
Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Grab your coffee-
This is a long post.

 I LOVE it when the old boy
goes out of town for a bit.
I can move mountains when I am alone.
I can also move beds and other furniture!

So-our bedroom has been the same 
for a long time.
Rather bland.
Nice enough but
it just kind of happened.
I used what I had..

But- As I was going through the
Ballard Catalog a couple of weeks ago
I spied this bedroom and it was my 
So-I almost pushed MyHero out of the house 
to go to his seminar so I could get started.
I had been sewing and stashing stuff 
in my closet
for several days.
I am going to take you WAY BACK 
to when we moved in.
Our bedroom now was the old family room.
We blew out the wall to the right which gave us access to the old garage.
We took part of the garage for our bedroom.
On the other side of the new wall we created
you will find a hall, 
MyHero's office and the laundry room.
Most of you will remember that we made a tri-level
into a functioning two story.
The windows here were all moved to the new garage addition.
Sorry for the grainy old photos-
it was a disposable camera.
When you look at current pictures
that  far window will be in the place
of the small window to the left of our bed.
On the opposite end of that room 
is a fireplace and that
became a small sitting room/study...
which I will show another time.
Here is a little after/before:
Isn't THAT confusing?
This is how it has looked for about 8 or 9 years.
To the right is the entrance to the master bathroom.
I still love the rose painting and though you
 can't tell it here the colors in the painting 
 are not good with this wall color.
I have shuffled that off to another room.

So---What did I do?

Here's the materials I started with~
I wanted to use some toile I had and it was the perfect shade of blue.
See that cording?
Well, it is the STIFFEST cording I have ever worked with.
I bet I broke at least a dozen needles 
because even the EDGE 
where you were supposed to stitch it was 
HARD and stiff.
I might or might not have said a 
couple of naughty words to myself
every time I broke another needle.

After I sewed my little heart out
and had shoved MyHero out the door,
 I stripped the bed and started layering.
It is such a dreary day I had to turn the lamps on.
I can see my pillows are a little wonky here...
I should have done a bit of fluffing before pictures, huh?
Oh, well- you know me-
Keeping it real here.

I painted an old bench that I had and placed it 
at the end of the bed.
The rug is one I had stored for years.
My husband picked it out and it is one he loves.
Aubusson rugs are not my favorite 
but the color is perfect.

While I would love to have a 
hardwood floor in here
it is a poured cement floor -
done to level the 
old family room/garage transition.

New lamps:
Another peek with lamps in place.:
MyHero loves the soft blue color.
It is my early Christmst present to him.
The mirror is a gift from my son.
And he came and hung it for me.
There is 1/8" clearance top and bottom....whew-that was close!
 I hung this sweet little bird on it.
He has just a touch of the same soft blue I used throughout!

The white roses came from MyHero
what has HE been up to, I wonder?
and the vase was made by my friend, Jan,
 that I don't see often enough.
Here is the old ugly dark brown,
 scarred up piece I painted
with Annie Sloan paint.
It holds the TV set and videos.
I need to redrill the holes so the
 handles aren't on there wonky.
I'll get right on that!
This is a soft aqua-ish blue-but-
 the color doesn't come up right.
And- in the corner -this holds some of  the extra pillows at night
Also painted with AS paint and recovered the seat.
Here is the view from MyHero's pillow.
It looks at the cove formed by the bay.
See what I mean about it being a dreary day?
This is the view looking straight out at night.
That is the moon shining off the ice on the bay.
SO-Their you have it!
Ballards Design and My CopyCat Redo
I'll be off eating bon-bons, 
watching soap operas and
sipping white wine the rest of the day.


IF you believe that- I have some personal stocks
you might want to invest in.
Trust me (or not)~


  1. you are too funny but have created a beautiful room. Did you do the monogram pillow too? So pretty.

  2. Oh Diana, it's beautiful! You have such a large room to work with and it turned out perfectly. I love the colors you chose. It's very peaceful & comfy looking.

  3. Love it and the blue is so calming!

  4. wow wow wow,, what a fabulous transformation you accomplished.. I dont care how many dirty wordies you said- it was worth it...

    applause applause

  5. I love your copy cat and the blue is lovely along with your linen and white comforter...always my fave too.

    I'm sure your hero liked it too!


