
Friday, October 7, 2016

Home Again- Home Again- Jiggety- Jig

It seems all I did for weeks
was work getting the house
ready for sale
so it was fun to get away.
MyHero held down the home fort
while I was gone.

I started out going to 
to watch my grandkids for a few days
so Mimi and her hubby
could go back to Jamaica to celebrate their
10 year anniversary.
It is a CUTE TOWN but 
the monkeys that live there are
even cuter.
CharlesInCharge goes to pre-school 3 days a week.
BrightEyes has one 2 hour session a week.
 Listen, BrightEyes, you are too little to be
showing your legs off!
Put your skirt down!!!!

BigBoy E has homework and does it
as soon as he gets home from first grade.
He loves school -notice he is smiling as he does
his homework!
One day little 
and I picked up some flowers for her
Mama's homecoming.
She's a happy little soul!
She's even happier since she was
WHIPPED CREAM @ Starbucks.
Mom?  NOT so happy about that!
#Love being a Naughty Nana#
Leaving there I headed back to my 
childhood home in beautiful
The Susquehanna River runs through the state.
My home would have been on top
of one of the mountains above the valley.
This was the view from our house--
which burned many years ago.
From the church you can see seven counties
(or so they say).

I visited with my dear cousin, Marguerite.
She is 86 and just a riot...seriously...
she could get me in a lot of trouble 
IF I would let her.
Her favorite line is-
"Come on Di-Di"...
that never bodes well for me!
This is Jane (as we always called her) 
and her beautiful great-granddaughter, 
Doesn't Cousin Jane just look like trouble
waiting to happen?

I went to the first class reunion I have
ever attended.
It was a two day affair.

I gave a copy of my book to the classmates
that did not already have one.
We did not have a very big class.
I didn't get many pictures there-
I was too busy talking.

So---lots more to share- 
my granddaughter on homecoming court,
a quick trip to the UP to see the leaves,
a pumpkin patch visit with CJK...
I won't bore you with all that today.

Hopefully--next week I will open
an Etsy shop to dump sell
some old crap wonderful treasures
that you might want to look at.
I have the shop set up BUT
I need to take pictures and get it
ready to go.
I'll be back......but you knew that...

you all be good.
I will be practicing for my big night
later this month.


  1. I would have thought you'd be Elvira, not the good witch..... Thrilled that you had a chance to go to your class reunion, I know how much you needed that trip.

  2. Love these sweet photos! So nice to see an update from you. God bless your weekend. xoxo

  3. Your grands are just the cutest ever! You were just a few minutes away when you were in Carmel. Sounds like you had a good time on your trip. Hope you enjoyed your class reunion. The UP has some beautiful scenery...lived there in the mid-60's on an Air Force base.
    Hugs to you and your hero...xoxo

  4. Hi Diana,
    Glad you got to spent time with the kiddos. You are such a great Nana to look after them while mom and dad were away. I do believe Miss Sweet Cheeks gets cuter all the time! She is just a little doll!!
    Glad you had fun back in PA, and at your reunion. Let me guess, it was your 25th?!!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, it is always good to get away for a little while. We are taking a few days next week with our girls and some of our grandchildren since it is fall break.

  6. So glad you we're able to get away for awhile after getting the house ready to sell.

  7. So glad you we're able to get away for awhile after getting the house ready to sell.

  8. Hi Diana! Oh, what a busy gal you've been. What darling little grands you have and what a treat for their mom and dad to get away to celebrate! Little Miss Bright Eyes is just the cutest little thing! Pulling up her skirt - she's a hoot! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Good for you. A trip away was well deserved. The kiddos are darling. Love the reference to Bright Eyes. Being a naughty Nana is fun. Love your sense of humor....xo

  10. Busy, busy..but then you always are..Bright eyes has really gotten big..Seems like only yesterday..Grandmas seem to get away with everything...Glad you enjoyed your visit to Pa..I felt your presence!!Portia is gorgeous..You have a beautiful family..You don't need Marguerite to get you into trouble..You do pretty well on your own..Can't wait to see all your stuff in your Etsy Shop..I'm a fan of Etsy..Hurry back..good to hear from you..

