
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Road Tripping With My Daughter-Florida, The Carolinas & Graceland!

After we dumped the rest of the family
off at the airport
My daughter and I started driving home.
Here she is at the onset.
She is the SELFIE QUEEN!
Remember how she looks here.
It is important later on in the blog.
Speaking of QUEENS....
We took a little U-Turn
from the Orlando airport.
and drove south about 3-1/2 hours to
Cape Coral, FL
 We went to see my good friend
Queen Margaret...Queen of  Crazy...
(which is why I love her)
She is starting a whole new life and is 
the happiest I have ever seen her.
Thanks for lunch, Your Royal Highness. 

From there we headed North.

We made a swing to the ocean and drove
A1A from Daytona to the top of Florida.
Then headed to the North Carolina shore.
We visited our dear friends,
Carol & Dr.Allen.
Allen had brain surgery a few weeks ago.
He has a cancerous brain tumor
and has had radiation and is on chemo
so please pray for him and his wife.

He is one of the most brilliant men 
I have even known.
We used to play a game called
Let's just say whatever we mentioned
he knew something about it.
The man is a walking encyclopedia.
Love you guys!
After we left there we headed almost directly West.
My daughter said that 
needs to see GRACELAND at least once.
Being as I am an American I figured I had to go.
My daughter told me I could not go 
looking the way I did.
She insisted I not straighten my hair.
My hair curls when I let it.... ya go....
I'm thinking curls are a bit much on an old lady..
but there you have it.
Graceland-Home of Elvis Presley-
It was a chilly day but the people 
around us were warm and friendly-
all coming to pay tribute to a man they loved.
We saw a couple of  old fat shoe-polish black hair Elvis "clones"
and that was interesting.
It was much like you would expect inside.
Lots of glitz and glamour.
Smoked mirrors were all the rage in
the 60's & 70's.
We did not see the chapel.
 I would have liked to see that...
Elvis would be 80 today.
I can't imagine an OLD ELVIS, can you?
I think we remember him at his best-
young and handsome.
We had one little scare when we 
stopped at a hotel---
my daughter getting out of the car
"Mom, Why is that man 
Ummm...Could be because he is a
I thought I would wet my pants laughing---
but I didn't-thanks for asking.

Leaving Graceland we beat
a path home.
We were missing the family.

Now I'm not saying I am a boring conversationalist
but I was talking and looked over at my daughter
to see this.....
So--if you are looking for a traveling companion
and want to sleep the whole way-
call me-
I'll talk and drive and you can

So-now that I have bored you silly
with all our mis-adventures I
will change it up tomorrow.
Pinky promise!


  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Graceland sometime- but Dan is a poop about the idea so I'm not sure I'll make it there. I'm the one who fals asleep and Dan is the designated driver so it wouldn't be hard to capture a picture of me like your daughter! I think it's pretty neat that you had a road trip together. It's a rare thing once everyone has their own lives to live. Your hair is gorgeous! I always wanted curls and used to get perms to try to achieve it! You are not an old lady so stop! Hugs, Liz

  2. Love road trips! And....I love those curls!!

  3. Aww thanks for sharing your trip and photos from your wonderful trip with your family. I totally enjoyed it and looks like it was a lot of fun! I would love to visit Graceland someday. Have a nice day and stay warm. Julie xo

  4. You had LOTS of fun! I love your curls!

  5. Oh girl I have missed you. Thank you for the laughs this morning, I truly needed them. I know you had a great time with your daughter. I will pray for Dr. Allen . Thank you for your prayers for my brother. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  6. We all wish we could pile in the car and go on an adventure with you! It would be SUCH fun!!! And what gorgeous hair you have! WOW! You should not ever straighten's beautiful! Enjoy your day and share as many photos as you like. We love them...and you! Hugs, Diane

  7. Oh .... My .... God !!! Diana girl I almost wet my "pants" laughing through this (thankfully I didn't ..sigh).. my garden PA (hubby) laughed at the strike out parts too !
    ... and this is early morning, well ... sort of. I don't usually go near the key board until my brain is almost working .. dangerous territory !
    Loved the pictures .. I am not an Elvis fan but I think he would have appreciated your interest and "curls" girl ! LOL
    I think your road trip was perfect : ) ... and I so hope your friends have good news with the treatment. It is always so extraordinary to be friends with someone who is so packed full of knowledge !
    Yes .. Barry is channeling through me with the plants .... we are so past the knee deep in snow here I feel like that painting "The Scream" every morning when I look out and there is more ... BIG sigh ! Part of being Canadian ? haha
    Take care girl !
    Joy ... up north .... screaming !!!

