
Thursday, February 19, 2015

My New "JOB"-

Yes- It's true.
I am no longer housebound.
I have escaped into the real world.
However, I only escaped about a two mile distance.

I am the newest volunteer at the new VA center
in our area.
I get the early hours- I start at 6am.

It is a beautiful facility....even in winter.
As you can see-
It is a large facility and busy.
It will be even busier when
they open the cancer center here.
The main entrance is beautiful.
I help check people in and tell them where to go.
MyHero says I am very good at 
telling people where to go.
I have been practicing on him 
for several years now.

So far, I have been lucky to work 
with a bunch of great volunteers.
Most of the volunteers are connected to the service
in some way-either having served or having someone
in their family that has served
in the Army, Navy, Marines or Reserves.

The volunteers are a bunch of jokesters.
I should fit right in,
don't you think?

As I watched the men and women come in for
treatment I felt truly humbled to be able to 
serve them on some level.
Because of them I am free to do what I do.
I hope to bring a bit of joy to those 
that need a smile.
If I can do that then I will know that
I have done my little part 
to support our veterans.

I am working on Tuesdays & Thursdays
so I might be a bit scarce on those days.
I feel blessed to be able to do this...
truly blessed.

It is terribly cold here today.
High of zero -not counting wind chill-
and the wind!!!!
Oh! The wind!
I'm not saying it is windy here but
I will tell you that when this 
squirrel came down the tree his
tail was sticking straight out behind him.
Hmmmm....almost makes you
wish you had a tail to cover yourself with,
doesn't it?
---almost being the definitive word there---

I'll be back with something 
FUN tomorrow!
Pinky promise!


  1. Wow congrats on your new job and you will be perfect at it! Good luck!

  2. what a perfect role for such a beautiful soul.

  3. Good for you. My father-in-law volunteered at the VA by his house in Louisiana. They will LOVE you.

  4. I cannot think of anyone better to tell people where to go,lol, good for you! hope you're feeling 100 percent,

  5. Oh Diana you will be the perfect volunteer for this job! You will bring many smiles to many faces with your cute wit and pleasent personality. Thank you for taking care of those who took care of our country and what it stands for.
    XO Barbara

  6. I agree with the other ladies, you will be the perfect person for this job. You are such a kind and warm person and I am sure you will bright everyone's day! Have fun!

  7. Diana... the VA is lucky to get you! I'm sure you will spread sunshine to many!

  8. What a perfect job for you Diana! You have a generous heart and they are lucky to have you!

  9. You will be great at this especially with your sense of humor and compassion. Hugs, Liz

  10. The VA is lucky to have you. Your smiling face and sense of humor will be a lovely addition to the office and a bright spot a veteran's day.

  11. I have no doubt you will bring some joy to their lives! I think it's wonderful how you are giving of yourself and your time.

    That squirrel picture is unbelievable! Hope things warm up for all of us soon!

  12. Good for you! We need good volunteers like you. Of course, today is the day I pick to run errands....yesterday I stayed home and piddled around, today I have to go out. Guess I'll just dress warm and turn the heater on full blast in my car. BTW, I do have a tail, but it is a skinny, little thing that is attached to my it doesn't keep me warm at all. LOL

  13. Bless you Diana~~~I do believe more people are appreciating what our service men and women have done for our country. I know you will be used of God and put smiles on many faces....

  14. You are so giving Diana .....I can't think of a better person to lift someones spirits as they come in to the center for treatment! hugs.....

  15. i know you are perfect for this job Diana! It's so cold here too.....brrrr

  16. I can't think of a single soul that would be more suited for your new job. I know you will be a bright spot in some veterans day!

  17. Good Morning, We have warmed up to a whopping 1 degree right now. You are a perfect fit for your new job You bring sunshine and laughter with you. I know you have brought me chuckles when I needed them most so I am sure you will do it for them. It looks like a great place. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  18. What an awesome job, serving people who risked their lives for our country! Congratulations! You will be great for the job!
    Our squirrels sit with their little feet curled in poor things!

  19. Diana you are an angel and I know everyone you meet and greet at the VA is going to love you and you will make their day just a little bit better.
    So happy you will be there a couple days a week to help and make a difference in these men and women's lives. You will be the bright spot in their day. So proud to call you friend.

  20. You are a remarkable woman. I know you mean a lot to our country's finest. xoxo

  21. I'm so excited for you! That sounds like a wonderful job. I'm sure you'll keep the vets in stitches :)

  22. What a wonderful thing you're doing! I have no doubt that you'll bring LOTS of laughter and joy to everyone you meet. :)

  23. I'm proud of you! I think that will be most rewarding for you and good for the people who are greeted by your cheerful and charming self! Will look forward to hearing some heartwarming stories.

