
Thursday, November 17, 2016


You all know I came back to blogging
after being gone while
MyHero was dealing with 
his health issues.

As I was visiting blogs I noticed some things-
or rather, the absence of some things--
What happened to

It used to be that every blog I visited had
I am seeing less and less of it-
some days I go without seeing any at all.
How can that be?

What about 
I am still seeing it but it seems it has lost 
some of its unsanded waxed luster.
Is that true?

I read a report that says
much like "country" from the 1980s-
it is taking its place in history.
Can that be?
Right after I got done spraying all my 
Hammered Bronze?

SO-Tell me--
What do YOU think?
Doesn't matter-
you like it and are keeping it
no matter what anyone thinks?

I never got into the 
burlap phase because I am allergic to 
something in it.
It makes me itch like crazy--
so if it is OUT then I am ahead of the game.

I have done my share of
and plan on keeping my pieces...
but I don't have a lot of 
It just doesn't work in this house.

You know what I think is
I love pretty and I think it 
never goes out of style.

in style.
I can accept anything anyone loves
because it is their choice...
Kind of like a husband...
Your own may drive you a bit crazy
but it YOUR CHOICE and 
you can keep it at

I got my own problems,
ya know what I mean?
So-lay it on me-

tell me what YOU think!
If you are inclined to 
please do so at your own risk.
Just know-
I will NOT be accepting invitations
to air my views on
Fox Network.
Thank you!

ps- While you all are mulling over
forming an opinion I will be
OUTSIDE putting up my 
lights while it is warm outside.
Saturday we hit the


  1. I don't have any idea. I like cozy but cozy decor shifts and changes, too. I always thought burlap smelled funky. No wonder you're allergic to it!

  2. Diana, Fashions come and go. I always told my daughters put your money in classics. You know like a good sofa or trench coat. :):) Once I decorate , it pretty much stays that way a looooong time. I love creams and whites...can't even imagine it for me....too much saw dust on Teddy bear from the shop at times. LOL. I think if it's something we love then we should keep it and use it. I think styles can be mixed if done in moderation. Now get that man out of the lake. LOL. Hope you are enjoying being back to blogging. I have lost some of my blog friends thru the years now. Or just can't find them. Yes, girl, get those decorations out before the big freeze. It's to start cooling down here tomorrow evening.Today may get to 73...crazy for November. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  3. I have always loved brass....but not the shining kind. Old antique brass, like you see in Europe. I still love chalk paint. I never was a burlap fan. I am a tradition classic style person, both in clothes and decorating.

  4. that photo of your hero is my favorite and I love it because its hilarious but also because of the sport he is,,
    concerning decor coming in and out,, you know me,, I could care less, I do what I out no matter to me.

  5. I'm with you, burlap makes me itch and sneeze, I don't do furniture makeovers (I'm lazy), so chalk paint was never my thing and I still do enjoy rustic...but my house was built in the 1920's as a beach home and it is rustic. Nothing I can do about that...but regardless of fads, I love what I love and decorate how I see fit. Heck, I still have a giant red wall in my kitchen and a floral couch in my den. :) Have fun with those lights...and stay warm!

  6. Oh Diana, I've never liked burlap much. I have noticed a lot of rustic stuff out there, and some of it is cozy and charming. It reminds me of cabin home living. I still like the traditional wood furniture because I just think it looks nice. I'm like you in that I like "pretty" even if it's eclectic, rustic, country, French cottage style, old world, etc. But I think this was a great post to see what everyone is into lately.

    Have a great day, Diana, putting up those lights. I've already decorated a bit, which I'll show tomorrow. Don't ya just love the Christmas season? And love you.


    by the way, I like your faucets better than the brass hehehe.

  7. You know, you're right...I'm not seeing nearly as much burlap these days. I still haven't ever used chalk paint. I never could bring myself to spend that much $$$. But now there are a few cheaper off brands, so I may give them a whirl. I think what ever makes you happy is what you should base your decor decisions on. And life decisions too, for that matter. :) Love that pic of your hubby! Lol!