  8. I love this road trip with your daughter. My daughter would have ended up the same way yours did. Actually, she would have asked about the staring man, too. Now I know I'm gullible, Diana, but is that really a picture of your hair? What beautiful curls! If you had come further north - to Roanoke, VA - we could have met. Maybe on your next road trip....

  9. Good Morning Diana, Your posts of late has brought back many wonderful memories of the trip we have taken. We have been to Graceland and Disney World is something to see no matter what age you are. I thought about your drive home and prayed that you made it home safe. Your family spent five days there and I bet they still didn't manage to see it all. Do they still have the parades at night? I have enjoyed catching up with you. Well I am off to the nursing home to go to hubby's appointment. Take care and Stay Warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley.

  10. Wonder if your daughter is dreaming about the cardboard guy at the hotel? LOL!!! Loved reading about your adventures.

  11. You really have a talent for writing! What fun to take a side trip with your daughter. I've never been to Graceland, so thanks for sharing the photos. Don't feel bad, I used to put my daughter to sleep also when I was driving. LOVE your curls.

  12. FUN times!! I haven't been to Graceland! I would love to go! Elvis,swoon! LOL!!! Somebuddy has to nap! LOL!!!

  13. You are the best with presenting your adventures. Been to Graceland several times. My sister lives in Mississippi and her father -in-law worked for Elvis. I loved to hear him sin How Great Thy Art. In fact, my sister and her husband has the original sign from Elvis gate with fans signatures and Elvis' on it.

  14. Cracked up laughing over the cut out man. Wonder why he was placed there? Kinda creepy! Lol Went to visit Graceland when Elvis was alive and could not take a tour inside. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Oh I seen Grace land on T.V with his wife of 2 hours showing all. Well not the bedroom. They did show the very small kitchen was so small for the size of the place. I mean Elvis did not have to cook. He loved hamburgers. Thank you very much. Oh Elvis. Hmmmm. He was a hunk, hunk back then. My family said Disny has changed since we took them. All the different things you mentioned.
    Wow what a thing like L.V said her sister got the first sign on Elvis's gate with signatures. I sat on the Ronnie Hawkins known as the Hawk when I was 13. A whole big story about that.. Then I met him 20 years ago in the city. And he remembered me. Met him back stage.
    Oh I love your curls also. You have some thick hair. Your daughter her girls look like her. Oh was nice you could visit your friends as well. Will do pray for the Dr. That cut man was a hoot. Bit scary. Glad you feeling much better. Missed you. Like all your other fans.

  16. Love, love seeing your fun trip! I've been through Memphis many times and have never been to Graceland. I need to remedy that.

    A road trip with a daughter. Now that sounds like an interesting one ... and fun, of course. :)

    Your hair looks lovely!

  17. Hahaha! You CRACK me up!!! What fun you two had!

    AND YOUR HAIR IS PERFECTLY GORGEOUS! Don't straighten it again! Mm-mm, beautiful!


  18. yes, your hair is perfectly gorgeous. you know there are millions of women, who wish they were born with a head of thick, softly curly hair! you are, and you scorn it. -moan, groan, sigh, whimper, pout-

    fun times. with your "talkative-when-in-car" daughter. me too... get in a car for a few minutes and I start yawning and having a hard time, staying awake. ,-)


  19. Haha... Love the curls and I would make a wonderful driving companion. (Just like your daughter)

  20. ELVIS !!!! OMGosh I remeber the first time I went to Graceland, I was in ahhhhhhh and so was my younger sister. I touched the steps as we went up them ,because Elvis's feet walked on the same steps I was walking on LOL

    I would love to be in Florida now
    Also your hair is a gorgeous blond

  21. Looks like you two took a lot of detours..Good that you got to visit all those people..You never know....Elvis needed a decorator..Could be a pretty home..I can only imagine what fun it would be to be imprisoned in a car for a day with you..What a Hoot!!! Glad you got home safe and sound..

  22. I bet road trips with you are hilarious! Love the last pic! Hope you didn't get in trouble for that. ;) So neat that you got to see Graceland. Love Elvis!

