
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

HERE IT IS! How To Wrap Socks So They Are Something Special

Every year I like to post this little
-ahem- tutorial on wrapping 

Prepare to spend a lot of time
after you read this!

Is there anything more

mundane to wrap than SOCKS????

You KNOW that

you just don't want to

stick them in box

with a bow on it.


Look! Here's an answer to

your wrapping dilemma.
Well, peeps,

Here we go~

First you must get a sock..

well, make it a pair because

one sock won't work for

MOST people.

How about something like

these-?  Cute, huh?

Then you must find some of

those short peppermint sticks.

You can buy them or

someone might send them to you.
Then you must let the

peppermint stick


the SOCK!
Before you can say


that peppermint stick

has jumped into the sock

and worked its way down

into the toe.

Can you see it there?

I've pinched it to make it stay

and now I am gonna roll

that little sucker up
into what I like to call

Well, GREAT, we got ourselves 


NOW- what the heck are do we do with that?

There's another kinda roll

lying around my house

cuz I've been saving them.

Used toilet paper rolls.

No..No..Not used toilet paper..

Used up empty rolls.

They look like this when they are naked.
Don't worry about that little bit of

white tissue left-you won't see it soon.

Find some foil based wrapping paper.

Foil works best because you can

bend the edges down and you

don't have to glue/tape it

lest you want to.

Wrap that foil paper around

that roll leaving about 1/3"

extending over each end.
Simply bend the paper down

so that it overlaps the edge of the roll.
You will not see this when it is

done but you can glue/tape if if you like.


Sneak up on those socks and

stuff them in the roll.

A roll in a roll.

I'm just keeping myself rolling here!;>)

Remember you won't see this at the end.
Then, take some sweet tissue paper

and cut an 18" x 18" piece~

or thereabouts.

Center the roll in the middle and

starting at one end,

roll that baby up and then

twist the ends so that it

looks like a big old fat

piece of taffy.

Toilet Taffy

Laffy Taffy!
Now is that cute, or what?

I only need to tie a bit of ribbon

around the twist and I'm done.
And, when it's unwrapped

they will see the shiny foil roll

and NOT this..
Cuz the only place we

REALLY want to see THAT

is in the bathroom.

And we don't even really want

to see it there because that

would mean that someone

like MyHero..

not pointing fingers here but it

has happened

has used the last piece on

the roll
 and neglected to replace

it and there is none to be found

making me want to scream

bad words...naughty words...

Okay-that's it-

Now get rolling and wrapping

cuz there's not much time left!

And I'll just say a little prayer for you

to have to go to the bathroom

a whole lotta times

(if you need empty rolls

to wrap your socks)

cuz I am just nice like that!;>)

You can always TRY this if you need

empty rolls in a hurry!
I am just FULL of .......what

good advice!


  1. Very cute using the short toilet paper rolls, Diana. I have done this with the used up wrapping paper rolls for my daughter when she was younger and just did one last night wrapping up some socks for my granddaughter. It is a longer tube, but I safety pin the socks all together so that she will pull them out like magician's scarves. Makes it fun!

  2. LOL! That is a very clever idea for wrapping socks.

  3. LOL you are a fun one! Very good idea for the socks!

  4. Dians not only is this a wonderful idea but your post is totally entertaining! Thanks for the tip and have a great day!!!
    XO Barbara

  5. Diana, what a cute post! And a great idea!! Waste not want Off to the pot I go...not many days left..... I know the girls will love me for this one!


  6. oh my gosh lol!!!!!! Those are really cute, a wonderful idea, without the Exlax!

  7. I'll be watching the mail for the socks you got for me and then I'll reuse the shiny roll! So cute! You're a funny Nana!

  8. Diana, LOL, you crack me up. Well that's one way to get those rolls.:):) I had been saving them for some time when Emma came over we had something to make with them. Then my little Emma is growing up and not coming over as often...breaks my heart. I am hoping to have the grandgirls here for some of the Christmas break. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  9. OH so someone is getting socks for Chrismas, but it isn't me I'm sure.

  10. Very pretty (after it's wrapped) and what's it with MEN, mine never changes the roll of paper when it's empty! What does he do if he has to go-- before " I " have a chance to change it?

  11. Now this is as cute as it is funny! - Just like you!

  12. As it happens, I do have some socks to wrap and this looks like a great method. To avpid the eww factor, I'll go with the paper towel roll. LOL!

  13. This is an amazing idea, Diana! You are the best!

  14. Haha. I love this. My family thinks I'm crazy because we give socks (and undies) for Christmas. Have a great day, Precious Diana.

  15. Oh my goodness Dianna!!!! My husband is wondering why I am rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes laughing all by myself in his office! You crack me up!
    I do love the idea.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful tutorial.
    Joy! Debbie

  16. What a great idea Diana, I LOVE it and now it's not boring and you are using up a toilet paper roll too. You are saving the earth! Take care and have a nice day. Hugs, Julie

  17. Dianna,
    LOVED this post!! Great way to wrap the stocking and to make what they call, Victorian Firecrackers!!!
    You always make me chuckle and bring a smile to my face when i visit your delightful blog!!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  18. Oh Diana, my dear, dear Diana.... you never cease to amaze me with your.....personality :) Oh friend, you make me laugh until tears flow from my eyes :)

    Your sock idea is wonderful and I believe I will put the idea to use since I asked my husband what he wanted for Christmas and he said SOCKS! And I said, WHAT?!? Are you out of your mind? But hey, it's his gift. Thanks for the delightful post!

