
Monday, October 10, 2016

Lulu's Homecoming & John's Upcoming Procedure Today

I can hardly believe that our sweet
is 14 years old.

She is in a brand new school this year
and there are no classmates from her
old school that attend there.

is a Christian based school.
Although we are not Lutheran,
our two daughters graduated from there.
It was a wonderful school and so accepting
of kids from all different backgrounds.
It was such a great school that my daughter
wanted her daughter, Lulu,
to have the same wonderful experience 
she had there.

Lulu is just a bit shy so we were beyond thrilled
when she was voted on to 
Here she is with Mr.Z, 
right after they found out they were 
the freshmen voted on to court.
I don't know which one is cuter!

Here she is all gussied up 
and standing with her Papa.
He felt well enough to spend the 
early evening watching the presentation.
She and her best friend, Miss A,
posed sweetly for us.
Ouch!!!Wonder if those poles running through
their heads bothered them? 

Love the guy in the background
smiling away!
A bit later they had pictures taken by a
professional photographer.
I got a picture or two in while
they were posing...
It just made me smile to see Lulu & Mr. Z
standing together.
I think this is  her first boy/girl picture.
(well-the 2nd if you count the one on the field)
Parents/grandparents had to leave before 
the dance (unless you were a chaperon)
but we snuck one picture in before we
slunk out.
Anyone go to Catholic School Dances?

It was a wonderful night
but the next day it was back to

Lulu is a GREAT volleyball player!
She is the setter and a good server.
That wonderful picture was taken by 
Naomi used to be the girls' nanny 
when mom and dad were both working.
That "kid" you used to take care of
is bigger than you are now.
Piling your hair up does NOT make you taller!
So--there you have it.
A FUN time for everyone.
SOMEBODY just wanted to go home
and watch MICKEY MOUSE!
She's gonna kill me
Cheer up, Princess!
Your day will come-
Once again you will be 
You will always be 
Queen of the World in MY eyes!

MyHero goes in for his 7 month
after-treatment exam today.
They will scope his throat.
I offered to save him the money
and do the scope at home.
He didn't seem too responsive
to the idea.
He is SUCH a Spoil Sport!


  1. well, he's no fun not to have you do it now is he? good for Lulu. looks like she is having an amazing year.

  2. It's amazing that she was voted onto Homecoming court and is new to the school. She must be a real people person!!! Unlike her Grandma :) She looks so grown up in her dress!

  3. All the best to John at his appointment. Love the photos of Lulu. She is gorgeous. So fun to see the girls all dressed up. Sending my love to you, Diana. xo

  4. For a shy girl, she sure "done good"! She's a pretty, pretty girl and I bet she is as sweet as she is pretty and that explains her being on homecoming court. Love all the cute pics of her and her friends. But as for you, Diana, you are the naughty Diana, as usual. Praying for good exam today for your man John.

  5. Your granddaughter and her friends are adorable! Best wishes to John.

  6. You better watch out, or John will give you a colonoscopy while you are sleeping.

  7. Lulu is so cute. And Mr. Z isn't bad either. She is growing up. Praying for John's appointment that all will go well.

  8. Aww, so pretty, and a great start in her new school to be honored with homecoming court. Cute partner there, too! Still praying for John- and I hope the scope goes well.

  9. Those are such pretty pictures of all the girls. I see that Mr. Z cleaned up well after his football shot. I hope everything goes well for John (just hearing the word "scope" gives me the willies!). -Jenn

  10. What a cute girl! Yay for her!
    Prayers for John.

  11. Hi Diana, Lulu is so pretty and all the pics from Homecoming are special. Love her gorgeous dress. Congrats to her on being on the court too. She is growing up beautifully and such a sweet girl. Mr.Z is a cutie and they look sweet together dancing. Ya, Catholic dancing~~ haha SC is so cute and growing up so fast too.
    Praying all goes well for John's test. Sending hugs your way.

