
Tuesday, October 18, 2016


For the first time in 
I got on a school bus to go anywhere to a
I sat next to a 'bouncer'
who was too excited to contain himself.
He jabbered a mile a minute,
had a 'touch/push' match 
with the little guy across the aisle,
and kept peeking out the window to see 
'are we there yet'---
He couldn't really see out of the front window-
but I could see him in the bus mirror.
Once we got there it was SO much fun-
There was a big corn maze,
a smaller maze and a hut made out of 
hay bales complete with windows.
There was a 'train' made out of 50 gallon drums,
and various buildings to visit
including a child friendly 'haunted barn'.
The highlight was a ride through the corn fields
with various characters 'stalking' us.
(little pun there-did ya get it? 
Corn field/stalking-never mind)

CJK wanted to sit way in the back of the wagon.
Of course he did.
What you can't see hear is the scream 
coming out of his mouth.
I am so glad he picked our spot 
on the wagon
because we had a 
to the ghouls and goblins that chased us.
Some on foot-
Getting closer by the minute -
Some of them actually 
Which caused someone to DIVE 
to the bottom of the wagon-
Peeking up--
Gathering his courage to sit up again-
Only to see this chasing us.
He said- That's not scary, Nana!
There's a BABY on there!
 We rounded the morning out 
by picking a pumpkin
(you had to be able to carry it yourself)
and hugging a shy friend...
All well and good
BUTT remember---
What happens at
Have a good day-
I'll be picking the straw out of my hair!


  1. Diana, Bet you loved that bus ride. LOL... I thought some of those chasing monsters looked too scary for little ones. Boys will be boys won't they in that last picture. :):) I know CJK enjoyed it. Blessings, love, xoxo, Susie

  2. I am sitting here laughing at all the fun you guys had. What an adventure! Good thing you were along to "protect" him from those monsters. (Especially the baby in the jeep.) Thanks for sharing with us. Let me know when you get all the straw out of your hair.

  3. Diana... great job capturing the excitement of the day. Brings back memories. Love the pics.

  4. Yay! How fun! Pumpkin buns - hilarious!

  5. HaHa! The butt is too funny! Speaking of funny....I bet you laughed at CJK the whole hay ride, didn't you? I'm guessing next time, he'll want to sit in the front.

  6. That looks like so much fun!!!! Doesn't feel like fall here in Missouri. It's HOT. We need some rain and I personally would like it to cool off just a bit. And yes, I get the "stalking." Fall is my FAVORITE time of year. Prayers for you and yours today sweet friend. Blessings from Missouri!

  7. Sounds like you had a great day! It's always a great day when spent with grandchildren. I use to go with mine when they were in elementary and middle school. They do grow up so enjoy every moment you can.

  8. This just made my day Diana! So, so cute! A pumpkin patch is THE most fun time in fall! Darling!!!

  9. I taught kindergarten, first grade and preschool for a lot of years. I am very familiar with the bumpy bus, the peeking and poking matches and the never-ending bits of straw! When I attended these trips with my own kids, I was young and blinded by young mommy love. When I attended as a teacher, I was getting paid! ;-) You are a good grandma to go...very, very good!

  10. Sooooo cute!!!! Your grandson is just adorable, I just want to pick him up and squish him!!!

  11. What a fun day, Diana! We went a few weeks ago with a couple of our grandkids...lots of memory making! Cute photos!

  12. Love going to the pumpkin patch. We took Maxton and Mabel last week. Such cute pictures of your little guy.
    BUT I must say those scary people shouldn't be around little people. With all the talk about the other people( won't say the name) why is this okay. Just saying.

  13. You were a chaperon for a field trip to the pumpkin patch - oh how i remember and loved those days. It looked like soooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. I remember the bounces too!

  14. What a great day! Pumpkin patches are so much fun. Our son and daughter in law took our two youngest grandsons (22 months and 3 years) to what she described on facebook as "two disastrous pumpkin patches" on Sunday! There's a funny story behind that comment that I will have to find out about!

  15. At least it was a special day in your life to always remember and treasure.

  16. What a brave lady!! What a wonderful (tiring) day you had! Memories for both of you!!
    Did you get a pumpkin too?? Cuteness overload.....

  17. CUTE!!!! He is such a doll - what a fun fun trip to the Pumpkin Farm! I posted about one yesterday too - but it was just family pics, they didn't share any of the actual place - maybe next year when baby is older there will be more to share. And maybe I will be invited to go too, haha.

    Loved the pumpkin tushie, what a cute idea, haha.


  18. I miss the pumpkin patch days! What a fun day you had. I was just discussing haunted hayrides with our youngest last night- he remembered those and loves to be scared but then he asked me if we ever carved pumpkins when he was little. What??? Of course we did. Goober. Now I have to produce proof in pictures packed waaaaay back in my sewing room corner behind shelves. I'm not that intent on proof. :)
    xoxo, T.

  19. Oh my goodness! What a fun time! I am surprised at how scary that was. He was sure a brave guy! Looks like tons of fun - except for the bus! haha

  20. Sounds like your having a terrific time with the little guy. He is so darn cute. The pumpkin patch sound like so much fun. I went on one about 12 years ago and love every minute. We got lost in the maze LOL.

    So glad that you are having fun.

    Hugs dear friend.


  21. Oh, how fun! There's nothing more satisfying than going to the pumpkin patch with the children we love. I used to go all the time when the kids were in school, as the parent helper. And do you know to this day, I still love to go with my grown kids. CJK looks like he's having the time of his life! And that's nice of him to take to his shy classmate and give him a hug. There's just something about the pumpkin patch that puts a smile on grown ups and adults alike. :)

    love, ~Sheri

    by the way, the Header you showed me for your etsy shop......YEP, THAT'S THE ONE, IT'S JUST RIGHT!