  19. That's such a cute way to wrap socks or anything small for that matter. Thanks for sharing!

  20. You are not full of you know what - you are full of great ideas! I love that. Again a winner for me.

  21. You are so full of cuteness - that's what it is! This is such a cute idea for wrapping gifts! xo Nellie

  22. I am laughing so hard right now! That is a great idea! Now, off to the little girls room to check to see the status on my T.P..... and my neighbors bathrooms, the bathrooms at the clubhouse, the mall.... LOL xxDazee

  23. LOL!!!!

    The facts are, that I could supply a small city, with used paper rolls, all by myself.

    We are considering buying stock in a toilet paper company.

    Yes, you are the cutest blogger! Hands down!

    Happy coming Christmas,
    'Miss' Tessa~

  24. I can just see my grand daughter opening the beautiful wrapped gift and saying "socks? ......really?....I thought it was a cool toy" ... lol!

  25. Great idea to repurpose those tp rolls! I will definitely have to keep this tip in mind for socks and probably some other small hard-to-wrap items. And it just so happens that I have a whole STASH of empty tp rolls hiding in my closet, just waiting to be dumped out of a big bag, ceremoniously, in front of my three children to make the point that I constantly walk into THEIR bathroom only to find an empty roll on the holder and a new roll sitting on the counter. No one EVER replaces their tp but me! And I don't even use that bathroom! (Little do they know the lecture I have in store for them!) So I'd say I'm well-stocked for this project!:)

  26. You are so very bad and so very funny! I love the idea for lots of little things to wrap, Merry Christmas sweet lady!

  27. That's a good idea...I save empty toilet paper rolls too!!! I have a few in the house that I wrapped and they hide electrical wires, looks better then all those wires hanging around, this way they are folded and wrapped in decorated rolls. (Did that make sense???) Have a great day.
    PS..picked up my medication yesterday, you were right, not to worry. Turned out to be $8 that is a far cry from $300 right??? $8 I can handle, now I have to deal with the side effects....uge!!!

  28. What a great way to wrap socks! It's all in the presentation, and you made these look very festive!

  29. Who would ever know a pair of pretty Christmas socks was rolled up in that paper roll.
    Wish you would have told me before I already wrapped all my families new Christmas socks LOL

  30. Ba ha ha ... you are too funny (with the laxatives pic)! What a cute, fun and creative idea that I must try! Happy Holidays!

  31. I want to know what's in that inhaler that you're using using?I want some of it. Seriously though, that's a great idea. Very clever.

  32. Ha! Diana, this is the cutest! You're just so clever and crafty :)

  33. Hahaha
    You have captured the very essence of all my gift wrapping-- recycled paper and ... Mainly sneaking up on it!

  34. Cute! I am giving cash and gift cards this year and have a few unique wrapping ideas. Mundane..............schundane............not fun!!! be different!

  35. LOL, you made me smile & laugh...however, that is a fun idea!

  36. OGOODGRIEF!!! brilliant! how cool is that!
    makes me want to go out and buy some socks. LOLOL. seriously.
    except . . . i might use a saran wrapped peppermint stick... so the sugar wouldn't get the sock icky. LOLOL. xo

  37. You funny girl. Love this idea Diana. I've been saving the rolls from the tulle I get at the dollar store for art projects and wrapping ribbon. They are about t he same size. I have tons of those collected thinking I would create snappers, but just haven't gotten around to it.
    Thanks for sharing and the how to.
    Have a great night!

  38. YOU KILL me and my mommy (Ramblingon) She has said too many times about her total lack of creativity and sadly, that is true about her. She may gift her DIL with a pair just like that!!! LOVE it. xxoo

  39. :) I put EVERYTHING in paper bags with tissue paper and bows and recycle it all, or at least that's what I used to do when I gave presents. Now i give goats instead :)

  40. What a great idea and a wonderful, funny post!

  41. Oh, how clever. You're right....socks are so ordinary to wrap. I usually just put them in the stockings. When you wrap them like this, you never know there are socks inside. Great idea, Diana.


  42. Great idea Diana, it looks so cute too. I save those rolls for making fire starters. Now I have another good use for them. You can keep the ex lax though, thanks anyway lol

  43. No wonder I love you, you're wierd and creative!!!

  44. Lol. Only you could have written this post Diana, only you ;).

  45. Such a cute idea. You almost made me want to go out and buy socks to wrap :)

  46. very clever idea, diana! and i have someone who actually asked for socks!?!

  47. LOL Not many bloggers can deliver a useful tutorial and make the reader laugh at the same time. Oh, mercy! Have a great day, Diana (I KNOW you will). xxx ~ Nancy

  48. Such a cute idea for socks, Diana! I love it!

  49. Bahahahahahaha!! You had me through this whole post girl! Now I need to go buy some socks and ex-lax! Thanks for the brilliant bowels thank you too!

  50. So you're a sneaky wrapper too, eh? I love disguising things like socks and other obvious presents, just so the smarties in the group can't go "I know what this is!" I have used tp tubes before too, as well as padding things with cotton balls and wadded up scraps of paper or putting something small in a huge box or a series of boxes, one larger than the next, like those nesting dolls. It's all good fun and gives everybody a laugh. Cute socks too! Hugs, Leena


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