  8. I say if you love something, who cares if "they" say it's in or out. Who are "they" anyway to tell us what to like? lol! I'm not a big fan of burlap, but I guess I was ahead of my time when I used it to cover some chests my hubby made and we used for end tables/storage in our apartment when we were first married. They looked pretty sharp with brass fittings. :) Your hero's photo on the tractor is too funny...thanks for the chuckle this morning! P.S. Our weather is crazy here...near 80 they say for today, but tomorrow night it will drop down to 20! Yikes!!

  9. I was never a fan of burlap and could not understand why it was so popular. And I have a feeling a lot of people will regret painting over some of their beautiful wood furniture. I have to laugh though at some of the trends I have seen come and go over the years. As soon as everyone jumps on the bandwagon, then the designers are telling us how horrible it is and we need to get rid of it! Remember avocado green??!!

  10. Burlap, while I have burlap shades in my dining room and a frame with a burlap mat in it, I was not a huge fan of it being everywhere as it an become a huge dust trap. Chalk paint. It has its place. I don't mind it for smaller quick projects such as candlesticks or picture frames, but not really a fan of it on larger furniture pieces. Again, I think the problem is that most don't apply and finish it correctly with the wax. Rustic too has its place. It's all about location. Rustic in a modern house in the suburbs is a big NO!!! An old log cabin in the woods or mountains, heck yeah!! Brass...umm??? We just took the last piece of it out of our house. It's pretty when it's new, but the maintenance is not worth the hassle. It's kinda like sterling silver in my opinion, when it's polished is gorgeous. And well, tarnished has its place in some decor. I am actually preferring the more muted golds that are coming out. Kinda like the brushed nickel. Easier to maintain.
    But I do have to agree that choices should be individual. Homes should reflect those who live within and what they love. Nothing will make a person more uncomfortable than to live in a space that truly doesn't reflect them. And not everything is for everyone, but that doesn't mean ya gotta hate on someone for it. If all the flowers in the world were the same it would make for one boring bouquet!!

  11. I still have some country blue and ducks from the 1980s. So I am not someone who gives a hoot about what is the latest style! I tried burlap once and thought it was too dusty. Chalk paint is fine but I haven't used it because I like to see the natural grain of wood furniture. But I like looking at photos of chalk-painted furniture with pretty displays on them. To each his own. (Just moved into a 1950-era house that has an unfortunate mixture of stainless steel, brass, gold, black, and glass door knobs and other hardware! Getting rid of the stainless steel look first (by painting it black), and then hope to work on doing away with the gold next. I think I can deal with brass, glass, and black together for awhile. Good topic!

  12. I don't think Fox would have a problem with me; my opinions and theirs mesh pretty well.
    But....that's what makes life interesting.
    Sending you a warm smile from South Georgia.

  13. What ever you call your style - that is what I LOVE and I am not kidding!

  14. Like many others I see, burlap makes me sneeze and itch. So not in my home. I never liked chalk paint. Tried it. Hated it. I talked to someone who sells paint at Lowes about it. They said it was meant to look pretty and "chippy" but if you don't like chippy, not to buy it. I prefer things to stand up to time. And it just didn't work at my place. Remember when having something "chippy" made us cringe because it looked like we couldn't afford better!!!

  15. Great questions Diana! I am with Susie! Classic styles last forever. I am not into burlap, shiplap or farmhouse. I don't want to live in a barn. I tend to like traditional styles with rich color. Bathrooms should be soft and spa feeling and your bedrooms should be tranquil. I love kind words and kind people. Being polite to others is always in style too! Have a great weekend love!

  16. Good morning!
    I just read an article this morning that brass is finished, copper on it's way out and bronze is coming back- so you're good! LOL
    I have all three in my house and always will- there's no way I'm getting rid of copper. Most of what I have is handed down from the Swedish family boozehounds that brought it from the mother land. And I love old brass and bronze, too.
    I think rustic is a broad term- as long as it's Ralph Lauren rustic, I'm in! ;)
    I love chalk paint because it can be finished in so many ways- from shabby chippy to absolutely elegant. I am not a fan of burlap inside my house.
    Like you said, I'm a fan of pretty. Also of I'm going to do what I want in my own house. These days that includes a lot of dog hair. Very chic, hmmm? Be careful putting those lights out! xoxo, T.

