
Friday, October 21, 2016

BBQ RIBS-That'll stick to YOUR ribs!

I still have my sinus infection

and went back for


of antibiotics yesterday.

If this doesn't work I may be

cutting my nose off to spite my face

going to a specialist (again).

First, let me say that for all of you

that fuss about cooking---

 I have been

"off-duty" for almost a year

since MyHero can't eat

regular food.

I thought it would be a relief

to not have to cook all the time...


Anyway, I have decided

I need to cook even if it is

just for myself.

I like easy rib-filling recipes

this time of year.

It can't get much easier than this.

Looky here~
Here's my simple recipe.

Mix together:

1 cup brown sugar

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon garlic POWDER

1 tsp. hickory smoke salt*

*I don't always use the salt because

some people don't like it.

Rub 4 pounds cut up ribs with

above mixture.

Layer in heavy oven proof

roasting dish.

I put tinfoil between the layers

of ribs.
Bake at 300 degrees for 2-4 hours

(until meat is tender)

Just before serving:

Cover with about 2 cups BBQ sauce.

I use Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce
Place under broiler for 2-3 minutes

until browned and bubbly.

Serve with garlic mashed potatoes,

green beans and 

baking powder biscuits

or cornbread.
Rib sticking good-

I promise.


Guess who's NOT happy?

Hoping to feel well enough

to work on my Etsy shop 

later this week.

Tonight I have a special guest visitor.

Hope he brought enough work in 

that briefcase to keep himself busy...

Otherwise, we might have to interact with him..

and you KNOW.....

"Ain't nobody got time for that".........


  1. Diana, I have wondered what you ate...wish your man could help you eat those ribs. That's a good recipe. I am writing it down for my girls. I love that picture of your grandson. He is just adorable. I have Emma here. I can tell more and more she is growing up. She had less time talking (playing on her phone).Today we may do a craft, just so we can talk together. Blessings for a fun filled weekend, xoxo, love, Susie

  2. Oh yummy!!! Wish I could come over and share some those ribs with you. So sorry about your sinus infection - those are a bear to try to get rid of! That little gury reminds me of Alex Keaton on Family Ties. What a cutie pie. Have a great week!!

  3. Those ribs look amazing. "Low and slow" is the only way to go when cooking ribs! What an adorable picture of your grandson! -Jenn

  4. Good Morning, Sweetpea!!

    That's a luscious-sounding recipe---I'll have to pick up that salt soon. We have about fifteen kinds in the house, including a lot of PINK ones, and I don't remember seeing hickory.

    And your VISITOR!! That handsome young man means BUSINESS, in all its definitions. What a sweet, beautiful family you have.

    We had our own "guest" for the past two nights, and have had such a good time together---last night was "movie night" with burgers in front of the TV, with an episode of Andy and Opie for our entertainment. We love introducing her to the old shows which depict loving families and good thoughts.

    Hope you're enjoying OCTOBER!!


  5. Ok Yum!!!! These look so good and easy to make. Happy Friday. Wishing you a great weekend.

  6. I do not cook much anymore. Hard to cook for one. Save me a place, will join you as ribs one of my favorite dishes. Wish your grandson was older as he has the looks of a fine president.

  7. Yum, looks so good,Diana. I love Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce.

  8. That boy is just adorable! Your food sound delish.

  9. Hi Diana, I love ribs and thanks for the recipe to make them. I hope you feel better and enjoy the weekend. :)

  10. Going to try these soon. thanks for the recipe.

  11. Well I am going to copy that recipe - looks wonderful.

    And your grandson is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute dressed up like that! Wonderful!!

  12. I would miss cooking too. I have been looking for a way to cook ribs that would satisfy my rib lover! I am going to try this. Poor piggie. Now that little boy looks well able to entertain himself, but I think Nana will get into his business. She can't help herself. 😂 Get well.

  13. Ribs and mashed potatoes....yum. Looks like you'll have a little help eating all of that when Mr. Cutie Pants arrives.
    xo, T.

  14. Oh those look delicious! Hope you are feeling better soon, so you can enjoy that adorable grandson's visit!

  15. Oh yummy, yum, yum! My guys love ribs. I'm writing this one down. We love anything with a smokey flavor!

    I'm sorry you still aren't over that darn sinus infection. Please don't cut your nose might look a little strange and good luck explaining that to people. Ha! ;)
    Enjoy your time with your grandson, I'm sure he'll keep you on your toes.
    Hugs my friend,

  16. Oh yummy, yum, yum! My guys love ribs. I'm writing this one down. We love anything with a smokey flavor!

    I'm sorry you still aren't over that darn sinus infection. Please don't cut your nose might look a little strange and good luck explaining that to people. Ha! ;)
    Enjoy your time with your grandson, I'm sure he'll keep you on your toes.
    Hugs my friend,

  17. I LOVE that pic of your grandson.............I hope he had enough work packed to keep him busy. Those ribs do look good, but.....I'd eat a couple of forks full and then "yck'. So sorry your hero is not feeling well!!! :-(

  18. Yummy for my tummy! I just copied and pasted the recipe and will be sure to try it soon. We always use Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, too. Love it. Your grandson is such a cutie-pie...have fun! And I hope you get to feeling good real soon. xo Cheryl

  19. Yummy!!! Your grandson is so flippin' cute! He looks like he's busy!!!

  20. Yummy is right! So, if you're on "round two" you didn't do what you were supposed to in "round one" that right????...:)JP

  21. He is ADORABLE!!! So sorry you are still suffering! Hope and pray you get well SOON!

  22. Still! Nuts to that. Hope the second round helps clear things up. Have any Thieves? I swear by that stuff for infections.

    Love BBQ ribs...yummo! My post tomorrow is about cooking for one. You're right! A person has to eat a proper meal eventually. I sure have eaten my share of cereal.