  6. You deserve those bonbons! What a thoughtful surprise! I like to do transformations when my guy goes out of town for an extended time too. Somehow I just feel more productive then!

  7. Looks great!! So calm and peaceful...enjoy!!

  8. Your a great copy cat Diana! I LOVE that blue toile fabric and your new mirror is beautiful!!

  9. Let's not forget about the stunning view too!!

  10. Your bedroom is gorgeous Dianna! I so glad you kept the rose picture even if you moved it. When I saw it, I was drooling. I just love it. Your bedding is gorgeous, you did a great job putting it all together. I am afraid I am with you Hero on the rug, I love that as much as I do the rose picture. You did an awesome job Dianna, you are a skilled and talented lady.

  11. Love it! The pale blue touches are so pretty. Love the mirror/bird. What gorgeous views to enjoy.
    Eat a bonbon for me!

  12. It's just gorgeous. I love the color palate. So soothing. Your view is amazing. Just breathtaking.

  13. Wow! Super duper pretty! You did a beautiful job! I love your sense of humor, too!

  14. You are fabulous, Diana! Will you come to my home and be my personal interior designer? I love how you used items that you already and gave them a face-lift...that's my kind of thing, making new and beautiful out of something old. I just love the little chair in the corner for holding pillows and the bench at the end of the bed is lovely. Also, the soft blue is gorgeous!

    Well done, sweet lady. Enjoy your bon bons :) Hugs!

  15. i love it right down to the cute "k" pillow, diana! and your views outside--prefection!! we've been so gloomy here, too--hope that changes:)

  16. WOW! It looks dreamy! And this is a hard color to mix and match but you found the perfect fabrics. I like your bed and think the wood gives a better contrast than the inspiration photo. But it's very nice to get ideas and you nailed it my friend! I know you must smile to walk in your romantic bedroom now! It's so nice to have a change! Hugs!!!

  17. Beautiful, Diana!! It's always fun to work while the men are out of the house. :) Heehee.

  18. Sure, Diana. Bonbons and soap operas - with wine, no less! No - that isn't you at all! The "Santa Crunch" is on for all of us! This is an amazing redo of that bedroom! No wonder your Hero loves it! Very, very classy! So sorry about the broken needles. That has happened to me right in the midst of a vital project, and there were no replacements on hand! I really need to get busy about some redo around here. xo Nellie

  19. Wow, gorgeous Diana... Love the view as well. Nice work!! Vicki

  20. Wow, you are amazing...

    And that view, is so, so, so gorgeous.

    I'd say, after all the work, you _deserve_ a day of bon-bons and white wine!!!!! ,-)

    Thank you for your comment on "My Idea"...


  21. What a wonderful present for your is just gorgeous! I am being drawn to that soft blue color too and have started to use it some with my pinks. Hugs, Penny

  22. I really want to come sleep with you...wait.....that didn't sound right but what a view!!! I think we are twins. (My inside voice says)...I can't wait for hubby to head out of town! I get so much done when he's gone! You did an amazing job on your bedroom re-do. I love how you took us way back. An amazing reno you did too!

  23. Diana, You might be making bon-bons and writing a soap opera.LOL , But not lounging around. I like your make over. Very well done. I like the soft blue. I don't know how you did that all her at Christmas time. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  24. Very nice!!! I like your version better than the inspiration. Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  25. I think my first comment disappeared? Beautifully done Diana! Love your fabric choices, so soft and restful for your master. And your views are amazing!!!

  26. So Beautiful . . . and the view . . . Amazing!

  27. Diana, I love it and what a beautiful view! It is dark and dreary here too! And cold and windy... Burr! I love your bed, it looks so professional! Wish I could sew like that! XxDazee

  28. Hi Diana, you are amazing and so talented!! I love your redo and how close you came to the inspiration room. In fact, I like yours much better. So comfy and inviting with that wonderful view right outside. Love the soft color and you know how much I love the toile too. Your son sure gifted you a gorgeous mirror. Love the little birdie accent you added. You sure have been busy and it shows magazine ready!!