  17. Ha Ha! You have asked some VERY important questions! I just love that picture of your husband in the lake. Too funny. I still like burlap. I have some burlap curtains in my guest room. I did get rid of my burlap pillows though. I still see it for sale at antique shops and festivals. So, I think it's still alive and well however not as popular as it once was. Chalkpaint is still a favorite of mine. I love the look it gives furniture and other objects. I think as long as paint exists, it will too. It has so many great qualities. I am not really a huge brass lover even though it's coming back in style. I don't mind it in small doses, but don't want a house full of it like I used to. I've replaced many of my brass fixtures with other finishes so I'm done with it in my current home. I do like the new metallic gold accessories that are used right now. I have some of those and like the contrast of that with country style.

  18. I don't think RUSTIC will ever be totally out. You either like it or you don't, but the simple nature of it will always appeal to some. Burlap... it's too scratchy for in home decor, is my opinion. But, some people do beautiful things with it. Chalk paint, same :-) I hope Brass never comes back in... BLEH!!! And this coming from a builder - Lord, that was tacky, like all those Kohler Innocent Blush bathrooms... (coming from someone who had.. both) .. *ahem.

  19. I have been in a couple farmhouse cottage swaps. Everyone participating has to post a specific collage photo of their wants. It's funny because all the pictures seem to be the same. Farmhouse and cottage. I think it's a broad term for a cozy environment. Mostly creamy neutrals and touches of Aqua. Signs, pillow, candles, tier stands, reused or repurposed. I think everyone should do what they want in their homes. I have a mix. Where it works for me others may not care for it.
    Have a great weekend my friend.

    Love the picture of your hubby in the lake, hah.

  20. I think trends come and go, and change through's why I never spend much on anything and try to find it at the thrift store. I have always tended to be attracted to graphic things...signs, etc...and I hope chalkboards are always in style!

  21. Diana, my daughter and her husband are renovating their home and adding over 2000 square feet, she wants me to help her with choices. If you know me in the least bit you know I'll give you my opinion, but then I tell her. "It's your home you have to live in it, so go with what YOU like". Styles come and go and if you love it that's all that matters!

  22. Whatever is old will eventually become new again. With HGTV today, the colors, the textures, the shapes are changed yearly so we go out and buy new. It is all about marketing and getting our dollars.

  23. You ask questions, one must ponder for awhile. As I look around my house....I see no burlap, chalk paint, rustic or brass...hummmm! Guess I never got into any of that. My décor is modge-podge, antique, copper or what ever turns me on at the time. Was never one to follow the fads I guess. Now in card making, that's a different story, always trying something new. The house just seems to stay the same I guess.

  24. Interesting thoughts Diana... I think you are right, the styles do seem to be changing, but I'm in your court - pretty is what counts. If I like it, that's what important, not what the designers tell me. I think burlap is great in some venues, but I don't have any in my home. I tend to go more for classic simple things. Ha, about the freeze! We are getting snow here as I write. i love it, it is so gentle and beautiful. :) Hugs to you dear Diana, have fun with your light hanging!

  25. There was never any burlap in my house...I'm one of those who never liked it in the first place! I know...each to their own. Chalk paint hasn't gone away yet, at least not around my neck of the woods. People here still paint with it all the time. There's a lot of furniture businesses (including my mom!) who still do their furniture in chalk paint. Oh well, I was never one for trends anyway. I simply like what I like! :-)

  26. Oh, my DEAR!! What a controversial subject you've aroused! And what varied answers you've kindled, as well. I was just thinking on this very subject last night, for some reason, after seeing a sweet Christmas scene in an OUTDOOR store---it was all pine cones and cutouts from what looked like grocery sacks, and little cardboard antlers. And I thought---how long since I've seen that chic combination of brown paper and raffia or plain old department-store string used for the most elegant gifts and place-cards? But Burlap---never for me---I've always equated it with cotton-bales and feed sacks---not a thing wrong with rustic---or rust itself, if it ties your bonnet.