  23. My husband has always said that if we ever come to the US, the one thing he would really want to see is Graceland!
    All though Elvis was a great singer, I've never been a blood fan. But still remember (I was about eight or nine) the day he died, because one of my classmates (HE was nine, and a blood fan) came to late to school that day, he tore the door to the classroom open and shouted crying: the king is dead! At that time, I'm not quite sure if I knew much about Elvis, but our teacher (to comfort the kid, and honor "the king") used the rest of the lesson to talk about Elvis and his merits.

  24. Never been to Graceland or Disney World. Sounds like a great trip. Have been to Disneyland for only a could one possibly see everything???? Was going through my old 45's....have a LOT of Elvis records, was surprised....yeah, I was an Elvis fan, gosh I sure did like his front room and those Peacock stained glass windows...gorgeous!!! Have a good one.

  25. She is going to kill you! =D

    I doubt that you can expect any more road trips. Hahahahahaha...

  26. I love it~ there's nothing like a road trip and when it's just the girls it's so much fun! Never been to Graceland, but anywhere without snow is looking awesome to me right now!

  27. It is such a joy to travel with you, Diana! Thanks for the ride, sleepy or not! Blessings

  28. Haha!!! You may be in big trouble now.

  29. Diana,
    Oh, it would be so fun to visit Graceland. I've always thought that my son looked a bit like the young Elvis. Wow, the house must have been interesting to browse through.

    By the way, I think your curls look so elegant and pretty. I have naturally curly hair, so I can totally relate to curls. So glad you had a nice trip with your daughter. It's just what we need now and then.

    love, ~Sheri

  30. Oh, that is too funny - people fall asleep when I talk all the time - don't feel bad :( I am loving your beautiful curls and thinking you need to keep them that way. Saying a prayer for your dear friend. Always wanted to see Graceland but know I never will so thanks for sharing that. He sure was cute - so glad we don't get to see him at 80 -I've seen enough old movie stars and rock stars lately and it ain't pretty. Glad they can't see me! ha ha! So nice that you got to spend time with your beautiful daughter, even if she is a bit paranoid. Lol! Hugs xo Karen

  31. What fun! Me too, I can only think of him as that young, handsome fella! I love your curls!

  32. Hi,
    Your hair is beautiful!
    I have natural curly hair too. In the summer humidity, I can get ringlets real easy. :-))

    Your trip sounds like a lot of fun.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. Sounds like a great mother-daughter adventure. I like the curls!

  34. Your daughter is going to strangle you for that last photo! Otherwise, it seems you girls had a fun "road trip." Linda@ Wetcreek Blog

  35. Nobody likes to remember Elvis' later days

  36. Hi Diana, what a fun trip for you two girls. I would love to visit Graceland some time. You hair is gorgeous in curls. Thanks for sharing your fun~~ Loved it and now I'm feeling a bit sleepy! LOL
    Love you, CM

  37. If I could pick someone to travel with ~ it would have to be you and your daughter. How fun, fun, fun.

  38. You are so funny. I will pray for your friend and his wife.

    I've been to Graceland. I really enjoyed it.

    I'd rather remember a young Elvis, too. Loved his music.

  39. what a great road trip--tfs, diana! you are never too old for curls when they look like yours:)

  40. Diana, what a great trip, but, I have to tell you. If I had hair like that I would never change it. How beautiful you look. Of course from the back can we really tell for sure!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  41. LOL That must have been some road trip. Glad that you got to see some friends on your way home. I would be asleep also. Just the plane, train , car or bus moving and I am taking a nap. So I am alot of fun also. But,, if I am driving I'm okay. Sounds like it was a fun trip. So glad that you went. You need some R & R after that long illness.
    Take care my dear friend.

  42. Your daughter and I are two kindred spirits! I sleep and everyone else drives! Too funny! Your road trip looks like so much fun too! I know you enjoyed seeing friends along the way! You have inspired me to go visit Graceland- I'm with you I love the young Elvis. He was quite an entertainer. I will also add Dr. Allen to my prayer list; I'm so sorry he has cancer. You had better rest- that was some adventure!

  43. Too funny about the cardboard cut out, Diana! You two had quite the adventure, sounds like you had alot of fun. So much fun, you put your own daughter to sleep..............!

  44. LOL! Nothing like a good old road trip! And no, I can't picture and old Elvis.

  45. A great trip, Diana! We've been to Graceland. Elvis is a favorite of The Husband. Great that you were able to have this trip with your daughter! xo Nellie

  46. Have a wonderful time! You sound like you are on a mega road trip. Personally, I would rather sleep on a road trip too. But then again, I am too nosy and might miss something lol.