  22. Now I wonder whose idea it was to stick those pumpkins in the straw man's backside. Hmmm...
    You can sure tell that CJK had a barrel of fun and I bet you did too, Diana. There's nothing like spending time with your grands to bring joy to your day.

  23. Aw, I want to go to a pumpkin patch now!!! That looks like so much fun.

  24. That is a scary place but looks like fun.

  25. How much fun! You're the best Nana on the planet, I tell ya! This time of year when the hay is brought in almost kills me! At least this year Shelley is riding at college, 85 miles away, HAHA!

  26. I just love pumpkins! That looks like a lot of fun. What a brave little guy. I think I might have been terrified if some of those guys were running after me at that age. Did you get to help with the carving? I loved doing jack o'lanterns with my kids, but it seemed that I did most of the scooping out! -Jenn

  27. So sweet! I just knew you were Grandma of the year too! Looks like fun. I promised my grandchildren to go pumpkin the nice weather has to last!

  28. Such a cutie!! I know he had a blast! I used to love taking the grands to a pumpkin patch. Seemed like it took days for them to choose the perfect pumpkin! :)


  29. going with kids is always fun! You can be silly and they accept it.

  30. Oh boy how fun! I'n snickering through it all just knowing how he must have been squealing! That last picture is a hoot!!

  31. WOW Diana this was so much fun. I felt like I was right there joining you with your cute grandson. That last pic is a treasure. Such great times making memories. Love it. xo

  32. What a fun time for all of you, Diana. I must admit some of the characters would have scared me! Your grand is such a cutie pie. I'm sure he'll remember the fun with his Nana. xo ♥

  33. haha, too cute! I'm a little jealous, I think. It looks like it was so much fun. Memories made to treasure forever!

  34. Oh, this looked like such a fun time !! Perfect photos so we could feel like we were right there with you guys! I think he was smart to dive to the floor...those were scary monsters...


  35. That sounds like a lot of fun and a great chance to bond with the little one.

  36. Oh,I love it. What a fun memory for your little man.
    Do all your little guys and girls plan to dress up for Halloween?

  37. I haven't been to a real pumpkin patch in years

  38. Sounds like a fun day! Glad you all survived! :)

  39. Such fun memories for your little grand, Diana! I would be scared of that ghoul, too! :0

  40. Sounds like a fun outing, except for the screaming bits. I'm not a fan of any sort of scary stuff. Ironic since I spent years going to haunted houses as a kid and watched all those horror movies so popular at the time.

  41. Looks like you had a great time. He is so adorable! xxx Maria

  42. Now how fun was that! Oh boy did you bring back memories of the bouncy buses!!

  43. Your description of your bus ride to the pumpkin patch reminds me of past field trips with lots of bouncy little kids. The scary characters seemed a little too scary for young kids. Your grandson will hopefully remember the day his Nana went with him to the pumpkin patch and tell the story to his kids someday.

  44. Oh my gosh how adorable is he??? This brings back youngest is only 12 but it seems like eons ago that I went on one of these trips. We usually had apple picking, too! So glad you got to go and have such a fun time! Great pics! xokathleen

  45. Kids just love the pumpkin patch, don't they! We have a great one over here too, just south of Rice Lake. And our little grandson went to one in Wausau, bringing a teeny weeny pumpkin to our house last weekend. They brought a bigger one for him to carve, but evidently they also had the rule of taking one they could carry. So glad you didn't get caught and mauled by the goblins and ghosts and creepy guys that do that for a job. LOL xoxo

  46. What a fun day at the pumpkin patch.

  47. What a great time for kids and you as well!!Love fall..It's the best!!

  48. I had to look again for the baby. Too funny. Now that's a fun memory maker.

  49. Hilarious Diana! What a great field trip with CJK. Too cute. This post made me smile as I read it. So much fun with that little guy.

  50. silly me... there i was thinking he'd be having bad dreams!
    and HE was smart enough to see the baby getting a ride with the ghoul! LOLOL! xo

  51. Oh what fun is to be had at the pumpkin patch with a grand!!!! A happy day, I'm sure! Bless you for going! Cindy xo

  52. Looks like a FUN time with your precious little one! Love the scarecrow BUTT :)

  53. Oh, sounds like so much fun!!! I love all the fun things to do this time of year. Looks like your little one had a blast and I love the idea that they have to be able to carry their pumpkin. I could have used that rule when mine were little. :)

  54. Absolutely ADORABLE, every stinkin' bit of it...xoxo

  55. No butts about it, that was a hilarious post!!! You always make me giggle and smile Diana, I love you so :) Your handsome little guy was such a charmer, and how much fun it is to have made the memories, and pick straw out of your hair later :) Have a blessed day my friend, I think giggles and laughs follow you wherever you go!

  56. We used to have a great place to go that had pumpkins and hay rides and cider and donuts and a cute gift shop.. but they retired and closed! they had gotten a little expensive. but it was a fun place for the kids to go.
    There are others.. but just not as close. however, there are pumpkins everywhere out here! lol!
    Looks like you and the little guy had a fun day. you took great pictures!
    have a great weekend my friend!

  57. What an amazing day and adventure!!!!

  58. I'd be ducking too since they looked pretty scary! So I'd be ducking down right along. Sound like everyone had a nice time!

  59. What a great day! There is nothing like a hay ride and picking out a pumpkin for Halloween! I can only imagine being chased by ghouls; what an adventure! It looks like a great time was had by all!

  60. Such a fabulously FUN day! I'm not a fan of fright and wasn't crazy about being chased but the babe and monster driving the UTV -utility terrain vehicle- gave me a chuckle. Better the babe than me though.
    Just sayin'.


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