    Well, just the once we used it---when my children were young, we went out into the cotton field beside the house and gathered a bunch of beautiful, fluffy cotton, as well as quite a few of the drying/dried open bolls spilling out their bounty.

    We stretched burlap over plywood squares, maybe 12x14, and attached the fluffed-out cotton pulled and arranged in little owl shapes. We added the snipped-off claw-edges of the cotton bolls, which made the most delightful little owl-toes, hanging onto their small limb. Store-bought googly eyes, and voila... I think we even gave them to teachers and shipped a few to our new Pennsylvania relatives who were absolutely fascinated by the cotton fields.

    Dear heavens. There I go again...why can't I just mark an x and not expound on all the process.

    And I'm ALL for liking what you like, enjoying it to the fullest, and defending it unmercifully if need be.

    says rachel, of that notorious PINK kitchen which has been the source of many a head-shake and even one, "My husband would KILL me if I did that!" And whose husband once said, "I don't care if you string Kewpie dolls around the ceiling, just so YOU'RE here."

  27. I think if you like something you go with it! I'm not one to follow the 'fads' just because everyone else is doing a matter of fact, that would make me stay far away from whatever it is that everyone is doing!

  28. Your hero is such a good sport! I think this is my favorite pictures of him! Concerning trends, I think one has to look at the style of the home to determine the decor. I still have brass because I have a traditional Greek Revival home. I love classics and add trendy accents in less expensive items. I do have a couple of burlap lamp shades in the office and outside on the screened porch that I still like. I'm a chalk paint girl! I still love it, but am not painting my traditional mahogany furniture. I paint less expensive items that need repairing. I remember one blogger writing about getting rid of her counted cross stitched ornaments and all of her outdated Christmas items. Not me, my Mother made mine and they are near and dear to my heart! I guess we should do what we love and we'll be happy. be careful hanging those Christmas lights!

  29. Great subject to delve into, Diana. I really don't care what the current decorating style is! I know what I like and I go with that. Traditional furnishings have always appealed to me along with rich colors. I do like to see how my friends decorate, but I always stick with my own style. Have a great afternoon! ♥

  30. Diana, Oh my!what a topic. I don't follow trends. I just do what I like and what makes me happy doing it. I have never really cared for burlap. I always thought it was itchy. It is just like my embroidery you either like it or you don't. I guess I am old fashioned because I like the old much better than some of the new stuff. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  31. I worry not about trends. I've always loved brass and hated burlap so this shift in the tide is in my favor, but next time it won't be. I like bright, white kitchens always. So when a lot of people had dark dark dark kitchens mine was called "hospital like". I called it clean! I need to get my lights up too but waiting for it to cool down! I can't put lights up in this sixty degree heat!

  32. I was reading very thoughtfully along and then arrived at that one particular moment when I knew that you are just full of beans! So how's Mr. Blog Fodder handling this teasing anyway? LOL

    I have a little ruffle of burlap on my kitchen lamp. I like it. I still have not painted anything with chalk paint. I was just going to get around to it, you know, when I actually purchase some.

  33. Oh yes...things come and go, don't they? I'm all for living with what you love without jumping on the latest band wagon. I also notice that the names of styles change, not necessarily the style. Funny how that is.
    I've been thinking of you and your Hero and praying that progress in his health is being seen and felt. And that you are being sustained as well!
    Mary Alice

  34. NO CHALK PAINT!!!! I know you know how I feel about that one. And I can tell you who is CRAZY about it. But I'll be nice because I believe in to each his/her own. I am a firm believer of a classic, traditional style, for it is always in in my book. I enjoy brass pieces but not really the "old" style brass. Love ya, girlie!!!! xo

  35. Girlfriend, I'm with you about burlap-I'm allergic but it makes me so congested-yuck. Brass-I hate it! Never got into chalk board paint; I did country and sometimes you can still see touches around our house. I agree that having a home you love is important.
    Have a great Friday.
    Hugs, Noreen

