
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Girls Hit The City- CHICAGO

My daughter and her hubby
and the three girls
took a much needed break
from the stresses of everyday life.

While some of us looking for rest and relaxation
might head for the beach or a cabin
they headed for CHICAGO!

is gorgeous.
The girls were so excited to go
and they had a ball.
I hope they get that growth removed
from the top of Lulu's head
before it gets out of control.
I can see Lulu rolling her eyes right now.
Her literal side would insist on telling me,
"That's a REFLECTION, Nana"

They saw some beautiful lights-
and visited some wonderful exhibits
and each one got some one on one time with Mom
While the girls were shopping at 
Little Cousin CJK, who was left behind,
had an exciting time, too.
He got to make his first cash purchase at
(that would be Fleet Farm)
There might have been a mini-meltdown
in the parking lot when he realized that he 
play with his new toy while he was buckled in
his carseat.

However-all those exciting moments
to THIS!

and roaming the aisles of 
Although something looks a little fishy here to me.
 Those girls should have stayed home.
They could have seen history in the making!


  1. Hi Diana! Oh, what fun our little gals were having! Love the story of the little guy! Yep, you're right - they all should have stayed home and seen Elvis! :) Merry Christmasing, sweet friend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. What a fabulous holiday trip! One they'll never forget! Did you give them your wish list? Enjoy your day sweet lady! Holiday hugs, Diane

  3. Lovely Holiday trip!!!

    Oh yes, we remember a parking lot melt down, with our (then tiny) oldest granddaughter. We could not figure out what she was crying about. somehow, we finally got it. we had bought her a little yellow plastic outdoor chair. it had to be put in the trunk of the car, and she had to go in her car seat, to go home.

    To her, it was bye-bye forever, to her little yellow chair. -sigh-

    what a memory. but what a nightmare at the time.


  4. Memories! Money can't buy them.

    Hugs and happy Christmas,

  5. How awesome that they were able to come to Chicago! It is so beautiful at Christmas time and these pictures are just fantastic! Mom time is the best time! Merry Christmas to you and your crew friend! Nicole xoxo

  6. Chicago at Christmas! What a wonderful trip! Elvis is a busy as Santa! He seems to be popping up everywhere! xo Nellie

  7. Elvis at Walmart- something just doesn't seem right about that!
    I know the girls had a lovely trip- such sweet memories! There is no place like Chicago at Christmas!
    Men's Mall- too funny! I guess in the south that would be Tractor Supply!

  8. What a fun trip for the girls....I love, love, love their black and white Christmas "attire".... hugs...

  9. I bet that being in Chicago during the holidays really is fun! I smiled when you said your granddaughter was so literal. My youngest son is too and it drives me crazy! I can't say any figure of speech without him analyzing it and disputing it. Little CJ is adorable paying for his toy.

  10. Good Morning, The snow is on the ground and we are getting some more. I can't tell exactly how much but some of the schools have closed. I have really enjoyed catching up with you this morning. I can remember little ones having melt downs even throwing temper tantrums. I love how you redid your bedroom. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  11. Hahaha. Oh, it's so good to start the day with a smile and a chuckle, Diana. Thank you! The photos of your family are beautiful. Isn't it such a blessing to have your kids happily married and enjoying trips like this with their own kids? There's so much unhappiness in the world; seeing this loving family is a big encouragement to me. Again, thank you. Hugs, Nancy

  12. How FUN! I've only been at the airport in Chicago, but I loved seeing it from the sky. I guess I'll have to settle for what I see of it when we watch reruns of Mike and Molly! Ha ha! The girls look so cute, all dressed to the nines! Adorable! I did not see Elvis at Walmart yesterday. NO FAIR!

  13. Looks like a wonderful time in Chicago. Personally I love the energy of the holidays in the city. The store windows decked out for Christmas, the excitement and the lights. New York City is a delight, I can imagine Chicago is magically beautiful. Poor little CJK, oh the harsh realities of childhood and car seats!
    Enjoy your day,

  14. those beautiful smiles, what a wonderful time they must have had,

  15. OMG.....the girls have matching coats and hats, they look lovely.....well, maybe lovelier after the growth is gone. hehehe My DIL, her daughter, and some friends went to Chicago too, must be the place to go, but not for me. Looks like they had a great time. :-)

  16. Chicago this year, next year New York City! Course, I hear Paris is lovely at Christmastime. They look so beautifully dressed! What a fun memory-making time. Always fun to shop for toys. Hope that he had fun playing once he was safely home. What looks fishy? That looks just like Elvis to me!

  17. Such a cute pic of CJK! I remember my boys felt so big when they paid for a toy for the first time. How nice that the girls got to get away to Chicago! They look adorable all bundled up! Looks like a very fun trip and I love all the lights! The big cities are always fun at Christmas time. :)

  18. Diane, I love the pictures. Oh I remember those tearing time. LOL. I went to Chicago with all my daughters on a shooping trip near Christmas...the crowds were huge. The weather biting and nose running.:):) But it was so fun. We even rode in a carriage. Laughed till we cried. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  19. What a fun trip. The girls look so cute all bundled up and their sweet smiling faces. Taking a break is such a nice things to at this very busy time of year. xo

  20. Those girls are beautiful!! What fun to visit an exciting place like Chicago and see all the Christmas sights! They're so pretty bundled up in their Christmas coats and scarves. The little cousin MIGHT have had a meltdown!!! Poor little guy.
    Your Walmart is so much better than mine.
    Merry Christmas love to all of you! Xoxo

  21. Chicago is on my Bucket list I only live 8 hours away and have never been there.
    I may get to go this spring on amtrac
    I am sure the girls enjoyed their day very much and darn I'm sorry I missed Elvis, I use to love him when II was about 16

  22. Chicago is my kinda town, Chicago issss..... I'm from NY so I just love the East Coast cities. I wasn't ever happy living in LA I remember, I missed NYC, specially at C'mas time....I STILL DO! I know, I know...even WHITE C'MAS, lol...
    Your girls are such pretty bunch and they look like they had a blast! I was too young for Elvis but I will never forget when my dad took me to the movies to see an Elvis movie and I fell in love with him...I was only 7, heheheee
    Happy holidays sweetie.

