
Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Good Morning!
I don't have much time to write
because I have to be somewhere soon
but I wanted to get this out there
this morning.

My sweet daughter-in-love's mom, Pat,
is having some serious surgery
very early tomorrow morning.

She is the OTHER NANA
in this little guy's life.

Pat is the 
She is the mom that, if you were a kid,
you wanted to be your mom.
She was a stay-at-home mom
that crafted, sewed, cleaned, cooked
and loved her family.

The proof of what a good mom she has been
is evidenced in my sweet dil.

Tomorrow morning she is having
surgery to 
from the 

I can't think of anything that is 
than that,  can you?

She is a very private person so I know
it will be hard for her to even 
ask for prayer.
I have a big mouth so
I am doing it for her.

Please pray for her,
for her husband,
her 3 daughters,
and her grandkids.

Pat needs to be well and home
sewing, crafting, and cooking.
I say:
Play it for all it's worth and 
 let the old boy do ALL the cleaning.

Please, if you pray, send up a prayer for her.
If you are not a pray-er send up good wishes
for a successful surgery and fast recovery.

Love you, Pat!


  1. Diana, just saw this and prayed right away. I will share this at Bible study tonight and we will all be praying for Pat. Please let us know how she is. I am sure she is in God's hands and that's the safest place she can be.

  2. So sorry to hear this, Diana. My thoughts and prayers will be with her for a successful surgery and quick recovery. Hugs for all of you, Maria

  3. I will pray for her and her team of doctors as well.

  4. My dear Diana, thank you for asking us to pray for this precious lady. Please know that I will indeed be praying!

    Love and hugs to you!

  5. If it makes you feel any better my husband works with neurosurgeons and they are the *best* I will pray for discernment and wisdom for the surgical team. Keep us posted and (((((hugs)))))

  6. Praying for her and for the doctors caring for her.

  7. We will all pray for all the best in her situation and that she fully recovers and does all the things God has put in her heart to do! Keep us posted!I still appreciate when I asked you to get the word out for our lost grandson and you will never know how much it meant to us and how we all know God hears and answeres our prayers XO
    Love, Roxy

  8. my thoughts and prayers are with her and you all.

  9. Prayers for Pat. You know that the power of prayer works so I hope it this will help. CK needs both his Nana's. So sending up extra special prayers for Pat and your extended family Diana.

  10. Diana, I am praying for Pat. Please keep us posted. We all need each other in these tough times. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  11. There are miracles in prayer ---- my daughter survived brain cancer surgery 10 years ago ---- and still living a productive life!!!

  12. Of course...a prayer for safe surgery and healing. May the lord watch over them all.

  13. I hope all goes well for Pat♥ Sending my prayers and love♥

  14. I love to pray Diana it gives such a connection to Him! Praying for a successful procedure and recovery! Bless you too Diana!

  15. I'm praying for her! She sounds like a wonderful mom! Please keep us posted!
    Hugs, Amy

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sending love and prayers to all. xo, T.

  18. Sending prayers, of course. xoxo

  19. Good Morning Diana, You know she will be added to my prayers list. I know how scary it can be for the family especially those little ones that know way lot more then we realize at times. Prayers and hugs for Pat and hugs for those little ones that need a grandma hug. Hugs and Prayers to you from you Missouri Friend Shirley

  20. Prayers for her, her family and the team performing the surgery.

  21. Praying for this special lady and her family! Love and hugs!

  22. Praying for the other dear Nana, she sounds like such a wonderful woman. xx

  23. Oh my! I am so sorry to hear this! Praying for a successful surgery and recovery! Praying for comfort and strength for her family. My God hold them all in his loving arms!

  24. I love the spirit of this post. The fact that you're asking for prayers for your son's mother-in-law is wonderful and inspiring. So much of what we see on TV and in movies could be exemplified by the mothers of a couple hating one another, you know? So sad, and yet it's easy these days to think that this kind of attitude is common. The fact that you love Pat and are asking for prayers for her just blesses my heart.

    So we pray that God's friends the doctors will be able to remove this tumor and that Pat will be blessed with a complete recovery. Please, God, we ask for this.

  25. I am praying for Pat and the family. xoxo

  26. You got it girl. Wouldn't we have loved having a mom like Pat! Praying for the surgeon's hands, the nursing staff and miraculous healing for Pat. You are so blessed with such a wonderful family. Lifting your man up too.
    Love you girl.