  36. That's why I ignore trends. They're just special words for a fad.

  37. Well, I feel a bit of burlap for Christmas looks rustic and cozy. And I do like the look of chalk paint! But for myself I love rich wood colors and oriental rugs and Lazy Boy furniture, leather chairs and deep back couches. I love changing out my curtains and I think brass or gold works, But I also have a lot of the black colored hinges on cabinets and such. But really cozy and feel good deep down inside makes it the home...
    Love, Roxy

  38. It's called "marketing" !! Keeps us out there spending our money..I don't care if it's in or out..No more brass fixtures for me...Only door handles..Never got in to the Annie Sloan thing..Most of my furniture is too good to paint..Cherry, walnut, mahogany..I would never think of painting it..I like the warmth of wood..Oh well, to each their own ! I just do what I like ..not one to change something because it's "in"..unless I really like it..xxoo

  39. I never seem to go with the style which is fine with me... I like what I like and that has grown and changed but a long the same lines. I totally agree we all have so many more important issues going in our lives that keep us busy...

    I have missed you Diana... thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog... I am sorry I was not aware of your John being ill again, I do hope he feels better soon. I feel for the both of you, illness is so difficult to deal with be it with yourself or being someone who loves them... lots of prayers for you and your family xox

  40. Oh Diana, you make me laugh, especially your comment about husbands. I believe that "classic" does not go out of style. (That might make you think my whole home is classically decorated... unfortunately not). Things go in and out of style so people can make money, right? Maybe it is time for shag carpet again. -Jenn

  41. You buy what you like and take no notice of fashion it's always changing.

  42. I DO NOT follow trends so I didn't notice that burlap has gone away. I am still deep into chalk paint and see it on the blogs I follow all the time. I vote for keeping what you like...unless it's blue and mauve! I am wondering how and why the owl craze went away! They are still cute to me!

  43. I'm with you on the burlap! I really have never cared for it...smells funny and is itchy to me too. I've never spent $$$ on chalk paint ~ guess I've never understood how it could be that valuable. Seems everything now is farmhouse and shiplap is everywhere. I think it's taken over the burlap craze! :)

    I think one should decorate however they want, in their own style. I don't follow any trends. IF I had money, I'd still buy what I like.


  44. I seldom worry about what is in or out. On clothing especially, I figure if I wear something long enough it will come back in style again. I'm always surprised whenever my aunt (who actually keeps up with these things) tells me I'm in style. And as far as my room, I'm doing good to just keep it clean. I almost never change anything except the sheets and towels... Though I did just add another lamp so I could read at my desk. I'm just way too practical.

  45. I'm just a country bumpkin who's in love with her "cabin in the woods" nestled right beside the creek and surrounded by huge mountains.
    There are many styles out there that I wouldn't mind trying but this sweet cabin looks best decorated in country/primitive with lace toppers so as to let the sunlight in. I love a bright home full of love and warmth, that is a cozy place for all who enter in.
    I believe you should enjoy what you like not what others think you should have or do.
    I agree with you, keep it pretty. :-)

    Bless you~~

  46. Seriously? I decorated my house when we moved in. It is still the same. When you aren't a decorator, you don't worry about those things! Lol! I'm very happy with all I have and for me, it is pleasant and comforting to be surrounded by the familiar each day.

  47. I'm just a country bumpkin who's in love with her "cabin in the woods" nestled right beside the creek and surrounded by huge mountains.
    There are many styles out there that I wouldn't mind trying but this sweet cabin looks best decorated in country/primitive with lace toppers so as to let the sunlight in. I love a bright home full of love and warmth, that is a cozy place for all who enter in.
    I believe you should enjoy what you like not what others think you should have or do.
    I agree with you, keep it pretty. :-)

    Bless you~~

  48. I don't follow trends too much. I like what is comfortable and pretty to me. I don't like brass accessories or gold either. I do like farmhouse style, some industrial, and rustic. I hate modern décor!
    I have a few chalkboard doors, but no burlap. I did hear gray was on it's way out, just when I was thinking of painting my living room. I will do it anyway if I decide that's what I want!

  49. Hi,
    I do not care for the burlap in my home decor. I do like to use it for bows for bouquets.

    I have not tried chalk paint as of yet, when I finally get around to it, it will be out of style.