  11. Harrisburg? I lived in upstate NY for several years and traveled through Harrisburg and Bradford county. Penn Yan, etc.

  12. Oh what fun we have when we babysit the grand kids. They are growing so fast and I love seeing their pictures as they grow. I am glad you got to go to your class reunion and the trip gave you a break. We all need those at times. Take care Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

  13. Oh my goodness that little girl has grown up! Shame on you introducing her to whipped topping ! (grin) I'm glad you had a chance to get away for a bit. That also must mean that Your Hero is well enough to hold down the fort. I can only imagine how much work went into getting your home ready for sale. -Jenn

  14. Smiles, smiles are always on my face when I read your posts! Good to hear form you! Bless your witchy little heart! Cindy xo

  15. Gosh Girl, I'm so glad you are back!!!! Loved hearing about your adventures while your poor hubby was watching your house-lol.
    You sure grew up in a beautiful area, even if it was hard-I think it made you the incredible, wonderful, talented lady(plus kidder)that you are. You've made my evening. Can't wait to see what treasures you going to be getting rid of.
    Hugs and love,

  16. Oh my you have been busy BUT oh what fun! Family and time with old friends, and there is nothing better than going home. Your home town looks beautiful. Thanks for coming by to visit!

  17. You were so close! I wish I knew. We could have met up. Oh well, another time. Glad you had fun with the grandkids who I must say are some of the cutest kids I've seen in a long time. Now back to work with that Etsy shop. I want to see what junk... I mean treasures... you are willing to part with.

  18. So glad you got away. I know how those babysit try getaways go. Enjoy.

  19. I'm glad you're home! Aw! The kids are darling!

  20. I was gone for over a month, but it was no pleasure trip. I am glad you got away and had some quality time with loved ones. The little ones are just so interesting and adorable.Always enjoy your visit. Been going to ask how the book was doing.

  21. Oh so happy for you to have a chance to get away and visit with those adorable kids and spoil them a little ! Your home trip looks so wonderful and the memories too. Your caz does have a very mischievous young face, lol..
    Have a Happy weekend sweet friend.

  22. Clearly you make a fabulous bat woman :)

  23. Hi Diana, you've been busy and so glad you had some special trips. You really deserved some getaway time after working so hard getting the house all set. Love the pics of the grands. They are so cute and getting so big.
    Glad you enjoyed your reunion and also got to visit with your cousin.
    Have a great weekend and welcome back home!! xo

  24. Beautiful photos ~ I love that Church! You had some wonderful visits with special people. I cannot believe Miss Bright Eyes has grown so much, wow! I'd love to meet your cousin, sounds like my kinda girl!


  25. You have the cutest grands :) How fun to get away and enjoy them. Looking forward to the stuff you will be selling!

  26. The pictures from PA are breath taking! I hope your time away was truly enjoyable. Blessings ~ Lisa

  27. Sounds like you had a great trip. Your grandchildren are precious. I was hoping your house had sold.

  28. my daughter used to do that with her dresses too...she grew up wearing pants! My grand girl hates kindergarten, she wrote a note to her parents that she wasn't going back, gonna be a long twelve years. Glad you had a fun vacay, next time let me know I really need soon.

  29. I'm so happy you got to do some much needed and happy visiting with friends and having some good memories of place in the past. It's sort of bittersweet! Good for you! ;-D


  30. Sounds like a great adventure. What were your former classmates like? Did they age well ?

  31. I never went to pre-school when I was little. I did remember liking kindergarten for the most part

  32. Oh Diana, what a fun-filled post letting us know all about the grandkids and their happenings. Now, which one is on the Homecoming court? Bright Eyes looks cuter than ever. Such a doll, and I love her sweet smile. And the boys are precious. You grew up in a beautiful area, wow. I can't wait to see all the goodies on your etsy shop. I'm moving this weekend, and only gave away about three bags this time. :)

    love, ~Sheri

  33. You sure have been busy! I tell ya, Little Miss Bright Eyes is your spitting image. Can't wait to check out your Etsy shop.