  12. Your granddaughters are beautiful girls! Congrats to Lulu for the honor of being on the homecoming court. Hope all goes well with John's scope today...the doctor's way, not yours. ;-)

  13. Gorgeous grands!! Praying that you get wonderful news today at the Drs.


  14. She is beautiful. Glad she had a good time. Praying for John's procedure today.

  15. Loved your blog. So much t read so I am giving a thumbs up. Oh the little girl is a lady Now.
    Praying for Johns scope.
    My computer has trouble for me with the curser. Mouse. Freezes.

    Melissa my oldest Granddaughter has been excepted as French teacher to teach away from home. Back to where she Graduated. Please keep her in prayer to find a place to live as costs are double renting there from where she lives Tee, hee from home. with parents. She had it good at home no rent. She will take anything even a basement apt is fine.

  16. Such a beautiful share. LuLu is such a sweetheart and all these photos are gorgeous. You make me smile about John needing his scope. You and Maxine, I don't know, girl, you are silly! Hee Hee Hee Hee! Our kids attended Catholic schools like I did but when they needed religious education at the high school level as two of them did not attend Catholic high school, the Catholics wanted an astronomical amount of money to go to their classes. The Lutherans have many generous parishioners and anytime the kids went to the Lutheran church for instruction it was free for all students. What a great church they are! I am praying and thinking of you and John. Don't make him laugh as he is getting scoped lady! Behave yourself! Wink Wink! JOyful Hugs for my friend, Anne

  17. Ouch! I bet those HIGH heels hurt Lulu was wearing, much more than that pole running through her head! Congrats to her for being voted on Homecoming Court.
    My hubby goes back next month for his throat scope! It's probably a good idea to let his doctor do it, he wouldn't me using that LONG tube with the light on the end of it. LOL

  18. Always a delight joining you and family on special occasions. My great grandson, Layton, turned 12 this year and I told him to tell the girls to leave him alone. They grow up much too fast for me, but probably has something to do with my age. Trust John gets a good report.

  19. Good Morning, I always enjoy seeing your girls. I just don't know where the time goes. It flies by so fast. I am saying prayers for a good procedure today and I love the sense of humor. You have to have that. Sending hugs and prayers to the both of you. Your Missouri Friend Shirley

  20. Oh to have a sense of humor in adversity - I just love it.
    And it is hard when the older sister gets all the attention, but her day will come.
    Your Lulu - when did she grow up like that - I blinked my eye and missed it - she is doing wonderful and both girls are gorgeous.
    Andy goes to a Christian School - last year they had their Homecoming off campus. This year for the first time ever it has to be on campus! The songs have to be turned in early - the girls dresses must be approved - and if they are from a school - they have to have the principal sign they are in good standing. I will bet you last year was a hum dinger and Andy was right in the middle. lol

  21. Diana, Your sweet Lulu is so pretty and growing. Waaa. I wish time would slow a bit for us older people. S.C. is kind of lonely looking there. She will always be a princess in our books. Praying John does well with his results at the Drs. I can see why he did let you help out. LOL. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love, Susie

  22. Diana, I meant to say"why John did NOT let you help".xoxo,Susie

  23. Lulu is so pretty inside and out....she is a great pick for the Homecoming court! I pray that John will get good news at his checkup.....hugs....

  24. Lulu is beautiful!! I bet she had a wonderful evening :-) Jerry and I's first dance together was homecoming and I've always loved this time of year! :-) Praying all goes well for John!

    Many blessings,

  25. Love the pix of the kids! Love to watch them grow are my role model for a Grandparent!
    Best wishes for his exam! I hope it goes really well and has great news!

  26. How exciting to be apart of LuLu's big day. She is beautiful. I love how far away they danced hah.
    Poor Sweet Cheeks. But I do love her leggings.
    Hope you have good news after John's appointment. Hugs

  27. Oh my, LuLu!!! She is beautiful. I am so happy you all got to join her with this exciting day.
    Sending a big HUG to you and John for today!
    Love, Carla

  28. How quickly these little ones grow up into beautiful people. Sweet photos of your Lulu! I hope all will go well for John's scope today.