  50. I tried burlap...decided it wasn't really me. I like chalk paint so I hope it stays. Brass? Nope, not for me! As for rustic? I like some of it. What I really like are things with patina, a can be rustic or it can be refined. Pretty is always in style and I say go for what you like!

  51. I'm not a fan of burlap or gold. I like old treasures with a mix of "new" to me! Do what you LOVE after all, it's your home!

  52. Hey sweet girl! I'm still doing my burlap and painted furniture and I think that will be my style forever. I guess I understand now how my mama got stuck in the 80's. You just get to a place of comfort with the things you love regardless of the style.

  53. Well trends come and go and burlap is not something I used a lot of either. It doesn't bother me, I just don't think it's so pretty. But I did cover some outdoor lampshades with it and it helps keep the bugs away when sitting out there. Who knew? I know brass is coming back and has been for some time, but I was glad to finally say goodbye to it as little by little we changed it all out. I too spray painted many a piece in the rubbed oil bronze. It sure helped with the cost of all the doors and closets. I do use chalk paint for some base coating but I could never decorative design paint with it as it's just not meant for that. You know I started out years ago in the decorative arts with artists like Priscilla Hauser and others and those teachings I still use today when it comes to paints and sealers. I never did overly rustic decorating. I'm more of a shabby farmhouse, country french kind of decorator and that works in my house because the design is more of a cottage style. I love to decorate with vintage added to some new. I have very old pieces mixed into every room of my house.
    You're right, pretty never goes out of style and to each his own. I think if you like a style and it's comfortable that's what matters. When I studied Interior Design, they would always give us these rules to follow but I'm a bit of a rebel when it comes to that and learned it's okay to break the design rules when needed. haha

    Great post. Wishing you a nice weekend and have fun putting up the lights. Going to be cold here too they are saying. I'll believe it when I see it. Today was still in the upper 80's.
    Blessings, xoxox

  54. Great post Diana. Those styles come and go. I have never been a burlap person, except for the cute little treat bag. I am not a rustic person either. I like gold, but not brass. Styles come and go and I don't bother to keep up. Nice to see you back after all of your hardships...xo

  55. I decorate with what I like. I was using burlap and rustic finishes and pieces, and chippy shabby chic years before they became popular!

  56. Isn't it weird how every year trends change? It is not only happening with home decor, but also clothing. My daughter comes from the store the other day happy as a clam with a new pair of very pretty shoes. I'll be darn if I didn't have a pair just like them when I was seventeen years old. HA! She still don't believe me. LOL I stick to what I like and forget about what is in fashion or not. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, Diana! xxx Maria

  57. I am like you Diana burlap and I just do not get along. It makes me itch too. My feeling on decor is just do what you love and you will be happy. After all you have to live with your decor so it might as well be something you love and not the trend.
    Hugs and Happy Friday.

  58. I really like the look of the bronze fixtures, and mine are slowly being changed over to that. With the way things change who can keep up?? Let's all just decorate our homes and wear what we love and look good in. Have a wonderful weekend :)

  59. Geez, Diana, I think lots of things went out of style in the time it took me to scroll down to where I could leave a comment. You do such a good job that everybody wants to join you. I guess the saying You can't teach an old dog new tricks, is pretty true in my case. I still love country, from prim to rustic, and brass is good with me for candlesticks and chalk paint can be easily distressed, which I love. I still have burlap on a lamp shade and I just can't get over the idea that Christmas is just mostly red and green and snow and sparkles, so just call me old-fashioned!! I can live with that!! Happy Thanksgiving..xxoJudy

  60. I got so used to you hardly ever blogging it's a delight to see you doing more.
    Having said that...are you SURE that the crazy guy driving his tractor into the river isn't part of the FAKE NEWS going around that everyone is talking about lately?
    Because REALLY......Diana......WHO would really do that. LMAO :)

  61. I'm thinkin'....but it's past dinner time, I'm hungry so....I'LL BE BAAAACK....

  62. Great post, Diana! I never really got into burlap either! Not only does it stink, but it makes such a mess when you try and work with it! Brass coming back? Say it isn't so!! I've heard the rumors, but never will like it the second time around. I agree with you about pretty always being in style:) And being nice, too! Seems like being nice and polite to others is quickly falling by the wayside. Ok, I digress.........I don't care for rustic or country. But I do love creamy whites, all things French, vintage silver anything, especially with patina. And glitter, lots of glitter:)!

