
Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Mindy Rose!

My wild Irish Rose.

Oh!  How my dad would

have loved you.

You look so much like

his side of the family.

You were born 10/12/77

just a few minutes after midnight.

Your dad kept urging me to 


so that you could be born on

your Uncle Paul's birthday.

I was NOT good at being

told what to do then.
I'm still not very good at it-shhhh.

We weren't much at picture taking back then.

We had a Polaroid camera~

everyone did and

we were no exception.

It took quick pictures

but they were BAD.

And film was expensive

and we were oh-so-poor

when you were tiny.

Your sister, TPot, thought you

were her own personal pet.

And you were so good-natured

that you let her feed you

whenever she felt like it.

Sometimes she fed you 

Hershey's cocoa right out of the can.

You were her best audience..

Always a step behind her

because you were only

a year younger.

If she sat in the leaves

you sat in the leaves~

You loved your birthday parties

at Happy Joe's Pizza Place

and rode the carousel whether

it was turning or not.

You would stay on

until we pried your fingers

from the horse.

And Oh! How you loved

being a bride.

I lost count of how many Halloweens

that you dressed as a bride.

YOU were ALWAYS a bride

and your brother was ALWAYS

a rabbit.

And, then, one day I turned around

and you were a young woman.

A young woman 

with a passion for singing

and a passion for the Lord.

You made a missions trip to China..

and saw a different side of life..

You came home

older and wiser.

You were beautiful when

you were in high school-
And your hair...Oh! Your hair..

Complete strangers would come up to

you and ask you where you got

your perm..

Your answer was always the same.

~From God~

And, finally, you didn't need to

dress as a bride for Halloween anymore.

No indeedy!

You would dress as a bride 

for your wedding

which was held outdoors.

Your Dad performed

the ceremony and.

it was a dream wedding

to a man that loves you.

Three years later you had BigBoyE

And when Big BoyE was 2-1/2 

his brother, Charles-In-Charge

joined him.
And -then you were blessed with

our sweet little

Baby Bright Eyes.
Now you have moved 

to another state-but close

enough where we can get

there in a day's travel.

Happy, Happy Birthday

Mindy Rose!

I won't be celebrating with you this year,

as you know,

but I will be there in spirit.

I will celebrate with you just a

few days late this year.

Love you to the moon and back!

SEE you soon!;>)
But you can just call me MOM!


  1. Having recently celebrated a daughter's birthday, I was especially charmed by this tribute to your own sweet girl. She not only has beautiful hair, she has a million dollar smile and the most lovely eyes. Happy Birthday to her!

  2. It's tough if you can't be with them on their birthdays, but I'm sure she'll get some lovely Mommy cards handmade by her own little flock. Beautiful tribute. -Jenn

  3. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I love her answer to those that asked about her hair.

  4. what a sweet post. happy birthday to your mindy rose!

  5. Diana, I want to send Birthday wishes to your beautiful red haired girl, Mindy. She is a beauty and has the cutest kids. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,love, Susie

  6. It's wonderful to have a Mama that is so very proud . . . she is blessed and so are you :)

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet red haired girl! Our daughter never needed a perm either, but her curly hair was blond. hugs.....

  8. What a sweet post and tribute to a very lovely daughter. Birthday blessings!!

  9. Beautiful post about your sweet Mindy, Diana.
    Happy Birthday, Mindy! I hope Bright Eyes gets to do your make-up. ;)
    xo, T.

  10. Oh Diana, what a beautiful daughter and I'm sure she will read this over and over with tears in her eyes. What a sweet mama you are! Happy Birthday. Love your name Mindy Rose and your beautiful curls and sweet smile.

  11. Happy Birthday, Mindy! Love all the photos...Mindy is so pretty.

  12. Beautiful words for your beautiful daughter. Happy birthday Mindy.&

  13. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Love those childhood pics!

  14. Aww how sweet this post is. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter. She sounds as if she is as beautiful inside as she is out.

  15. Happy Birthday Mindy Rose! This is a great picture of her, Diana, and love all the sweet ones growing up, especially the carousel one. Our daughters fill our hearts in so many ways. I hope she has a wonderful and fun day!

    love, ~Sheri

  16. Happiest Birthday, Mindy all this post so much....
    Now, down to cooking business...I am having a Bunco luncheon and plan on a Baked Potato Bar, an Apple Brie Salad and need a fail-proof, drop dead delicious bean salad....nothing too spicy nor
    vinergar-y..these are all the older ladies Bunco group and I don't want any of 'em to get heart burn...:)...I just figured any one that made Chocolate Gravy would have a knock-em-out bean salad for me....xoxo


  17. Happy, Happy Birthday Mindy Rose!
    Your mother is soooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you!

  18. What a sweet Birthday tribute to your daughter! Please tell her Happy Birthday!
    Hugs, Amy

  19. You have such a gift of words and what a beautiful tribute to your daughter, Mindy Rose. My DIL has red curly hair too and is so pretty. But the little ones could steal the show from anyone...are you listening? You are so lucky I don't live close because one of two might be missing. Thanks for liking my knit pumpkins.