  29. HA! I see you are back in fine form.
    such darling photos of lulu. that is such a magical time. littlegirlyounglady ... we all remember our own!

  30. You are simply amazing and so is your dearest and your entire family. Loved hearing your slice of life today and your ever wonderful spirit and sense of humor. Love you tons.

  31. You are such a bad girl LOL. I really had a great laugh on the procedure..... Poor John

    Lulu is beautiful and the young man isn't so bad either. They make a great couple.

    I see that SC isn't so happy, her day will come.

    Glad that you are back posting - really missed your fun posts. Have a terrific week.

    Hugs my dear friend,

  32. You still have your humor, girl. John looks good. Hope he's feeling better everyday. I can't believe that doll is 14! I guess it was 4 years ago when I first started blogging and she was just a baby. Yes, 10 is just a baby. Oh my, they do grow up. In four years, my big guy will be 9. Where in the world does the time go? Someone said it speeds up at 50. I'm 56. I agree!

  33. Wonderful to catch up with you this afternoon. Lulu is a lovely young lady. (Our youngest played volleyball all four years in HS.) Wishing you and John the best today with his scope/follow up.

  34. Lulu is growing into a beautiful young lady. I will say a prayer for John and you today.

  35. Hard to believe that LuLu is 14! She looks very pretty all dressed for the dance.
    I hope that John's checkup went well, Diana. Thank goodness you are not his nurse... Keep me posted!

  36. My they sure are growing up before our eyes! And as beautiful as ever.

  37. Dang, Diana, how did that happen?? She is all grown up and now I really feel old! She has turned into a beautiful young lady! Can you believe Leila will be six next week?

  38. Lulu looks so beautiful! What an exciting time for her and look at those's hard to believe she's old enough to wear them! I'm praying that the procedure went well for John and that he will continue to improve. I also read your last post which I missed and enjoyed it as well. Take care!

  39. Lulu is shy??? She looks beautiful in all the pictures. What a fun time she must have had.
    Good luck to John with that procedure.

  40. What a beauty she is! How exciting for her to be on the Homecoming Court when she's brand new to the school--that's awesome. :)

    So hope John's procedure went well today. Bless you all!

  41. Great pictures of a darling young lady! Hugs and prayers for John (and you, my friend) after his procedure. Hope all went well..

  42. Oh, they grow way too fast! Such a lovely young lady.

  43. Aww Diana, you have the greatest time with your grandkids, such precious moments to watch them growing up! I hope that all went well for poor John... I can't imagine why he didn't want you to do the procedure, lol! Hugs to you today dear friend :)

  44. LOVED THE PICTURES! And what FUN! Took me back to my own kids' when they were active in HS. And great goodness! 7 months ut from that painful journey your Hero had to take. All will go well. I just know it will. xxooxx

  45. Your Hero is a saint! Oh what he has to put up with here, there, and home, too. =D

    The girls are growing...there'll be no holding them down. Fun to see Lulu's outing and the Queen of the World's pouting. Hey, how cool that she still loves Mickey Mouse!

  46. Oh Diana, they are growing up so fast. Miss Lulu is just as pretty as can be. Best wishes to her in her new school! Poor miss queen, hard to watch when you want to be where the older sibling is. Her turn will come. :-)
    Hope all goes well with John's procedure. Prayers going up for him.

  47. Oh what cuties!!! quickly they grow up!....Loved all the Homecoming photos!....Thoughts and prayers continue for your Hero!

  48. Mr Z. is cute!! What a bunch of great pictures....oh, to be that young again! Hoping and praying the appointment went well today.