  29. Wow! you are one talented lady Diana! I'm not, because I cannot even enter a comment...I have no idea where my first one went?
    Your room is gorgeous. So much work, but a labor of love, I'm sure. The view out your window doesn't hurt the eyes, either.
    You sew, you paint, you refurbish...multi-talented for sure!!
    Good job!!

  30. It looks lovely!
    You could totally have a chandelier! You have a lovely tray ceiling....
    anyway, Love what you have done !!

  31. Diana,
    The pale blue and cream combination is a peaceful oasis. I think you very successfully accomplished capturing the feel and allure of the Ballard design inspiration room. Lovely Diana, I think now you need all new pale blue and cream PJ's! Peaceful dreams.

  32. I am so happy you included your "way before" before pictures....what a transformation! You really have a soothing retreat vibe going on....Love your fabric choices. What's not to love about toile? Lucky you to have such a beautiful view (out the window and of your Hero!). Hasn't this dreary Wisconsin been the pits this week? Ugh! On the bright side, it was 52 degrees yesterday, so I guess cloudy is ok. Enjoy your revamped room! Jane

  33. i SO prefer your re~do.
    i don't think it's a re do at all. it's a diana original.
    and that view. if you only knew! the rest of us would die for that "dreary day" view! LOLOL.
    well done dear heart. well done.

  34. I love the blue and white, so soothing and understated, and it complements your gorgeous view! xoxo

  35. I like your room better than Ballard's! Too much junk crammed into theirs. I get that catalog too and love the general look, but "holy cow!" - pictures, shelves, lamps, pillows, figurines, can anybody ever fall asleep in there?! So, don't you go fretting, "I can't afford that entire bazaar of extras!" - your room is elegant, understated and CLASSY! Great job, Nana Diana!
    PS "me too" on the amount of stuff I get done when hubby is GONE! LOL - if we lived closer we could have a Hubby Day Care and switch off "babysitting!"

  36. Diana,
    You rocked it out with this room re love. I have to say it looks better than Ballards. I am not just saying that either. It really is serene and so soft and cozy in there. Oh to have that view of the bay soooooooo awesome. You know you can always change up decor but you cannot change the view or location and your home is centered on such a beautiful spot. Love it all. You did good girl!

  37. Such a lovely thing to do...Create something very special for you and your hero. Love the soft blue. It's get to be inspired by looking at magazines. i see how much it inspired you. Peaceful dreams in your new look. xo

  38. You did a great job! I love the updated look and new colors. My pillows were a bit wonky too when I did my hack, all I can say is how do people get their pillows to stand up perfectly? Bah, who cares? The room is still gorgeous!

  39. You did good girl! I also love the updated/new colors, especially the soft blues. My pillows are always wonky too, as you'll see in my master bedroom photos. I don't fluff because it's just not that serious! Your hero deserves special something, and you are so sweet to do it for him!

  40. So this is what you've been up to! Love it all. I'll bet he goes to another seminar soon if this is what he gets to come home to. Good job Diana.

  41. You did a beautiful job! I like your finished design better than Ballards Design!

  42. You have done a great job sprucing up your bedroom, Diana. The light blue touches are nice. I LOVE the white roses picture, where did you end up putting that? The mirror with the little bird is pretty, and guess what? I just bought the same bedspread at Macys. I am going with all white in my bedroom and am starting to decorate too. The views outside your house are just amazing to me.

    So much inspiration on here today.


  43. Diana, this is just beautiful! You made it so personal, restful, and lovely! You are a very creative lady!

  44. What a gorgeous job you did Diana !
    That mirror is out of this world beatuiful - and love your pillows !
    Do you walk by the room for no reason a few times just to stare at it ????

  45. You DID sew your little heart out and a whole lot more. It looks so pretty and I really like keeping it real : ) It just looks like a restful haven. soft and cozy.

  46. It is beautiful, Diana! You did an amazing job with your room. The colors are just perfect and that view!!!! Oh, my! Gorgeous!