    What a doll that little executive is. Enjoy him. Does he know that he's blog fodder?

  23. Diana, I hope you are feeling better soon so you can enjoy those lip smacking ribs--Yum-O. I'll be guessing the little executive would love eating the ribs along with you. Take care of yourself, Diana. xo ♥

  24. MMMhh! I am soo hungry now, and you certainly made it sound quite easy to whip these ribs up! Enjoy your visit with the sweet grand tonight, I'm sure we will have a giggle or two out of his visit, lol! Hugs to you my friend... glad you are cooking for yourself again :)

  25. Aw! Too bad about the infection. Those are the worst.....The ribs look yum! I love Baby Ray's - the only kind I use. Your little guy looks like he has a promising career in business - how adorable! Have fun together! xx K

  26. I'm loving that pic with the briefcase! Adorable with a capital "A." :) The ribs look delicious too. Yum! Hope you get some good meds in you soon. Enjoy the weekend!

  27. oh YEAH Sweet Baby Ray's is my sauce of choice. LOL that briefcase pic is too cute. Well, Diana, you go running around the country picking up motorcycle parts with your youngin'....hubs tells you to stay home and chill and get better...

    MY theory is you are still a little snot-nosed kid at heart... BLOW that damn sinus infection away dammit ( well take your meds but it is a nice visual / kick it in the a**:)

  28. Sounds wonderful, I'm new to ribs but am now very fond of them.

  29. I sure hope this round makes you feel better! What a yummy recipe! I'm going to make that! That is the cutest little one I declare I wish I could pick him up and hug him! What a doll... Have a great weekend! xoxo Dolly

  30. I didn't mean to forget tell your Hero Hello for me!

  31. Get Well Soon my friend.
    I am copying this recipe. My boys will go HOG WILD!
    Oh my, your guest is too cute!!
    Have a great weekend!

  32. Hope you can rest and get over that infection. That is a handsome young visitor. Ya'll have a good time.

  33. Hope you are soon over your sinus yuckies! That's no fun...ain't nobody got time for that! Your grandson is too cute...looks like he is all business..."outta my way, I got work to do!". Your ribs look's hard to cook for one...I find it difficult to eat in front of my husband who is on a juice and soup regime right now. Have a lovely weekend...xoxo

  34. Oh, the little piggy is so cute and I almost feel bad eating him, but I am trying these ribs! Just showed my husband the recipe and he says go for it!

  35. So ironic you posted this recipe because today I am making ribs. Going to try your recipe. I have the BBQ sauce already! Thanks for visiting today. It was great to see you.Hope you feel better with your sinus infection.

  36. I vote for the baking powder biscuits!!! What ! no vote here??? Geez
    Hope you are feeling fit as a fiddle soon..What ever that means...

  37. Hi Diana, this looks and sounds like the best rib recipe. Perfect comfy food for the fall season!! Thank you for sharing!!
    Your little Grand visitor is too cute!! I'm sure you will have fun entertaining him or he you!!
    Get well wishes on the sinus infection. Prayers for healing!
    Have a good weekend! xoxo

  38. I a, setting here wanting some ribs, yum yum yum. The looks so good and I sure wish I had some right now. Thanks so much for the recipe.

    I am wanting comfort food now that Fall is here, although out temps have been in the hundreds. We are going to get rain and I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself.

    Take care of yourself and get rid of that infection. Go to a specialists and hope he can get it cured.

    Take care my friend.


  39. I do love good ribs. Hope you're feeling better real soon, as you know, not great to be on those antibiotics either. Right now the mold in the leaves is making my allergies flare. Hopefully won't blow into a sinus infection. Bleh.

    Take care, friend. Glad Your Hero is doing well and cancer free - Amen!

  40. oh no,,, a sinus infection,,, thats not good at all, I hope it soon leaves you,, that little fella is such a sweetie,, he wears a suit so well,,,I wish with all my heart your hubby could eat those Delicious ribs,,

  41. Hi Diana,
    That recipe looks amaze-balls! I am so going to make your recipe now that the weather is finally cooling down here...and I have never thought to put foil between the layers - smart!
    I have missed reading your posts...this move has had me in a bit of a I haven't been on the computer at night much! Your posts always make me laugh!
    I sure hope that you are feeling a bit better today and that these antibiotics are working!
    Happy Weekend friend! Hugs, Kimberley

  42. Oh my, delicious do your ribs look Diana! I cannot wait to try your recipe! I so hope your husband is getting stronger. J=I know the visit from your grandson will be a fun time! Have a great weekend and sending hugs from Texas!

  43. Every time I see that man-child's photo, I want to eat him with a spoon! He is SO AAAdorable, Diana! Boost your immune system...Maine Medicinals and elderberry helps. Be well soon.

  44. that has to be one of the best lookin' little fellas I've ever seen...and he looks like he has an important job to get done...
    Sorry you are sick...Mr. Sweet got a flu shot on Fri and woke up Sat morning with a terrible cold...*heavy sigh....I am trying to stay away from him but...
    Those ribs sure look good...hope you feel better soon...seems like last yr you had the same sorry

  45. So sorry that you haven't been feeling well. Hopefully, those meds will do the trick! The ribs look good. I'll have to share this recipe with my husband. He's our meat cooker!

  46. Hi Diana! Oh, I certainly hope you're feeling better by now! Your ribs look so good and thank you for the recipe. Your little man is so handsome and I'm sure y'all had a great time. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  47. Yes, I would miss cooking as well. I'm sure it's hard, but I sure hope he is doing okay!! Your ribs sound delish! One of my favorites. I use to cook them similar, but now hubs has a treagger smoker he has take over rib duty. lol! Little man is too cute! He's sure to go places in this big ol world!


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