  47. OMG it is so good to hear from you! What a fun road trip and it looks like you had a super fun traveling companion.....When she was awake lol! Your sound like you are feeling a ton better. Oh my all of your gorgeous hair....Lucky girl!


  48. Look at those curls, Diana! They are quite beautiful. But I do know what you mean about curly hair. I've spent a lot of my life trying to tame mine! You really know how to pack a lot into a trip! What an adventure! You'll need a break just to rest up from the vacation! Lol

  49. You couldn't be boring if you tried, Diana! I've never been to Graceland - would love to get there someday. And two are not an old lady ('cuz if you are, then so am I and I don't want to be just yet) and those curls are gorgeous!!!

  50. Such a cute post with you and your girl!!! Memories to cherish forever!! And I will be praying for your friends take care! So glad you all were able to hit the road!!! Nicole xo

  51. Oh my, what a great time you must have had!! And, I agree there could never be an old Elvis!! Lol

    Glad you made it home okay..even with a sleepy

  52. hahhaa...sounds like ya'll had a great glad.
    Also glad you went to Graceland...we went about 20 yrs ago and loved every minute of it.

  53. How fun!! Your daughter is adorable, awake or asleep. :) My daughter always sleeps ~ I really can't unless I'm just totally exhausted. I'll keep Dr. Allen and his wife in my prayers. Just seems that the Big C is affecting wayyyyy too many people these days. Glad you went to Graceland! Didn't you love the decor and the old TV's, etc? Great reminders though ~ :) You know, Elvis could not be alone. He was here in Ft. Worth in the 70's and a friend of ours had a cousin that played with Elvis. We were invited to the hotel after the show....a crowd of people and it seems the gathering went on most of the night. Such an incredible talent, extremely good looking, gave so much and yet he had angst in his life too.

    I've missed you!

  54. Diana,
    Your adventure with your daughter took you to many places, I imagine your time spent together was priceless. I am sorry your friend Allen is going through Cancer treatment and I will include his wife Carol and he in prayers. Cancer is touching our inner circle of friendship too. It's so hard when you love and care so deeply and see what they endure.

  55. I remember one time on a trip at the Oregon coast we had stopped along a road and my husband made a comment about the man on the balcony looking out at the ocean. I looked up and after a few minutes realized he was not moving at all. Turns out it was a tromp l'oeil painting on the side of the building! It looked so real!!! How long had you kept chatting before realizing she was out????

  56. Wow sure know how to get around and get as much out of a trip that you can. You wore your daughter out! (grin)

  57. We saw Graceland about 12 years ago and stayed at the hotel. The hotel was the best part as it was more glitzy than Graceland was. Glad you got home safe and sound...and your daughter well rested.

  58. I'm so glad you got to go to Graceland, Diana! We were just there in December. I even did a post about it, along with our road trip travels. It was really fun to see it all decked out for Christmas!

  59. Sounds like quite an adventure! My aunt used to live in Cape Coral and I've been there several times. Nice town! Never made it to Graceland - it sure looks fancy! I think that your hair curly is beautiful! Hope you're adjusting to being back in the cold winter part of the country! Hugs, Leena

  60. For someone who only gets out to garage sales once a week..if lucky or to visit the kids...I have a great time. I didn't fall asleep didn't hear me..cuz you were talking, but I was talking back at you...I was! Yeah..why didn't we see the chapel??? When we lived in Florida, Pat was stationed at NAS, I used to love the way they signed off at midnight each night on TV..I miss the South!

  61. You are never too old for curls!!! Beautiful. Prayers for your dear friend Diana. I have to admit, I fall asleep on my hubby when he's talking.....My eyes are open and I can even nod, but I really am not there....especially when he starts talking about his beer brewing hobby. Although I sometimes don't mind a sip or two of the finished results.

  62. Haha, I do that to Dan. We're you in Memphis? Isn't that where Graceland is?

  63. This is as close to Graceland as I will probably ever get. Wow! Your hair is so pretty Diana. I think curls would be easier than straightening. And I can't imagine YOU worrying about what age WHAT is appropriate. If you've got it, flaunt it! So sweet that you and your daughter got to spend so much time together. FYI... I wasn't bored at all :)

  64. Your hair looks beautiful, Diana!! What a great post! So glad you and your girl had a nice trip together.
    Love you.


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