  24. This is wonderful Diana! Giving back is a win for All. You make the PERFECT volunteer with your good humor and you will surely brighten up the place. I am loving your pinky promises and I am sooo glad you are back to getting about and feeling better and enjoying life. Wish your weather could just behave now! Yikes, I feel guilty about the weather here and yet we really need some rain.
    I missed a few posts and have gone back to read about your fabulous vacation. Looks like everyone had a great time! Loved all the picks and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces.Thanks for sharing!!! ; )

  25. To volunteer is admirable - to volunteer at the VA is an outstanding decision of service. Proud of you.

  26. where to begin dear bean! you will make the sunniest volunteer of all. you know how i feel about laughter being the best medicine.
    and you are a past master at it. what does that mean? you're not a master NOW??? how weird. well. you know what i mean!
    i've just been travelling again with you through disney world and florida... and your trip home with the daughter (princess) who sleeps! LOL.
    love those posts. not a bore in sight.
    WOW. you have a ton of beautiful hair. didn't you get the memo? it's supposed to be thin and wispy by now.
    can't believe sweet cheeks is almost as tall as ria!!! ok. writing a post here. going now. love. ♥

  27. You are a blessing to anyone who crosses your path. xoxo

  28. you are a good person.

    and you have to be a beacon of light, to all who cross your path.

    what a perfect place, to volunteer.

    lots of hugs!!!!

  29. Enjoy your new job. It really does sound like a wonderful fit. Stay warm! It's dang cold across the big lake too!

  30. Praying for some warm weather so that you don't have to freeze on your way to your JOB. I was a volunteer reading tutor for 4 th graders for the first 3 years after I retired from teaching. I loved it, the kids seemed to like me, but many of the teachers ( not English/ Language Arts) were not very welcoming or even nice to me. So I quit! You won't have those negative situations, I am sure. Everyone will love you, Diana! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  31. Diana, what a beautiful facility and you will only add to the beauty of it. You are the perfect person to do a job like this and the veterans will appreciate you so much..Happy Thursday..Judy

  32. You are doing a beautiful thing, Diana! Yes, we've had wind here, too! I just haven't bothered to listen to reports of the wind chill. We have just been staying inside. xo Nellie

  33. Oh wow what a huge- fabulous building...
    Hope your day is wonderful..(:)

  34. I think what your doing is wonderful!! Have a great day.


  35. Congrats on your new job. What a blessing to be able to serve our Vets! You're an amazing lady.

  36. What a fabulous place to volunteer! They are lucky to have you! Being a Southerner, I would think no one would venture out in 0° temperatures and everything would be closed! We're having fits here, and it's in the 40's!!! Stay warm and say "Thanks" to all the vets for me!

  37. Good for you
    I know it makes you feel good to help someone in any way

  38. Sounds like we are having the same weather today, Diana!

    Good for you! I'll bet you enjoy yourself, too. I have been really enjoying my part-time job. I look forward to it and the other two women I work with are great. We laugh quite a bit.

  39. How wonderful. Our middle Daughter Julie, does that at a hospital in Hollywood.

  40. Good for you Diana! What a wonderful way to say thanks to the vets.


  41. How wonderful of you to help our vets who really need help. I know you will make them happy and feel appreciated. But please don't over do as you don't want to gt sick again.
    To cold back there for me. I get cold when it's only 60 here LOL. Guess I am a sissy.
    God bless you for all the kindness you give to people.

  42. Congratulations on your new volunteer job!! I know you will be amazing! What an honor to be able to serve these wonderful servicemen and women!


  43. What a wonderful way to give back to our vets. I know that you will put a smile on many a face and in many a heart :)

  44. My father spent the last eight years of his life at the VA hospital here. He got such wonderful care. Thanks so much for being a volunteer. xo Laura

  45. What a sweetie you are, Diana! I just know you will bring some sunshine to some very deserving lives! Best of luck to you, my Dear! xo

  46. I know you will be a great blessing to all the people you come in contact with! Such a great service to those important folks.

  47. What a wonderful thing you are doing volunteering for such a worthy cause. I'm sure you will make a real difference in people's lives. But I hope it warms up a bit for you soon! Thanks for the chuckle too! So nice to have a visit from you! Thanks for letting me know that you came by!

  48. What a wonderful thing you are doing volunteering for such a worthy cause. I'm sure you will make a real difference in people's lives. But I hope it warms up a bit for you soon! Thanks for the chuckle too! So nice to have a visit from you! Thanks for letting me know that you came by!