  47. You did an amazing job!! Won't he be surprised? Great job!


  48. I am so impressed..both with your ability and patience to wait. What a fantastic re-do!!! Hope you're loving it!

  49. You are brave to tackle that by yourself! It turned out so nice and I like it better than the one you copied from! Why not eat bon-bons? It's Christmas! Good excuse as any! Nancy

  50. Diana
    Your bedroom turned out gorgeous. I could see the blue in the little chair the best, very pretty colour.
    Wow, you really do go to town on projects when Hubby is away!
    I have to admit that I do get totally confused with your house reconfigurations-too many wall blown out!!
    But the after photos always are impressive and so...much better than the before.

  51. Oh Diana, what a beautiful transformation! Love the color blue in a bedroom! Just so classy and elegant! xo Jen

  52. Hi sweet friend, Oh girl, I love what you've done!!! I usually wait for my man to go on his annual golf trip for a week and then get into trouble by adding things to our house. I love toile and the blue is a perfect & peaceful color(not getting into how crazy you are in that room); I also love the view.
    Hope you are well, think I'll sign up for your posts to get emailed to me-just having a hard time staying up with my favorite blogs.

  53. You say a naughty word? NEVER! lol! Love the new do my friend. I have always loved toile and my bedroom at my previous home was blue toile. Even had toile wall paper in the bath. Guess what? My son bought that home and it's still there. Love the pillows. Hubby is going to come home to a nice surprise! Have a very Merry Christmas!

  54. Your room is beautiful Diana! Love every detail, color and piece you included. I like it better than your inspiration room

  55. I love it...great job..nothing more fun than to find a great inspiration and then, without spending a ton of money, do a copy fun in blogging, I think. GREAT JOB...

  56. Somehow, I just don't see you sitting around eating bon-bon's, however, maybe a glass of white wine would be in order :) You did a fine job on the re-do, Diana!! Blessings, Cindy

  57. Your bedroom makeover is lovely! I love the colors!! How about coming over after Christmas and do my bedroom!

  58. Wow Diana, you have done a wonderful job transforming your bedroom. It's so lovely with the shades of blue and the toile fabric. The mirror is so elegant. I think your Hero is going to love it.


  59. Everything looks pretty, Diana. You did a great job! I think you deserve some bon-bons!

  60. Oh so beautiful Diana! You did good! I think I like your version better than Ballards too. Love the blue!

  61. Diana, you did a fabulous job on this update! You chose a beautiful inspiration photo and room. The toile fabric is so pretty and your painted furniture provides lovely accents in your room! You are on talented gal! The view is amazing; I would never get out of bed! Well done!

  62. Look at you, Miss Thang! This is a beautiful makeover! That color combo is so soothing...I like my bedroom in those colors, too. You have the most beautiful views from your bedroom. Enjoy it while you are rewarding yourself with bon bons and such. You earned it!

  63. Wow! You've been a busy little elf. The bedroom looks great you did a heckuva job.Love the colors and the fabric. I don't know about wine and chocolate? Glad you're feeling better.

  64. You have great taste, I love Ballard Designs (and have knocked them off, too!) The room looks beautiful! And I've always wanted to put a bench at the foot of our bed but Mr. CBD always rolls his eyes to that suggestion. Congrats on the redo! Now doesn't it feel goooood?

  65. Diana, your room is gorgeous. I think I would be sitting around eating bon bons and watching soap operas if I could be in that room looking out at that bay. xo Laura

  66. Oh, just let me come and snuggle under the covers and live in that dream room.

  67. Wow you did a beautiful job with your bedroom makeover! Love the bedding and pillows. You guys have a great view out the windows of your home. It must be great to have the fireplace going on those especially cold nights in the winter! We've had a string of those dreary days too and now snow is promised this evening but at least some sunny days will end out the week!

  68. Your room makeover is so beautiful!!

  69. Beautiful makeover. Your view is spectacular even on a dreary day.

  70. Absolutely beautiful! You are an excellent seamstress. Wanna come down here and help me? I'll have the wine/champagne and whatever else you require. :) Really spectacular views!