  34. Wow! Great post. Great pics. The Grands are getting so big. And they look happy to be with grandma. Love the pics of PA. Love the country. :)

    I'm glad you had a good time. How's your Hero doing holding down the fort?
    Take care, have a wonderful week. Janet W

  35. What a happy post!

    Have a wonderful fall and may you sell out in your Etsy shop. ~ FlowerLady

  36. sounds like youve been enjoying life! cute little grandpies you have there! they are getting big! I know, that happens.. Im watching all of mine grow.. grow .. grow!
    have a great weekend

  37. I wish you were my nana and filled me up with Starbucks!

  38. Diana, I was amazed you were so near us here in Indiana. Ted and I have eaten lunch many times at the MCL in Carmel. Your grandkids are growing up. Did you look like Bright Eyes when you were her age? Big boy truly a big brother. Glad you got to see your classmates and family back in your hometown. I think Pa. is one gorgeous state in autumn. Wishing you luck with the shop. Thank you for the prayers and kind words for my brother and I. Love you, blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  39. There is nothing as refreshing as spending time with the grandchildren and a return to where we grew up.
    So glad you were able to take this little trip!

  40. What beautiful countryside I hope to visit "way up north" one of these days. All your grands are precious but my favorite part is "I love being a naughty nana"! I love being a naughty "Mimi" too (LOL)!

  41. Welcome back! Your grands are so cute! Bright Eyes is growing up so fast! I see she has a bit of her Nana in her too-showing off her legs! I know you had fun at your reunion! What a lovely place to grow up! I can only imagine how beautiful your home was in that setting! So happy you enjoyed you trip!

  42. Diana, you have lived in some beautiful places in your lifetime. I'm happy for you to have visited your hometown and go to your reunion. I bet you were a big hit among your classmates with your sense of humor and your warm sincere love for others. Glad you had the opportunity to visit those cousins too. Naughty, naughty Nana! Your grandkids are all beautiful. Can't wait to see all your stuff!

  43. Watching the little ones is always such fun...exhausting, but totally worth it, Diana. And yes your cousin looks like a handful...perhaps Bright Eyes will take after HER!!!!...:)JP

  44. i do believe you have the most beautiful grandchildren. i know everybody always says that about theirs... but seriously!
    and the pictures of PA made me think about your book!

  45. sounds like you've done some miles! Welcome home.

  46. Yay, you're back!!! Glad you had fun with the kiddos and got to go to a school reunion. Maybe next time you're driving through Columbus you'll stop and we can get in some trouble :)

  47. O so tickled to see you back...and it sounds like a positive thing that Hero kept the home fires burning while you were away.
    Your babies are so cute and growing like mad...and my mama used to say she could eat a cow chip if it had whipped cream on it...:)

  48. Wow you've been a busy one! The grandkids are so adorable. Glad you had an opportunity to get away and free your brain a bit.

  49. What a fun time with the grands!!! Our Starbucks serves a "pup-a-chino" to the dogs that come in with their owners. It's just a cup of whipped cream. :) Glad you had a good time with family and friends! It's nice to get away like that every once in awhile.

  50. I'm so glad you got to go on your trip. You have very sweet grandkids. Love the pic from Pennsylvania. I want to hear about your visit the UP. I visited there a long time ago. I'd love to see the fall foliage. Thanks for sharing.

  51. That sounds like a great trip! I'm so glad you were able to get away. Your grandchildren are precious!

  52. THE most adorable grandchildren Diana....what a great little the picture of the glad to hear things are going well for you and your family! Hugs!

  53. Aw, the kiddies are so cute and sure growing too!
    Your old neighborhood in PA was a beautiful place to have grown up, Diana. And your Aunt Marguerite sounds like so much fun. I bet you miss seeing her.
    Glad the reunion went well. Now just wiggle your little nose and get that house of yours sold, Samantha!

