful way to begin the day and your lunch looks delicious.
    Thank you for sharing your day with us.

  36. Such a wonderful tradition that you ladies share together every year. Some gorgeous decorating for sure. Candle certainly make for a lovely ambiance, don't they? And now with out the mess and worry of starting a fire.
    Aww Starbucks, a delightful way to begin the day and your lunch looks delicious.
    Thank you for sharing your day with us.

  37. I love a good home tour. I love the white roses in the doughbowl too. Happy Turkey Week!!!! xo

  38. Looks like a fun day and a yummy way to wrap it up! Love the shot of your grands :)

  39. What a fun day! Even if it was freezing outside!
    I'd love to do one of those tours....looks great.
    We had rain here last night....perfectly glorious....
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  40. Oooo, what a fun day out with your daughter, Diana. I love silver at Christmas, and I noticed the silver bottles on the mantel right away. The white candles with the music ribbon is lovely too. And the red and white tapers are so pretty. Gotta have my Red at Christmas. This is such a sweet picture of the kids, and the boys in their flannel shirts look like little men. Glad to hear that you started the day with a nice Starbucks coffee. :)

    Have a very nice Thanksgiving with your family, Diana. Jess and her new husband are making the dinner this year, and I'm in charge of the pumpkin pies.

    love, ~Sheri

  41. I do love home tours!!! So glad you got to spend the day with your loved ones looking at pretty homes. Wish I lived close enough, I'd invite myself to come with you hahaha!!! It was 80 degrees here last Thursday, and 25 yesterday morning. Weather in Missouri has been unseasonably warm . . . . until a couple of days ago. We need rain!!!! Bless you my beautiful friend!!!

  42. Love all the pictures! We did this back in Ohio and we loved it! Missing it this year... Have a great week!


  43. Sounds like fun! I would totally be with you the rushing from house to house part. I am not a fan of being cold! Love that last photo of the grandchildren.

  44. I'd rush too / that wind and cold was bitter! Looks as if it was much milder for the grandkids taking their walk that day :)

  45. What a wonderful way to spend a day and be inspired for the holiday season to come. I sure love using the natural elements and lots of candles! And I enjoyed your post about what's in and what's out! I'm going back to read some of the comments! Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  46. Fun day...I'm one of those that has to wait until Thanksgiving is over to start celebrating Christmas even though my gifts are wrapped!! Now I can enjoy the season..We have the same winds..I don't remember them being this strong or lasting this long..

  47. Sounds like a perfect day to me - some of my favorite things! (Coffee, home tours, lunch out.) I don't start decorating until after Thanksgiving, but I love seeing all the decor on blogs and such right now.

  48. Glad you had a good time. The photos are lovely. It is very windy here too.

  49. I have never been to a home tour but I might go after seeing this.

  50. What a fun day! So many beautiful floral arrangements to see and enjoy. I'd be running between the houses, too! LOL
    Love that pic of M's kids. xoxo, T.

  51. Hi Diana, I loved seeing the decorations of the homes-at first I thought they were of your home. It is getting cold here again and snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. We will all be together on Thursday-there will be 18 of us, with lots and lots of food.
    Have a great week. Sending love your way.

  52. I love that you do that with your daughters and daughter in-laws because I do it too! The home tours look wonderful...I love those to get ideas. That lunch, whatever it is, looks fabulous! I started a girls day out a few years ago with my two daughters and two granddaughters. This year we are going shopping for Christmas dresses for the little girls. Not sure where we are eating yet, but I want to go where you did!

  53. Sounds like a fun day, Diana! I'm sorry Mimi couldn't join you. Bet those homes smelled wonderful with all of the gorgeous arrangements! White roses, well, white flowers of any kind, are a favorite of mine too:) Seems like we both have the same great taste!! Keep warm, it's been freezing here too!

  54. I love that you love white roses! Did you know that there was an English garden, quite a famous one, that ONLY had white flowers? Isn't that something? Now, it is so famous, I should know the name of the garden, but hey, you know me, details like that are for someone else to look up! :-)
    Take care, and have a happy Thanksgiving!!

  55. What a fun day out! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful tour! Cheers.

  56. Such a fun tradition you have with your girls, and there is no better way to start a fun day than with a good dose of coffee! Love those white roses too, and candles without the "fire", how nice! We are to get some snow here over Thanksgiving, it's that time of year lol!


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