    P.S. I was in Target today and looked for the Romantic Homes magazine...all gone! Thanks for sharing. The new issue is out re: Valentine's Day. :)

  71. Oh Diana, that is so lovely. You did a great job. I love all of it. It looks so comfortable and soothing. And I love the view from the window. We just have a view of the neighbors backyard. Yippie skippy. lol

    Thanks for sharing that with us. Take care, Janet W oxo

  72. You did a wonderful job-that room is gorgeous!!

  73. Good job, girl. Yep, you don't have to have thousands that the Ballards room would cost to have a nice bedroom. Glad you got him out of the house so you could play.

  74. You did a A+ job, came out beautiful. The blue/white toile is so pretty.

  75. What a beautiful job . . . your bedroom is gorgeous :)

  76. The results are truly fabulous, Diana! My! What a difference one seminar can make in the bedroom! LOL! It's perfect that your hubby really likes it!


    Hugs and aloha from Hawai'i,

  77. Diana! Your new room is beautiful!
    What an amazing space! Such a view!
    I too, love to take on projects when the mister is away! Mr D is the best at painting. The guy cuts an edge like no other. He will not allow me to hold a brush while he is around...and I prefer not to... as he is quite the critic! The next time he is out of town, I am going to traumatize him by whitewashing the bathroom!
    Merry Christmas!

  78. You did a beautiful, beautiful job, Dianna! I love the colors, so relaxing and perfect for eating those bon - bon's in, not to mention watching those soap operas in. "wink wink"

  79. You go girl, wow, such energy you have. Looks wonderful and what a great surprise for Hubby!

  80. Wow, your bedroom redo turned out just beautiful, Diana! I love the soft shades of blue you chose, my very favorite color:) The mirror is perfect, and I LOVE the piece you painted for your tv. (You DID paint your tv, right?). Was that "Duck Egg Blue" that you used? The views out your window are so pretty. Another WOW over what the room used to look like, before you did your remodel years ago. You both sure have alot of vision, many people wouldn't be able to look past the 1970's paneling and fireplace!! Now go take a break and give those pillows a good karate chop:)

  81. Fabulous job Diana!....the bedroom is beautiful!!! love blues in the bedroom!

  82. You really did a great job! I love the soft colors and THAT VIEW!!!! That is one amazing view you have there! I've always loved a bench at the end of the bed and yours looks perfect in that spot. Love that mirror too. So glad you were able to make it fit. Oh, and now you've got me craving bon bons! :)

  83. it is beautiful and HUGE!!!!! I think my apartment could fit in it!!!!!

  84. Awesome copy cat Diana! You did great!

  85. Beautiful, Diana! I do some of my best decorating when my husband is out of town, too. : ) It's because they are not constantly asking us what we are doing. Love the blue you chose. Such a pretty shade. I need to pick a new paint color for our master bedroom and I am not sure if I want to stay with a neutral or bring a color in. I'm thinking neutral and then I can do whatever with the bedding and accessories. Maybe I should take a peek in the Ballards catalog!

  86. Diana, what a fabulous room copy!! You're so talented-love it all!

  87. Diana, this is beautiful and you accomplished it so quickly! Majorly impressed! I want to redo our room. It's boring and hasn't been painted in years! Blech! Hugs, Leena

  88. Diana, this is beyond awesome and actually I am very sincere. I hold those who can create and craft to this highest level in, as I said, awe. That is beautiful and the stuff of my dreams. Gorgeous. xo

  89. If I ever buy a "fixer-upper" I will certainly consult you. That is an amazing transformation!
    Blessings ~ Lisa

  90. What a knockout makeover! No wonder you hustled the old boy out of the house so quickly. Mine is an old boy too. :-) Good job!

  91. Wow what a gorgeous redo. Wow again. I love yours more than the original xo

  92. Isn't it nice to use alone time to complete a project like this? I love what you did, Diana. The soft blue is a beautiful color and fits the room perfectly. The new lamps are so pretty, and the bedding is gorgeous. This is a very elegant, romantic bedroom. And wow! What a view! Hugs, Nancy

  93. Wow your bedroom is gorgeous! You totally rocked the Ballard's look, love the soft blues you used throughout, the mirror, and the bench at the end of the bed!

  94. Hi Di,
    That is a lovely makeover my friend! Love the toile, so lovely. Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a Merry Christmas. xoxo

  95. You are certainly a very talented seamstress!! I love the colors and the room just lovely. That is some view...


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