  54. Oh I bet you enjoyed your time while taking care of the grandkids. That's so nice of you to stay there while they take an anniversary trip. You're a good mom and grandmother!

  55. Diana, I love your writing. Your grands sure are cutie pies!

  56. Looks like you had quite a trip! So glad you got to spend time with your grandbabies, they are just precious!! Starbucks behind mamas back...I would do that too, LOL!!

  57. Wow, that's quite a trip!Your babies are just adorable and I bet it was fun to visit with classmates. I have a reunion coming up soon. Glad you had a good time! xo

  58. So happy for you to get away and have a great time! I think you should have gotten into lots of trouble with Cousin Jane! Those grandchildren of yours are so sweet! I have never been to a class reunion. You are brave :-)

  59. Glad you're back! Loved looking at posts of your home...gorgeous and so homey. Where will you move when house sells? Stay in same town? or venturing out? Just downsizing? Too many questions.....

  60. Hello my friend. So happy you had such a great trip. The grands are adorable. I know you loved kissing on them for a few days of your trip.
    Glad the reunion went well and you connected with some of your classmates. I bet they loved getting a copy of your wonderful book.
    Enjoy the week end. Hugs.

  61. How fun to spend time with your grands. I am still awaiting that day.

  62. So glad you had a great getaway....and how beautiful is that area that you grew up in!!! Your grands are the cutest....How great that you were able to attend your Reunion and see your classmates. I am sure they were thrilled to have your book!...Welcome home and good luck on the Etsy shop!!!

  63. Oh what fun you had! So glad you had a chance to get away! The grandkids are so adorable and I know you had a great time.
    I can't wait to see your Etsy to look at treasures....

  64. Your grandkids are so adorable! ♥

  65. My best friend used to live in Carmel! I know you enjoyed your time with the grandkids. And your cousin! She does look like trouble I mean fun!

  66. Hi stranger!! Not sure you remember me or will even get to comment #66!! If you do, I just wanted to say hi and that I think of you often. No more blogging for me and I haven't even been doing any re-purposing either. Life has changed and it seems I've lost interest in it somewhat. Family is all doing well as I hope your family is, too. I don't get out here very often so I don't know what all has been going on with you in the last year. My email address is different than what you originally had but I did change it on my blog that I left up. Take care and I miss your funny personality!!

  67. You do have the cutest little grandkids ever. I'm glad their parents could get away to celebrate an anniversary. My daughter and son in law are going to the beach to run a half marathon for their 10th anniversary. I like your daughter's location better.

  68. Sounds like a wonderful time a way with the grand kids. I bet they just keep you on your toes! Looking forward to checking out your Etsy shop...;)
    Have a delightful week Diana!
    Hugs, Amy

  69. Sounds like a wonderful time a way with the grand kids. I bet they just keep you on your toes! Looking forward to checking out your Etsy shop...;)
    Have a delightful week Diana!
    Hugs, Amy

  70. You have the most precious grandkids, I just loved the picture of Bright Eyes with her dress pulled up, lol! And what a hoot your Aunt Marge must be, I'm sure it is a lot of belly laughs with the two of you together, lol! Hugs to you today dear friend :)

  71. You are a silly girl...
    Loved the update and as you can see we always enjoy your updates and funny antics...
    xo Roxy

  72. Playing catch up here and oh my little bright eyes has grown so much lately!! Love all the updates on the grands :)

  73. Oh, My GOSH!!! You were HERE???? I can't believe you were so close and I didn't know---would have loved to meet you, if only for five minutes. Why, we might have "passed in the road" as Mammaw used to say---we're up there all the time.

    I've been so out of the loop on everything, I'm just now catching up this far back. I hope you'll let me know next time you're in town---we'd love to take you to dinner or just coffee.

    rachel, in a rush as always

    Now I'll be accosting strangers on the street, if they have a glorious head of curls.


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