  27. I will certainly pray for Pat - that is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry.

  28. Of course, Pat will be in my prayers. Just so you know, one of my elder girlfriend's sons had a tumor removed from his brain a couple weeks ago. He is fine !!! He was driving within a week. Never give up hope, never. And, tell her this Texan is sending her a big hug too.

  29. Prayers to all, praying for recovery. Blessing to you all.

  30. Of course I will pray for Pat- keep us posted on how she is.


  31. I will be praying for Pat. I'm glad you shared the request. We have to lift each other up!

  32. Was gonna say I will pray, but heck...why wait!!
    Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you be present with Pat and her precious family tomorrow as she faces a very difficult surgery. Father God, I ask that you be the eyes and hands of the medical team, doctors and nurses, caring for her. Father give her peace, as you did myself in the simple verse, Matthew 28:20 "I am with you always". Father God, calm the fear and hearts of her loved ones as they wait during the procedure. God, you are a miracle worker and healer.
    In Your Name We Pray, Amen!

  33. Amen to Simply LKJ's prayer. That blessed me and I know that Pat will be blessed as well.

  34. Said a prayer and then said LKJ's prayer. Wishing your DIL's mom the very best and a full recovery. Patty Mc

  35. Oh so scary but praying for the Lord to guide the surgeon's hands and surround her family with calm and faith as they wait through the surgery!

  36. Yes to praying and prayer works because God hears the prayers of His righteous people.

  37. Prayers for Pat that all goes well with the surgery and she is back home doing what she loves. God Bless the hands of the surgeon.
    Sending good wishes along with my prayers to Pat's family too.
    Blessings to you Diana xo

  38. So sorry, Diana. Hope all these prayers send her back home soon so she can be back with her family, where it sounds like she loves to be..Judy

  39. Prayers for Pat and her family. Such a scary thing to go through.

  40. I pray for all, and for her surgeons to do their work wonderfully. My sister-in-law had 3 different surgeries, each removing 2 tumors in her brain, and she is doing well. It was scary to have that many in 5 years.

  41. Already said a prayer for Pat and her family, Diane. May God be with her during her surgery tomorrow.

    love, ~Sheri

  42. Diana, it will be a privilege for me to stop now and pray for Pat, for God's all encompassing love to surround her and her family, and for great wisdom for her doctor and nursing staff.

  43. Brain surgery is definitely a scary thing but there's so much knowledge and sophistication in treatment these days. I will hold her in prayer for an easy surgery and recovery...for the medical team and their skills...and for her family and loved ones. Please let us know how she progresses.


  44. Sending prayers for Pat and all of the family! Prayers for surgeons and medical staff as well! 💖💖

  45. I prayed for Pat.
    Please update us when you can.

  46. when prayers go up good things come down. Hope all goes well.

  47. Praying for her of course. Could you plaese squeeze in an extra prayer for a friend of mine whose daughter was shot to death by her boyfriend and then he shot himself. It is such a God awful situation. Thanks.

  48. Praying for Pat's surgery and her family. She sounds like a wonderful lady.

  49. Saying a prayer right now for a successful surgery and quick healing!

  50. This is something very close you and I won't hesitate to say a prayer everyday. Hang in there, sweetie.


  51. May's God healing touch Pat's body, may His powerful and gentle hands guide the surgeon's hands, and may her family find comfort and peace in God's presence.

  52. Dear Diana ~ I pray that the surgery will go smoothly, be successful and recovery oh so swift for Pat. May all of you feel the love, peace, strength and healing of Jesus all around you.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  53. Diana, consider it done...hugs... xoxo

  54. I just now saw this post...I hope Pat's surgery was successful! I will pray for her recovery and a positive outcome.

  55. I hope all went well for Pat..(I'm a little late)...they do marvelous things these days with brain surgery..Hopefully the surgery is just the lining and not in to her brain..Still scary..

  56. Praying for her and her family! That is very scary!

  57. Sending up prayers right now (and will continue to do so) for Pat and her entire family. Sending hugs to you all too. xoxo

  58. Praying and hoping that you'll update now that Pat is post surgery.

  59. Thoughts and prayers for everyone.

  60. Sending prayers. How scary! Hope she is okay.

  61. Praying for healing for Nana Pat.


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