  63. Hi Diana! I loved this post too. I never have liked burlap and never understood why it was everywhere. I've never used chalk paint and I guess that's bad. Brass? Hmmm...not particularly, but it doesn't bother me much. But I'm with you, I like pretty! How's the house selling coming along? Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  64. Hi Diana, well, I really don't have an opinion on this I'm so like you, however others choose to decorate...good for them! Beauty is in the eye of the if they love it ..why shouldn't I be happy for them? Smile... (while in the back of my mind I'm thinking...why would they put a day bed in their front room for a couch?..'That is an inside joke. My SIL has a friend who is selling her house, and has pictures on line of the inside! It looks very nice..except for that day bed in the front But who am I to judge? Lol

    Am sure you're getting our blast of cold weather today... ours came through yesterday..(sad)


  65. Yup, just about the time we change something, be it clothing or decor, we are told by "experts" that it is passe. This old gal doesn't have the budget or the inclination to change a lot of stuff, so I wear what I like and decorate my home with what I like. Somehow, I think it's all about the $$$. xoxo

  66. Burlap did indeed have its day....and though JoAnns is still showing lots of different printed burlaps, I don't see too many people buying...
    I liked burlap for a while, but frankly it is messy! It leaves a footprint with little slubs everywhere.
    chalk paint I think is taking a back seat...even the store I know that brought it to me, well, they went to a smaller store....
    Don't get me wrong...I still have it and will use it, but I am too busy with other things.
    Yes, rustic seems to be stepping back....overshadowed I think by shiplap....
    We will see....but that is the way of style....I painted my brass also...I really never liked brass is still out...
    Have a blessed week!

  67. I can always count on you to make me laugh! Really, that photo of your hero in the water is priceless.

    I like burlap. As a matter of fact I have some in my workshop right now with some velvet (love that combo) that I've been meaning to make a pillow with. As for it going out of favor, yes, I do believe that's true. Sorta like Justin Bieber...cute but a little too much over exposure.

    I used chalk paint on my kitchen walls, and I have to respectfully disagree with Brenda. It doesn't chip. If you want a chippy look you're better off using Milk Paint, or you can do what I did and add a bonding agent to avoid that.

    Smart lady for doing your lights early!


  68. LOLOL.
    he'll get you for that. xo

  69. I've never, ever liked burlap, Diana, nor have I used chalk paint!! I'll tell you what I love, love, love, and that is your caramel recipe!! Oh my goodness...fabulous! I'm going to visit my 87 year old mom for Thanksgiving and I'm taking her a gift card box and she's going to be sooooooo happy!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your dear hero. I'm still praying for both of you daily. xx

  70. It's been fun to look through the comments. I like pretty....and lots of different things. I don't like cheap or modern....I'd rather have something well made or even vintage. And everything should make us feel good when we spend time in our homes. Sweet hugs, Diane

  71. I do love that picture of your Hero! It is good to be out to play on the computer for a while. I do not get around to visit my favorite bloggers anymore. I do agree - yuck to burlap, I am not ready for brass again yet (or lime, tangerine, harvest gold, or avocado green paint either). Oh yea no shag carpet yet either. Just plain old pretty works for me.


  72. Ah ha ha...I so love your posts! You might be onto something...I haven't seen much burlap either! Now chalk paint, well I am still in love with chalk paint...the more shabby the better...although I have never been one to stick to what's in. And you are so right...pretty and acceptance...always!
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hugs, Kimberley

  73. I loved reading this post and the do stir up things! lol I am an eclectic decorator and because of that I can probably show you something that blends into any decor if I tried. I have a little of every style... Not sure THE decorators would approve but I like it.

  74. Me too, something about burlap bothers my nose. I have old stuff in my house...that we bought piece by piece over the years. I still love my old cherry and mahogany pieces, so I am either classic or out of style. Ha ha.


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