  49. Hi Diana! Lulu is beautiful and I know you're so proud of her. Congratulations to her being in the Homecoming court! Poor little Pouty Face and of course she wanted to just go home! Praying John's treatment went well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  50. I can't believe she's 14 either! She is so adorable and the photos are wonderful. I'm sure they had a blast, especially at the dance! :) I'm praying John's tests are all positive.


  51. I hope everything went well with the tests. What a blessing to have your grands so close to you so you and John can be such a big part of their lives. The years go so quickly....

  52. The school thing reminded me of how many students of Catholic schools are surprisingly not catholic.

  53. I can't believe how big the girls are now. Time goes by so fast! I hope all is well with your husband tests. Let us know. Meanwhile, take care. xoxo Maria

  54. I can't believe she is a teen already! She is a treasure! Congratulations, Lulu.

  55. Man good looking kids run in your family . . . and mine bwahahaha!!!! Seriously, those girls are precious. You should be very, very proud. Prayers for John, and for you. Jesus is Lord, even in the midst of the storm. Love and hugs!

  56. Congrats to Lulu on being nominated to Homecoming Court! Love her dress. So much fun and what a neat way to start off at a new school! Hoping John's exam brings wonderful results. xoxo

  57. It looks like your granddaughter settled in beautifully at her new school.

    Hope all goes well with John's procedure.

  58. Hi Diana! Loved the homecoming pics of Lulu - she is so cute. It is hard to believe she is fourteen as well, it has been fun watching all the sweet grands grow up on the blog. Hope John's scope went well. Sending prayers, Jane

  59. What beautiful photos of Lulu! Surely she isn't 14 already!! Bless little Sweet Cheeks! Just not her cup of tea, is it? Extra prayers for John! Hugs to you! Nellie

  60. Diana, wow the girls have sure grown up. Lulu looks so pretty in her dress and heels. She picked herself a cutie pie too. Hope John's procedure goes well. I'm sure it will be much more pleasant than the one he could have had with you!!.Nurse Ratchett!! Happy Tuesday..Judy

  61. Oh, Lulu has grown up so fast and into a beautiful young girl. I'm glad that schools still do the old timey things. I always wonder how long it will last.
    Sweet Cheeks makes me laugh! She has no time for such nonsense. LOL I loved all the photos.
    I hope John's scope goes well and that you have stopped following him around trying to get him yourself. ;)
    Have a great week. xoxo, T.

  62. Lulu is a cute little thing and congrats to her. Homecoming is always exciting. Good luck to John


  63. So glad that your hero is getting the treatment he needs. I love the Homecoming photos, brings back so many memories and yes I went to Catholic school so I know exactly what you are talking about...great post.

  64. This was such a fun post...loved the contrast between princess lulu and athlectic lulu.. a well rounded young lady and a beauty at any age and in any photo! :)

  65. What a thrill for you all to see LuLu at the dance and homecoming court! She is a very pretty young lady. Hope John's procedure went well today.

  66. Lulu is all grown up and it happens so quickly! She looked so pretty all dressed up for the dance and her beau is pretty handsome. Hope John's scope turns out good, is he able to eat yet? Congrats to the homecoming couple you both must be so thrilled. Also, thanks so much for stopping by and offering comfort during our remodel gone wrong.

  67. What a darling! Time certainly flies by.
    Thinking of you and John and hoping that all went well.

  68. Hope the exam goes well. Loved the photos of your beautiful grandchildren. Hope Lulu enjoys her new school!

  69. Getting caught up on family happenings. How exciting to be voted on homecoming court. Your grands are all growing up. sigh.

  70. Lulu, YAAAAAY, you made the Homecoming court. I'm so excited because here's a secret, (I was on the Homecoming court too). How fun for you, my dear. You look so pretty in these pictures, and the picture of you and your football friend is so cute. Look at those long legs, love that picture! You will remember this day always, Lulu.

    love, ~Sheri

  71. Ah homecoming...a moment in time. LOVE these sweet photos, Diana!
    Praying the procedure goes well!


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