  20. What a sweet story of Mindy Rose! A cutie in more ways than one. Happy, Happy Birthday to her!!

  21. Beautiful post about your beautiful daughter! I always tell you this I know, but you all are so good looking! xx

  22. What an amazing tribute to your beautiful daughter Mindy Rose!!! You are a wonderful mom, no doubt and I'm sure Mindy Rose loves you to bits!!

  23. What a wonderful and lovely post about your sweet Mindy Rose. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl/woman.

    Happy Birthday Mindy ~ FlowerLady

  24. Happy Birthday to Mindy Rose, Oh what a beautiful Irish Lass she is! Love hearing her story and thank you for sharing her with us.

  25. What a lovely tribute to your beautiful daughter! Loved all the pictures! Happy Birthday Mindy Rose!

  26. so, so sweet....

    Happy Birthday, Mindy Rose!

  27. Hurry up and have the baby / you probably wanted to smack him big time about then lol!! :)

    What a wonderful post / happy birthday

  28. Hurry up and have the baby / you probably wanted to smack him big time about then lol!! :)

    What a wonderful post / happy birthday

  29. Happy Birthday to your beautiful Mindy Rose....what a beautiful post about are certainly a very proud mother and rightfully so!

  30. You made me cry, you bad girl! what a lovely post. Don't you hate it when our daughters grow older than we are?

  31. Diana what a beautiful post celebrating beautiful Mindy's birthday. I loved this, the photos and the love that your family have for each other. You are an inspiration my friend. Happy Birthday Mindy. Blessings to you always. xoxo

  32. Dearest Diana, this was such a beautiful tribute to Mindy. She is beautiful {just like you}. This post brought a smile to my face. Love and hugs to you!

  33. So sweet, I just love this Diana. She is beautiful, I always love when you share photos of her and her beautiful family.
    Happy Birthday to your girl.

  34. Aw! This just makes me cry.....daughter's are so special! Such a sweet tribute to your darling Mindy Rose..... Wishing her a Happy Birthday and hope her day is wonderful. Hugs xo Karen

  35. Oh what a sweet devotion to your beautiful daughter. I got teary-eyed reading it. Diana, you have such a wonderful (Irish) way with words. Your dad would be so doggone proud of you.

    Hugs and love to you and your whole family. ♥♥

  36. Happy Birthday and what a blessing to have a daughter that loves the Lord! I remember when she went on her mission trip! And to see her babies getting bigger before my very eyes. I miss my daughter so very far away!
    Love you and your dear precious family!!
    Love, Roxy

  37. How blessed you are!! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter. I know you miss her, but aren't you so thankful that time and distance is only physical . . . it doesn't matter to the heart. I'm getting ready to move my daughter back, 1,800 miles away, so I know how you feel. Makes me sad to think of her so far away, but I know she is happy, and I know it won't be forever. Blessings and prayers for you and The Hero today, and always :)!

  38. This is such a sweet post. Happy Birthday to Mindy ♥

  39. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Glad you will see her soon!

  40. Happy Birthday Mindy ROse...Love the post..Such a beautiful family..I guess I say that a lot...

  41. What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Enjoy your visit with her.

  42. What a wonderful post for your lovely daughter! Happy Birthday Mindy Rose! How sweet it will be when you celebrate together.

  43. What a precious tribute to your beautiful daughter! I enjoyed all the memories you shared, just precious! Hugs to you today Diana :)

  44. I love this. You write so well. I always enjoy reading what you share. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  45. oh nana d.
    one of the most beautiful tributes i've ever seen. and to such a beautiful girl.
    your own mindy rose. xo♥

  46. Just so sweet Diana. What a beautiful daughter and tribute to her on her birthday. Happy Birthday Mindy.

  47. Diana, happy birthday to your sweet little girl. They are now and always will be our little girls. P. s. I always wanted hair like hers..Happy Weekend to you..xxoJudy

  48. Beautiful post celebrating your daughter and her birthday. Birthday wishes to the birthday girl.

    Thanks NanaDiana for your visit. I am flattered you stopped by.

  49. Oh, Diana, this post is so precious I'm crying! Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and I loved seeing her grow up in this post! Oh, my goodness! Her hair - gorgeous! I always wanted hair like that but God thought it would be funny to give me 'straight as a board hair'! Hope you've had a good week and I always appreciate you popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  50. A sweet birthday tribute. A beautiful woman.

  51. So many sweet memories! Happy Birthday to you beautiful daughter! :)

  52. Such a beautiful post for your equally beautiful daughter!

    Thanks for stopping by, Red Brick On The Right, this morning!

    Grace & Peace,

  53. I love this post! And happy birthday to Mindy!---she's just gorgeous and loved the little story about her birth/life and her lil family! Hope y'all get to see her real soon!

  54. I love this post! And happy birthday to Mindy!---she's just gorgeous and loved the little story about her birth/life and her lil family! Hope y'all get to see her real soon!

  55. Wonderful post my friend! She is indeed beautiful and the little ones are too. Hope you have a wonderful celebration!


  56. Oh well this just made me cry! You certainly have a wonderful way with words, Diana! Happy birthday, Mindy!

  57. Oh well this just made me cry! You certainly have a wonderful way with words, Diana! Happy birthday, Mindy!

  58. Diana this is so beautifully written and your daughter is beautiful too. Many blessings to both of you each and every day.


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