  49. bless your heart! i know they will enjoy having you around, diana:) love the squirrel picture!

  50. What a wonderful way to serve the veterans! Our veterans are so often neglected and shortchanged, it makes me glad that someone like you will be volunteering. I know you will be a blessing to them :>)

  51. Hi Diana and congrats on your position to help the Vets. You will be so good at this and they are going to love you so much there. Have fun and thank you for serving those that served us to keep us free. You are a blessing.
    Love the squirrel pic. Stay warm!
    Hugs, CM

  52. That's wonderful Diana! They will enjoy having you there!

  53. How wonderful that you can be part of something like that. I know that they will really appreciate your kindness, and good humor...even if you are telling them where to go...LOL.

    Stay warm, I hope that it gets to spring soon.


  54. Congrats on your new job volunteering at the VA Center. What a blessing for them and for you. I love the squirrel photo. We haven't seen any squirrels in our yard since our temps have been -20 to -30 with the wind chills.

  55. I think you will do a great job! :-)) You are gifted with loving and helping people.
    Keep us posted on how it is going.

    Think Spring ~ Carla

  56. It's great that you are doing volunteer work, Diana. I was thinking the same thing lately, but it has to be just the right job. Still wondering what it should be. That is the funniest picture of the squirrel. I've never seen them with their tails to their backs before. Oh, it's so cold where you live Brrrrr. Spring is on its way, it won't be long. I'm curious to see what you have in store tomorrow.

    love, ~Sheri

  57. Congratulations Diana... I know you will be great for this position... you have such a beautiful and giving heart!

  58. Congrats on your new volunteer job! That's wonderful. I think that's such a noble thing to do. My son receives benefits from the VA for a medical problem he got while in Marines boot camp. So, we know all about the VA!

  59. Your volunteer work sounds really rewarding, Diana! I am glad you are enjoying it!

  60. Dear Sweet Girl, You will definetly bring smiles to so many, and you will lift many up in prayer! So glad you are doing this as we need people to help and encourage them! This is really living and bringing sunshine to others no matter the temps!
    Hugs, Roxy

  61. Awe...what a fun 'job' you have chosen! When I am a bit older and if I have the opportunity to semi retire someday, I would Love to volunteer at the Children's hospital downtown! I can't think of anything more rewarding! Bless you for serving those who have served our country so fiercely!! xoxo

  62. Bless you, Diana for volunteering for such a good cause! You are the best person to do the job, you will no doubt put all at ease:) And wow, what early hours you will be working! You deserve a gold star just for that! I know also that you will bring a smile to everyone's face who enters!

  63. The perfect person for such a position! You will be a blessing to so many, Diana.... and bless your heart for being of service to the men and women that have served our country.

  64. You are perfect for that position. They will be lucky to have you - so happy, perky, helpful, fun and appreciative of your freedom - the respect for our armed forces will work magic there.

    It's been -11 below zero for two days here now, and that wind chill factor - man, it's COLD out there!

    I have been praying for the homeless on these cold cold nights and appreciating my warm comfortable home. We are so lucky and blessed.
    I need to give more to the poor, I really do.


  65. I've missed you, Diana, I can't even explain. But you know I love and treasure you. Congrats on your new's so very important. I live within 5 minutes or two large hospitals and both have the best, kind, friendly and caring people to help us get around and feel good about why we are there. I know you will excel at this position. :)

    Love your Disney pics (lucky girl!!!)

    Love to you, dear friend!

    Jane xxx

  66. Diana, how wonderful! Volunteering for the VA is such a generous thing for you to do! Thank you for serving those who serve our country! Hugs, Leena

  67. I would definitely want you to tell me where to go! Way to go girl!

  68. I think it's wonderful that you are volunteering and telling people where to go :)

  69. I think it's wonderful that you are volunteering and telling people where to go :)

  70. How wonderful doubt in my mind you will be brightening your patients days:-)

  71. Good for you and them Diana! I love telling people where to go to. My mom has had several surgeries over the past 2 years and I always think that I would enjoy working in the surgery waiting room... telling people where to go and giving them updates etc.. Birds of a feather.. you and me LOL!

  72. OMW, this is the perfect job for you! You'll keep them happy and smiling! Stay warm and don't over do!

  73. Yup!! You sure need something else to do!!! You'll enjoy it though and I know they will enjoy you...Love the squirrel pic..

  74. I'm retired from the USAF. God bless you for volunteering at the VA. They need all the help they can get and I know they'll love you!

  75. The perfect place for you to volunteer! You will keep everyone in good spirits, Diana.

  76. What a perfect job for you! I know you will brighten their days.


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