  23. What lovely girls you have there, Diana (and the cutest of little boys)- of course they all take after you! I have never been to Chicago - it is on my bucket list - so very beautiful! Well, now that I have stopped laughing for a moment, I would say that is quite a sighting. You've really seen the 'big fish'! xoxo Karen

  24. Diana,
    What fun I bet the girls had. We just did our downtown to see the lights in Chicago and it was beautiful. Glad your girls got to have that time here in Chicago. Always a great place to visit for fun and pretties!!! Love that Bean I bet the girls were loving that! Chicago is so pretty as Christmas.
    Ha ha I need to come and visit your Walmart. No Elvis sightings at mine :(!!

  25. A trip to the city is timeless Christmas tradition! Looks like fun! :)

  26. Hi Diana
    What a special trip for the girls and family. Love the pics from Chicago. Such a wonderful place at Christmas
    Just look at that sweet CJK. He is getting so big!
    Your Wally World is an interesting place. LOL

  27. I love Chicago. Are the girls in front of the "Kidney Bean?" Where are those beautiful lights? I have been there in a blizzard. Glad they had decent weather. Glad CJK got to go to the "man's mall!"

  28. Hey! Love that "growth" on Lulu's head! So funny, I love it when that happens in a photo, just as well. since I do that all the time!

  29. Looks like they had fun in Chicago! I guess that's the new version of siamese triplets. And you had fun in Walmart, poor thing!

  30. Sounds like a fun trip to Chicago, those lights are just gorgeous! And that is so sweet about CJK and his big purchase:)

  31. Always wanted to go to that mall, but never made it. Sounds like a fun place for a family to visit. Glad you family enjoyed it. You make your post so entertaining to read. Thanks for taking the time to drop in on me.

  32. how wonderful your grandchildren were able to see all the beautiful lights of the town.

  33. What a fun trip - Chicago is my home town!

  34. lol What fun! Chicago during the holidays is so exciting and beautiful! I can't believe how quickly those sweet girls are growing up. Stop them! lol Merry Christmas blessings to you and your darling family, Diana!

    xoxo laurie

  35. The lights are beautiful! Glad they had a fun trip!

  36. The lights are beautiful! Glad they had a fun trip!

  37. The windy city is so much fun to visit at Christmas. The girls look so pretty all bundled up. Christmas hugs!!

  38. I love how the girls look with their pretty outfits! How fun!

  39. Sounds like a great escape! And that Walmart is a scary place, lol!

  40. Chicago.....fantastic! I have always wondered what it was like. You daughter looks so sweet in this picture, is that Lulu? And the picture of the girls - that can be a Christmas card! Fun times for your family, Diana, and a nice break for them all.


  41. All four girls are beautiful. What fun for them. I spent one night in Chicago at Christmas. It was for a company dinner. Wish it had been longer. We have lots of meltdowns here, hah. No Elvis sightings.
    Thanks for understanding. I know that you know what we are going through. So afraid this will never change. Just a big part of his disability. I think he is nervous that the old roomies will find out he is in his old place. He has instructions to call the police. Our son with the badge said we can't do anything until their is a threat made or worse. I have three days before leaving for Colorado. Our family get together here on Sunday. I ordered several things online and nothing has come, nothing. But this too is just a little thing. Many hugs and have a great holiday. xo

  42. OMG your grand babies are ADORABLE! Looks like somuch fun...Ps; I know a great plastic surgeon for the growth!


  43. It sounds like they had a wonderful time!

  44. sounds like a great time for all. The girls look so cute.

  45. You are too funny! That growth is the largest I've ever seen, and Elvis being alive is the fishiest story I've seen in a while. You know I live 19 miles outside Chicago,and never go there. Too many people for me! Glad all the girls had a great time.Your grand babies are adorable,even the little one who had a mini-meltdown. Meltdowns make us feel so much better!

  46. hope the girls have the time of their lives! that growth pic is an odd thing, but, not as odd as your walmart pic!

  47. How exciting to see all the sites in Chicago! Although Elvis is pretty amazing, and to see his pet goldfish all in the same day is awesome! Great pics of all the kids!

  48. Now, this is what Christmas is all about! What great family time! I know the girls had so much fun.:)

  49. How fun! There's nothing like the big city at Christmas! Lots of lights and displays to ooh and ahh about! OMG where do you find these Walmart photos!! LOL...

  50. What would Walmart be without Elvis struttin around? Certainly not worth a hill of beans imho. Chicago may be cold, but like most cities this time of year, worth a visit!

  51. Elvis! LOL! There's some weird stuff that goes on out in the Midwest! Considering I was born there, I guess I'm living proof! LOL Hugs, Leena


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